Literati are always conceited and afraid of being looked down upon by others. Liu Wenzhao, for example, who depends on his elder sister's marriage as a concubine, will be ridiculed secretly.

Not to mention this elder sister, she also became a dark woman, the most shameful identity in the world.

But Banliu's words really shook people's hearts. If he accused Xue tingji for the sake of guozuo, whose credit was that? Who is the man who saved the people of dawn.

For a moment, their arrogance went down consciously. Xue Ting didn't spend a single soldier, nor was he arrested.

The old minister who was buried alive has not been forgotten either. Originally Xue tingji would never forgive him, and he would have to accept his life. But Pei Ming thinks that Xue tingji has a good chance to win people's hearts. Don't let Banliu down in vain.

Under her hard advice, Xue tingji was still very reluctant, "you are too easy to speak, the old man even spoke so evil to you, I just can't swallow this breath!"

"All right." Pei Ming was impatient and pushed him with his elbow. "In the future, they will bow down to you. You have to take revenge. I'll leave it for later."

Who knows Xue tingji still doesn't say a word. How can he feel aggrieved? When Pei Ming wants to laugh at her, he suddenly embraces her and leans to kiss her. It's very heavy and long.

"Ah Ming." He said: "I must give you an absolutely comfortable life. No one is allowed to make you unhappy."

Pei Ming laughs. OK, she's waiting for that day.

In the end, the old minister was fished out before he died, and the rest of the civil servants went home with their own indignation.

Xue Ting, with a slight eyebrow pick, seems to really have to thank Banliu.

On the way back to the East Palace, I met general Tan's carriage and stopped to say hello.

Tan Shi, a boy of his family, is not guarding the border. Today, he just came back from fengjiashu. Everything is fine there, and the two countries have been in a lot of harmony.

Pei Ming is happy to hear that, but he has to work hard. Tan Shi has to shoulder this heavy responsibility. How many people admire the fact that his father and son are better than others.

Speaking of this, general tan just had a report, "Shuo Lang said he would invite me to drink tonight. Did he tell you?"

Can you still talk about military affairs when you ask general Tan for a drink? Pei Mingxin knows Du Ming. Let uncle Tan go.

"It's all Pei's children. It's natural for him to get close to you. Just drink. If he says anything, let him say it."

All of us could understand it. General Tan answered, while Xue tingji slightly raised his eyebrows. "Your brother is not good at it. He has a big appetite."

Who says no? If you can't swallow something, you'd better not die. Since he will never change, let him be reasonable.

As soon as you look at her expression, you can see that she has a ghost idea again. Xue tingji half lies on the carriage seat with her in his arms and savors her eyebrows carefully. The more he looks, the more he likes her.

Such a smart and excellent martial arts beauty, his Ah Ming is the only one in the world.

After returning to the East Palace, the first thing she did was to see what happened to Banliu. She didn't look for shortsightedness any more. She was just worried that her younger brother would not be able to bear the humiliation. There was something wrong with her.

But Xue tingji was not willing to listen to this kind of words, "your brother has no ability to save you. How can he shame you? Don't worry. I've sent someone to watch him. There's no way to commit suicide. "

This man, clearly kind-hearted, has to be so ugly. Pei Ming shakes his head and sighs, and comforts him again. After that, Banliu is the maid in charge of the east palace.

I thought that Liu Wenzhao had to make trouble. But after a night of honesty, he came to the east palace early in the morning.

This is the best time to sleep. That is to say, Xue Ting had already got up in the morning to practice martial arts by keeping his work and rest in the military camp, so he didn't blame him for his rudeness.

At this time, the sun just rose, plating on his whole body, holding a long gun like song, standing sonorous and straight, this is the real arrogant posture, so that everyone can only look up.

Taking a panoramic view of Liu Wenzhao's worship absence, Xue Ting said with a smile: "tell me, what's the matter."

After being awakened by his words, Liu Wenzhao came back to his mind and said, "I, I think Pick up my sister. "

After all, they were dependent on each other. At the beginning, he was really powerless. Although he didn't dare to say that he didn't feel ashamed at all, he still had a conscience.

However, this legitimate request was rejected by Xue tingji. Because he saved half Liu, and he has the final say of life and death.

"Besides, you want your sister back, not only because of family affection? Are you afraid that those people will despise you? Want to make up for your image as a gentleman? "

Be careful, Liu Wenzhao's face will not hang when he is stabbed. In this case, please forgive him and reward him.

Just waiting for his words, Xue tingji put down his long gun, clapped his hands and stepped down from the training platform. With just a few steps, Liu Wenzhao had an illusion.

As if at the moment is on the court hall, and in front of people, is from the throne down the emperor.

Xue tingji untied his wristband and pulled his lips at the same time, revealing the sinister."Today, the prince will not only let you return empty handed, but also let everyone know that you are ungrateful and want to kill her by meeting with your sister, which not only saves your reputation, but also frame up the person killed by the prince. Fortunately, you were found in time, otherwise the prince is really hard to argue."

Liu Wenzhao was surprised. He didn't plan to do this. The prince said it in a flurry!

But isn't that what they do most? Anyway, Xue tingji has been scolded for nothing, so it doesn't matter whether he is guilty or not.

"But you are miserable. My supporters will regard you as their enemy, and those civil servants will not treat you. I'll see how many days you can live?"

Liu Wenzhao suddenly softened his legs and realized how stupid he was when he threw himself into the net

Just as he secretly struggles whether he should beg for mercy or sacrifice his life for justice, Pei Ming comes here, his clear voice dissolves the pressure brought by Xue tingji.

"Sister Liu has done a lot to take care of me, and I'm willing to sell her personal feelings. I don't want to embarrass you, but do you have to be smart?"

What does that mean? It is to force Liu Wenzhao to be their dog and horse. If he agrees, he will be the first civil servant to submit to the prince.

He Can you do that?

There was no need for him to weigh it. Xue tingji didn't give him a choice at all. Either he was like a rat in the street, and no one would collect his corpse, or he was obedient.

What else can Liu Wenzhao do? He can only lower his self righteous head.

"Minister I'd like to be your Highness the crown prince with all my heart and soul. "

Xue tingji and Pei Ming looked at each other and laughed. The first brick was successfully pried.

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