“I see. So this is what comes at the end. ……”

Since the risk of territorial invasion into a country that claimed to be a neutral country was exceedingly heavy, I knew that there would be forces that would take some steps in front of us, but it was beyond my expectation that we would be blocked by an army carrying the flag of this country.

“We can’t bypass them or anything, can we?”

“The detour itself might be possible, but wouldn’t the result be the same?”

“In the first place, it would be quite difficult to head for another checkpoint against the cavalry.”


If Tia and I put forth our best efforts, it would still not be impossible just to escape. However, this was the only gateway from the Kingdom to Holy Suroun State and even if we go through another country, that country’s army might block the gateway in the same way.

At this point, we were only talking about possibilities, but withdrawal was basically a bad idea in the current situation where neighboring countries were all untrustworthy. The only country that seemed to be open to talk was Gladra, and it shared no borders with the Pope’s country.

“Welcome, thieves!”

We continued our discussion with reluctance, when we heard a voice from the army. A young man, not much older than us, dressed in a gorgeous outfit, slowly rode up to us in time.

“I am Lowell Osperanto, the second prince of the Kingdom of Osperanto! Thieves who have robbed our country of its treasures, stop your futile resistance and be quiet!”

“Stole it? Hey, Toby, what do you–?”

“W-What do you mean?”

Before I could ask, Toby stepped forward and shouted loudly. Then Prince Lowell, seeing Toby’s appearance, called out to him, looking down on him both physically and mentally.

“Are you that bastard who deceived His Majesty and stole a national treasure?”

“A thief, that’s absurd! I definitely got the job from His Majesty the King――”

“Shut up! There is no room for contest between a lowly thief like you and the word of me, the second prince! Or what?Are you going to say that I am lying?”

“That’s… no, it’s just a misunderstanding! To His Majesty! Please check with His Majesty the King!”

“That’s impossible.”

At Toby’s desperate appeal, Prince Lowell smiled.

“For about two months now, His Majesty has been ill. And for some reason, my brother has not returned from Stolhelm, where he studied abroad. Therefore, I am now in full charge of this country.”


“Tsk… Oi Toby, didn’t you get something like a power of attorney from the king?”

I spoke to Toby in a whisper, leaving Prince Lowell as he said with a smirk. But Toby, with a shocked expression on his face, shook his head helplessly.

“Nope. I can’t reveal it to anyone else or…. entrust it to anyone else, because this is a secret request. I was told it was an important mission and … so I have nothing that can be used as proof …”

“I see. That’s tough.”

I had no way of knowing how it happened, but at least for now, there was nothing to vouch for Toby’s legitimacy. And with the royalty on the other side, it would be impossible to overturn the decision by any honest means.

“Seriously, What was His Majesty, my father, thinking when he decided to let the national treasure out of the country? There are so many ways to use it, in diplomacy or war. … Come on, give it to me quickly. Or would you rather I behead you right here and then take it from you?”

“… … war?”

Toby’s body jerked at Prince Lowell’s casually muttered words. He put his hands in his pockets and squeezed out a trembling voice.

“…… His Majesty said. The management of a nation is not a sweet thing that can be achieved only with beautiful things. Because we bear the lives of millions of people on our shoulders, we sometimes choose what might be called ruthless and heartless measures. But still, there is a line that must not be crossed. As people living in this world, we can not accept the power to destroy everything. If we used it to gain national interests, others would surely take it away and use it against each other, and in the end, everything would be destroyed. That is why he asked me to seal it. If one day my country is destroyed because I give up this power, I will be ready to leave my name as the foolish king… Still, I wish for a brighter future for all in the world!“

“Ha! What is that? What is a king without pursuing the national interest! I don’t care if an adventurer like you who can emigrate as he pleases supports that king, my people will not support a king who abandons the means of enriching our country! No matter how dangerous and powerful that power is, I will use it perfectly! All for the sake of my Kingdom of Osperanto!” He added,

Prince Lowell glared squarely back at Toby, who glared at him with burning eyes. Neither side was willing to budge an inch, and neither side had a cause.

“Hey there, escorting adventurers! How about you? If you are impressed by my cause and help me capture these insurgents here, I will pay you a handsome reward! Oh, and I’ll grant amnesty to those filthy thieves over there as well, but only domestically Both righteousness and profit are on my side. Now, show me your loyalty!”

“… However. What are you going to do, Ed?”

“Hmm? We’ve had our answer all along. What about Palm and Claude?”

“Ara, what a coincidence. We have our answer, too.”

I glanced at her, and Palm answered with a small smile. So the four of us walked past Toby, and in front of the prince, who was grinning ……, we readied our weapons.

“….what do you think you’re doing?”

“You said it yourself. Me and Tia are wandering adventurers. We’re not citizens of this country, so it’s only natural that we’d take the interests of the world as a whole over the national interests of one country, right?. Besides, We’ve been asked to escort him.”

“That’s right. Trust is the number one priority for adventurers, you know?”

Of course, we have our own agenda as well, and we won’t and can’t betray Toby. But even if we didn’t, it wouldn’t change where we stand. There was no way we would choose to turn our backs on the heroes of the worlds we have passed by until now.

“I’m not foolish enough to take the word of someone I don’t trust. Besides, …”

Saying that, Palm glanced at Toby.

“I am the one who deserves the treasure, not you. The value of the jewel will be diminished if it falls into the hands of a small person like you. If you want to lower the value of the treasure, then we have every right to interfere, don’t we? Right, Claude?”

“Indeed. It’s quite a hassle to wipe off the sticky pork fat. If possible, please refrain from doing it.”

(T/N: Man really called a Prince a Pig LMAO)

“…I see. Haa, after all, you’re a lowly person. If you are so stupid that you cannot even read the situation, let alone understand the cause, then you are nothing more than vermin, no better than goblins.”

Spitting out words of contempt, Prince Lowell turned on his heel and walked back into the army. It was probably out of pride and conceit that he turned his back on us so brazenly, and in fact, we would not touch him. If we kill him and get rid of him, we will lose our cause. However, …

“So, what are you going to do, Toby? You can’t beat him, can you?”

For me and Tia, who would be leaving this world in the not-too-distant future, and for Palm and Claude, who have been bounty hunters from the beginning, there was no big problem in dealing with the kingdom army here. If I had to say so, Palm’s bounty would jump if we destroyed them here, but that was not my concern.

But Toby was different. If he wants to continue to live a normal life in this world, he cannot defeat the kingdom’s army here. If a mere adventurer clearly crossed blades with the national army, he would have to travel to a very distant country to get a proper job. The one who understood this best was, of course, Toby himself.

“Of course! If I let even one person die, I’m sure I’ll become a wanted man. So–“

His arms and legs trembled, his voice shook, but his eyes looked straight at me.

“Let’s get through that army and escape to the Holy State without letting anyone die!”

“I see. A wonderfully peaceful solution. So, what exactly is your plan?”

“I’m going straight through by myself. Can you cover me?”

About 100 cavalrymen stood in front of us. It was insane to run through them alone, but I nodded with a smile to… Toby’s eyes, which were filled with determination.

“I get it. Then for now, I’ll protect your path… not you. Go, Toby!”

With my shout, Toby rushed to the front. And so the battle with a one-sided disadvantage began.

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