I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter 110 Hashirama Cells, Sharingan (Part 1)

"How long have you three known each other? It must be hard to hide from XZ in the east of the Water Kingdom, right?"

The pharmacist led the way out of breath, but he did not forget to say some words of care, which once again strengthened the impression of others on him as "very weak, very harmless, and very kind".

Many years of spy career have made Kabuto Yakushi master the mechanical technique of "repetition", repeating it until even he believes in the role he plays. Although it sounds very ordinary and even a little bit useless, this technique can always have unexpected results at critical moments, and has saved his espionage operations many times.

"It's only a few days. We happened to meet each other on the road, so we decided to move together. But we are not hiding, but we plan to travel to Kirigakure Village openly, find Mizukage, and then give him a slap on the neck."

Gui Deng Shuiyue replied casually, and the answer was also half-truth, but combined with his always frivolous tone, it always felt like he was just talking casually.

【Going to Kirigakure Village? 】

Kabuto Yakushi guessed: [Could it be that he is going to meet the ghost full moon? Is there any plan against the Mizukage? Or is it just a kid bragging? 】

"Hey, looking at the way you're panting, you're in terrible shape. Do you dare to call yourself a ninja? I really don't know how you've survived in a place like the Land of Water..."

This short trek did not cause any trouble to Kiden Suigetsu, which was in sharp contrast to Yakushi Kabuto who was covered in sweat.

Just by looking at the vague look of disgust in Kiden Suigetsu's eyes when he looked at him, Yakushi Kabuto knew that everything was going as he imagined - Kiden Suigetsu's wariness of him was further reduced.

"By the way, how far is the place where you live? If you continue, I think you will be like Ranmaru and have to be carried away by us. Let me make it clear first, I am not strong enough to do this. thing."

"It's right in front, arriving soon."

The pharmacist Kabuto smiled wryly.

"I have just learned ninjutsu not long ago, so of course I am not as good as you. After all, you said before that you came from Kirigakure Village..."

Then he fell silent as if he suddenly remembered something, and very obviously "secretly" looked at Gui Deng Shuiyue's white hair——

It's so obvious that you can't wait for others to find out.

"What are you looking at?" Gui Deng Shui Yue raised his eyebrows in cooperation.

"Wanted posters were posted everywhere in Kirigakure Village some time ago. Among them, the man named Gui Deng Man Yue looks similar to you. Plus what you just said..."

"What do you want to say?" Gui Deng Shuiyue looked sideways.

The pharmacist Kabuto shrank his neck.

"Don't get me wrong, I've said it before, I've always been more concerned about the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. There are rumors that the Ghost Lantern clan was wiped out by the Mizukage, and only two brothers survived. Since you look so similar, I guess you must be the 'Ghost Light and Water Moon', right?"

"After asking so clearly, do you want to betray me to Kirigakure to receive the reward?"

Gui Deng Shui Yue bared his fangs and his tone was full of threats.

"How can it be?!"

Blood suddenly appeared on Yakushi Kabuto's face. This was the first time he showed an angry mood since meeting the three of them, but he immediately shrank back like a deflated balloon and said dejectedly: "My parents and family were all killed by Kirigakure. If the teacher hadn't taken me in, I would have been a corpse. Although I didn't dare to resist, I wouldn't have been able to cooperate with Kirigakure and betray those who had the same experience as me..."

As he spoke, the light from the corner of his eyes quickly swept across the faces of the other three people.

Kito Suigetsu had no sense of identity with his own clan, and the emotion that flashed across his face was more of shame than hatred - a ninja clan that even learned its family's ninjutsu from slugs should simply be destroyed!

Ranmaru's hands hanging on Giyuu's neck tightened, obviously touched, and he buried his eyes in his bangs.

As for Giyuu, his face was as numb as ever, so numb that Kabuto Yakushi felt pity for him——

He imagined many tragic scenes in which Yiyong lost his family and suffered a huge mental shock, and for the first time he was glad that he had lost his past memory when he was picked up by the pharmacist Nonou.

Otherwise, he might be like this child, living aimlessly in this world like a zombie.

Numbness is just the weakest means to fight against reality.

Of course Kabuto Yakushi's words were not without purpose.

He believes that knowing that they have "similar" experiences will further lower each other's vigilance and win trust.

After all, Orochimaru is not here, and there are no other thugs in the base for the time being. If you want to keep the ghost light Suigetsu who may be able to use the hydration technique and can penetrate all holes, you will inevitably have to use some special means. Therefore, it is very necessary to lower the other party's wariness.

Of course, Kabuto Yakushi also determined the general experience of the other two through their reactions just now.

This means that he has mastered the psychological weaknesses of the other two people and can make them obedient without violence, which is perfect. At least, that's what he thinks.

"Sorry, I brought up some uncomfortable topics."

Kabuto the pharmacist adjusted his glasses apologetically, "But no matter how unpleasant it is, it's over here because we are already at the right place."

The four of them stopped in place.

Yakushi Kabuto formed a seal with his hands, and the thick fog shrouding the surroundings quickly faded, quickly revealing the huge thing hidden inside.

Standing in front of everyone is an ancient banyan tree. Its broad crown hangs above everyone's heads like heavy dark clouds.

Its main trunk is as thick as the waists of two giant elephants tied together. The exposed thick roots are like the arms and legs of an octopus. They are tightly dug into a smooth rock the size of a small mountain and penetrate deep into the ground along the gap between the latter and the soil. .

"Sealing Technique·Resolution!"

As Yakushi Kabuto moved again, there was a trembling sound.

The roots that clung to the rock were like the hands of a giant, lifting the boulder slowly up until a narrow entrance half a man's height was revealed at the bottom.

"Please follow. The entrance can only be lifted for a few seconds. If you hesitate for a moment, you will be crushed underneath. There is no chance of survival."

The surprised and uncertain expressions of Oni Deng Suigetsu and Ran Wan finally subsided.

I thought judging from its appearance, the mountain-like boulder was the so-called "secret base", but I didn't expect it to be just a door. However, time was running out, and they didn't have time to think too much. They immediately followed Yakushi Kabuto, leaned down, and got in through the entrance.

As the saying goes, "It's extremely narrow at first, but only the talented people can reach people." After squeezing the wall and walking for a while, the sound of boulders falling was heard from behind.

At the same time, a dark and deep tunnel appeared in front of several people, like the throat of a huge monster.

Yiyong only took one look at the shape, height and width of the corridor and knew that it should be a "snake path" opened by a big snake when it passed underground.

Glancing at the sealing talisman paper posted every one meter on the wall of the passage, he was extremely lucky that he met Yakushi Kabuto, who was leading the way.

If it was just the three of them, even if they found the location of the base according to Wan She's statement, Ranmaru wouldn't be able to see through the entrance covered with sealing symbols through his red eyes. By then, the time wasted searching for a base may be more than a day or two.

[As expected, is he a guy who is as afraid of death as Kibutsuji Muzan? 】

Giyuu made a judgment on Orochimaru's personality traits based on the available intelligence.

It should be noted that the price of a sealing talisman is much higher than that of the detonating talisman.

Orochimaru had spent a lot of wealth, not to mention time and energy, in order to prevent his secret base from being found.

Such a person will never fight against his opponent. If you encounter an irresistible opponent, you may choose to flee for your life immediately.

Thinking back to the records of Demon Slayer Corps, the experience of the initial swordsman Enichi Tsuji Kuniichi "letting go" Mukai Oniitsuji, and the various accidents in the Battle of Mugen City against Mukai Oniitsuji, Giyuu began to use the breath of water at full capacity. Make sure you reach your physical peak.

If he enters the base, Orochimaru is inside, and he must not follow in the footsteps of his seniors and Shisui.

He must try his best to kill the opponent on the spot the moment he sees him!

Such a dangerous character must not be allowed the chance to survive and continue to cause harm to the world.

In the dim corridor, Yiyong's obvious breathing caught Yakushi Kabuto's attention.

"Don't be afraid, it's safe here."

Due to the lack of light and poor eyesight, Kabuto Yakushi interpreted the changes in Giyuu's breathing as mental stress, and did not notice that the almost substantial white air was leaking from the gap between the latter's teeth.

[Finally, I am not completely numb, I am still afraid. 】

After Yakushi Kabuto reminded him, he thought, "Otherwise, it would really be worthless." 】

This corridor continues to slope downward and goes deep into the mountain. However, the slope is not steep, but there are many forks and twists.

Yiyong estimated that the four of them walked slowly forward for about two kilometers, and then they came to a stone wall.

After Yakushi Kabuto once again released a layer of seals, the stone wall slowly descended, revealing a transparent door. At this point, the four of them finally entered Orochimaru's base.

The roofs here are not high, the lights are dim, and the walls are made of the rock itself, which looks rough and primitive.

【Really not here? ] Yiyong glanced around with a stern expression.

If Orochimaru were here, the chakra would be obvious, and Kyuubi should have warned him.

It seems that Kabuto Yakushi's "teacher is not at home" was not just talk.

Yiyong then relaxed a little.

"This is the lowest level of the base, and it is also where the teacher and I do research."

The group passed several rooms with closed doors, and the beeping sound of electronic machines could be heard from time to time, which gave the place a rare modern atmosphere.

From a position invisible to Kabuto Yakushi, Kyuubi swung his tail and swept it across Giyuu's face, indicating that there were chakra reactions in the rooms he passed.

In other words, there are other people.

"Didn't you say that you and the teacher took in a lot of homeless children? Why do I feel that the silence here is a bit scary? Like a cemetery that no one has visited for many years?"

In the darkness of the corridor, the red dots on the monitor looked like the eyes of a beast, which made Gui Deng Shui Yue feel a little creepy.

"It's late at night now, and it's their time to rest."

Kabuto the pharmacist was well prepared and replied: "I plan to treat Ranwan first. Wait until tomorrow morning, and then I will take you upstairs to meet other people. Maybe there are people you know."

As he said that, he stood down and said with some hesitation, "Of course, if you must see them now, I can also take you up. But in this case, it will be more troublesome not to talk about the coming and going, and it will also take everyone out of their dreams. Wake up, I can't bear it."

"Then don't bother."

Ghost Light Suiyue glanced at Jiuwei's dangling tail and received the "secret signal", so he immediately made a decision.

"It's better to treat him first. He is always held like a baby. Doesn't it bother you too, Ranmaru?"

Ranmaru didn't answer, but his shy expression said everything.

"Then please, this is the room."

Yakushi Kabuto walked to the end and opened a door. The fluorescent lights in the room automatically turned on, and everyone entered a room surrounded by white.

In the middle of the room, there was a sophisticated and complicated machine, connected with a few cables to a computer in the corner, with rows of dizzying letters and numbers flashing on the screen.

"Please help Ranmaru take off his clothes and let him lie down on the bed of the machine."

Kabuto Yakushi quickly changed out of his dusty coat and professionally put on a white coat, then walked to the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

Giyuu couldn't understand and didn't look at it. After confirming with Kyuubi again that the other party was not hostile, he helped Ranmaru take off his clothes, nodded to him, and asked him to lie down.

If Ranmaru can really take care of himself with this machine, that would be great.

Yiyong has also experienced the stage of powerlessness and knows what it feels like.

"We're ready, why are you dawdling?"

Kiden Suigetsu crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly to Kabuto the pharmacist next to the computer.

"But you took the initiative to bring us here. You won't have to raise any conditions later, right?"

"No, I just want to remind you that this is different from the previous examination. It does not use medical ninjutsu. On the contrary, the electrical stimulation brought by the thunder attribute chakra will greatly activate the person's nerve activity, and he may feel very pain."

Just kidding, this machine was originally built by Lord Orochimaru to "torture" the brains of dead people.

When he invented it, he didn't even think about how the person lying on it would feel.

Pharmacist Kabuto took out a syringe from the medical cabinet and drew some liquid from the glass bottle: "This is a powerful medical anesthetic developed for ninjas. After being injected into the human body, it can make you lose consciousness within a few hours. In other words, That is a complete loss of control over the body.”

He narrowed his eyes and whispered to Ranmaru: "If the treatment is successful, you will be able to walk like a normal person when you wake up. During this period, your two partners will always be with you."

"Yes, don't worry. If you can't wake up, I won't let this guy go."

Kito Suigetsu also made a promise, but I don’t know if Ranmaru felt relieved.

Ranmaru nodded lightly while lying on the operating table, and Kabuto Yakushi leaned over and stabbed his tailbone with a needle.

Although Yakushi Kabuto still doesn't know what the limit of this child's pupil type blood inheritance is, as long as he takes this medicine, at least he will not be a hindrance for a long time.

On the other side, Yiyong could see clearly that the drug followed Ranmaru's chakra meridians and circulated around. The muscles wherever it went gradually relaxed, as if falling into a deep sleep, and the chakra temporarily stored in the body was no longer active. . But other than that, it has no other use. This is really just a narcotic for ninjas.

"We can start now. In fact, I don't need to do anything. As long as I set the values, the machine will complete all the next work by itself..."

The pharmacist returned to the computer confidently and pressed the enter key with a bang.

The next moment, the machine with two mechanical arms made a roaring noise. After moving twice just now, the movement stopped abruptly, as if a person had been hit by a ninja's golden binding technique, and there was no more movement.

"What's going on?" Gui Deng Shui Yue asked immediately, "Isn't it broken?"

"Please don't worry, the battery is probably out." Kabuto Yakushi made a judgment immediately.

"But this?" Gui Deng Shuiyue pointed to the still-glowing electric lamp above his head with a suspicious look on his face.

"If this machine wants to work, it needs to use the special bioelectricity generated by the thunder attribute chakra. Naturally, it also needs a unique power source."

As Kabuto Yakushi spoke, he struggled to lift a square box the size of a backpack from the locker, and then staggered to the side of the machine, like an ordinary housewife carrying a large gas tank.

"What the hell is this?"

Gui Deng Shuiyue asked, pointing to the box, looking like he wanted to touch it.

"A specialty of the Iron Country, a special battery that can produce thunder-attribute chakra."

"Battery?" Gui Deng Shui Yue retracted his hand with a whoosh.

As we all know, thunder and lightning are almost the only weakness of the water transformation technique.

He is not as proficient in using the seven ninja swords including the thunder sword as his elder brother. Once he is electrocuted, he will probably turn into a ball of jelly that cannot be formed.

"Well, even if there is no qualitative change, the warriors of the Iron Kingdom can rely on the energy generated by this battery to add thunder-attribute chakra to the weapons in their hands, which is very convenient. The teacher also managed to get a few of them with great difficulty."

While talking, Yasushi Kabuto twisted the screwdriver again and removed another battery from the bottom of the machine.

This battery has some scorch marks on it and looks older.

"The original battery of this machine is worn out. I have to replace it with a new one so that it can start normally."

"So that's it!"

Seeing this foreign technology for the first time, Gui Deng Shui Yue was confused and nodded repeatedly.

The pharmacist Kabuto lay half under the machine, doing whatever he was told, and quickly replaced the new battery.

Then, he came to the computer again, and after typing on the keyboard, the machine started running smoothly.

The two probes originally used to penetrate into the human brain came to the upper part of Ranwan's waist as if someone had carefully manipulated them, and penetrated into the latter's flesh with precision and agility, almost touching Ranwan's hip bones. superior. The next second, a sound like a blower sounded, and light blue electric sparks suddenly flashed, swimming around Ranmaru's waist like strips of earthworms.

Giyuu stared at Ranmaru's lower body without moving.

As the electric earthworms moved downward, the originally extremely narrow blood vessels in Ranmaru's legs and waist were widening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all stagnant areas were quickly unblocked. Those oppressed, semi-dormant cells responded to external point stimulation in small pieces one after another, showing unprecedented vitality.

Just as Kabuto Yakushi said, he was indeed confident that Ranmaru could walk again.

"This... won't burn his legs, right?"

Looking at the thunderbolt lingering around Ranwan's waist and hips, Ghost Light Suigetsu was still a little instinctively afraid.

"The accuracy of the machine's calculation power cannot be understood by humans. Since the computer determines that the current power is just enough to meet the conditions for treating Ranwan, then there must be no problem."

Kabuto Yakushi shook his head confidently, "If the operating accuracy of this machine can be improved, I can even use it to cure my myopia. But I am afraid that within twenty or thirty years, the technology of the ninja world will not be able to do this. One thing, after all, the nerves of the eyes are too delicate compared to the muscles and bones.”

Regarding this point, Orochimaru replied firmly to Kabuto Yakushi.

Better contact materials are currently not available to humans.

Although Kabuto also felt a little regretful, but when he thought about it carefully, the glasses on the bridge of his nose had a unique meaning to him, and there was nothing wrong with him not being able to take them off, so he no longer dwelled on these regrets.

"How long will the treatment take?" Gui Deng Shui Yue looked around curiously, "I don't want to wait here all night."

[It seems that Orochimaru is really gone. I thought there was a good show to watch. What a pity...]

"The computer calculation only takes four minutes."

Kabuto Yakushi glanced at the screen, "After this is done, I can take you to rest."

As he spoke, he leaned down again, as if he was going to move the scrapped battery away.

It's just that he seemed to be too weak. The moment he lifted the battery, his body stumbled forward and almost slipped. Fortunately, Gui Deng Shui Yue held him up.

"You are too weak..."

I don’t know how many times Gui Deng Shui Yue complained, “Is this thing so heavy?”

"Sorry, I'm really tired from running around today."

Kabuto Yakushi smiled half apologetically and half gratefully, "Can you carry this thing over with me? Xiu Yixiu may still be able to use it, it's just temporarily out of power."

"I can handle such a small thing by myself."

Ghost Light Suigetsu slapped her hands wordlessly and asked Yakushi Kabuto to take two steps back.

The latter's fingers lightly swiped at the battery casing and immediately stepped away, not being humble, "Then I'll trouble you."

"Tsk, it's really heavy!"

Guideng Shuiyue made a judgment as soon as he got hold of it. The battery must be at least 378 kilograms. He couldn't lift it with one hand without using the powerful water wrist technique. No wonder Yakushi Kabuto was holding this thing on his left hand just now. Shake right.

(In the original work, after Suigetsu was rescued by Sasuke, the decapitating sword also required the technique of Hōsui Wan at the beginning, which shows that the strength is really not good.)

It's just that he looked down on others just now, and the teacher was watching from behind. It would be too embarrassing to cheat with ninjutsu.

So, Gui Deng Shui Yue gritted his teeth, raised his knees and pushed the battery up, trying to grab one side with each hand to share the weight.

But at the moment when Gui Deng and Shui Yue grabbed both sides of the battery—

This battery, which Yakushi Kabuto defined as "discarded", suddenly flashed bright orange-yellow light.

Electric current flowed into his body like a crazy electric eel along the arms of Oniden Suigetsu. His whole body collapsed like a molten tin figure and turned into a puddle of shapeless paste. He could only barely scream out. : "Naoxi Matawu (teacher save me)!"

However, as he fell, the leaking battery also hit his liquefied body, continuously radiating energy outwards.

In less than a second, only one face of Gui Deng Shui Yue was still barely formed, while all other parts fell into a paralyzed state of inaction, and even the slightest sound could not be made.

"I'm sorry, I haven't completed the development of the changes in the nature of thunder. I want to ensure that I can keep you, so I can only use this strategy. But don't worry, this little electricity is not enough to hurt you. You are our future I will never harm you if you threaten the important tool of Ghost Lantern Full Moon."

The most threatening and most likely to run away, Ghost Light Suigetsu, was subdued, and Yakushi Kabuto also changed his cowardly disguise.

He shook his white coat and his body looked much straighter than before.

After mocking Kiden Suigetsu in a semi-comforting manner, he turned around and looked at Giyuu on the other side of the room, who still looked numb on the outside, but in fact was probably frightened.

The latter also happened to look away from Gui Deng Shuiyue. Because Gui Deng Shui Yue does seem to be fine.

[It’s okay to let him wait for a while. Let's take it as a lesson for underestimating the enemy so much. 】

Yiyong made a decision.

"You are the only one left now. But you don't have to be afraid, because seeing your confused look reminds me of my past self. In this crisis-ridden world, as long as I can meet the right person at the right time, Man, if you seize the opportunity, you may be able to get rid of this aimless life and no longer have to follow anyone and follow the crowd..."

Kabuto Yakushi walked towards Giyu slowly step by step, and his speaking style was very similar to when Orochimaru used to bewitch him.

"Wait a moment."

Just when Kabuto Yakushi walked up to Giyu and was about to add the next key sentence, Giyu stopped him with his hand. His tone was as calm as a traffic policeman in the City of Fire holding out his hand to stop the car. He didn't look the least bit scared.

Kabuto Yakushi felt something was wrong, but he still stopped.

"Nine w... nine lamas."

Following Giyuu's soft call, Kabuto Yakushi subconsciously looked at the fox above him that had been napping and never woke up.

The fox opened his vertical pupils impatiently and glanced at Yakushi Kabuto with a look like he was looking at garbage.

The latter only felt an extremely cold current rushing up his spine, and even his brain, which had been constantly active, had a tendency to stagnate.


"You and my shadow clone go up there and take a look and determine the location of all the people who are still alive."

As Yiyong spoke, he didn't bother to tie the seal, and the shadow clones "teared" off the main body like falling printing paper, and ran out the door one after another.

"I got it." Nine Tails jumped lightly and landed on the head of the last shadow clone to leave. He flicked his tail and reminded: "That coward is my important younger brother. Just teach him a lesson, but don't let him suffer too much." ”

After saying this, Kyuubi and the clone disappeared into the corridor.

Only then did Yiyong turn around and look at the sweaty Yakushi Kabuto calmly: "What did you want to say just now? You can continue now."

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