I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter 86 Entrustment

"What do you mean by sending you to die?"

Separated by a distance of six or seven meters, Yiyong and Taketori stood opposite each other. They slowly adjusted their breathing method to the more powerful moon breath. Their bodies became a little illusory and dark in the thunderstorm, like a person who might disappear at any time. ghost.

The opponent's body defense was the only one that Yiyong had ever seen in his life, and that layer of periosteum was able to withstand the constant cutting of the water wheel without being damaged.

When using only physical skills, the water breathing sword type, which is more defensive, may not be able to break through the defense except for the Ten Types: Life and Flow.

These are all easy to say.

But Yiyong didn't understand the meaning of his words. Wasn't he just looking for someone? If they don't meet themselves, they won't necessarily die, right? Why do you say you are here to die?

“This kind of thing started six or seven years ago.

"Any Kirigakure ninja who comes from a big family and has the bloodline limit will definitely die as long as he leaves the Kingdom of Water to perform a mission. There are no exceptions. The reports say it was an accidental sacrifice, but we all understand what happened... "

Under the constant flashing thunder in the distance, Zhutori Chamochi's eyes were burning with dark flames, like two sharp dying stars, eager to complete the last explosion and collapse.

While talking to Yiyong, he calmly allowed the bones in his arms to proliferate, tearing apart the tendons and skin on both shoulders, and pulled out two smooth and sharp bone daggers.

"Our Mizukage-sama used this method to eliminate the elites and geniuses of the Blood Successor Family bit by bit, and then he firmly controlled Kirigakure Village in his own hands."

Having said this, Taketori Karmochi showed a sarcastic smile.

"Otherwise, how could the Mizukage, who has not appeared in public for six or seven years and only relied on close ANBU to deliver orders, maintain his rule.

"It's just a pretense for us to find someone this time, asking us to bloodbath this village, so that he can use the power of Tang Ninja to eliminate us, the thorn in his side, which is his real purpose."

A hint of gloom appeared on Yiyong's face, and he repeated in a cold tone: "A bloodbath in this village?"

He reacted immediately, with a hint of urging in his tone: "There are more than five of you?"

This is a resort opened for ninjas from all over the world. How could the five people just do it with bloodbaths and so on, which is the level of ordinary ANBU in Konoha?

Taketori Kamochi was about to answer, but he stopped abruptly and showed a provocative smile like a beast.

"If you want me to answer more questions, let me see if your knife is sharp enough first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he swooped down in front of Yiyong. The bone knives he swung across were swift and fierce, like two white phantoms. They collided with the samurai swords that Yiyong was approaching one after another, wiping out one violent bullet after another. The sparks tinkled continuously, as intense and intense as a battle song played by a pipa.

Taketori Chamochi's legs were not idle either. Taking advantage of the gap between the two soldiers above him, he found the opportunity to raise his knees towards Giyuu's abdomen——

Normally, he wouldn't be able to hit him, but a sharp bone spur suddenly shot out from his knee like a bamboo shoot, immediately filling the gap.

Yiyong floated to the side like a ghost, sheathed the sword on her left waist and lowered her knees. While dodging the pursuit, she finished charging up and made a fierce horizontal slash, like a swinging dragon's tail. Bamboo takes the chariot's waist.

"Breath of the Moon·Eight Forms·Moon Dragon Chakra Tail!"

A gust of cold wind pressure rushed towards Taketori Chamochi, causing him to tremble for a moment. Seeing the terrifying blows and huge force brought by the blade, he forcibly opened his double-sword-Gunko. A periosteum that won't hurt even if it's hit hard.

Bamboo's heavy body was blown away like a cannonball being discharged from the entrance of the hall. After hitting the ground, he rolled several times. He found the right moment to insert the two bone knives into the ground and slid for a while before stopping. of inertia.

"You almost cut open my kidney,"

Zhutori Chemochi licked his lips and stood up. Not only was he not afraid, but he smiled with satisfaction.

"If we only consider physical skills, your sword skills are better than Gui Deng Man Yue, and my weapons can't reach you at all. If he sees you, he will have no shame in claiming to be a swordsman genius."

"I don't know who you're talking about."

Yiyong could see that the injury only made the opponent more excited, and every muscle in his body was craving for a more intense battle.

This obsession with wild fighting reminded him of the third one on the string, Yiwozao, the ghost that once killed Infernal Anjurou.

"Answer my question first. What do you mean by bloodbathing this village? How many of you are here?"

Yiyong was worried that he would accidentally kill the opponent in advance and would not be able to get out the information, so he used the unfamiliar breath of the moon instead of the stronger breath of fire. In order to avoid escalating the battle later and making it easier to miss, he had better ask for clarification as soon as possible.

Taketori Chamochi didn't hesitate and immediately answered Giyuu's doubts.

"A total of twelve people came this time. The five of us were responsible for finding a white-haired, sharp-toothed kid, and assassinating the guests in the hotel as much as possible; the other six were responsible for spreading mist around the village. When the thunder guy over there sends a signal, we will unite with the traitors who believe in the Evil God Cult in Tang Ninja Village and start a killing spree."

"It's thundering already."

Yiyong's face turned a little pale and he looked towards the hazy tower in the distance.

"It's not the current kind of thunder, it's a red special signal. You will see it once it lights up. However, this plan is doomed to fail. Yu Ninja is very familiar with the Kirigakure Jutsu and will definitely be vigilant. Besides, we will stay all the way. With so many corpses, they should have been prepared."

Yiyong felt a little more relieved.

But he still separated seven shadow clones and went to various locations to look for possible enemies.

Zhutetchakichi just pretended not to see him and had no intention of stopping him.

"So, isn't this a very immature battle plan? They sent twelve people to destroy a village where ninjas from all over the world gathered. Those guys really thought they could do it, but not all of them died. Now. I also want to have a happy fight and die in your hands, but I don’t want to die under those unappetizing ninjutsu..."

Yiyong frowned and asked, "Since you know it's a death mission, why don't you refuse?"

As if he was confused by the question, Taketori was silent for a while and then said: "Although I don't know where you come from, there is a high probability that you are from the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder. In your Ninja Village, of course you can do it yourself Choose a mission, but the ninjas of Kirigakure are not qualified to choose. Rejecting Mizukage's mission is rebellion. Not only will I die, but our Taketori clan will also be implicated for the same reason. The Oniden clan is the reason for this. Destroyed. My people are not ready yet, so I have to come and buy time for them."

It was obviously a serious topic related to life and death, but he smiled heartily.

"I have never had a choice since I was born. Now I want to choose my own way to die, and you are willing to fulfill my wish, so I will tell you all this. I wonder if you are satisfied? If other people in the Ninja Village know Now that Kirigakure is so virtuous, he would probably laugh even in his dreams."

"Nothing funny."

Jiyong's seriousness made Taketori Chemochi restrain his lips.

"I just feel sad."

After hearing this, Taketori Karchichi was slightly stunned.

If before, Giyuu had doubts about the Mizukage's persecution of common people and the implicated village, thinking that it was Itachi's exaggeration; but now that he heard the Kiri-nin's account of the Mizukage's persecution of the ninjas in the village, he no longer had any doubts. .

Is it really possible for one person to strengthen his rule by weakening the village and persecuting his subordinates?

Out of a sense of justice, Giyuu could not forgive the boy in front of him, who was only one or two years older than Itachi, for what he had done to the inn owner and his son. But he sympathized with the idea that someone could be born in such a village.

If this problem is not solved at the root, there will be more and more children like Taketori Karmochi who have no mercy for life - whether for themselves or others - and they will turn from victims into new perpetrators.

No matter what, it is urgent to land in the Kingdom of Water and find this fourth generation Mizukage.

"Okay, let's move on to the next stage."

Seemingly touched by Giyuu's "sadness" statement, Taketori Karakichi didn't want to continue talking.

"I have one more question."

Yiyong asked directly before he could refuse.

"Since you can recover from your injuries, where did the wounds on your body come from? Are there any such characters in Kirigakure Village?"

What Yiyong said was correct. Naturally, the opponent took out the bone sword, but now there was no visible injury to his shoulder. In addition, Taketori Kamochi's side waist, which was cut open just now, has also recovered to some extent in the clear field of vision.

If Kirigakure Village could still leave scars on such people, he must know about it.

"I didn't expect you to care about this."

Taketoshi was a little surprised, but he patiently explained.

"The blood line of our Zhutori clan is called the Corpse Vein. You have seen its effect, so I won't go into details.

"But except for a few exceptions, this blood inheritance limit is not present at birth. It must be repeatedly broken by the bones to activate it, so we must prepare from an early age."

When Yiyong heard this, he already had a bad premonition.

He recalled the occasional incident in the tribe where parents would kill their children's pets to open their eyes.

Because of Ninja's protest, this kind of thing is officially prohibited. After all, the success rate is very low, and it will also affect the parent-child relationship. For example, the reason why the relationship between mother and grandparents is very stiff is because similar things happened in the past. .

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However, there are always some tribesmen who hope that their children (females) will become dragons. They have a luck mentality and leave a shadow of "life-long benefits" to their children.

Sure enough, Taketori Kamochi's description is very similar to this kind of behavior, and it is even more cruel than it is.

"In order to increase the chance of the appearance of corpse veins, those children with insufficient congenital characteristics will be thrown directly off the cliff to death. The strong ones will be snatched from their mothers' arms after the age of two and live a life of collective training. The so-called training means mutual training. Beat each other, break each other's bones, and then use medicine to recover; then continue to beat, and continue to recover, until your body's desperate desire to repair the broken bones triggers bleeding."

As he spoke, he suddenly gave a weird smile.

"There has always been a saying in Kirigakure that we, the Taketori clan, are all mentally retarded by lunatics. This may be because most of the clan members awakened the corpse veins at an emergency because their skulls were fractured and their lives were in danger. So look at it this way , It’s not an insult to say that we are crazy and mentally retarded. How can we be smart when we grow up if we have been beaten on the head by our tribe since we were young?”

Zhu Tie Che Chi did not forget to emphasize one sentence.

"Of course, I don't belong to this case. That's why I was chosen by Kirigakure Village to be called a ninja, because at least I can still communicate with people."

He was smiling, but Yiyong's heart was very heavy.

How can people who grow up in such an environment have respect for the lives of others?

"Although I can't see your expression, I can feel that your 'sadness' is not just words."

Taketori moved forward slowly, spreading his arms and moving his joints, obviously ready for battle.

"But if you want to be a good ninja, you shouldn't have sympathy."

He moved again, and Yiyong also reacted at the same time. When the opponent spun around like smoke that dispersed and reunited, he came to the back of Taketori Chamochi, raised his knife and struck directly at the opponent's spine!

But he didn't expect that the opponent's vertebrae would be the first to attack, tearing open the skin on his back like a whale surfacing, popping out like a thorny stick, and colliding with the blade. Later it was broken into several sections.

But don't think this is the end. Although these joints are scattered, each one of them automatically rotates at high speed as if consciously, throwing out thousands of sharp bone spurs the size of fingertips and the thickness of thousands of books. The speed is faster than Uchiha Shisui's throw. The shuriken comes out faster.

"Corpse Veins·Dance of Thorn Flowers!"

At such a close distance, such a fierce and dense covering blow would be extremely fatal to anyone!

Taketori Chamochi said that he wanted to be killed by Jiyu, but he never gave up the resistance from the beginning to the end.

However, any theoretically "unexpected" attack is within Yiyong's observation.

"Breath of the Moon·Nine Forms·Falling Moon Face!"

It was as if more than a dozen volunteers appeared at the same time, phantom-like, launching intricate and interactive continuous slashes towards the front. Invisible air waves drove back these extremely sharp bone spurs, leading them to counterattack Zhutejashi. , forcing the latter to fold his hands to protect his eyes as soon as he turned around.

But when the offensive paused and Taketori lowered his hands, and regained his sight, Yiyong had already taken advantage of this rare gap to slash at his neck.

Taketori Chamochi's eyes widened suddenly, as if he had made a decision in an instant, and his cheeks quickly sunk, but the periosteum of his neck suddenly grew weird relief-like fine lines, which looked more refined than before, and also More like real metal.

Hearing a loud "dang" sound, Yiyong's knife seemed to have struck an indestructible bell, and the force of the shock made him feel a little frightened.

At the same time, two rows of ribs came out of Taketori Chamochi's naked torso, and they fiercely surrounded Giyuu's body like teeth. However, Giyuu dodged him directly, and he was not caught.

"What a strong bone."

Yiyong held down the still trembling sword blade, and the roar that echoed in the air stopped.

If it were someone who wasn't familiar enough with the knife, this ancient weapon would have been almost completely scrapped with that blow just now.

"It's hard to risk your life, of course."

Taketori Karaki does look much thinner than before.

He used the blood inheritance limit to inject all the nutrients of the muscle tissue into the bones to strengthen their hardness, so he was not beheaded directly.

He touched the clear marks left by Yiyong on the periosteum, as if he remembered something worth remembering, and said with some emotion: "But even so, I still can't compare to him."

Yiyong: "Who can I not compare to?"

Taketori Karakichi: "Kimimaro is my descendant. He was born with white hair and has bones stronger than any other clan member. He is a genius among geniuses. I used to treat him as a younger brother, but since then After he was imprisoned by the clan, he was never seen again.”

"Since he is a genius, why should he be locked up?"

The righteous bravery of the ninjas from the Land of Water is hard to understand.

"If the village knows that such a genius exists, the Taketori clan will only perish faster. Besides, most of the clansmen are not smart and want to use him as a secret weapon against the Mizukage..."

Taketori coughed twice. The price he paid just now to avoid being killed by a knife was a bit too high.

"Although my bones are harder, they are also heavier. Now my muscle strength has been lost, and my physical fitness is far inferior to before. I couldn't beat you in the first place, and now I have no hope."

He spoke so bluntly that Yiyong frowned.

"Can I ask you, why are you so interested in Kirigakure Village? Is it a ninja mission?"

Taketori Karmochi's eyes also lost their previous luster, but some curiosity remained.

Giyu said indifferently: "I wasn't sure before, but I'm probably going to kill the Fourth Mizukage."

After hearing this, Zhutori Chechichi coughed more violently, and asked intermittently: "Let him live and continue to destroy... this village, will it be more beneficial to other villages, right?"

"I'm not a ninja. I never will be."

Giyuu said firmly: "I went to kill the Fourth Mizukage because I don't want to see people like you who have no choice anymore. I don't want to see any residents of any village or country being killed and killed for the purpose of excluding dissenters." use."

Taketori Kamochi suddenly raised his head, and then smiled miserably: "You must be a person who came down from the moon, right? You just say some nonsense that people can't understand, and you do some superfluous things..."

"It's not nonsense. It's just that you can't understand it based on your experience."

Yiyong shook his head and raised the knife in his hand, "But I really hope you can understand what I mean, and I also hope that the place where you grew up is a different place. But now, I can't risk letting a dangerous person like you Live."

Zhutetchashi walked to the edge of the landscape stones in the yard and sat down slowly and feebly.

"Can you wait a moment?"

He suddenly asked, "There's one last thing I want to do."

"Five of the other six people you mentioned who were causing heavy fog everywhere have been subdued by my clones."

Yiyong shook his head, "There is no need to delay."

"I'm not... stalling for them."

Taketori Chamochi's voice became even more decayed, his hair became visibly pale, and his already thin face became even more sunken. In just a few seconds, it became skinny and bones, just like a wooden body with hair. Nai Yin.

"What are you doing?"

Jiyong could see clearly that Taketori Karchi gathered all the chakra and nutrients in his body on his arm, made a special bone and squeezed it out of the body, but this time the wound showed no intention of recovering.

"If you really have to go to Kirigakure Village, you can..."

Seeing that it was difficult for him to even speak, Yiyong hesitated for a moment, then walked over to Taketori Karaki and squatted down.

"you say."

A mummy-like smile hung on Taketori Karmochi's face, his voice was very low, but he could finally make it coherent.

"Since you are going to Kirigakure Village, can you help me give this bone to Kimimaro?

"The patterns on this are the unique bone inscriptions of our Taketori clan. Show it to him and he will understand. You can only make one bone like this in a lifetime. Everything I want to say to him is on this. Please. He forgives me for not visiting him even once in the past five or six years..."

A tear slipped from his wrinkled cheek.

"When you think that you are going to die, but you still hope that someone can remember me, you must feel... very sad, ahem."

Yiyong took the piece of bone that was as warm and delicate as jade, put the bamboo holder flat on the ground, and said softly: "There is nothing to be sad about."

"I now believe that you are not a ninja. Although you have a cold face, you are too gentle."

Zhutori closed his eyes and said, "Now, I have finished speaking. Do what you didn't do just now... My neck has no bone protection."

Yiyong shook his head: "You have two minutes before you die."

"I know."

Taketori Chemochi raised his withered arm and grabbed the hem of Yiyong's clothes.

"The monk from the Water Kingdom temple that I killed...he told me that only when a person dies with his body intact can he be reincarnated and continue to be a human being in the next life...but I don't want to be reborn in this world."

Yiyong was stunned.

"Besides, it is the honor of the Taketori clan to be killed by a recognized opponent. I..."

"Stop talking, I will cut off one of your fingers and kill you."

"This... seems to work."

The light of the sword passed across his throat, and Taketori Karmochi finally spat out the last few syllables, "Thank you."

Then there was no more interest.

Kyuubi appeared on the roof at some point.

Seeing Yiyong slowly getting up, standing in a daze in a yard full of corpses, as if he had done something bad, he felt a bitterness in his heart for no reason.

Suddenly, Yiyong turned his head violently and looked at the tower where the lightning and thunder were. A red thunder penetrated the thick fog with fierce light, dyeing the sky of the village red.

He didn't expect that even though there were only the last two people left, the other party still sent out a signal.

"Kyuubi, let's go over there."

Giyuu came to the roof, put the Kyuubi on top of his head, and ran quickly in the direction of the thunder and lightning.

There might be some Tang ninja taking the opportunity to rebel, so he had already informed several Tang ninja captains.

Now he only hopes that the last two remaining Kirigakure ninjas can be as easy to deal with as the previous ones.

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