“Mathematics and comprehensive science are a father’s, my mathematics is good, and the comprehensive is naturally not different.”

Wang Yi’s words were simple and rude, but easy to understand, and everyone could deeply understand what he wanted to express.

“Then can I test you for a comprehensive question?”

Gao Junqin’s excited breathing increased.


Gao Junqin picked up Zhang Qianqian’s test paper and casually found a comprehensive question: “This should be a biological choice question, and the question stem is: the following description of human genetic diseases, what is wrong.”

There are four options, namely: A. single gene mutations can lead to genetic diseases; B. changes in chromosome structure can lead to genetic diseases; C. inbreeding can increase the risk of recessive genetic diseases, and D. environmental factors have no effect on the incidence of polygenic genetic diseases. ”

When Wang Yi heard this question, he felt very speechless: “Teacher Gao, please, is it a little good when choosing a topic?” Don’t be so casual. Where is this comprehensive question, this is clearly a language question, all reading comprehension level is generally selected well, D option is too absolute, just look at this option to know that it is wrong, this kind of question does not need to look at the question at all. ”

Gao Junqin’s old face was red when she was said, although she could also infer that the D option was wrong, but in order to be accurate, she still took Zhu Ganglie’s test paper to correct the answer and did choose D.

This question is indeed asking no level, arousing Gao Junqin’s competitive spirit, must ask a level question to stump Wang Yi, or how can this class teacher serve the public?

Gao Junqin picked up Zhang Qianqian’s comprehensive test paper again and found a physics multiple-choice question that she found difficult: “Two identical metal balls, with a different charge, the ratio of the absolute value of the charge is 1:7, the distance r is r, and after they are contacted, they are put back to their original position, then how much of the interaction force between them will become the original?” ”

This time, Gao Junqin played a trick and did not give Wang Yinian the option, so that Wang Yi could do the multiple-choice question as a fill-in-the-blank question.

Covering the answer to do a multiple-choice question, the difficulty is not known how many times increased.

And this is still a multiple-choice question, covering the options to do a multiple-choice question, which makes the difficulty geometrically doubled.

“This question is not rigorous.”

I thought that Wang Yi would blurt out the answer, but I didn’t expect Wang Yi to actually say this, could it be that Wang Yi couldn’t do it and deliberately found an excuse to shirk?

“What’s not rigorous?”

“These two balls should be regarded as point charges, and if they have radii, this problem cannot be done.”

Wang Yi pointed out the problem.

Gao Junqin was embarrassed at once: “I’m sorry, there are indeed parenthetical tips in the question, these two balls are point charges, I thought it was not important, so I didn’t say it!” ”

Gao Junqin teaches Chinese, how can he understand the rigor of physics.

“This is simple, the interaction force size becomes the original 7 molecules9.”

Wang Yi came out of the result in seconds.

“Are you sure?”

Gao Junqin raised his eyebrows.


“Sorry, you’re wrong!”

Gao Junqin showed a victorious attitude.


Wang Yi is full of confidence in his answer.

“What I just asked you is a multiple-choice question, there are at least two answers, you only answered one of them correctly, and you are still one answer short!”

Gao Junqin smiled proudly, but in order not to hit Wang Yi, he added: “Little friend, you are already very good, at least answer one option correctly.” ”

“Who said there are two answers to this question?”

“It’s a multiple-choice question, can it still be an answer?”

“That’s definitely the wrong place.”

Wang Yi does not think that he is at fault, and if there is a mistake, it must be the fault of the person who made the question.

Gao Junqin also thought that Wang Yi was blindly confident, and smiled helplessly.

“Teacher Gao, the physics teacher said that he accidentally made a mistake in this question, and the single-choice question was put in the multiple-choice question, and we are not blamed for the mistake, these 6 points have to be made up for me!”

Zhang Qianqian Nono’s added.

“And me!”

“And me!”

“And me!”

Several students raised their hands and all fell short on this question.

Gao Junqin was stunned.

Embarrassment, capital embarrassment hung on her face.

Originally, Gao Junqin wanted to tease Wang Yi, a child, but was amused by Wang Yi.

Embarrassment is embarrassment, but Gao Junqin is still particularly excited, there is only one correct answer to the pit daddy multiple-choice question, after being covered by the option, the pit daddy can no longer pit daddy, Wang Yi actually did it right.

What does this mean? It shows that Wang Yi is a prodigy.

It’s not my fault that I did wrong, it’s the fault of the question, how arrogant and domineering this is!

“Little friend, how did you decide that there is only one answer to this question?”

“It’s not easy? There is no ambiguity in this question, there is no second possibility, and there is only one option 100%. ”

“What are the techniques for doing this kind of problem?”

Zhang Qianqian was particularly interested in Wang Yi’s ingenious question-making skills.

“If it’s a fill-in-the-blank question, it requires some calculation, but if it’s a multiple-choice question, it’s a second-by-second answer.”

“How did you come up with the answer in seconds?”

Everyone was very curious, even those parents who had said goodbye to school for decades.

“After two charges collide, the charge must be the same; When the same value appears, the first thing everyone should consider should be the square, what are these four options, come and tell me. ”

“Option A is 4 out of 7, B is 3 out of 7, C is 9 out of 7, and D is 16 out of 7.”

Gao Junqin came out the four options one by one.

“Isn’t it obvious that 9 is the square of 3 and 16 is the square of 4? The answer is chosen between C and D. ”

“4 is also the square of 2?”

Zhang Qianqian raised her hand, and Nonuo asked.

“Do you want to use your brains for questions? Although 4 is the square of 2, where is 2 reflected in the stem and options? If there is no 2, you have to make a 2, are you two? ”

Wang Yi criticized Zhang Qianqian like a strict teacher, but Zhang Qianqian was not annoyed at all, but enjoyed it very much.

The feeling of being criticized by Wang Yi is not only very interesting, but also to learn knowledge, which is much more cost-effective than asking for a tutor.

“Uncle, although we screened out C and D, why did you choose C instead of D?”

Zhang Qianqian asked with a grin.

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