Chapter 9

Is this what a genius looks like?

Dean Tang and others looked at Jiang Han with a smile.

Can’t help but think of how he looked when he was young.

It’s the same as Jiang Han.

There is real material, but also young and frivolous.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Dean Tang even said three good things.

“This is what the college entrance examination champion should look like!”

“This is what the first candidate with a perfect score in the college entrance examination in decades should look like!”

Regardless of whether Jiang Han will follow him to Shuimu in the end.

But at least Dean Tang appreciates Jiang Han.

The same goes for the other deans.

After hearing Jiang Han directly asked him if he had a full score.

Except for a brief astonishment.

All that is left is a smile.

Zhang Yang is good.

I’m not afraid of you being public, I’m afraid that you are not a genius.

No matter how you publicize, there will always be countless problems waiting for you to answer.

But if you are not a genius, you are an idiot.

Jiang Han meets all their expectations for candidates who have a perfect score in the college entrance examination.

To recruit Jiang Han to his own hands is really worthwhile.

It is different from the excitement of several deans.

Jiang Han only raised his eyebrows after hearing Dean Tang’s words.

Is it a perfect score?

And then, an electronically synthesized sound rang in Jiang Han’s mind.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden novice mission.”

“Task rewards are being issued.”

“Halo: Integrity, 100,000 cash rewards have been issued.”

“The system is officially activated, and the character attribute panel opens.”

“Host: Jiang Han.”

“IQ: 130.”

“Current Skills: Master of Literature, Master of Mathematics, Master of English, Advanced Physics, Advanced Chemistry…”

“Current halo: Integrity.”

“Integration: After merging the fragments, automatically comprehend the acquired knowledge.”

Listening to the electronically synthesized sound in his mind, Jiang Han’s smile became stronger.

Compared with the full score of the college entrance examination.

This is what excites him most.

Especially this newly acquired only halo.

Be well-rounded.

In other words, can he save part of the hard work of deep knowledge?

In this way, his learning efficiency seems to be higher.

The system that has been quiet for more than ten days except for prompting to obtain fragments suddenly appeared at this time.

It gave Jiang Han a big surprise.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Han was only happy because of Dean Tang’s praise.

“Now that you know the score.”

Dean Tang smiled and said, “So should our college entrance examination champion pick a school?”

“Yes, as the only full score in decades, you are here with us, but it’s very popular.”

The other deans also joked.

“do not.”

Faced with many jokes made by the dean, Jiang Han also took his mind back.

“The deans of our family have also seen it.”

“There are so many of you, I am not easy to pick, why don’t we have a good chat?”

Jiang Han said nothing.

But the meaning is clear.

All of you sitting here are people with a lot of social experience.

Especially those deans.

How could they not understand the meaning in Jiang Han’s words?

This is for them to submit conditions.

The smile in Dean Tang’s eyes turned into a misunderstanding.

Then some sneers were nonsense: “Your kid is kind of cheap.”

“Don’t worry, with your score, free tuition is the most basic.”

“Furthermore, Mizuki can also provide you with a living allowance of at least 100,000 yuan per year.”

“You can even provide you with a separate dormitory for faculty and staff.”

Dean Tang’s conditions were not too high.

After all, from the perspective of the school, we need to consider the overall situation.

It is not only necessary to take care of Jiang Han, the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

Also take care of other students.

After all, the worst person who can reach Shuimu is also the county-level champion.

Jiang Han quietly listened to Dean Tang’s words, but said nothing.

I have read so many books during this period, and it is not just a little bit for Jiang Han to mature in more than ten days.

Don’t make a decision directly after listening to the first one.

Seeing that Jiang Han did not speak, the other deans knew that Jiang Han was waiting for them.

But to be honest.

The school can provide limited help to Jiang Han.

Even the top ten schools in the country.

The real influence depends on the society.

It is predictable.

As the first full score winner in the history of the college entrance examination.

After the message is delivered, countless companies will come to the door.

Want to rub this wave of heat.

And Jiang Han also needs to use this wave of enthusiasm to stir up his own worth.

Don’t say how much money you earn and how much benefit you get.

At least some burden should be relieved for parents.

With a reward of 100,000 cash for the task just now, Jiang Han can guarantee the expenses of his college life.

But the difference is still a bit far from changing the conditions of the home.

Jiang Han does not have much desire for money now.

But he is willing to make money for his parents.

After all the deans have introduced the conditions set by their schools.

Jiang Han was slightly silent.

Among these schools, Wuhan University offers the best conditions.

No way, who made Wuhan University the worst ranked among these schools?

It is estimated that Dean Wang of Wuhan University had to vomit blood when he heard Jiang Han’s words.

The school where countless people want to come in.

In Jiang Han, became the worst?

“The conditions offered by the deans made me very excited.”

Jiang Han meditated for a few seconds and then said: “But I have one condition. I hope the deans can consider it.”

“What is the condition? Just say, as long as it can be met, I will definitely agree.”

Dean Tang took the lead.

When the other deans saw this, they didn’t speak any more, just focused on Jiang Han’s body.

“That’s…I hope I don’t have to go to class after I go to college.”

Jiang Han hesitated.

Because he knows how excessive this request is.

“Of course, I can guarantee that the score will be full marks in the exam.”

Although Jiang Han added another sentence, he still made all the deans look weird.

As a student, you actually said that you don’t want to go to class?

And can you guarantee that the exam will be full marks?

Many deans subconsciously wanted to tell that it was impossible.

But suddenly I found something was wrong.

In their opinion, a college entrance examination with full marks is impossible.

Jiang Han just got full marks! .

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