I, Goldfinger

Chapter 302

This scene was so surprising.

At the edge of the dangerous wilderness forest, there was actually a cute girl who was making soup casually, and holding a spoonful of soup that was larger than his body in her hands, scaring the person to death.

“Such a kid… Shouldn’t it be a demon beast? ”

“It’s definitely not a demon beast, my nose is very smart, whether she is a demon beast I can smell it with one nose!”

“She’s a Terran child, five or six years old!”

“In the Great Desolate Forest, how can there be children, his family?”


At this moment, the unscrupulous Taoist priest exclaimed: “Look at the soup spoon in her hand, it is actually made of the sacred material Liuyun Dao Jade, how much is it worth!” ”

“And those two pots, although they are not sacred materials, they are also rare divine weapon materials black tulips! It was actually made into two cauldrons, which is really a violent thing! The Black Emperor’s eyes were red.

“Look at the milk she cooks and soup, that milk definitely comes from the demon king!” And what is boiled in that soup are very rare and delicious demon beasts, which are rare in the depths of the Great Desolate Forest! The unscrupulous Taoist priest continued to shout.

“The animal skin she is wearing is also extraordinary, it is the golden silkworm demon king’s body, warm in winter and cool in summer, cold and hot weather, ordinary weapons can not hurt her!” It’s all out there! The Black Emperor shouted.

“And that fire… It’s actually a different fire!!! ”


The more the two looked at each other, the more surprised they became, and finally looked at each other.

“What kind of demon child is this?”

“Hey! How many of you are sneaky, have you seen enough? Do you want to rob my beast milk and demon meat? I tell you, oh, if you dare to do it, I will beat you to death!” Little Mengwa Shi Haoyue clenched her fists, and the milk was fierce and threatening.

However, she is too cute and cute, and there is no threat at all.

Holy Body Ye Fan hurriedly said: “Little friend, you misunderstood, we just passed through the place, and we are very curious to see you!” ”

“Less to me, I’m not a three-year-old anymore!” Shi Haoyue said fiercely, “I’m 5 years old this year, and you little tricks can’t fool me!” You look at them, your eyes are green! ”

The Holy Body Ye Fan looked over, and really wanted to slap these two shameful things.

I saw the black emperor lying in the middle of the small pot, drooling: “I haven’t drunk beast milk for a long time, it’s so fragrant!” I remember when I was a child, the emperor was afraid that I would be hungry, and he found me animal milk to drink every day, so that I could miss the past time! ”

The unscrupulous Taoist priest clings to the cauldron despite the heat, and obsessively says, “How many graves must be stolen and how many graves have to be dug to dig out such a large piece of black tulip?” Love love, love! ”

“You guys let me go, don’t let me touch my things! You big black dog, your saliva is dripping into my beast milk! And you, the fat Taoist, are too smelly on your body, don’t spoil my fresh soup! Little Mengwa picked up the big soup spoon and drove them away.

Ye Fan felt very humiliated, and pulled these two things away with both hands: “You two shameful things, let me go far, people are chasing you!” ”

One person and one dog wailed and screamed repeatedly.

“My black tulip, I dreamed of being buried in the black tulip, don’t go, Xiaoyezi don’t pull me!”

“What’s wrong with me just wanting to drink milk? Wang, who is not yet a baby! ”

The food made by Mengwa was too fragrant, stimulating their taste buds, so they also grabbed some monster beasts from nearby and roasted them, but they were still not as delicious as Shi Haoyue’s hands.

Looking at the other party’s beautiful drinking of beast milk, looking at the fairly good demon beast legs roasted on his hands, he suddenly felt unfragrant.

The Black Emperor ran over with a large piece of meat in his mouth, squatted on the ground, looked at Haoyue with his eyes, and said, “Little friend, I want to exchange this piece of meat with you for milk, or change soup for drink!” ”

Shi Haoyue gently glanced at the piece of meat in the black emperor’s mouth, and suddenly showed a small expression of disgust: “Your piece of meat is overcooked, there is no technical content at all, it is hard and unpalatable, I won’t change it!” ”

“It’s okay if you don’t change!” The unscrupulous Taoist priest trotted over, rubbed his hands and said with a smile: “Little friend, can you share 1 point of food for me?” I’ve been hunted for years without eating a piece of hot, I’m hungry! ”

“Wang! I’m even more pitiful, I haven’t drunk milk for hundreds of thousands of years! The Black Emperor wagged his tail and said pitifully.

Shi Haoyue immediately felt sympathy: “You guys are so pitiful!” ”

When the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist priest and the Black Emperor lit up, thinking that they were about to get benefits, the Haoyue children threw the few leftover bones next to them and said, “Here are a few bones, you can take them and eat them!” ”

Unscrupulous Taoist priest, black emperor: “…”

“Little girl, you probably don’t know who I am, that’s why you disrespect me so much. Now I am only allowed to solemnly introduce myself, and when you know me, you will throw yourself at me! The Black Emperor held the dog’s head high and said, “My name is the Black Emperor, I came from 200,000 years ago, and I was the cute pet of the Beginningless Emperor…”

Shi Haoyue suddenly exclaimed: “Wow, it turns out that you are that big black dog!” ”

“You’ve heard of me?” The Black Emperor was secretly happy in his heart.

I am indeed the most beautiful boy among dogs, and I have my prestige everywhere I go!

Hold your head high and greet the praise with pride!

“I’ve heard of you!” Shi Haoyue put down the meat in his hand, opened a pair of big eyes of the water spirit spirit, looked at the black emperor curiously and nodded repeatedly, and said crisply: “I heard Liu Shen say that when you go out and walk in rivers and lakes, you must be careful of bad people!” Among them, there is a dog, black and not slippery, tall and fierce, but particularly shameless, especially scoundrel, especially undisciplined, which belongs to the kind that can’t spit ivory out of the dog’s mouth! I like to catch people as pets, and I am particularly unreliable in doing things, not only pit enemies but also pit teammates, and you must stay away from it when you encounter it, so as not to be affected by him! ”

After speaking, hold the meat and take three steps back.

Black Emperor: “…”

The other two covered their stomachs and laughed.

This is the most incisive summary of the Black Emperor they have ever heard.

“Slander! This must be slander! My Black Emperor is so wise and powerful, how can it be like this? It must be someone who deliberately slandered the image of this emperor! The Black Emperor shouted loudly, vigorously refuting this image.

“I think the other party is very pertinent!” The unscrupulous Taoist laughed.

“It’s a drop or a drop!” Eucharist Ye Fan nodded repeatedly.

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