“See, you all saw that, right? The teacher only made a contract with a water-based spirit, but he was able to use wind magic…Which means that a contract with a spirit isn’t absolutely necessary in order to use magic.”

“Huh, so that means I shouldn’t have made a contract with a spirit? and We were getting along so well. …”


Hearing Tia’s explanation, one of the female students sounded disappointed. On her shoulder was an aloof small mouse, which too sounded lonely.

“Oh, no, that’s not true. It is true that it is not good to make a contract without knowing anything about a spirit …… but a spirit is a very nice thing in itself to befriend! So, let’s start with an explanation of that as well――”

“Wa-Wait a minute! Could you please wait a minute!”

Tia was about to start talking, but Amar-sensei stopped her with an impatient voice.


“Well, right away! I’ll get the other teachers to come over right now, So I hope you don’t mind sharing the stories with them too? The magnitude of the story is too great for me alone to comprehend, …”

“I don’t mind. So, while you’re at it, can you introduce me to the spirits you’ve all signed up with? I’ll start with this and work my way around.”


“I’ll be right back!”

Despite Tia’s smiling face as she began conversing with her students, Amar-sensei rushed out of the classroom in a panic. Then, shortly before Tia finished greeting the spirits of all 40 students, Amar-sensei returned back to the classroom, out of breath, with more than 10 men and women in tow.

“Did you really activate the magic of a spirit with whom you have no contract? If so, why don’t you use it and show us?”

“But my mana is already expended! Anyway, here it is.. Tia-san, Thank you for waiting.”

“Just in time. Is that all of them?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“All right. Then, I’ll start again.”

With that, Tia began to explain what she had told me the night we met again, but in a little more detail and gently. When the students heard this, they were in an uproar, and some of the adult teachers went crazy and shouted “Screw you!”…

“G-Got it …!?”

“Hey, you can do it, right?”

If I, like Amar, was able to activate magic of a different attribute than the spirit with which I was also contracted, I would have no choice but to believe in it. After all, it was the person themselves the cause of this “Impossible miracle”.

“How, How is such a thing possible!? Then what we’ve been teaching you all this time is …!?”

“Oh my God, this is going to turn the world upside down.”

“Or rather, why did such false knowledge spread? Don’t tell me that the legend of the Founder-sama is also …?

“Hmmm, I only heard about it in class with these students, so I can’t say for sure, but it’s true that you can use more powerful spirit magic if you sign a contract, you know? So I don’t think it’s true that this Founder and others lied to you. If it is a spirit with whom you have a connection to the extent that you can say it is half of yourself, you can go far beyond your own limits. … use spirit magic that is so powerful it can only be described as a miracle. But if you were so blindly believing in it that the facts were twisted little by little, like ‘you have to make a contract with a spirit,’ then … well, I can only say I’m sorry to hear that.”


An elderly man with gray hair, who appeared to be the oldest person in the room, tried to attack Tia, but she gently restrained him with her hand. She may look slender, and in fact she was not that strong physically, but even so, Tia, who had spent much of her life fighting actual battles as a member of a Hero’s party, could easily handle that level of strength.

“Anyway, I don’t know the past and I can’t change it. But I can change it from here. In that sense, I’d like to make a change, starting with the mindsets of these kids we have in front of us right now, what do you think?”

“… Okay, please do it.”

“Headmaster!? Are you sure!?”

The old man nodded at Tia’s words, and the other faculty members shouted at him. So, that guy was the headmaster of the school …., which means I’ve almost achieved my goal at this point.

“There is nothing “fine”. If by consuming a great deal of mana, they can use magic with attributes different from those of the spirits with whom they have a contract. What would you do if you turned your back on that fact? We should rather be thankful that we are now aware of it. Tia-dono, the spirit of beauty. You are the one who will save the future of this country. You have my thanks.”

“No, it’s not that big a deal! I, you see, just happened to be summoned here …”

“If so, then that too must be the Founder’s … or God’s guidance. I hope you will continue to teach our students how to use true spirit magic and how to engage with spirits.”

“Yes, I do. I will do my best to help them while I am here.”

“Thank you.”

Tia smiled and agreed, and the headmaster bowed deeply to her. At this moment, a truth that changed the world was accepted as fact… We were able to accomplish the second goal for which we had been asked to give a class.

Tia had always wanted to correct the way humans and spirits interacted in this world. However, it was difficult to persuade children, who had not yet developed their magical powers, in the same way She had persuaded the adults by showing them the truth, and the children were the only ones who had not actually made a contract with a spirit. If only Nash, who also has a certain amount of talent, could invoke spirit magic of all attributes, but that would be simply dismissed away as Nash being a genius.

Then, if we were to call one of the faculty members directly and talk to them, the impact on the world would be too great, and we would not know where or what kind of side effects may happen.

If only we monopolized this knowledge, we would be promised a segregated status as spirit users, and if we did, we would be the only ones who knew something extra…In other words, it was possible that I, Tia, our contractors Miguel, Nash, and the teacher who reported the incident would be silenced.

We could handle it if it were just us, but it would be irresponsible and I didn’t want to leave Miguel and the other teachers at risk when we were sure to be gone from this world in the not-too-distant future. On the other hand, there was no way that they had connections that could protect them… and So the result of searching for the most reliable way to tell the truth without risking anything was to “Revealing the truth at once to so many people that no information blockade would be possible.”

Rowan Royal Academy of Magic, as its name suggested, was a place of tradition and prestige where the elite gathered. Of course, it was impossible to silence all the teachers who may have been transferred from various factions, and if dozens of children, who couldn’t be silenced by power like adults, were to have an accident at once, not only would the authority of the school be damaged, but future national security could even be compromised.

In other words, the truth would no longer be covered up. Tia’s teachings would eventually spread throughout the world, and eventually the country would be filled with legitimate spirit users who had learned how to interact with spirits properly …The wide variety of people that would grow up coupled with the teachings would be an important part of supporting Miguel the Hero’s battle that may someday come to be.

“Well then, let’s resume our class! Shall we start with how to get along better with the spirits you are currently contracted with? And in parallel, Ed …, no Eidos, will be watching everyone and teaching them how to use the power of the spirits for various things. Fufu~, it’s going to get busy and fun now, okay? Are you guys ready?”

“Of course we are!”

“Good luck, Fu-chan”

“Now I can triumph over my Nii-san… Fufu”

“Um, Tia-dono? May we join you for that class …?”

Mixed in with the murmur of children, the faculty members ask Tia, coyly. The answer was .. well, I don’t have to think about it.

“Of course. Right, Eidos?

“Of course. As a human spirit, I will also assess the potential that lies in your hearts.”

“Oh! Thank you.”

Unlike children, adults had mixed reactions, but that won’t stop them if they have something on their mind. From here on, it was all about education.

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