Chapter 14

After entering the mobile Internet era.

Dozens of software are launched every day.


There will also be a lot of software delisting because it has been tepid.

However, there are software with hundreds of millions of installed capacity, such as Weixin, certain music, and so on.

It continues to stimulate Internet companies to enter this market.

Jiang Han’s strength is not strong compared to those companies.

Even the investment quota alone is not even a cannon fodder.

But that is only from the perspective of funding.

On software alone.

Jiang Han, who has obtained top programming skills, has yet to serve anyone.

The software source code was approved in one night.

But because Jiang Han did not start the company.

Even if the software is already online.

It was only in the ‘pea pod’.

Like those app stores that come with mobile phone brands.

Jiang Han does not even have the qualifications to enter.

But these are only a matter of time for Jiang Han.

Without investing funds for promotion.

Want to be noticed by users can only rely on natural traffic, and then through word of mouth to ferment.

Attract people around the user to install.

From the first day, only a dozen people downloaded it, and then a week later, the number of downloads exceeded 1,000.

Although it doesn’t seem to be much.

However, the number of installed machines per day has increased exponentially in the context of word-of-mouth fermentation.

It is estimated that it will not take long for this software to exceed one million users.

Twenty days after the end of the college entrance examination.

In the expectation of candidates across the country.

The college entrance examination scores will finally be announced.

Although I already knew Jiang Han’s score.

But Jiang Hui and the other two returned home from get off work early.

I want to check it again by myself.

Tonight, some people are destined to be happy and some are sad.

The Jiang Han family is the happiest family tonight.

Look at those full marks on the phone screen.

Jiang Hui finally let go of their hearts.

Jiang Han really did 750 points in the exam.

The first person in decades!

“Good good!”

Jiang Hui even said three times in a row.

“Wife, fry a few more dishes tonight, and then bring the precious bottle of Moutai. I have a drink with my son!”

It can be seen that Jiang Hui is in a good mood.

And her mother Lin Yueru just gave her husband a blank look.

And did not refuse.

When my son is older, it’s okay to drink occasionally.

Especially on such a happy day.

Even if Lin Yueru bored Jiang Hui drinking, she wouldn’t be out today.

Turned around and went to the kitchen.

And Jiang Hui started to report Jiang Han’s score to relatives and friends one by one with his mobile phone.

Especially when he heard words that his relatives and friends could not believe, the pride on Jiang Hui’s face could not be concealed.

Jiang Han was quietly holding a book related to the stock market and sitting by and watching.

From time to time, he looked up at his father.

Isn’t it just this kind of plain happiness that you are pursuing when you are alive?

Seeing the smiles on the faces of parents.

A smile appeared on Jiang Han’s face.

But what he didn’t know was.

Located in the Jiangsu Satellite TV in Jinling.

Because he had a quarrel.

One Stop, as a veteran variety show independently created by Jiangsu Satellite TV, has been broadcast since the strongest brain.

The ratings have been declining.

Although the broadcast time of the two is not in the same time period.

But because the types of programs are roughly the same and belong to the same TV.

Competition is inevitable.

This has been seven consecutive weeks of decline in ratings.

If there is still no way to restore the show’s decline.

The station is about to find a way to restart a new show.

It is precisely because of this.

The producers of all the shows were forced to stay and work overtime today.

Discuss methods together.

Hope that brainstorming can bring the show to life again.

But the problem is.

As a show that has been on the air for nearly seven years.

The audience has long been disgusted.

Unless there is something particularly novel that can stimulate the audience.

Otherwise, the ratings will never go up.

Several consecutive plans have been rejected.

As the general manager of the show.

Wang Chaoyang slammed the table and said angrily: “Don’t think that the show has been chopped down, and I am the only one involved.”

“Everyone will be transferred at that time.”

“Don’t you have the heart to watch so many years of hard work been so in vain!”

“Can’t think of a way tonight, no one is allowed to leave work!”

“I will stay here with you until I figure out a way!”

Wang Chaoyang is not a person who likes to lose his temper.

But today’s temper has scared everyone.

no way.

Wang Chaoyang was anxious.

But this is how people are, the more anxious, the slower the mind will turn.

Everyone is helpless.

Even if I live here tonight, it can only be so dry.

Time passed slowly.

Everyone is a little bit sleepy.

Wang Chaoyang saw all this in his eyes.

But helpless.

I sighed in my heart, knowing that there will be no results if I continue to wait.

Can only get up to announce the adjournment of the meeting.

But at this moment.

A young-looking girl suddenly stood up excitedly with her mobile phone.

“Director! I know what to do!”

The girl’s voice attracted everyone’s eyes in the meeting room.

But then even a few sneers rang out.

“What do you know as a newcomer, sit down quickly!”

“I haven’t seen so many seniors who don’t know what to do? What can you do there?”

“What can you do? You don’t even know how to make a show, right?”.

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