“Ugh, this is the worst. Why do I have to go through this…”

Inside the hole made by the Rockworm, Rouge, who was sitting next to me hugging her knees, muttered such a complaint. Indeed, our situation wasn’t good, but that made me want to say something too.

“The reason we’re in this mess is because you didn’t run away, Rouge. Why’s that?”

“Hmph, that’s why you’re a mere mortal! Understand this, Rockworms have incredible vitality. They won’t die just from having their innards burnt.”


At her words, I involuntarily grimace. If it’s a living creature, I’d assume it would die if its insides were roasted… But it didn’t die? Impressive, Rockworm. You don’t just eat rocks for no reason.

“Especially this Rockworm, it had just had a full meal. If we had just let it go, it would’ve entered hibernation somewhere out of our reach. And then, after ten or twenty years… An even stronger and bigger Rockworm would’ve started causing havoc.”

“Oh, that would have been quite a severe problem. So when you said something about the heart earlier…?”

“I was examining the inner heat of the Rockworm with the magic I fired. And I blew up the place I think is its heart… I can’t confirm the body, but it should be dead for sure.”

“That’s amazing! Just as expected of the genius magician, Rouge-sama! Is this the kind of thing that’ll make history?”

“I don’t care about that. I just hate leaving my job unfinished. Besides, it’s only natural for my name to be left in history! I’m going to defeat the Demon King with Alexis, aren’t I?”

“Ah, I see. Indeed, that’s an unquestionable achievement.”

At Rouge’s words, who snorts unenthusiastically, I nod in agreement. If she’s a great magician who has defeated the Demon King alongside the hero, her name would not only be remembered, they might even erect a large statue in her honor.

“Haah… even so, why has it come to this?”

“In that situation, there’s nothing we could’ve done. Well, we’re lucky just to be alive.”

The Rockworm’s hole we jumped into on the spur of the moment was a circular space about two meters in diameter. I figured it wouldn’t collapse since it was dug by that giant creature itself for its movement, and it seemed my impromptu gamble paid off.

“We’re lucky to have light and if it’s this deep, we should be fine for air. We have a bit of water and food, so all we have to do is wait for rescue.”

“…Your carefreeness is slightly enviable right now.”

Rouge gave me a weary look at my intentionally light-hearted comment. But the situation really wasn’t that bad, especially since we managed to recover our luggage at the last moment. We intended to return immediately, so it’s not much, but if we split the amount for four people between the two of us, it’s essentially double the ration.

“Hey, when do you think help will come?”

I scratched my head thoughtfully at Rouge’s question, who had buried her face in her knees, looking somewhat less spirited than usual.

“Hmm. If we go by conventional means, it’d be at least ten days… or even up to a month.”

“What!? There’s no way I can wait that long!”

“Calm down. I said ‘if we go by conventional means’, right? You know how we got here, don’t you Rouge?”

“…Ah, right.”

At my words, Rouge showed a faint smile. If Gonzo’s Muscle Rock Digging Method was fully utilized again, we could expect a rescue in about three days. That’s enough time to get by with what we have.

“And hey, you’ve been calling me without honorifics, haven’t you?”

“Ah, yes, yes. I understand, Rouge-sama.”

“What’s with that? Are you mocking me? I could burn you right here, you know?”

“Oh, scary! Then I’ll be known as the fool who died saving his friends.”

At Rouge’s glaring eyes, I just shrug my shoulders. Then Rouge looks at my face with a puzzled look.

“…Weren’t you scared of me?”

“I was at first, but after being together for half a year…”

I was certainly afraid of being toyed around by Alexis and Rouge, the chosen ones with their arrogance. After all, at first sight, I had my arm almost cut off and was told just to deal with it.

But after being together for half a year, you understand the person. Alexis and Rouge certainly have their prickly sides, but they aren’t absolutely ruthless people at their core. If they really were, I would’ve been exhausted and discarded a long time ago… I would’ve been “exiled” and returned to my original world.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t heard much about you. We have time, so tell me.”

“What’s this all of a sudden? My story? Nah, there’s nothing interesting about me.”

“It’s fine. I won’t ridicule you just because you’re a country bumpkin.”

“Is that… wait, didn’t you just say you’d ridicule me?”

“Of course, right? I’ll point and laugh, so hurry up and tell me!”

“This girl says the darndest things… uh, let’s see, is there anything?”

As Rouge, seemingly back to her usual mood for better or worse, gave a bitter smile, I try to recall my past. But for some reason, my mind feels foggy. I can remember certain scenes, but I can’t grasp the context around them… huh?

“…Why are you quiet? Don’t tell me you don’t want to talk to me?”

“That’s not it. It’s just… I can’t quite remember my past…”

“Huh? You’re only twenty, right? Is it normal to be senile at that age?”

“I’m not senile! But why… hmm?”

The more I think about it, the more my gap in memory bothers me. Like I was watching a play, I could only see the scenes that were brightly lit. Everything else was in darkness and unseeable.

And instead, memories of things I don’t think I’ve experienced start to bubble up. Sailing the seas on a pirate ship, being a teacher at a mysterious school, forging swords with a burly dwarf, jumping through gaps in a towering stone tower…

“Wait, why are you crying all of a sudden!?”


As Rouge unexpectedly raised her voice in surprise, I touched my cheek. There’s a wet sensation there, and sure enough, it seems I am crying.

“Hey, what’s really wrong? If you don’t want to talk that badly… it’s fine, you don’t have to say anything.”

“No, that’s not it at all! But why am I crying?”

“How should I know! What’s wrong with you?”

“Haha, yeah. What’s wrong with me, indeed.”

The reason for the tears, I don’t even know myself. There should be no reason for me to be sad, but the fact that there is no reason feels unbearably sad.

“Hey, Rouge… -sama? This isn’t about me, but I just remembered an interesting story. Wanna hear it?”

“…Fine, I’ll listen. But if it’s boring, I won’t let it slide for free.”

“Eh, what are you going to do to me… Well, it’s okay. It’s probably interesting. What to start with… How about the story of the Hero who breaks pots?”

“? Why would a Hero break pots?”

Rouge made a surprised face at my suggestion. Oh, this seems to be quite an intriguing topic.

“Fufufu, that’s part of the story. So, do you want to hear it?”

“Wait, wait! If it’s just a bit, I’ll hear it! So, what’s this about a Hero breaking pots?”

“Just wait. This story is…”

In the depths of the earth where only the two of us were, Rouge’s eyes, illuminated by the lantern, sparkled with curiosity. In response to her anticipation, I slowly started to recount the tale of a hero from an unknown world.

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