The Dog Thief Deer Demon King felt that since he said this, he must do it and not let the younger brother down.

Her little face had the expression 'I want to study deeply'.

The short legs move, the steps are firm.

Lu Xiaoyuan came to the yard, a thought popped out, and then shrouded in the book.

Her realm was so high that Zhou Ye couldn't even perceive a single thought of her.

While Lu Xiaoyuan was watching, he deduced it in his mind.

She wants to set up an array, to set up a perfect illusion array, the kind that can make Xiaocao Jing successfully fall into it.

"Little Grass Essence is in the late stage of Transcendence, how can I put a fifth-order formation to trap it..." Lu Xiaoyuan pondered in his heart.

The soul of the transcendent realm is very powerful and can easily see through the illusion, so the low-level formations have no effect on the transcendent realm creatures.

The dog thief deer demon king separated a thought and probed his little treasure trove.

quite a while.

A mysterious smile appeared on Lu Xiaoyuan's little face.

"Using the sixth-order material to arrange the array, can't you arrange a fifth-order array?"

Lu Xiaoyuan is very confident.

She is convinced that as long as the materials are used well, they cannot be deployed without the formation.


Zhou Ye looked at the formation book, it was serious.

He was in a state he had never been in before, very magical.

Every time I turn the page and come into contact with new knowledge, I feel that knowledge is like water, and Zhou Moucao is a sponge, constantly absorbing that water.

Infinite knowledge is stored in the brain.

There is a feeling that I am a scholar.

Zhou Ye admired himself very much.

To be able to swim in the ocean of knowledge.

This is the state that many living beings dream of.

Sure enough, as long as his smart little brain goes online, everything can be done.

"This Lost Formation is a bit interesting." Zhou Ye began to enter a state of in-depth study.

He believes that as long as he has learned enough formations and accumulated enough experience, he will naturally be able to set up powerful formations.

It may not be perfect, but it works.

And he found a problem.

The plug-in doesn't seem to improve things about the sub-professional.

In other words, is it because you haven't seen enough, and haven't reached the level of the login panel?

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Ye was very motivated.

He felt that his second guess was correct.

I think it was the same with alchemy at the beginning, and I made some semi-finished products by myself, and it was just a kind of medicine pill.

The same is true for the formation now.

For the time being, I will only arrange an illusion array.

Thinking about it, it should be that it has not reached the point where the two sub-professionals can log in to the panel.

After all, these two sub-professionals contain a bit too much.

A single introduction to the formation method is dozens of pages, and each page has a low-level formation method recorded on the front and back sides. In this way, you need to learn hundreds of formation methods to get started...

So terrifying.

"But after learning the formation technique, it seems to be quite powerful." Zhou Ye muttered.

Think about it, wave your hands into a formation in an instant, and the enemy is deeply trapped in the formation.

At that time, the enemy's wealth was not allowed to be harvested by Zhou Moucao?

Simply too easy.

It must be learned.

Zhou Ye read the book very hard.

Lu Xiaoyuan sat on the threshold with one hand on his knee and one hand on his cheek.

On the surface, this guy was in a daze, but that thoughtful little expression was really a little different.

It was an expression of thinking about a big problem.

A quarter of an hour later.

When Zhou Ye was still immersed in the ocean of knowledge, Lu Xiaoyuan had already stood up.

She stretched her body, then touched her little chin and deduced the illusion array in her mind.

A super invincible illusion array is about to be laid out in her Lu Xiaoyuan's hands.

Suddenly, there is a sense of witnessing history.

But looking at her Lu Xiaoyuan's life, it seems that apart from eating and sleeping, she can do anything well for the first time.

Don't panic.

Be steady.

In order to avenge the younger brother for a while, everything must be done perfectly.

Lu Xiaoyuan decided to try the formation himself first to see the effect. If the effect is not bad, then he will start his own plan.

She dodged and came out of the yard.

After thinking about it, it can't be exposed at will, so Lu Xiaoyuan waved his hand and opened up a space of nothingness.

She walked directly into the space and suddenly disappeared in Qingxu Mountain.

In a deserted place.

Lu Xiaoyuan squatted on the ground and took out one after another of rare treasures from the small bag he was carrying.

She started to set up.

"call out."

Pieces of rare treasures flew out and then fell into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a trace of normal line appeared, connecting these rare treasures.

When the last big circle appeared, Lu Xiaoyuan knew that his formation had been successful.

"But if I want to try this fifth-order formation myself, it definitely won't work. Under normal circumstances, it won't affect me..." Lu Xiaoyuan was at a loss for a while.

How should I try it out?

Good half sound.

The IQ of the dog thief deer demon king is not high on the line.

"Yes! It's enough to seal the soul for a quarter of an hour!" Lu Xiaoyuan clapped his hands and smiled, with "I'm so witty" written all over his face.

Just do it.

Lu Xiaoyuan began to cast spells, and then successfully sealed his soul.

Now, it's hard for her to separate a single thought.

Although the seal can be undone easily, Lu Xiaoyuan decided to give the formation a try, so he never thought about undoing the seal at all.

Lu Xiaoyuan moved his short legs, and then walked into the formation.

As soon as he entered, his body suddenly froze.

In the center of the wood world, Grandpa Shu sensed that Lu Xiaoyuan had opened up a space, and was immediately curious, so he decided to investigate.

"What is this silly girl doing?" Grandpa Shu didn't want to understand.

It decided to watch.


Qingxu Mountain.

It is morning.

The sun hangs high, illuminating the earth and warming all things in the world.

The breeze was blowing, and due to seasonal reasons, it was mixed with a hint of coolness.

In the small courtyard, Big Brother Qingdi sat on a stool and read a book, with a gentle smile on his face.


A white deer came out of nowhere, looking excited.

"Xiaolu is back?" Qingdi boss turned his head and looked at Bailu, his eyes filled with pampering.


Bai Lu called out to the big brother Qingdi, as if responding to him.

"Go, the spirit medicines in the spirit medicine field are all mature, and they are all waiting for you to come back." Qingdi said softly.

Bai Lu heard the words, his eyes lit up.

Then, it jumped to the field of spirit medicine.

In the field of spirit medicine, each plant of spirit medicine exudes a seductive fragrance, and the real body emits a halo, which looks so delicious in Bai Lu's eyes.


Without any hesitation, Bai Lu spoke directly.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Big Brother Qingdi didn't know when he appeared beside Bai Lu, patted Bai Lu's head gently, and then said with a smile.

That smile, unusually kind.

Like an old father caring for his daughter.

Bai Lu responded with a sound, and then continued to harm the elixir.

After a while, the elixir was wiped clean.

Bai Lu still didn't know what to do, raised his head and looked at the big brother Qingdi pitifully.

"What a greedy little guy." The big brother of Qingdi suddenly smiled.

With a wave of his hand, majestic power enveloped the field of spirit medicine.

Immediately, all the elixir in the elixir field returned to normal.

At the same time, these elixir are even more delicious than before.

Bailu's mind is full of food.

But after a while, these elixir were wiped clean by it again.

The big boss Qingdi smiled helplessly, and then he made a seal with his hands and began to cast spells.

Under the powerful magic power, all the elixir in the elixir field disappeared completely and were replaced by a large number of heaven-level elixir.

The halos emanating from the sky-level elixir gathered together to form a huge colorful cloud.

At this moment, the courtyard is like a fairyland.

Bai Lu approached slowly, as if he hadn't thought of it, and looked at the big boss Qingdi in surprise.

The boss of Qingdi said: "Eat slowly, there is not enough."

Bai Lu heard the words and nodded fiercely.

It slowly bit down on a flower and then tasted it.

Oh my gosh.

How delicious this is, it makes Bai Lu seem to be in a sea of ​​joy.

Days like this are too beautiful.

As time passed, Bai Lu kept harming this heaven-level elixir, becoming more and more happy.

When the last heaven-level elixir was finished, Bai Lu hiccupped, and then saw that the big boss of Qingdi was about to cast a spell.

Bai Lu shook his head at Qingdi boss, as if to say: Enough is enough, enough to eat.

The big boss Qingdi nodded slightly and stood aside with his hands behind his back.

Bailu strolled in the yard and walked to the side of Lingtian.

The tip of his nose moved slightly, and he smelled a peculiar fragrance.

Bai Lu lowered his head and saw Zhou Ye.

The moment it lowered its head, Zhou Ye cut off two leaves.

Bailu took the two leaves with lightning speed, and then chewed slowly.


The comfort that cannot be described in words.

Bai Lu felt that his life was too good.

It even feels a little illusory.

The white deer bowed his head.

The younger brother is so powerful, and he has to do it himself.

Immediately, a halo lit up on its antlers, and the colorful divine light spewed out, submerging into Zhou Ye's body.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Ye's cultivation changed from the late stage of the extraordinary realm to the realm of the emperor.

that moment.

The fragrance is scattered everywhere, all over the mountains and plains.

Zhou Ye was grateful and immediately cut off two leaves.

Bai Lu looked at Zhou Ye as if to say: Junior Brother, you are too sensible.

Just as Bai Lu bit two leaves, his eyes widened.

The smell was so wonderful that it made the white deer swim in the refreshing ocean once again.

Very comfortable, let it empty the mind.

But this feeling didn't last long.

White Deer found a problem.

The surrounding space began to shatter inch by inch, gradually turning into light spots, and then disappeared.

Lu Xiaoyuan stood there, a little dazed.


After a long while, the saliva dripped into the silent space, and the sound woke Lu Xiaoyuan up.

She hurriedly wiped the crystals from the corners of her mouth, and then looked around cautiously, she was relieved when no one noticed.

The center of the wood world.

Grandpa Tree was a little dumbfounded.

"Is this the life this silly girl wants most?"

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