Refining a first-order pill explosive furnace.

Although the explosion sound is relatively loud, but the substantial power is not much.

At least in Zhou Ye's eyes.

There's nothing wrong with him, he's just a little charred.


The power of the first-order pill fryer was too weak.

Even Zhou Ye was thinking, would the second-order pill fryer be more powerful?

If so, what would the third-order pill blaster look like?

Even... the fifth-order medicinal pill, the sixth-order medicinal pill explosive furnace, will it be very scary?

Think for a moment.

A strange idea appeared in Zhou Moucao's mind.

When you fight with others in the future, can you directly concoct alchemy, then fry the furnace, and kill the opponent directly.

"it should be OK."

Zhou Ye guessed.

However, I feel that this method is not right.

Refining medicinal pills of the same level requires you to be by your side all the time.

If the fryer is fried, then you will be the first one facing the fryer, and you probably won't be able to escape if you want to run.

Then you have to work hard to cultivate, try to become stronger, so that you will not be bombed to death.

"You practice slowly." Lu Xiaoyuan urged.

"Well, senior sister, don't worry." Zhou Ye responded.

Immediately, Lu Xiaoyuan stopped paying attention to Zhou Ye.

She was still very sleepy, and fell asleep directly on the window.


The second attempt to refine the Profound Spirit Pill failed.

Zhou Ye was irritable.

Alchemy is really difficult.

The mere first-order medicinal herbs can actually stumped him Zhou Moucao.


But he Zhou Moucao is the kind of grass that gives up halfway.

Continue to work, if you don't succeed in refining, you will not practice.

Nothing but three.

the third time.

It worked.

The blade of grass rolled up a white elixir.

Zhou Ye felt it carefully.

"The quality of this Profound Spirit Pill is only a first-order middle grade, it's not good."

Zhou Ye secretly shook his head.

The energy in the first-order middle-grade medicine is not too pure, and it is a little bit mixed.

In general, the first-order middle-grade product does not meet the requirements.

Zhou Ye began to continue alchemy.

Once you have a successful experience, you will soon have a second success.

half an hour.

The second Profound Spirit Pill was successfully refined.

Zhou Ye sighed.

He Zhou Moucao is really suitable for alchemy.

The finished product of the second time was directly upgraded to the first-order high-quality product.

has barely met the requirements.

But since this medicine pill is used by the younger brother, no matter how it is collected, it must reach the top level of the first-order.

I can't hurt my little brother.

Zhou Ye's mind was firm and continued to concoct alchemy.

cliff edge.

The sky is clear, and the weather is good.

In many cases, the weather can affect the mood of living beings.

But even such good weather can't change the sadness in the old tree's heart.

The old tree is tall enough to clearly see Zhou Ye who is alchemy in the yard.

"Hey, Zhou Ye, can't you let my old tree cultivate honestly?"

"My old tree likes hard work, but I don't like refining medicine pills to make breakthroughs! What sense of accomplishment does that give?"

"You Zhou Ye are depriving my old tree of the joy of hard work."

The old tree muttered in his heart.

But vaguely, still a little excited.

Soon, his strength will be improved again.

Although he couldn't beat Senior Brother Caojing, the distance between the two sides was a little closer.

The old tree looked at the distant scenery and gradually fell into contemplation.

It starts to think about tree life.

As he gradually thought about it, he found that his future life would probably have many exciting ups and downs.

Maybe one day, there will be surprises or shocks.

The heart is not good and may not be able to bear it.

The old tree began to wonder.

Should I increase this convenient resistance?

As long as the resistance is high enough, Senior Brother Caojing can't hurt himself.


"Sure enough, Zhou is a genius."

Zhou Ye wanted to laugh.

After his unremitting efforts, there was an alchemist on the career panel.

At the same time, the Mysterious Spirit Pill refined by himself also reached the first-order peak effect.

Just need to ponder more, you can directly operate a furnace of ten pills.

However, that requires the accumulation of experience. If you don't have enough experience, you can't try it rashly, otherwise you will easily fry the furnace.

But Zhou Ye was not false at all.

Isn't it alchemy?

Mang will get it.

Whether it can be successfully refined depends on fate.

Zhou Ye began to operate.

Put ten herbs at a time.

He dared not say he was a genius.

But he doesn't think he's stupid either.

In this case, as long as it is done with IQ, there is hope.

In the alchemy furnace, the fire temperature is gradually rising.

The flames are like swimming snakes, swimming around in the alchemy furnace.

Zhou Ye sat aside and stared.

To be honest, at such a close distance, the high temperature brought him a certain amount of discomfort.

But he didn't really care.

If the realm is relatively low, then at this moment, Zhou Moucao's real body may start to lack water, and then he will enter a state of sluggishness.

But it doesn't matter now.

He Zhou Moucao is a transcendent existence.

"It will be successful soon." Zhou Ye smiled in his heart.

Ten petals have wrapped the essence particles.

As long as you wait for the high temperature to burn, and then through rough manipulation, let them fuse into a medicinal pill, then everything will be done.

For this matter, Zhou Ye is very experienced now.

He operates with confidence.


Like a thunderous explosion, the lid of the alchemy furnace rose into the sky, and then fell to the top of the alchemy furnace, making a sound of "Kangdang Kuangdang".

From the mouth of the alchemy furnace, billowing black smoke came out.

The powerful shock wave once again pushed Zhou Ye, who was caught off guard, to the fence and adhered.

"Fuck me..." Zhou Ye wanted to curse.

But I couldn't find a target to vent.

After all, it was because of distraction.

If you don't get distracted, you will definitely be able to successfully refine a pot of ten pills.

Be serious.

Really can't be distracted.

cliff edge.

To be honest, now the old tree is really full of doubts about the medicinal pills that Zhou Ye refined.

Can you really refine the medicinal herbs refined by Senior Brother Caojing?

Will it go straight to heaven after refining it?

It is inevitable that it will have such an idea.

After all, this is already Zhou Ye's second frying, and the situation is not very common.

The sound was really loud, and the thick smoke coming out at the same time was a bit choking, and even it was somewhat affected.

Lu Xiaoyuan was awakened again.

After finding that Zhou Ye was fine, he continued to sleep on his stomach.

As for the billowing smoke, it had no effect on her at all.

Because when she was sleeping, she was breathing aura.

open space.

Zhou Ye rubbed the two leaves with each other, and then continued to embark on his own alchemy career.

"With the first failure, you can sum up a lot of experience, and then pave the way for the second success." Zhou Ye poured chicken soup in his heart.

He trusts his alchemy technique very much.

At all times, you must trust yourself.

Be brave.

Keep telling yourself in the bottom of my heart 'I'm awesome', 'Come on, I can do it', 'I'm really strong, and the reason for failure is because of carelessness'.

In this way, confidence bursts.

Zhou Ye was very confident, and he started again.

If you want to ask where the confidence comes from.

Zhou Ye would definitely answer that, it was self-hypnosis.

It doesn't matter if you can do it or not, anyway, in this small matter, just be reckless.

Believe in yourself, yes.

The second test is a pot of ten Dan.

Under his careful control of Zhou Moucao, it was successful.

The efficiency is improved, but the quality cannot be controlled.

None of the medicinal pills were top tier one, which made him very disappointed.

Three are first-rank high-grade, and the rest are first-rank middle-grade.

Zhou Ye began to recall the operation just now, looking for mistakes, and wanted to see what was causing such a situation.

half an hour.

All error finding is done.

He deduced in his mind.

The result of the deduction is a pot of ten pills, all perfect.

Zhou Ye was full of confidence and started refining.

Reality always beats inner fantasy.

When Zhou Ye took out the elixir, the lungs of qi hurt.

"My Nima."

Zhou Ye is so angry.

Of the ten medicinal pills, only one is the first-order peak, and the rest are below the first-order peak.

"No, you have to comprehend it well, you can't be sloppy."

"High-rise buildings all start with the foundation. For the mastery of this low-level medicinal herb, Zhou must be perfect."

Zhou Ye began to hypnotize himself.

He started alchemy again.


The old tree has completely lost trust in Zhou Ye.

What grass is this.

This day, I will comfort myself too much.

However, the old tree has some expectations in his heart.

Senior Brother Caojing is so serious about refining medicinal pills, so what kind of effect does the refined medicinal pills have?

Wait a minute.

What is this idea.

My old tree likes to work hard, and my old tree does not like to take shortcuts.

The old tree is ashamed.

I actually came up with this idea.

Really fallen.

How can it be like this...

In the yard open space.


Zhou Ye laughed frantically.

At this moment, it was the most satisfying moment for Zhou Moucao.

Isn't it just a pot of ten pills, look, isn't this easy to complete?

"Seven first-rank tops and three first-rank tops. Although there are some flaws, they are quite good." Zhou Ye nodded secretly.

He had a feeling that he was about to be convinced by himself.

Oh my God.

Why is my Zhou Moucao so arrogant?

Can't stand it. Can't stand it.


Zhou Ye came under the old tree with ten Xuanling Pills.

These ten Mysterious Spirit Pills are all his Zhou Moucao's proud work.

All are first-order tops, and the energy contained in the medicinal pills is absolutely pure.

There are two words mixed together, and it is impossible to forcibly add it to the medicine pill. That is an insult to Zhou Moucao.

"Little Junior Brother, Senior Brother, I have gone through a lot of hardships and finally refined ten Profound Spirit Pills for you. As long as you refine these ten Profound Spirit Pills, Junior Junior Brother, your cultivation will be like a natural breakthrough to the profound sea. environment." Zhou Ye said to the old tree.

The old tree looked at him, silent for a while.

Zhou Ye's body was charred black now, as if he had been smeared with carbon ashes.

"Little Junior Brother, these ten medicinal pills contain extremely terrifying power. When you refine them, you must hold on to them," Zhou Ye said.

The old tree wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

It looked at the ten Profound Spirit Pills that Zhou Ye had placed on the ground, and felt the energy contained in them, feeling a little strange in their hearts.

Brother Caojing.

You are blowing too much.

. vertex

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