March 2, Konoha.

Although spring has arrived, the sky is as gloomy as a crow's wings, the icy rain is falling like grains of rice, and the dense sound of ticking is continuous, but there is no pattern at all, which is enough to destroy anyone's good mood.

Hundreds of Uchiha tribesmen dressed in black stood expressionlessly in the cemetery of Konoha, saying their final farewells to Uchiha Enhuo and Uchiha Fumi.

This is the result of the negotiation between the village and Uchiha. Since Yanhuo and Wen were killed by foreign enemies while performing tasks in the village, they should enter the village cemetery to rest in peace as Konoha ninjas.

In order to stabilize the newly eased relationship between the two parties, Uchiha Fugaku and the clan's jounin agreed to this proposal.

Currently here, in addition to the same clan, there are also jounin who passed the jounin examination with Yan Huo.

Although they were not familiar with Yan Huo, as "fellow students" and attending the funeral out of customary etiquette, the Uchiha tribe did not embarrass them.

At the outermost edge of the crowd, Giyuu and Sasuke were standing there holding the same umbrella.

Sasuke was still angry with Giyu and kept moving out dissatisfied. Giyu kept tilting the umbrella towards Sasuke's side, causing his shoulders to get wet from the rain.

Seeing that Sasuke still wanted to "clear distance" from Giyu because of yesterday's incident, Uchiha Mikoto behind him held Sasuke's shoulders.

"Sasuke, don't get into trouble on this occasion."

Mikoto's voice was low, but her tone was irrefutable.

Sasuke immediately realized his mistake and could only stand where he was. From the corner of his eye, he looked at Giyuu's expression and found that the latter's attention was not on him at all, but was quietly looking at Wen's parents who looked sad. .

His lips obviously didn't use much force, but they still squeezed into a sharp thin line.

Wen's mother was not a ninja and could only stand with the help of others.

Although Zhisui found Yan Huo's body, Wen didn't even leave a single relic. The blow to his mother can be imagined. When he was buried, his family only used his photo and his childhood belongings as an urn and buried them in the memorial monument.

Yiyong's left hand unconsciously touched his lower back.

The kunai that Wen used to practice was tied horizontally to Giyuu's belt, just to remind him that the real murderer has not yet been caught.

As if aware of the change in temperature around Giyu, Sasuke hesitated for a while, then reluctantly came over, putting his arms close to Giyu, but said nothing. Mikoto's eyes flashed with relief, and she gently ruffled Sasuke's hair.

At this time, there was a small commotion in the crowd.

The clansmen moved out of the way, and it turned out that the Third Hokage and another old man wearing glasses were walking away. Behind the two were several jonin, one of whom was Kakashi.

"Mom, who is that old man with glasses?"

Before Giyuu could speak, the curious Sasuke took one step ahead of him and asked this crucial question.

"That's the advisory elder in the village..."

When Yiyong heard this, his facial features suddenly became sharp, but he relaxed because of the second half of his mother's words.

"Mitomon Yan. He presided over Yan Huo's examination to become a Jonin, so he should come to attend the funeral."

【Not that person. 】

Yiyong was a little disappointed, but not surprised.

Shisui said before leaving that the advisor they suspected, Danzo Shimura, rarely appeared in public.

"Who is that guy wearing his forehead protector at an angle? He looks listless."

Sasuke stared at the white-haired man and continued to ask.

"That's Kakashi."

Mikoto said, "Don't look at him as a fool, but he became a Jonin when he was twelve years old. You can't judge a book by its cover, Sasuke."

"Kakashi, I feel like I've heard this name somewhere."

Sasuke scratched his chin and thought for a while.

"Mom has mentioned before that there was once a child in the clan who entrusted his Sharingan to him before he died."

Sasuke remembered what his mother had said the day he almost injured Itachi.

However, Sasuke felt a little unhappy when he thought about the eyes of his own people on outsiders, but he still asked: "Mom, can outsiders also evolve the Sharingan?"

He just opened his eyes yesterday, so he is very interested in all knowledge about Sharingan.


Mikoto nodded, "Kakashi's Sharingan evolved from the second magatama to the third magatama, and it only took less than a year, which is shorter than the time taken by many tribesmen."

"Hmph, I will definitely not be worse than him anyway!"

After listening to the conversation between the two, Yiyong saw Uchiha Yanhuo's corpse in his eyes for no reason.

According to Shisui's judgment, those three magatama sharingan eyes were probably the real reason why Enhuo was attacked.

[But, can outsiders really integrate perfectly with the Sharingan? 】

He cast his gaze at Kakashi from a distance, concentrated slightly, and then frowned in shock.

Yiyong did not expect——

Kakashi's eyes, like Shisui and his father, have exclusive and unique pupil power.

Shisui's pupil power is green, his father's is black, and Kakashi's left eye pupil power is sky blue, but it is a little darker than the first two, indicating that the pupil power is not much. But this does exceed the vast majority of people in the clan.

(Kakashi opened the kaleidoscope at the same time as Obito when he killed Lin.)

[That is the Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

Giyuu didn't forget what Shisui said after he opened his eyes. This kind of Sharingan is the result of the further evolution of the three magatama, but it is unexpected that it can be seen by outsiders.

But immediately, Yiyong thought of another thing - before Yan Huo died, someone had unlocked the illusion that Shisui had covered his mind.

According to Shisui, the conditions for unlocking his genjutsu are very stringent. Either he must be proficient in the sealing technique or the Yin-Yang Escape Technique, or his eye power must be equal to his.

If it were an ordinary three-magatama, it would be necessary to press Uchiha Enhuo's head and open his eyelids to look at each other for ten minutes. However, judging from the testimony of Cui and Gan at the scene, this possibility is very slim.

[Is it related to this person named Kakashi? 】

Giyuu plans to write a letter to Shisui through the crow to see if he has excluded Kakashi when he eliminates the suspicion of ninjas in the village, and then make the next plan.

During this time, he wanted to get to know everything about this person.

Half an hour later, the funeral ended, and most of the clan members gathered around Uchiha Fumi's parents and returned to the clan. As the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku had to give a speech at the shrine after returning, so they left together.

Uchiha Mikoto was about to take away the two children when she saw Giyu leave the shelter of the umbrella and walk towards the other two figures stopped in front of the commemorative monument.

One of them had his legs in plaster and was using two crutches to support his weight. The other one has a ring around his neck, which is also difficult to move.

These two people were Cui and Gan who ran away from Konoha Hospital despite the doctor's dissuasion.

Palm magic can quickly heal the skin and flesh, but it does not help the healing of the bones. According to the doctor's judgment, the two people are still far away from full recovery.

After Yiyong walked up to them, Cui and Gan just nodded with red eyes and said nothing.

But Yiyong spoke first for the first time.

"The technique that washes you away is called the Earthly River."

The two of them turned their heads and stared at Yiyong blankly, wondering why he mentioned this.

"That's not a jutsu released by the enemy, but done by Uchiha Flame."

The muffled thunder of spring exploded above the heads of the three of them, and the lightning illuminated Cui and Gan's already bloodless faces pale.

"Don't ask yourself such meaningless questions as, 'Why didn't I die?'"

Based on his personal experience in Fujisei Mountain, Yiyong said a sentence that touched the hearts of the two of them.

"Because letting you live is Uchiha Fire's last wish."

This sentence was like a switch, completely replacing the guilt inside the two of them with sadness, and the tears they had held back all morning flowed out like a flood that burst a dam.

After Yiyong said what he wanted to say, he turned around and left.

Under Sasuke's blank gaze, he took the umbrella and planned to leave, but the voice behind him chased him.


The mother and son stood down. Sasuke and Mikoto turned around. Gan, who could still move his legs, had already knelt down in the rain.

"Thank you for avenging them!"

Yiyong didn't look back, and continued walking forward numbly. The rain around him seemed to sense his mood, and it fell harder than before.

In the Kingdom of Sichuan, outside the inn in Heli Town.

The six children looked at Purgatory Anjuro with their eyes full of reluctance, but no one said anything to persuade him to stay.

"Just send it here!"

Xingshoulang also did not feel sad about parting, but said with full energy: "I have discussed it with the mayor this morning, and he promised me that he will assign the postman's work in the town to you! If you don't have a goal for the time being, just Work to support yourself while constantly trying new things, and you will always find what you really like to do! ”

Now that the children are out of danger and have been inspired to survive, there is no need for Anjuro to stay here.

If he stays too long, these children will become dependent and will not know how to live without him. This is not the result he wants.

"Brother Xingshoulang, will you come back to see us?"

one of the little girls asked, blinking.

"Yes, but not too soon!"

Anjuro's answer was very simple, "But I will always miss you!"

The children exchanged glances with each other, and it was unclear whether they were happy or sad.

Although they wanted to see this reliable figure and hear that loud voice every day, they also understood that Anjuro had done enough for them.

Apart from living up to Anjuro's expectations and living strong, they have no other way to repay each other for the time being.

"Before I leave, I have a special gift for you!"

Xingjuro smiled mysteriously and took out six things with lanyards tied to them from his pocket that looked like shriveled mushrooms.

" this?"

He delivered these things to the six people one by one, but the children were confused. They didn't know what they were holding in their hands.

Even Shizune and Tsunade on the side looked at it for a long time before they saw the true face of that thing.

"Can't you recognize it? That doesn't matter. You've never seen it with your own eyes anyway."

Anjuro announced the answer, "This is the poison sac of the Sanshou fish that those people implanted into your body. This is what it looks like after it is dried."

Two children's faces immediately turned pale, and the dry bags in their hands fell to the ground with a thud.

Among the remaining children, only the oldest Anjiro was thoughtful, and seemed to understand the purpose of Anjiro giving them this thing.

"Don't worry, there is no poison inside! Even if it is worn close to the body, it is still safe!"

Xingjulang patted his chest and promised, "The reason why I give this to you is because I want you to always remember what you have defeated!"

"But... but this was removed by Miss Shizune for us, how come we defeated it?"

One child asked, eyes full of confusion.

"No, you can persist in surviving until the operation. This is your victory in itself! If you have died before the operation, what can the doctor, no matter how skilled he is, do?"

Xingshoulang clenched his fists and said loudly: "Don't feel that you lack strength and are useless just because you have received help from others. It is your body's survival instinct that has helped you survive until now!

"Maybe your life will be smooth sailing in the future, or it may be full of difficulties! But whenever you can't hold on, just take a look at it, and you will remember that you have defeated more dangerous things. Don't stop just because of a temporary setback. pace!"

After saying this, the children's faces quickly turned red again. Anjuro nodded with great satisfaction, then turned to Shizune: "Miss Shizune, let's go!"

Shizune looked at Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, during my absence..."

Anjuro also cast his expectant gaze over, making Tsunade upset.

"I know, I know!"

Tsunade slapped her hands in disgust, "Unless I see an old acquaintance, I will never drink again!"

Shizune smiled contentedly, immediately feeling relieved.

"By the way Shizune, remember to pass my words to the old man intact, and spit out all my things, otherwise I will publicize his unique little hobbies and make everyone in the ninja world know it. ”

A drop of cold sweat ran down Shizune's forehead, "I'll try my best to fulfill my mission."

[To paraphrase it unchanged, can I still walk out of the Hokage's office alive? 】

Anjurou and Shizune turned around and left. At their speed, walking was faster than riding a carriage, and they could reach Konoha by tomorrow night at most.

But just after walking more than ten meters, Anjiro's voice came again.

"Xingjuro, go on!"

When the wind blew, Anjuro turned around to take it. A closer look revealed that it was the black sansho fish poison sac that Shizune had taken out from Yasujiro's belly.

"I don't need this thing, and I will remember what you said!"

From a distance of more than ten meters, Yasujiro shouted loudly: "I already know what I want to do!"


Anjiro immediately put the thing on his neck, "What is it? Can you tell me? Anjiro!"


Yasujiro summoned up enough energy this time and shouted loudly like a declaration: "I want to become the same person as Anjiro!"

All eyes were on him.

"Although I can't be like you now, after you leave, I will definitely take good care of and protect everyone! And this aunt with yellow hair who likes to pretend to be young, I will watch her and not let her drink! Please feel free to leave! I know there are more people in other places who need your help!”

"Hey, you brat, who do you think is the aunt?"

Tsunade's grumpy voice disrupted the formation.

But Anjuro was not affected.

"Then I'll wait and see, Anjiro! And everyone! We'll see you in the future!"


I wrote too much in one day and I can't think of the plot for tomorrow. I suggest you save ten chapters and read them together...

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