“I’m sorry. Could you please leave me alone with this gentleman?”

“Heh!? No, it’s ……!”

“Ara, is there a problem? I’m not even trying to enter the prison, and above all――”

To the guard’s dismay at the sudden request, Riel flashed him a chilling smile.

“Do you think it is possible that I could be harmed by him?”

It was absolute confidence. An unshakable fact. To doubt the power of the saint was to doubt the will of God, and the guard who was asked that question became speechless as if overwhelmed,… and then, eventually, he became tired and conceded,

“I understand. I will be standing by the door, so if you need me, please let me know. I can’t hear you talking, but if you shout, I’ll be able to reach you.”

“Thank you.”

The guard left the place after being seen off by Reil, who bowed. When I confirmed that the figure had disappeared behind the door, Reil spoke to me once again.

“I apologize for keeping you waiting. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Reil. I am known in this world as a Saint.”

“Quite Polite. My name is Ed. I’m imitating a traveling mercenary, but I’m not registered.”

“Yes, I have heard reports. I understand you are interested in becoming a priest of Arlene?”


“Yes, I am.”

“If so, this is perhaps fate. If all goes well, I will see to it that Ed-san’s talent as a priest is recognized.”

“Oh, that would be an honor. Thank you very much.”

“No, no, that’s fine. It is the mission of those who serve God to guide those who wish to serve Him. So for that purpose, let’s get the troublesome things out of the way first.”

With these words, Reil took out the gem from the pocket of her vestments and showed it to me.

“I’ll be blunt, What is this? Where in the world did you get this?”

“I have already answered the guard, but I will repeat my response again. To me, it is just a piece of jewelry to be exchanged for cash. And if you ask me where I got it, …. I don’t know either.”

“You don’t know? How is that possible?”

I shook my head helplessly and continued to speak.

“I can understand why people would be suspicious. After all, it is a gem that could be sold for a very high price. But really … really, before I knew it, it was in my hands. It’s a very troublesome thing from what I hear, so I can imagine the possibility that someone shoved it into my bag, but whatever the case, it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know anything about it myself.”

“Well, I see …. you certainly haven’t told a lie.”

“Oh, you can tell when someone is lying?”

“Fufufu, I am a saint, so I can tell if someone is lying,…., or if they are deliberately avoiding saying something so that they don’t have to lie and can cover it up. And it seems to me that you really don’t know why you have this gem in your possession.”

“Y-yes, that’s because it is the truth”

I felt a chill in my soul at the sight of Reil’s slightly disappointed appearance. Her intuition was so keen that it could truly be described as a [Miracle of God]. It should not be something that is completely unexpected or beyond the scope of intention, but even so, the ability to obtain “answers” to “questions” with considerable accuracy is perhaps similar in nature to my [Akashic Compass] skill.

This would be bad in various ways if she changed the way she asked. …… Well, I don’t think she’d be able to come up with anything related to the other world, so I’m sure it’ll be fine…

“Then, do you mind if I destroy this gem?”

I was thinking about this when Reil asked me this question as she held the red jewel close to her face. She still had a smile on her face, but the pressure that oozed from it combined with her power would make you agree whether or not you wanted to.

“…break it?”

“Yeah, This is a very dangerous thing, and I would like to destroy it without a trace right here and now if possible. Is that alright with you?”

“Huh? Well, I don’t mind.”

“…..Are you sure?”

For some reason, she was a little surprised at my carefree response and asked me to confirm it. What is it? As for me, I’d be more than happy to have you destroy such a dubious object. …?

“Fuu. ………….”

In front of my perplexed eyes, She yanked the collar of her vestments open and dropped the gem into it. Immediately, Reil’s breasts, which had been hidden behind her vestments, began to glow with a faint light … Well, yeah. To put it simply, her boobs were glowing.


“I’m really going to destroy it, okay? Is that really okay with you?”

“I-it is….?”

“… then”

With palms on either side of her glistening boobs, Reil squeezed them closer together. Then there was a crack and a small sound of something shattering, and a few seconds later the light disappeared from her breasts.

“How is it?”

“H-how!? Even if you ask me how, … well, I thought it was amazing.”

“!? T-That’s not what I mean! It’s Ed-san’s physical condition! Are you in pain, suffering, or feeling lost or tired?”

Her smile faltered, and instead, she asked me with a slightly blushing face. What’s that so cute…. but my physical condition?

“Ah, I am fine…?”

I moved my body, but I didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. I didn’t have any nausea, headaches, or anything like that, and I was perfectly healthy.


But seeing me like that, for some reason, Reil pondered with a complicated look on her face.

“It doesn’t have any effect? Surely there must have been a connection, but that can’t be ….?”

“Um, can I ask you one thing? There’s something that’s really bothering me.”

“… Okay, I’ll answer. That gem is–“

“No, it’s not that! Um…why did you destroy it by squeezing it inside your chest?”

I just couldn’t help it. I know there were other things I should be concerned about, but something inside me was screaming to ask that as my top priority anyway.

(T/N: Us Ed)

Then, in response to my question, She quickly averted her gaze from me and began to speak in a low voice, which was a complete opposite of what she had been till now.

“, …………, As you already know, as a saint, my body is protected by the blessings of God. In other words, once I enclose anything in my body, no matter how evil the power is, I can extinguish it without leaking it to the outside world.”

“I see, so you surround it with your strongest shield and crush it. But then, wouldn’t it be okay to use other parts of the body?”

“O-Other parts!? How erotic!?”


“Isn’t that right!? Sure, it would be nice if it were a place where I could wrap it completely, but I can’t put enough pressure with my thighs or armpits to crush that thing, and then the only place left would be my buttocks. ……How could I possibly lift up my vestments and put jewelry between my buttocks in front of a gentleman? It’s preposterous! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“…… Only the buttocks?”

“I do not know!”

Reil’s fist exploded on my face, as I was moving closer to the bars. The fist, protected by God’s blessing, struck my nose with a thud, and I fell on my buttocks.

“You animal! You Pervert! W-What are you!?”


“Saint-sama!? I heard a loud noise, what’s wrong!?”

“N-Nothing!? Nothing happened! It’s just that Ed-san here is the incarnation of eroticism beyond belief.”

“Ero!? What in the world did you do to our saint-sama?”

“I did nothing ……”

Why, why did this happen!? I just wanted to know why you didn’t just wrap it up in the palm of your hand and break it….

“Ah, don’t get too agitated. I’m fine, … just a little, Ed-san let his young body overflow with the eroticism.”


“Ho..!? What a vile thing!”


I kept shouting, “No,” while desperately dodging the spears that kept slamming into me through the cracks of the prison. It seems that the dawn of the prison was still far away. ….

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