I, Goldfinger

Chapter 298

“Hall of Reincarnation? Lord God? “Everyone looked at all this and felt very incredible.

They are all a generation that grew up under materialist ideas and believed only in science. But everything they experienced on this day, what they saw in front of them, subverted their world view!

Let them now be a little at a loss and do not know how to accept all this!

“The Lord God is the master of the Hall of Reincarnation, but also the embodiment of rules, omnipotent, selfless, as long as you complete the task, there will be a reward, and there is a punishment if you can’t play this!” The specific situation, you will know slowly in the future! Now, start counting points for you and show you the reincarnation table! Lin Beifan said.

Everyone looked at the reincarnation table, and a piece of information appeared in the reincarnation table.

“Survival Mission: All Done! Each reincarnation earns 10 points! ”

“The completion of the value-added mission is as follows: Xiao Chen, the reincarnation, killed 65,621 zombies and earned 65,621 points!”

“Reincarnation Lu Buyi killed 12 zombies and gained 12 points!”

“Reincarnation Lu Fan killed 18 zombies and gained 18 points!”

“Reincarnation White Sea killed 9 zombies and gained 9 points!”

“Reincarnation Qin Luo killed 0 zombies and gained 0 points!”

“Final points statistics: reincarnation Xiao Chen 65,631 points, reincarnation Lv Buyi 22 points, reincarnation Lu Fan 28 points, reincarnation Baihai 19 points, reincarnation Qin Luo 10 points!”

After reading the information, everyone’s faces were different.

“What are points for? Can it really be exchanged for everything? Bai Hai asked.

“That’s right, points can be redeemed for everything you want! It can be exchanged for strength, it can be exchanged for weapons, it can be exchanged for panaceas, it can even be exchanged for people … It can be said that in the temple of reincarnation, with points, you have everything! ”

Lin Beifan, a large screen appeared, showing the points required for various goods.

From a small bullet to a large heaven-opening god axe, everything you can think of is listed for you to make your heart move, just like when you fooled the female emperor.

Of course, the price is also very dark, all three times the price, the system draws twice and Lin Beifan doubles.

Among them, there are also those who directly improve their cultivation, and the points used are the most, more than 10 times that of the same goods, which is what Lin Beifan least advocates. Because when his strength is weak, he can also improve the strength of the other party. When the other party becomes stronger, he does not have this ability, and whether he will have it in the future is unknown.

He needs the protagonists to give him a strength increase, instead of bothering to improve their strength.

Anyway, these commodities are listed according to Lin Beifan’s actual situation.

Everyone was shocked by the goods on it.

Because most of the things in it are too beyond their imagination, the mythical elixir, peach fruit tree, Bodhi fruit, dragon’s blood, Xuanyuan sword and other things, as well as the cosmic mothership in the science fiction world, only you can’t think of it, you can’t buy it, and even people can buy it.

But when I looked at the points in my hand, I suddenly felt shy.

Even the richest war god Xiao Chen, his points add up to just enough to buy a second-rate cheatbook in the martial arts world, or a small airship that can enter the sky and the earth, and the points in other people’s hands can’t buy anything.

The genius divine doctor Qin Luo saw several long-lost medical books, and if he wanted to learn the above medical skills, his medical skills would definitely be raised to a higher level. I really wanted to buy it, but seeing the points in his hand, I couldn’t even buy a piece of paper.

Genius phase master Lu Buyi saw several long-lost physiognomic books, and his eyes were hot, but he couldn’t afford it at all, so he could only look at the ocean and sigh.

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, such a good thing, why let them see it?

See, why can’t you afford it?

“Isn’t it very exciting?” Lin Beifan said temptingly, “If your heart is moved, then hurry up and work hard!” Boys, a better tomorrow awaits you! ”

“Guide, can I transfer the points I have to someone else?” War God Xiao Chen said.

“If there is no opinion between the two sides, then there is no problem!” Lin Beifan said with a smile.

War God Xiao Chen first walked in front of the genius master Lu Buyi and said, “You gave me three tips, not only saved my two lives, but also exerted a huge effect!” We can complete the task, you are indispensable, I will transfer you 20,000 points! ”

“This…” Lu Buyi was shocked, the other party actually transferred the precious points to him?

And it’s 20,000 in one turn?

“Hesitate for what? Take out your reincarnation table and I’ll transfer it to you! Xiao Chen commanded in a tone of voice.

“Oh!” Lv Buyi raised his left hand, the reincarnation tables of both sides lit up, and the transfer was successful.

Lu Buyi looked at the long list of numbers in the reincarnation table and whispered, “Thank you!” ”

Xiao Chen patted Lu Buyi’s thin shoulder and revealed a faint smile: “We are teammates, we should!” ”

Then, he walked in front of the genius doctor Qin Luo and said, “Qin Luo is the doctor of our team, he has a very excellent medical skill, we can persevere, he is indispensable!” I’ll transfer you 10,000! ”

“This… Too much, I didn’t actually do anything! Qin Luo waved his hand again and again.

“I’ll give it to you, you will take it, don’t refuse!” Xiao Chen forcefully transferred money to him.

“Thank you!” Qin Luo whispered.

Xiao Chen walked in front of Bai Hai and Lu Fan, raised his reincarnation to show his intention to the other party, Lu Fan said embarrassedly: “The two of me don’t seem to have done anything?” ”

“I almost got you guys!” Bai Hai nodded.

“Since we are a team, no one can be left behind! Who said that you didn’t do anything, you did a lot, if it weren’t for you blocking the door, the rear would not be so safe! Put your hands up! ”

The reincarnation table of the three people shone brightly, and one person turned 5,000 points.

In this way, everyone rejoices.

Lin Beifan smiled and said, “You can exchange what you want through the reincarnation table!” Although you are now in the novice period, the task is not difficult, but it is best to exchange something to save your life, or something to improve your strength! Otherwise, if you die in the mission, you will really die and will never come back! ”

“The previous task was not too difficult?”

“Oh my God, it’s almost my life!”


The crowd complained.

Xiao Chen asked the key point: “When is the next mission?” What exactly is the task? ”

“The next mission will be in 10 days, I don’t know what the specific task is, you guys wait for the notice of the reincarnation table!”

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