I, Goldfinger

Chapter 411

Then, Lin Beifan explained the situation outside concisely.

“As everyone expected, everyone outside is still fighting to death in order to snatch the Qinglian token, which is very fierce. When I came in, it was already in a white-hot state, nearly half of the powerhouses of the Great God Power level died in the battle, blood was all over the ground, and there were corpses everywhere! Lin Beifan sighed.

“Nearly half of the powerful people were killed or injured!” Everyone listened and took a deep breath.

There are nearly 300 powerhouses of the Great God Power level outside, and half of them have been killed and injured, which means that nearly 150 Great God Power level powerhouses have died in the battle.

Usually the death of a great powerhouse can be regarded as a major event that shocks the world!

Now more than 150 people have died at once!

Such a tragic loss is rare in 100,000 years!

It was just before that the Mysterious Tianjiao of the Terran Race made a move against the East Sea Sea Clan, and caused such a huge loss!

“How are our Terran dead and wounded? What about other races? Xiao Han asked anxiously.

The crowd pricked up their ears again to listen.

Lin Beifan sighed deeply: “In such a tragic war, of course, our Terrans cannot be spared, and several people have been killed and injured, which makes me very sad!” ”

“How many were killed and injured? Just a few? Xiao Han was stunned.

Lin Beifan was dissatisfied: “What is it called?” Isn’t it too many that our Terrans have died? How many of our Terran gods add up? There are less than 50, how many have died over the years, and how many are left today? Now that a few more have died, are you afraid that there are not enough deaths? ”

“No, no… That was not what I meant! I mean, there are nearly 150 strong people killed and injured outside, how come there are only a few of us Terrans? That’s a bit unreasonable! Xiao Han scratched the back of his head.

“Because other races have died a lot!” Lin Beifan sighed deeply again.

Other races? In addition to the Terrans, there are only the Demon Race and the Sea Clan!

The hearts of the demon and sea tribes were raised.

A demon emperor said excitedly, “Lin Beifan, let me ask you, how many deaths and injuries have our demon clan had?” ”

Lin Beifan sighed: “The dead are much older, and they can’t bear to see it!” ”

All the demon emperors listened, and their bodies faltered.

“I actually can’t bear to see it, are they all dead?”

“It won’t be so tragic, will it?”

“So who else are we in the demon clan?”


This reality is too cruel for the demons to accept!

Or the old demon emperor, who said even more excitedly: “How many died?” Say it! You slow swallowing, I’m dying! ”

“I didn’t count carefully, about a dozen, I died a miserable death, I can’t bear to look at it!” Lin Beifan said.

The demon emperors were shocked: “Just… Only a dozen? ”

“A dozen is not much? How much do you want? Lin Beifan was once again dissatisfied and lashed out at them: “You demons are too unconscionable!” After so many deaths, the demon emperor is still gloating! Do you calculate how many demon emperors are there in your demon clan, and more than a dozen died at once, isn’t the loss big? ”

“No, no, no… A dozen is enough! Enough is enough, we demon clans can’t afford to hurt! The old demon emperor quickly waved his hand.

“A dozen is indeed enough, that’s a huge loss that hasn’t been seen in tens of thousands of years!” A few more deaths will hurt my heart, it is not easy for our demon clan to cultivate a demon emperor! Another demon emperor said.


Lin Beifan nodded with satisfaction: “This is almost the same!” ”

Ye Fan said suspiciously: “But you said that there were 150 dead and injured, and our two races of the shemale combined up to more than twenty, and the share is not much, so the rest…”

Everyone looked at the Sea Tribe camp in unison.

The Sea Clan and the others were not calm.

The god prince of the whale tribe stood up and said in a rumbling voice: “Lin Beifan, let me ask you, just now you said that there were 150 strong people killed and injured, and there were more than 20 of the two races of the shemales, so the rest are all our sea tribe?” ”

Lin Beifan nodded: “That’s right, it’s basically all of the Sea Clan. ”

“Impossible! There are many strong people in our sea tribe, and most of them bring holy soldiers, even if you two races of human and demon are invincible, how can there be so many deaths and injuries? You must be lying to us! The God Prince said loudly.

The other Sea Tribe powerhouses echoed one after another.

“That’s right, he must be lying to us, how could our Sea Clan die so much?”

“If you think about it, he must be lying!”

“This Terran is very bad!”


Lin Beifan smiled: “If the Sea Clan really unites, it will naturally not die so much, and it may even annihilate the Terran and Demon Race in turn.” However, there are so many Qinglian tokens, you sea tribe are selfish and cruel, in order to snatch the Qinglian token, in order to obtain the opportunity to become an emperor, even kill your own people, naturally kill more and more, and finally there is nothing left! ”

Lin Beifan thought for a moment and said, “No, there are still a dozen left!” However, they were all seriously injured, facing dozens of powerhouses of the two races of the Terran Demon Race, and you don’t need to say that you know the consequences! ”

There are still sea tribes who do not believe it and want to go out and verify the facts with their own eyes.

Lin Beifan’s voice came, with a little ridicule: “Now, you are already one of the few remaining sea tribes, I suggest you not go out, lest you accidentally lose your life!” ”

“Give me back, don’t go out!” The Xuangui Clan God Prince shouted.

“But the Prince of God…”

“Whether it’s true or not, there’s nothing good for us to go out! If what the other party says is true, we may encounter danger when we go out, which is very unworthy! The God Prince said very calmly: “In fact, it is very simple to verify, just look at who comes in next, you will know!” So obediently wait for me, don’t be impulsive! ”

The sea tribe and the others came back, did not speak, and the atmosphere was very dull.

Soon after, someone came in again.

Look up, the demon race.

After another while, someone came in again.

Looking up, it was still a demon race.

The foreboding in the hearts of the Sea Clan and others became stronger and stronger.

The 3rd place is the Terrans, the 4th is also the Terrans, and the 5th is the Demon Race…

None of them are Sea Clan.

In this way, what Lin Beifan said was right, what they were most worried about happened, and the sea tribe outside suffered heavy casualties.

In the palace, the members of the two races of the shemale gradually caught up with the sea tribe.

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