The fact that Chuanwu was so attacked by online trolls stemmed from a video of Yan Fang circulating on the Internet ten years ago.

In the video, Yan Fang showed many extremely superb internal strength skills such as hitting bulls and volleying across the mountain.

The content shown in the video is extremely exaggerated and has caused a huge sensation in society.

But at this time, it has not been characterized as a deceptive performance, and the public is talking about whether Yan Fang’s kung fu is true or false.

At this time, a bad media took the opportunity to interview Yan Fang.

Yan Fang thought that the media could prove it for himself, so he gladly accepted.

Yan Fangyou’s real kung fu is certainly willing to be accepted, and if it is those liar masters, they will definitely refuse to be interviewed on the cusp of this storm.

However, this media was very bad, and deliberately sent two strong guys who had practiced to interview Yan Fang, and there were stumbling blocks everywhere in the process of interviewing.

Here it is very confusing, usually go out to interview little girls, and when they meet Yan Fang, they become strong men.

Especially at the end of the interview, the strong reporter pushed with Yan Fang’s apprentice, and the reporter in the early stage was always hanged, and the reporter behind just played a trick and fell down Yan Fang’s apprentice.

After the interview, the media asked Yan Fang for money and gave hundreds of thousands to make Yan Fang a master.

If you don’t give money, Yan Fang will be ruined.

At that time, Yan Fang had just caught fire in the martial arts, and although there were many apprentices, he really had no money.

The masters of martial arts are very poor, and the rich have spent all day and drink, where is the mind to practice martial arts?

Because there was no money, Yan Fang would never give money, so the media maliciously attacked Yan Fang and reported the most unfavorable content for Yan Fang in the interview, but Yan Fang’s real kung fu was not reported at all.

Especially in the final pusher exchange, Yan Fang’s apprentice obviously kept beating the strong man reporter the whole time, but the strong man reporter played a trick and fell Yan Fang’s apprentice.

In the report released by the media, the picture of the strong man reporter being hung and beaten was not added at all, but the video of the strong man reporter playing a trick and falling down Yan Fang’s apprentice was reported at the end.

This kind of reporting method is too bad and too shameful.

Yan Fang was sadly knocked down by the media in this way.

This was the beginning of the tragedy of Chuanwu.

Yan Fang is a real kung fu, but it looks very fake.

This is because the inner strength is trained by tendons.

The manifestation of tendons is jumping.

Beginners are sent by masters and will naturally jump.

Jumping too much will form a conditioned reflex.

The next time I see a master, I’ll jump out in fear.

The greater the difference in power between the two, the more obvious this jump will be.

It’s like a person who often electrocutes you with an electric rod and turns you into a conditioned reflex.

When that person pokes you with an electric baton, you will dance in fright even when there is no electricity.

This is the principle of Yan Fang’s video.

What seems to be a very absurd and irrational phenomenon can be explained by normal and reasonable logic.

It’s just that ordinary people have not experienced it and are too lazy to think about it.

Yan Fang has real kung fu, she was defeated, and the martial arts people should strongly support her.

But the master is wandering, and the liar is in the temple.

Those who have the right to speak in martial arts have no real kung fu.

Yan Fang’s tentacle of Tai Chi inner strength, they did not practice.

How can a fake master without kung fu support a real master with kung fu?

Isn’t it Lu Stuffing to support the true master himself?

And this is also a good opportunity to crack down on dissidents and highlight themselves.

So those false masters who were in the hall began to violently attack Yan Fang, attacking the real Tai Chi inner strength.

Under the attack of these false masters, the real kung fu of Tai Chi became fake kung fu, and the fake kung fu became real kung fu.

On the current network, when you see Tai Chi, you will spray whenever you jump.

Now there is an extremely distorted phenomenon in the martial arts world, especially the Taiji world.

There is no real kung fu in Tai Chi.

The legendary inner strength of Tai Chi was all denied by the false master in the hall.

But the fake masters of Tai Chi brag that Tai Chi has the inner strength to kill people, and they have to come up with something to perform a deception.

So there are jack pendants, watermelon shooting, stomping feet, and even some juggling routines of crushing large stones on the chest.

There is a jack pendant, after the dantian and the tendons of the legs are connected, you can change the direction of the opponent’s force, so that the opponent can change the horizontal force into a vertical force without realizing it, the opponent seems to be pushing you horizontally, in fact, the direction of his power has been guided by you to vertical up or down, and the opponent can not push you even if he is desperate.

But the jack pendant is by no means the kind of deceptive technique that uses dozens of people to push you, no matter how many people line up to push you, as long as you get the first person to push you, all the force behind will be added to this person, you are not forced, pity this person is forced, this is a trick to deceive.

Shooting watermelon, passing martial arts to open the palm muscles, and luck in the palm, there is indeed penetration, just like the penetration power practiced by boxers hitting sandbags every day. But it’s definitely not an iron sand palm, and even some goods are not as good as iron sand palms, and even watermelons can’t be patted.

Stomp your foot, Chuanwu’s advanced footwork does have stomp, but it is by no means the kind of liar’s to see who is louder.

As for the crushed boulder in the chest, then it is pure juggling.

Later, the juggling routine did not work, and the fake master changed the way, claiming that he could actually fight.

Compared with the people who practice internal strength, the apprentices brought out by this gang are indeed stronger than the actual combat ability of those who practice internal strength.

Because people who practice internal strength have not yet practiced when they are young, and when they are trained, they will be old, and who in the old people still fights with them.

Moreover, out of internal strength, the mentality has changed, and generally will not fight with others.

Another point is that people who practice internal strength like to push hands and do not like actual combat.

The pusher can be pushed every day, and the actual battle can be fought every day.

So the fake master held high the banner of actual combat and completely suppressed the real kung fu.

It is not that Chuanwu Zhenkung Fu cannot be combated, but that Chuanwu no longer has the soil for actual combat.

If it is changed to a chaotic world, it is no longer illegal to kill people, and those who shout real combat every day will not dare to fight in real battle, because they will die.

The fake master suppressed the Tai Chi Zhen Kung Fu to death by holding up the actual battle, but it was bad for the modern fighting gang.

A false master is a fake, who makes a living by juggling.

Encountered the modern fighting gang of stunned goods, especially met Xu Xiaoxi, a hype Internet celebrity, the existing thunder was KO in 10 seconds, and then Xu Changhua was knocked out with one hand, and there was a lively field, and finally came out a horse baby who lied to himself.

At this point, Chuanwu has completely declined.

The reason for the decline is very simple, that is, the fake master personally destroyed the real kung fu, engaged in deceptive juggling, and was beaten by a group of stunned fat.

If real kung fu is still there, even if you can’t fight, it is still a culture.

You can’t play Go, isn’t it also a national essence?

Now the real kung fu has been half-dead by the fake master, and it is difficult to turn over in a short time, and the next road of Chuanwu is not hopeful for the time being.

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