I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter 29 The Sorrow of Uchiha (Part 2) (5000)

Three days later, on the way to the border checkpoint of the Kingdom of Wind.

When passing through an evergreen forest, the Uchiha Fire Team decided to rest. After ten hours of running at full strength, their physical strength was almost exhausted. If they continued to advance rashly, they would face the danger of insufficient chakra.

"Ah, this is the first time I've been to a place so far away from the village. Even my breathing becomes easier!"

Under a large, thick and old tree, Uchiha was lying contentedly on the trunk. It looked like it was several times more comfortable than sleeping on his own bed at home.

Uchiha Cui, who was chewing rice balls on the side (the genin could not afford the military food pills), also nodded in agreement:

"Although we haven't left the realm of Fire yet, it feels great to think that we won't have to see those annoying faces for a long time."

What he said was naturally a common name in Konoha.

I don’t know what’s going on, but the negative sentiment towards Uchiha among the residents of Konoha has become more and more obvious recently. Some people even deliberately provoked the security team to cause chaos when they passed by. As a result, the security team could only continue to strengthen law enforcement, and even off-duty hours were longer than usual. Extended by two hours.

Today, the police and citizens of Konoha have entered a vicious circle in which conflicts are repeatedly intensifying and intensifying, and they are likely to get worse.

Many people who are not ninjas go to the streets to buy things and are not even willing to wear clothes with the clan emblem.

And the young people who have become ninjas are more arrogant in the village than before, and are occasionally caught by the police.

Staying in the village any longer would be a physical and mental torture for Gan Wentui.

"It's thanks to Brother Yanhuo that we can go out and take some time off."

Wen, who had the best personality among the three, smiled gently.

“I met Yiyong before setting off and asked him about the clan leader’s attitude towards this matter.

"He said that originally, the Fugaku clan leader planned to keep Brother Yanhuo by his side and continue to train him, but because of our future, the eldest brother did not agree to work as the captain's assistant in the police force. So the clan leader was very angry yesterday. It is said that even the meal Didn’t even eat…”

"Hey, really?"

Cui and Gan said in unison, looking at Uchiha Yanhuo sitting on the branch with their bright eyes, and their tone was even more grateful.

"That's an important position. Are you going to give it up like this, Brother Yanhuo?"

Now not only Uchiha knows about Giyu not lying, but also Hinata next door.

What he said can basically be regarded as self-evident facts.

"Humph, that kid really asked what he said...

"But don't get distracted. I'm not doing this for your own sake. Stop putting money on yourself."

Uchiha Yanhuo crossed his arms, turned his head to one side, stretched his right leg straight up against the branch, and his left leg hung down casually, dangling proudly.

"I'm just thinking about my reputation and don't want to break the promise I made, that's all.

"Besides, I'm still so young, and those guys want to keep me in Konoha Village to grow old with them. They also say that they want to hone my character and ability so that I can take on more important responsibilities...

"I'll tell you the truth, I, Uchiha Fire, would rather be trampled to death by the demon fox than agree to their request."

"As expected of Brother Yanhuo!"

Gan Wen and Cui looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

In their opinion, Yan Huo has changed from the harsh and indifferent nature of strength supremacy half a year ago to a vague willingness to consider others, but he is not willing to admit it yet.

"By the way, we haven't asked yet, Brother Yanhuo, how did you pass the Jonin exam?"

Uchiha Choi suddenly asked.

"Could it be that the Hokage advisor named Mito Kadoren didn't make things difficult for you this time?"

"Sounds like a pretty nasty guy."

The other two also joined in, obviously very curious about what was going on.

"Humph, of course he will find ways to find trouble with me, but I didn't give him a chance this time."

When Uchiha Yanhuo spoke, his mind couldn't help flashing back to the scene when Giyuu defended that yellow-haired brat last time, and he also recalled what the Third Hokage said to him before leaving.

"I did not act alone this time, but deliberately picked the right moment to pull a lagging waste out of the trap. Now why does Mito Gate have any reason to say that I have no team spirit...

"Besides, the Third Hokage was also present at this jounin examination. The old man is quite reasonable. It was he who suppressed Mito Kadobu's objections."

"That being said, Naruto seems to be a good person too..."

Fum Uchiha muttered to himself.

Yanhuo glanced at him and sighed silently.

"You think too simply, Wen. When you perform some complex tasks in the future, you will understand that people cannot just look at the surface. The most dangerous enemies often appear in front of you in a harmless way."

[I feel so wise when I say this...]

He held out a finger to teach the three of them: "Last time I scolded Sandai at the BBQ Q and was arrested by the police. But even the clan leader punished me for this, but Sandai himself showed favor to me. Don’t you think it’s strange?”

The three of them exchanged glances under the tree, and finally nodded in confusion.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. If I did, you wouldn't have any impression.

"You've seen a lot of weirdos, and you'll understand for yourself. Anyway, remember, stay away from those smiling tigers. On the contrary, people like me who are straightforward and speak their minds are worthy of trust."

"Speak directly if you have anything to say..."

Uchiha Fumi weakly asked, "Do you mean the righteous hero?"

The pine needles fell from the forest, but otherwise everything was silent.

"Speaking of him..."

Uchiha Yanhuo looked down from the tree, his eyebrows raised high, obviously thinking of something irritating again.

"Last night, why didn't the facially paralyzed kid and the clingy kid come to my celebration party?

"Are you looking down on me? I heard you said that you got help from that kid, so I planned to thank him symbolically."

[You clearly said yesterday that it doesn’t matter. 】

"Sasuke has always been under the personal supervision of the clan leader. As for Giyuu, he probably has other things to do."

Uchiha Fumi replied: "Although it is not a good thing to say, it may be a good thing that Giyuu did not go. After all, not everyone is familiar with his style, and it is easy to cause misunderstandings..."

"Hey! I obviously just helped him out on the street before."

Uchiha Enhuo has an inexplicable feeling for Giyuu.

It's like I should remember more things related to him in my mind, but no matter how I think about it, I only have vague impressions from the two previous meetings.

[Could it be that Uchiha Itachi left some shadow on me? How can this be……】

He shook his head to get rid of all the messy thoughts in his head, and then ordered:

"Okay, depending on the time, it's almost time to take a rest. Although we are still in the Land of Fire and there is no danger, we still need to make basic preparations for survival in the wild, which is considered training.

"Cui, go check around for any traces of wild beasts, and sprinkle some medicine to repel snakes and insects."


"Gan, go one hundred meters away and fifty meters away, and set up two layers of chain tripwire traps inside and outside. It doesn't need to be too complicated, just give us time to react. Don't be as clumsy as usual."


"Wen, you are nearby and bury these detonating symbols in the soil. If they are not used, dig them out tomorrow and be sure to mark them around!"

[The detonating charm is quite expensive, and I spent so much money yesterday...]

"Oh, good!"

In this way, the three of Gan Wen and Cui began to divide the work and cooperate, while Uchiha Yanhuo, as the leader of the team, lay down half-ly, looking at the night sky through the layers of intertwined tree branches.

Gradually, as the noise of the three people got further and further away, a kind face appeared above the bright moon, like a light painting framed in a round frame.

"Grandpa, please watch over me, I will definitely..."

"What are you looking forward to?"

A strange, slightly hoarse voice sounded in Uchiha Yanhuo's ears without warning.

The longing in Yanhuo's eyes suddenly turned into a strong vigilance. The blood-red three-magatama Sharingan suddenly opened. When he turned his head, he saw a mess of hair, an orange-brown single-hole tiger spot mask, and a car that was driving on the highway. The rotating three-magatama Sharingan!

【when? ! Is he from the same clan? 】

How could she appear next to him silently?

"Forget it, I don't need your answer anyway..."

The masked man said softly that the Sharingan's illusion had been completed.

He was very confident in his own eye, which had once controlled the Kyuubi and even the fourth generation Mizukage of the Perfect Jinchuuriki. It shouldn't be a big problem to bring down a junior who had just obtained the Three Magatama for a year...

However, he never imagined it.

Uchiha Enhuo's brain was already covered by the pupil power of the illusion genius Uchiha Shisui.

Therefore, the illusion he used this time was unexpectedly unsuccessful. Instead, it caused two huge pupil powers to cancel each other out!

Uchiha Flame's modified memory was also restored!

[Has someone used the Sharingan to cast a genjutsu on him? Eye power is at least as good as mine...]

The masked man was surprised.

The existence of such a person means that there are other Uchihas who can control tailed beasts, and there will be unpredictable loopholes in his plan.

His determination to exterminate Uchiha has become even stronger!

And Yan Huo over there reacted instantly after being briefly surprised.

He ignored the real memory that had just returned to his mind, and the kunai in his hand moved towards the throat of this suspected tribesman as fast as an afterimage. But something even stranger happened, his kunai——

[Put it through directly? Not an entity? 】

Yanhuo opened his eyes wide, and when he failed to succeed, he stepped on the tree trunk and jumped back at high speed. His eyes were like marbles that repeatedly collided and bounced on the eye frames, and he quickly scanned the surroundings, trying to find the physical location of the enemy. But found nothing.

It wasn't until a chain flew out of the cuffs of the "phantom" and bit him like a self-aware snake, making a violent sound of airflow, that Yan Huo realized that this was not just a phantom.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

[Since weapons can't hurt him, what about chakra? 】

A ball of terrifying and violent flame roared out from his mouth. Driven by a sufficient amount of chakra, the radius of this huge fire ball was six to seven meters.

Moreover, the color of the fire ball of Uchiha Flame is not ordinary orange-red, but a dazzling golden color with white light. From a distance of five meters, the surrounding trees can be ignited only by the high temperature at the edge!

This level of fire escape is something that even Shisui cannot do. It is the result of his hard work after losing to Uchiha Itachi.

After all, there are three characters for fire in his name, Uchiha Yanhuo!

Although he is not good at shuriken and genjutsu, he is famous in his family for his powerful fire escape and earth escape.

Of course, in addition to testing the opponent's ability, this giant fireball was also meant to tell the other three people——

Enemy attack!

But before the fireball was extinguished, a strange, gray-green tree trunk jumped out through the bright firelight, and it seemed to be intact!

"What the hell……"

Enhuo Uchiha threw out three shurikens, intending to cut them open and shoot them down, but the sharp edges of the shurikens had just touched the branch, and the latter seemed to have been crushed by invisible hands and exploded out of thin air. It exploded into dozens of small fragments and shot out rapidly in all directions!

[I don’t know what it is, but it has chakra on it, so it’s definitely something bad...]

In the dynamic vision of the Three Magatama Sharingan, Uchiha En was able to avoid these random things one by one, and he could think of countermeasures while hiding and retreating.

However, at this moment, Fumi Uchiha, who had been placing detonating symbols nearby, heard the noise and appeared from behind a big tree. His golden face was illuminated by the fire, and he was filled with strong shock.

"Brother Yanhuo!"

By coincidence, as he entered the battlefield, a fragment of a branch fell on his neck. After the former came into contact with his skin, it "took root and sprouted" in the sight of Uchiha Yanhuo. ", and then it grew wildly——

The sound of tearing flesh and blood was heard. Uchiha Fumi's brain, chest, abdomen and entire right hand were all penetrated by sharp tree branches as thick as his wrist. Before he could react, he was already dead. The corpse was in a miserable state. It's almost impossible to describe in words.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Yanhuo's eyes were split open. Not only his eyes were bright red, but even the whites of his eyes were surrounded by dense bloodshot eyes.

He looked towards the place where the fireball disappeared, and the masked man walked out of it intact, with a leisurely gait, as if he was walking.

[If even my best fire escape is ineffective against him...]

I'm afraid there is no other way to deal with him.

This is also the reason why the other party is so calm.

The other party doesn't even worry that he will run away! ! !

The sobriety brought by the cold reality stimulated his brain.

Uchiha Yanhuo gritted his teeth and ignored the stranger who was getting closer and closer to him. Instead, he turned around and quickly formed seals in the direction where Gan and Cui Lai had left before. Then he slapped him hard with both hands at the same time. On the ground, he used most of his chakra on this technique that placed his hope on it!

"Earth Escape·Earth Escape River!"

The land more than five meters wide in front of Uchiha Yanhuo quickly softened, like a wave of mud, advancing layer by layer. The trees and surrounding soil collapsed on the spot, and continued to spread forward.

Uchiha Gan and Cui, who were rushing back anxiously, could not adapt to the softening ground under their feet in an instant. They were swept away by the mud flow and carried away into the distance. They had no idea what happened.

Taking advantage of this gap, the masked man also came to Yan Huo. He virtualized (actually sent his body into another space) and avoided Yan Huo's roundhouse kick and kunai stab, and then blasted out with a heavy kick. , stepped on Yan Huo's chest accurately, and the latter spurted blood on the spot, and his bones collapsed.

His speed and strength are also far superior to Uchiha Flame!

The latter flew out like a horizontal V-shaped cannonball, breaking down one after another large trees that required several people to surround. Finally, it rolled to the ground with its skin torn and covered in dust, like a piece of wrapped Season the beef and prepare it for roasting.

[With one blow, I completely lost my ability to fight...]

Yanhuo reached out and dug his kunai into the ground, trying hard to raise his head, but his arm was broken.

There was severe pain all over his body. If his mind hadn't been so clear and all his feelings were gradually becoming numb, he would have screamed like a child who was afraid of injections.

【Am I about to be killed? 】

[It’s so false. I was obviously thinking about what will happen in the future just now——]

[And that bastard Uchiha Shisui actually cast a genjutsu on me... Did that little brat with facial paralysis open his eyes at such a young age? 】

[Damn it, I can’t go back and argue with them...]

The masked man's ninja gear appeared in front of Yan Huo, interrupting his vague and ethereal thoughts.

But the man didn't act immediately.

Uchiha's fiery cheeks lay weakly on the ground, and his lips trembled as he asked:

"Who are you...why do you have the Sharingan?"

The masked man squatted down. Perhaps the way the young tribesman was dying reminded him of something familiar, so he wanted to accompany him through the final journey.

"I'm just an undead Uchiha. I was once just like you."

[Originally, it only needed an illusion to solve it, but it ended up like this. 】

"Why would you do... something like this?"

Uchiha Yanhuo believed the other party's statement, because there was no need for this person to lie to a dead person.

But he was sure that this was definitely not anyone he knew among his tribe.

"I need your Sharingan as a gift of alliance...

"The purpose is to end this meaningless world. But in order to achieve this goal, everyone in the Uchiha clan is an obstacle that I must remove."


Yanhuo couldn't quite understand the meaning of these "big words" of the masked man, but he understood the sentence about needing the Sharingan.

"I'm sorry then..."

He used the last bit of strength in his body to raise his head slightly, revealing a bloody smile full of malice.

At the same time, the almost numb broken hand was quietly adjusting the shape of the kunai.

Uchiha Yanhuo coughed blood and said loudly:

"Because of my eyes, you can only get one!"

[You two, you have to escape for me! 】

As he spoke, he slammed his head—his left eye to be precise—against the nearby kunai. The force was so strong that the kunai penetrated from the back of his head, causing blood to fall everywhere. splash. The masked man did not use virtualization and allowed the hot blood to stain his clothes.

At this point, Uchiha Flame stopped breathing forever.

At this time, it was only three days since he became a jounin.

"I knew you would do this..."

The masked man shook his head helplessly.

"The reason why I allow you to do this is because I only need one Sharingan for the time being."

After saying that, he pressed Yan Huo's body and sucked it into the vortex around his right eye.

"Next, it's time to complete the deal."

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