At this moment, Xue tingji's expression surprised Liu Ling. It seems that the emperor is very clear about the empress's resentment. Tut Tut, it's unbelievable.

Stalemate for a long time, he also had no patience, gently rubbed his eyebrows, "Your Majesty, it's easy to get rid of the bow and arrow for a long time, you'd better be happy."

The sweat drops from his forehead. Xue Ting stares at Pei Ming for a moment. When he is in despair, he suddenly sees the flash in Pei Ming's eyes.

Although it was short, he was absolutely correct and could not be detected by Liu Ling.

Suddenly, he laughed bitterly and felt very sorry. At this moment, how could he not show his full trust.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He slowly handed the handle to Pei Ming. "Ah Ming, I love you till I die..."

Finally, Liu Ling laughs, but in the dark outside, he just takes a breath.

It was not that he was afraid of death and hid himself, but that he took some time to go around the corridor wall and was about to go into the house to help save the empress when he saw many people coming out from behind the corridor walls on both sides, one by one holding bows and arrows, aiming at the house, which made him scared out of goose bumps.

I'm afraid it will only cause trouble to your majesty if he rushes alone. Maybe these people outside haven't found him yet, so what he should do is to be a yellow sparrow and try to deal with these archers from the back.

However, he had no Kung Fu after all. Even if he crept, he was still found. One of the archers caught a glimpse of him and was about to come forward to stop him. He was just aware of it and ran away!

However, in front of these people with martial arts skills, he is not much different from a chicken. He has to deal with the matter quickly. Don't annoy the young master.

Just as he was running out of breath, the man who came after him rushed over with ease. Just as his life was on the verge, the man suddenly fell to the ground with a whimper, which made him swallow his saliva

did he hit or hit a ghost?

Then the three people rushed to make him alert again. Fortunately, the one who came was not someone, but marigold Pei Xiao and nameless.

Just didn't see them, but Jin Zhan was no stranger to him, "Lord Gang, where are your majesty and empress?"

Don't wait to just speak, one side of nameless suddenly inserted a mouth, "who?"

While marigold responded to his eyes, but he was full of vigilance, which was quite different from before.

The reason is that we have to start from a few hours ago.

It was morning when Xue tingji and Pei Ming left the palace. Jin Zhan and Pei Xiao also obeyed the orders and protected them well. However, after several hours, their royal Highnesses had not come back. Jin Zhan was a little worried.

"Liu's nest is dangerous. What should they do if they are in danger? No, I'll go there myself!"

Pei Xiao also means that. Although he doesn't want to disobey orders, it's his duty to protect his master. But what should these servants do?

Fortunately, Tai Shou Tian is a good official, and his maidservants are also influenced by him. They are very courageous. "You go, as long as you can bring down the Liu family, it doesn't matter if we die!"

Marigold is very moved, let nameless stay, nameless but refused, this time Marigold is not so good to speak.

"With all due respect, the road ahead is so dangerous that you will only delay us if you follow us."

"I, I can help!" Nameless extremely determined, "my accent and these people, that I am also Qicheng people, maybe see familiar scenery can think of anything, can also give you a way."

Unfortunately, marigold was not convinced, which made nameless a little worried.

He didn't know why. Anyway, he thought he should be able to think of something, so he wanted to go to sanhushan.

Fortunately, Pei Xiao agreed and made marigold unhappy. Just as he wanted to object, he patted marigold on the shoulder. Although he could not speak, his eyes obviously wanted to express something.

Marigold can see that since he is unnaturally determined, maybe there is something hidden, or even Plot?

In that case, take him and see what he will do.

After all, the nameless man is always from an unknown source.

In this way, the three men galloped to sanhushan. Soon, the first clue appeared.

Although we know that Sanhu mountain is in the south of the city, there are many mountains and rolling hills in the south. We can't see which one is. Marigold wanted to stop and ask the way, but she didn't hesitate. She went straight along the main road.

"Wait a minute." Marigold stopped him. "How do you know where to go?"

"Isn't there just a mountain here?" On the contrary, nameless thought her question was very strange. Marigold was silent and let him understand, "it seems that I'm really from Qicheng."

Pointing to the highest peak of the mountain, he said, "only high mountains are famous. Those nearby are slopes at most. Sanhu mountain is so famous that it can't be a small mound nearby."

Smell speech, marigold some embarrassed, because nameless mouth of the "mound" even if it is placed in the Imperial City, also can be regarded as no small mountain.

The people here are really arrogant about the concept of mountain.Before her doubts disappeared, marigold was not able to say anything. She went on in silence. When she reached the foot of the mountain, it was already sunset, but in the face of the fork in front of her, she was in trouble again.

"Which way?"

They don't know anything about it. It's no joke if they get lost in the mountains.

At this time, nameless points to the road on the left, "would you like to try this way?"

Calendula's defense is even worse, "are you hoodwinked?"

"Well." Nameless answer is frank, scratching his head a little confused, "although it is Meng, but I think it should be this side, I would not have been here before, right?"

And Pei Xiao silently exchange eyes, marigold obviously no longer trust nameless, Pei Xiao is motioned to her and nameless to stay here, he went to find a way.

Nameless knew that he was doubted, but he couldn't tell. He was staring at marigold, so he had to move his eyes to ease the embarrassment.

Because of this, he seems to I recalled some pictures.

I don't know if all the foot of the mountain are similar. He has a vague feeling that the scene here is very familiar to him. It seems that he would play here when he was very young, and he was accompanied by other children.

"Jin, sister Jinzhan, you said that around here Is there anyone else besides the Liu family? "

Marigold's expression is very cold, "do you think I will know? You might as well ask yourself

Although she was choked and nameless, I don't know why, but the feeling of deja vu is really stronger and stronger, and her head is more and more painful.

His abnormality made Jin Zhan very wary and kept a distance from him. At this moment, Pei Xiao came back and signaled to go left.

Marigold nodded, nameless but with a headache, he said, "is there a big villa?"

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