Fall of the Emperor Realm? !

Which emperor fell?

Zhou Ye fell silent.

He thought of the big boss Qingdi, Jin Thirty-six, and Grandpa Shu.

Grandpa Tree is still in the wood world, and it is impossible for it to fall.

Once Grandpa Shu falls, the entire sky of the wood world will collapse.

So if it wasn't Grandpa Tree, could it be...

Zhou Ye didn't dare to guess.

But that's what it is.

The Qingdi boss and Jin Thirty-six have already gone out and haven't returned yet, who knows what's going on?

"Senior sister, who do you think it will be?" Zhou Ye said softly, looking at Lu Xiaoyuan.

Lu Xiaoyuan was silent.

To be honest, she didn't know.

"I believe in Master, and I also believe in Sister Jin."

This sentence is Lu Xiaoyuan's answer.

Lu Xiaoyuan didn't know how strong the Qing Emperor was. Although Jin Thirty-Six was very weak in the Emperor Realm, he was still in the Emperor Realm after all.

Emperor realm...

That is the object of worship.

"Yeah." Zhou Ye thought for a long time, and finally answered.

He silently returned to the spiritual field to take root.

He pondered for a long time.

He had hope in his heart, he didn't think it was the big bosses of Qingdi or Jin Thirty-six who fell.

Among the six realms, it is not only the wooden realm that has the existence of the emperor realm.

"Maybe it's the fall of the emperor's realm from another realm?" Zhou Yeqiang smiled and comforted himself in his heart.


If the emperor realm of other realms falls, will it affect the sky in the wood realm?

Zhou Ye couldn't figure it out.

He wanted to ask Lu Xiaoyuan, but seeing Lu Xiaoyuan sitting on the threshold looking at the sky, he couldn't bear to ask.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyuan, hugging his knees, stared at the sky like that.

The sky above the firmament is still twisted, and the blood rain is getting bigger and bigger.

The creatures could vaguely hear the sound of crying in the 'crashing' rain.

The feeling of grief in my heart is getting heavier and heavier, making it difficult for countless creatures to breathe.

Tears remained unconsciously.

cliff edge.

The old tree was drenched in blood.

Although it is not very intelligent, but after hearing Lu Xiaoyuan's words, he can guess a lot.

It prays in its heart.

Don't be alright.

A quarter of an hour passed.

At this quarter of an hour, there was a violent storm between heaven and earth.

After this quarter of an hour passed, everything returned to calm.

It was as if that rain of blood had never happened before.

But the grief in the hearts of the creatures that has not completely disappeared told them that all of this had really happened.

The sky, restored to its original appearance, is no longer distorted.

Zhou Ye looked up at the sky at this time, always feeling a little strange.


With a sigh in his heart, Zhou Ye began to practice.

The Emperor Realm is too far away from him.

He wanted to shorten the distance.

Always want to do something.

Under the illumination of the sun and stars, Zhou Yezhen unfolded.

The grief in his heart didn't completely disappear, Zhou Ye couldn't immerse himself in the state of cultivation, which made him very irritable.

He tried hard to get over it.

But no matter what, it is impossible to absorb any energy at this moment.

It was as if all the energies between heaven and earth were mourning the existence of the fallen unknown emperor.

Zhou Ye's heart gradually calmed down.

The matter of the sky crying blood is like a stone falling into the calm water.

Rippled, swaying in all directions, spreading in the bottom of my heart.

Right now, he is like this.

When the surface of the water has completely calmed down, it will be time for cultivation.

But the ripples bounced back after touching the edge for a long time...

Zhou Ye wanted to cry.

But as a grass, how can we cry?

If the grief cannot be vented, it can only be trapped in the bottom of the heart and form an obstacle.

Zhou Ye rubbed his roots and walked to the edge of the cliff.

He sat on the edge of the cliff, lost in thought.

The old tree looked at him silently.

What Zhou Ye was thinking, the old tree naturally understood that it also had such thoughts, but there was nothing he could do.

Although there is not much contact, the grace of preaching should be remembered for a lifetime.

half an hour.

Zhou Ye got up.

The old tree looked at the two blades of grass that gradually exuded an icy aura, and sighed in his heart.

Senior Brother Caojing, do you want to vent the grief in your heart?


Zhou Ye used his strength.

In the state of turning into a sword, the strongest form is cut.

Thunder Sword!


The sword light broke away from the blade of grass, and then doubled in size.

To ten miles away, it is already hundreds of feet long.

The sword light swept across a full 100 miles before it was powerless and collapsed directly.

This sword cut out, and Zhou Ye sat on the edge of the cliff.

The grief in my heart eased a little.

But it still made him uncomfortable, unable to breathe.

"Crack! Boom!"

In the sky, another thunder exploded.

Zhou Ye was horrified and panicked.

Heaven weeps blood again.

Today, have two emperors fallen? !

Zhou Ye asked himself, but could not get an answer.

In the courtyard, Lu Xiaoyuan's small hands trembled, looking at the gradually distorted sky in disbelief.

If an emperor falls, there are many speculations.

Two words...

Lu Xiaoyuan had a guess in her heart, which made her fall into grief again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible... Master is so powerful, it's definitely impossible!" Lu Xiaoyuan shook his head frantically with red eyes.

She dared not think about that guess.

Looking back on the time with Qingdi and Jin Thirty-six, how happy it was.

But everything now makes Lu Xiaoyuan feel that his world has turned gray.

Lu Xiaoyuan blushed from crying.

Zhou Ye lowered his head and looked down at the cliff.

Below the cliff is gravel.

Zhou Ye seemed to see a ruin, the flames of war were burning, and the living beings were fighting...

this moment.

The power in his real body began to riot.

The blood rain came again.

Drops of blood-red rain fell on Zhou Ye's body.

Feeling the grief carried in the rain, Zhou Ye was infected again.



Difficulty breathing.

It's as if someone close to you is away from you.


Zhou Ye didn't know what to do.

He wanted to get rid of these emotions, but he couldn't.

Even if he was as strong as Lu Xiaoyuan, he still couldn't do it.

The reason for all this, no one knows.

Everything in the world has this question.

In the end, why?

After all, who fell?

The center of the wood world.

Grandpa Shu kept his eyes closed.

It murmured.



Grandpa Shu decided in his heart.

If you go out of the world, the entire sky of the wood world will collapse, and none of the hundreds of millions of creatures in the wood world will be able to escape the fate of death.

In the wood world, Grandpa Shu is the sky.

Grandpa Tree can't help out of bounds.

It supports this side of the sky, and is also imprisoned by this side of the sky.

"Hope it's not what I thought..." Grandpa Tree sighed.

As an emperor, it was somewhat affected by some grief.

It can get rid of this emotion and manipulate it at will.

But it didn't.

Everything about it is dedicated to guarding the wooden world.

It cannot know about things outside the realm.

As for which two emperor realms have fallen, it does not know at all.

"Is it the tranquility before the storm?" Grandpa Shu asked himself in his heart.

half an hour.

No answers, no clues.

Grandpa Tree opened his eyes and looked down at the earth.

The kindness in his eyes was gone, replaced by a violent murderous aura.

"I can't leave, I can't help you, so I can only guard this world and let this world be peaceful forever!!!"


Jin Xiaoer revealed his true body and spread his right wing to cover the blood rain for the scarlet red, and his wings were already dyed blood red.

"Is it those two?" Chi Hong asked him, looking up.

Jin Xiaoer looked down at her.

There were two lines of tears on his red cheeks.

Jin Xiaoer shook his head and said slowly, "I don't know."

He also wanted to know the answer.

He also wanted to know if it was the two of them.

"Those two should still be in the wood world, right?" Jin Xiaoer comforted himself.

How can you and I know about the travels that exist in the Emperor Realm?

This sentence, Chi Hong held back and didn't say it.

She didn't want to expose it.

She knew that Jin Xiaoer was just deceiving herself.


Baihu, Tianyuan, Xuangui and other top demon kings gathered together.

They were all silent.

I don't believe what I think.

But they know a little bit about the whereabouts of the two emperors.

"If, I mean if, if those two are gone, then the Holy Land will be guarded by us." Bai Hu said in a deep voice.

Since it is a holy place in my heart, it is absolutely not allowed to insult any living beings!

"As long as it's an enemy, tear it apart!" Tian Yuan showed his violent side for the first time.

It roared in the sky, a huge phantom appeared, and its movements were synchronized with it.

"Have you figured it out?" An unknown demon king looked at the mysterious turtle demon king and asked solemnly.

The mysterious turtle demon king turned pale and shook his head slowly.

"How can I count such existences?"

The mysterious turtle demon king smiled bitterly.

The power in its body gradually rioted.

"Protect it!" The White Tiger Demon King shouted.

The top demon kings worked together and began to rescue the mysterious turtle demon king.

When the injury improved, the Demon King Xuan Turtle smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Rules are rules. Before the realm is reached, you will never be able to jump over the barrier of rules..."

Saying one sentence, the mysterious turtle demon king lowered his eyes, as if he was resting.


Qingxu Mountain.

Zhou Ye returned to the yard.

He stood in the middle of the yard.

Lu Xiaoyuan sat on the threshold with no expression on his face.

But the two lines of tears on her little face were silently expressing her inner state at the moment.

Zhou Ye really wanted to comfort her, but after thinking about it, he still didn't move.

A quarter of an hour passed again.

Everything, return to peace.

With the passage of time, the grief in the hearts of all things in the world is diminishing.

What's more, he has returned to his original life.

"Tear it!"

On Zhou Ye's side, there is space to shatter.

Lu Xiaoyuan stood up abruptly, staring at the shattered space, staring at the pitch-black scene.

Zhou Ye held his breath.

Is the answer coming?


One foot, stepping out of the darkness.

Lu Xiaoyuan burst into laughter, and the dark clouds in his heart dissipated immediately.

Zhou Ye was ecstatic.

He is very clear about the shoes.

Then his mother is the shoes of the big boss of Qingdi. He stepped on himself twice, so he can't remember it!

Although the shoes are stained with blood at the moment, but since they can move, it means that the big boss Qingdi is fine!

It's alright!

But as he looked up, Zhou Ye's ecstatic emotions and the smile on Lu Xiaoyuan's face all solidified.

Jin Thirty-six, with a bloodless face, was lying in the arms of Emperor Qing!

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