I, Goldfinger

Chapter 084

“I’ve already called you senior brother, hurry up and give me the cake!” The little girl is fierce and cute.

“Here you go!” Lin Beifan immediately gave her the cake.

“Hmph!” The little girl took it arrogantly, and then picked up the spoon and quickly ate the cake, feeling the sweetness and silkiness of the cake, and her eyes were bent into a crescent, which was very good-looking.

Then, the cake, which was bigger than her head, was eaten in half after three times and five divided by two.

Only half of it remained, but I couldn’t hold back.

“Why don’t you eat it?” Lin Beifan asked.

“That’s all, I’ll save it for the evening!” The little girl was reluctant and carefully packed it.

“Eat, I still have it here!” Lin Beifan took out another piece of cake.

“Why do you still have it? Didn’t you say the last piece? The little girl exclaimed.

“Lie to you, as long as you call me Senior Brother again, this cake will be given to you!” And chocolate, lollipops, pulp pudding, ice cream…” Lin Beifan took out a bunch of things again.

The little girl’s eyes lit up and she opened her arms: “Senior brother, I want all of these!” ”

Next, Lin Beifan shared snacks with the little girl.

Although the little girl is young, she has a very good appetite, and the snacks that can make ordinary 3 or 4 adults eat full are eaten by her in the blink of an eye.

While eating, he also called “senior brother”, which was very sweet.

Lin Beifan was overwhelmed when he heard this, and took out a bunch of good things.

In the end, the little girl actually ate and fell asleep, looking very peaceful.

Lin Beifan picked her up and handed it to the Great Elder who came over: “Master, she’s asleep!” ”

The Great Elder hugged the little girl dotingly and said, “This is my daughter, her name is Li Ziyi, she looks very beautiful like his mother, and she should have grown up innocently.” But two hundred years ago, when my wife and I were traveling with her, we were attacked by a group of mysterious people. They were strong, and I couldn’t beat four punches with both hands. In the end, Aro died to protect me and Ziyi, and Ziyi was also seriously injured, and had already stepped into the ghost gate with half a foot…”

The Great Elder’s tone was flat, but Lin Beifan heard a thick sadness from it.

The person he loves the most died for him, and his daughter is half-dead, let him bear everything, who can understand?

This 200 years, I don’t know how to spend it!

“This situation almost drove me crazy! I don’t have Aro anymore, I can’t live without purple clothes! If I can’t save Ziyi, I’ll be ashamed of Aro below!” So I resigned my position as the Holy Son and went all out to save the purple clothes! ”

The Great Elder fell into memories: “Over the years, I have traveled all over the Great River, traveled all over the Great Wilderness and the Deep Sea, searched for all kinds of genius earth treasures, and finally got your 10,000-year spirit milk, and finally rescued the purple clothes!” ”

“Master, it’s good that people are okay!” Lin Beifan Dao.

“However, after Ziyi woke up, she couldn’t accept the blow of losing her mother! I had cried for a long time before, and I didn’t listen to her no matter how I persuaded her! Finally tired of crying, not so sad, but becoming less talkative! Every day, I like to sit here and look at the sky, and I put everything in my heart, which makes people feel very distressed! Just now you came back, it was already the day she talked the most! ”

Lin Beifan looked at the sleeping little girl, and his heart was full of sympathy.

“It can be seen that Ziyi has a great affection for you, and you also like Ziyi. In the future, if you have time, you will accompany her more, and I hope she can become cheerful again…”

“Master, I will!” Lin Beifan nodded.

Then, the Great Elder tested Lin Beifan’s strength and was very satisfied, “You are no longer what you used to be, and in time you will definitely be able to surpass as a teacher!” In addition, about the Son thing, whatever you think, support the teacher! ”

“Thank you, Master!”


On the 2nd day, Lin Beifan woke up from meditation, but saw a little Mengwa probing his brain in front of him, secretly, wanting to pinch his nose, seeing Lin Beifan open his eyes, he immediately withdrew his hand and showed a cute smile: “Lin Beifan, you are awake!” ”

Lin Beifan made a face: “It’s not right, call it again!” ”

“Senior Brother!” Li Ziyi said with a grudge.

“That’s right, it’s so good!” Lin Beifan smiled and gave her a touch to kill: “What are you looking for me for?” ”

“Senior brother, the sun is drying your ass, it’s time for us to have breakfast!” Li Ziyi looked forward to it, and his eyes were shining.

“We are all cultivators, we don’t eat grains!” Lin Beifan Dao.

“But I haven’t become a cultivator yet, should you make me something to eat? I’m not a picky eater, you just have to take out yesterday’s snacks! Remembering yesterday’s delicacy, Li Ziyi secretly swallowed his saliva.

This is her real purpose!

“No, you’ve eaten it!” Lin Beifan said with a smile.

“You’re lying again!” Li Ziyi frowned: “Senior brother, yesterday you lied to me that there was one left, and finally took out a bunch of them!” I know you must have quite a few, secretly hiding them and not giving me food! Hum! ”

Seeing that Lin Beifan was still indifferent, Li Ziyi was anxious, clenched his small fist and said, “If you don’t give me food, you tell your father that you bully me and let him beat you!” ”

Lin Beifan: “…”

Another innocuous threat!

Forget it, for your cute and cute sake, forgive you.

Lin Beifan spread out a square cloth, and then conjured up a lot of delicious food, all of which were traditional breakfast, fritters and soy milk, steamed buns, dumplings and wontons, soup powder pancakes, etc., freshly baked, everything.

Lin Beifan beckoned: “Little junior sister, come and eat!” ”

“Wow! So much delicious! Li Ziyi’s eyes lit up, and he immediately pounced, like a starving ghost, picked up a big steamed bun and nibbled it, and actually ate with relish.

“Eat slowly, no one will rob you!” Lin Beifan said distressedly.

“Senior brother, are you afraid of your father?” Ziyi said while eating.

“Why do you say that?” Lin Beifan was curious.

“Because every time I say let my daddy beat you, you bring out something delicious for me, obviously trying to bribe me!” Ziyi’s big eyes turned around, looking like I had seen through you.

Lin Beifan: “…”

“Senior brother, don’t worry, in fact, I am all talking about playing, you are so good to me, I will not let my father beat you!” At most, let him scold you twice! “The purple-clothed man is a big ghost.

“I thank you!” Lin Beifan couldn’t laugh or cry.

“But don’t think I’m a bully when I’m young, you have to share food with me often, got it?” Otherwise, I won’t recognize you as a senior brother!” Ziyi asked again, very seriously.

“Eat your things, give me cultivation after eating!” Lin Beifan said angrily.

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