When Ah Ming was lost and recovered, Xue Ting took advantage of this to relax and thank Xiong Tukan again and again for saving his life. The Xiongnu suffered this great disaster, and Darong would certainly help.

Xiongtukan is not polite either. After all, he is a great hero in rescuing their emperor and empress. Only after they leave, he can't help looking at Pei Ming.

I don't know if I'll ever see her again. It's really I can't bear it.

Back in the Darong area, thousands of troops escorted the empress who was hard to find. They also felt the earthquake. They were afraid that something might happen to your majesty, so they almost spit out their heart.

But Xue tingji didn't pay attention to them. After thanking them for their hard work, he closed the door with Pei Ming, "Amin, if you --"

"Xue tingji."

Her voice is very light, but very firm, "don't you always want to know what I want to find Lou Yunshu for? Do you believe whatever I say? "

He did not hesitate, as long as she gave the answer, he believed.

Pei Ming nodded and took two deep breaths. "OK, then I'll tell you everything about me."

She stared at Xue tingji's eyes and opened her lips for a long time.

"Because she was the one who killed me in the last life. She killed me twice."

Obviously, Xue tingji didn't understand the meaning of her sentence, but every word made him so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

Pei Ming knew that he would react like this. He couldn't help choking when he recalled his previous life.

"I died in the sixth year after you became emperor, ten years from the day you met me to the day I died. In front of you, I am reborn after death. I went back ten years ago and experienced everything about you and me again. "

Xue tingji's eyebrows are locked tightly. It's hard to understand her words. Pei Ming is also very considerate. Don't you believe it? Then she said a few things and he could understand.

"Do you know why I asked general Tan to lead the army northward before the palace change? Because I know what's going to happen.

Do you remember when I first met Chang Xiaowei, I knew his last name? Because I know very well that he will be your leader later.

Why do you think I won't kill xiongtukan? Because I know that he will be a Hun Chanyu who is good for Darong.

Wang Qiyao and Cheng Yan were killed by me. I told you, but Cheng Yan bullied Li Xue in his last life. It was him who killed Li Xue

And Xiao, do you think I'm so boring, just pick someone up? That's because in the last life, you picked up Xiao and named him, making him your favorite confidant. Xu Taifu was also ordered to be killed by you.

It's just a coincidence that I grabbed your pieces first and did something you've done before. "

Xue tingji has personally experienced everything. Although he still thinks it's ridiculous, there are many other things that can't be explained.

For example, she said what he thought in his dream more than once, and he didn't understand it at that time. But it seems reasonable to apply her words just now.

Seeing that he was still at a loss, Pei ming could understand it, so she couldn't say such a shocking reason. If Xue Ting didn't believe it, she would have misunderstood her all her life.

After a long time, Xue tingji seemed to force himself to believe it, because he believed what he said, no matter what she said.

"So you and I are together for the second time?"

"Yes, it's only true that I met you for the first time. This time, it's all my calculation that I met Taifu."

She told him that she had been interested in Xue tingji since then, but she was only interested in killing him.

"I live again for revenge, Lixue's, father's and my own. You, Xue tingji, are the one I want to revenge most. You make me miserable and kill me. Do you think you should repay me?"

Xue tingji is completely confused by her. Isn't Lou Yunshu the one who killed her?

His puzzled expression really made Pei Ming angry. He looked up and forced his tears back. It seemed that he had to start from the beginning and talk about what they had experienced in the past ten years.

"When we met on Taiming lake, I was assassinated and fell into the water, and you saved me. Since then, you and I have planted our love. What happened is similar to this life. In a word, I am determined to you.

Later, Gong Bian forced me to elope with you to Beidi regardless of the obstruction. I really suffered a lot. Have you ever thought about why I could adapt to exile so well? "

Yes, it is. Xue tingji also thought more about why she could make a fireball made of horse dung, why she could speak Hun language, why she had never left the Imperial City, but she could be indifferent, as if she had been used to it for a long time.

She laughed and continued: "but I was really wrong, so I killed my father. He died in Yueshi. The cause of his death was assassinated by his own hands. I couldn't even kowtow to him..."

Xue tingji was silent.

The best general in the world has never escaped the fate of being assassinated for two generations. Her daughter, watching her lost father be killed again in front of her, is so sad that she can't be stronger if she is him.After weeping for a while, Pei Ming wiped his tears. The story is still early.

"You and I have been in Beidi for three years, and we have experienced more hardships than this life. Thanks to me, I will keep your crown prince's name, otherwise you will have to suffer all those hardships again.

At that time, I tried my best to help you win over people and persuade the side branches and generals to support you. Pei Jiajun was your dispatcher, and I gave you all I could, but what did you give me in return? "

It's an inch's gain. I think it's natural for her to pay. Love and promise are not even false.

"Xiongtukan took me away and hung me above the wolves. He had done it before, but you really let me down in your last life. Instead of saving me immediately, you chose to wait for reinforcements. In your eyes, killing your enemies is more important than me. "

How can Xue tingji not remember that? His leg injury has not been healed, but he has never regretted it, because nothing is more important than Ah Ming.

But In his last life, how could he have seen Ah Ming attacked by wolves and still be waiting for reinforcements? That can't be. It can't be him.

Pei Ming, of course, is also grateful for his life, but he has not finished his previous life.

Later, they went back to the Imperial City, and their experience was similar to that of today's life, except that Xue Tingzhi was the real leader, and she was just tied to him to control the Pei family army.

"Later, you somehow got my grandfather's relic, so you found tie Lao. Maybe you threatened him. If you don't obey, you will take me. In a word, tie Lao obeys you and helps you get rid of many people secretly."

Even tielao is his man? Xue tingji was not deeply impressed by the old man, but he remembered tie Lao's attitude towards Pei Ming's minister. It was hard to imagine the situation he used for himself.

Seeing his tangled face, Pei Ming kindly asked him to take a sip of tea and ask him what would happen to Xu Yi?

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