Qing Di's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Master!" Zhou Ye was overjoyed.

In his heart, the Qing Emperor is almost omnipotent.

After all, it is the existence of the Emperor Realm.

He felt that as long as Emperor Qing was there, the aunt's injury should be stabilized!

"Master!" Lu Xiaoyuan was a little unbelievable, but he recovered and said immediately: "Master, look at Sister Jin!"

The big brother Qingdi didn't speak, he stood up directly, and then looked at Jin Thirty-Six.

The big boss Qingdi frowned slightly.

"It's almost a balance, rashly breaking it, whether it's life or death, it's hard to say..." Qingdi had a sad face on his face.

It was the first time he felt that things were so difficult.

"Master, I am now promoted to the heaven level, and at the same time I control the law of life, can I help my aunt's recovery?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Huh?" The Qingdi boss raised his brows and looked at Zhou Ye in surprise.

He pondered for a while, then said, "It can help a little, but I still need something else."

"Something else?"

"Where is it! I'll get it!" Lu Xiaoyuan said nervously about Jin Thirty-six's situation without hesitation.

"No." Qingdi shook his head.

Then he said, "I'll go."

As soon as the voice fell, the Qingdi boss disappeared.

The center of the wood world.

The Big Brother Qingdi appeared here.

"How are you?" Grandpa Shu was a little surprised, looking at Emperor Qing.

"It doesn't matter your injury, right?" Big Brother Qingdi frowned slightly when he looked at the injuries on Grandpa Shu's body.

"It doesn't matter, a few clowns jumping on the beam,

Can't invade the realm yet. "Grandpa Tree laughed, his tone full of disdain for unknown powerhouses.

"Okay, it's up to you, I'll pick up something." Qingdi nodded, then looked at Grandpa Shu.

"Just say whatever you want." Grandpa Shu said to the big brother Qingdi while attacking the sky.

"Back to Tianshui." Qingdi boss spit out a few words.

Grandpa Shu paused for a moment, and then a drop of crystal water appeared in front of Qingdi boss.

"I wrote it down." Qingdi said something, then grabbed the water droplets and disappeared.

Grandpa Tree chuckled.

"You little guys, I grew up watching you, what's the big deal?"

Grandpa Shu didn't care and continued to fight against unknown powerhouses.


The Qing Emperor retrieved the 'Back to Heaven'.

Although Grandpa Shu didn't care, Emperor Qing wrote down this kindness in his heart.

Back to Tianshui is something that Grandpa Shu's real body automatically brews.

A drop in a thousand years.

The reason why it is called Huitian Water is because this drop of water has the ability to return to the sky.

Huitianshui not only has majestic life energy, but also many strange substances.

What Qingdi boss cares about is not life energy, but those peculiar substances.

It can be said that this drop of Huitian Water can completely purify the poison on Jin Thirty-Six.

This is why the big boss of Qingdi is looking for Grandpa Shu.

Back to Qingxu Mountain.

The big brother Qingdi looked up at the sky, and then walked into the house.

"Master, how is it?" Lu Xiaoyuan asked nervously.

Why did Shizun go out and only came back after ten breaths?

"got it."

The big boss Qingdi replied, and then put the drop of Tianshui on top of Jin Thirty-six's lower abdomen.

Back to the sky is suspended.

The big boss Qingdi stretched out his right hand, and a powerful force enveloped Huitianshui.

Later, Zhou Ye and Lu Xiaoyuan saw that strands of white silk threads fell from the Huitian water and fell onto Jin Thirty-Six's wounds.

As these white silk threads fell into the flesh.

The black viscous blood is constantly purifying and recovering.

From black, to dark red, to bright red...

A quarter of an hour later.

Back to Tianshui has completed its mission.

Jin Thirty-Six's lower abdomen injuries are gradually recovering.

However, the injuries on Jin Thirty-six's body were far more than that.

"Little grass spirit, use life energy to speed up your aunt's recovery." Qingdi said to Zhou Ye.

"give it to me."

Zhou Ye flew up, and life energy poured down from the tip of the leaf.

After life energy came into contact with Jin Thirty-six's flesh and blood, Jin Thirty-six's recovery speed became faster and faster.

In ten breaths, Jin Thirty-Six's injuries on his lower abdomen recovered as before!

"There is one more place." Qingdi said slowly.

He sat down near the bed, and then helped Jin Thirty-six.

Jin Thirty-Six didn't feel the slightest bit at all, and his head drooped deeply.

Zhou Ye and Lu Xiaoyuan widened their eyes when they saw Jin Thirty-Six's back.

On Jin Thirty-Six's backs, there was an occasional glimmer of Buddha's light.

There were cracks all over her back.

It's like the kind of crack where the porcelain doll was hit hard!

At this moment, it seems that Jin Thirty-Six's back will collapse directly if he touches it a little with his hands, and then the whole person will turn into a light spot and return to heaven and earth!

The big brother Qingdi sat cross-legged behind Jin Thirty-Six, he took a deep breath, and then began to form the seal.

"Wait a while while I'm treating, Xiaocaojing, please call on the Law of Life to assist me." Qingdi said.

"Master, don't worry, do your best!" Zhou Ye said.

Then he hurriedly said to Lu Xiaoyuan, "Senior sister, it's up to you to replenish the strength later."

"Leave it to me." Lu Xiaoyuan nodded solemnly.


The big brother Qingdi closed his eyes, and the wave of the seal formed by his hands became stronger and stronger.

A gentle breath came over him.

Make people feel close.

"Little Herbs!"

When the Qingdi boss's healing energy rushed towards Jin Thirty-Six's back, the Qingdi boss immediately shouted.

Zhou Ye floated up, and life energy vibrated on the tip of the leaf.


Zhou Ye controlled the law, so that the majestic life energy was mixed with the healing energy of the Qingdi boss.

A battle of life and death unfolds.

If Zhou Ye and Qingdi win, then Jin Thirty-six will be born.

If defeated, detonated the remaining energy in Jin Thirty-six's body, then Jin Thirty-six would die.

No one dares to ignore it.

Lu Xiaoyuan once again captured aura of thousands of miles around, and began to provide a steady supply of grass essence.

Occasionally flashing Buddha light is getting dimmer.

Like a candle in the wind, it may dissipate at any time.

But no one dared to be careless.

Jin Thirty-six is ​​too weak, even a trace of Buddha light can kill Jin Thirty-six.

Tension spreads in my heart.

Zhou Ye did his best to assist the Qing Emperor boss.

The Qingdi boss also exerted all his strength.

He was seriously injured, and the injury has not fully recovered at this moment.

Can only play 50%.

If he was alone, it would be extremely difficult to save Jin Thirty-six.

But with the help of Zhou Ye and Lu Xiaoyuan, things became easier.

As long as there is no accidental birth.

The broken place on Jin Thirty-six's back is gradually healing.

The spider web-like shards, if it were suffered by another creature, it would have already fallen.

No one knew how Jin Thirty-six survived.


The center of the wood world.

"They retreated." Grandpa Tree stared at the sky, and then said.

"Win!" The White Tiger Demon King was bruised and grinned wildly.

When laughing wildly, tug at the wound and let it breathe cold air.

"Boss Bailu, you are too embarrassed." The Demon King Xuan Turtle joked.

The White Tiger Demon King glanced at it and snorted: "If you want to talk about me, look at yourself first."

"Sand coins." Tianyuan Demon King looked at Xuan Turtle Demon King and laughed.

There are too many traces on the tortoise shell of the mysterious turtle demon king, so deep that it has even hurt the flesh.

"Made, believe it or not, I will fuck you when I recover?" The Demon King Xuan Turtle was so angry.

Nima's, everyone is so hurt, you're laughing.

"A few brothers have fallen." A top demon king suddenly said.

It looked at the sky with a complex expression.

With hatred in his eyes, with fighting intent.

As soon as these words came out, many demon kings fell silent.

They silently guarded Grandpa Shu's side, quietly recovering from their injuries.

"I don't know, what happened to Qingxu Mountain..." The White Tiger Demon King sighed.

Before the Qing Emperor came, they all saw it, but the specific situation is still unknown.

"The situation is not bad." Grandpa Tree smiled.

"That's good."

Many demon kings smiled.

As long as Grandpa Tree doesn't fall, Qingxu Mountain doesn't fall, and they don't fall, then the wood world will always be peaceful.

Of course, before that, you must become stronger and teach the dog, thief, deer, and bandits!

At this moment, Qingxu Mountain.

Jin Thirty-six's injuries have improved.

"Little grass essence, thank you very much." Qingdi boss said to Zhou Ye.

"Master, these things are also what I should do." Zhou Ye said.

This is very sincere, and there is no falsification at all.

"Yeah." Qingdi nodded, his thoughts drifted away, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Master, how is Sister Jin's situation?" Lu Xiaoyuan was still a little worried.

"It doesn't matter, just rest for half a month." The big boss Qingdi looked at Jin Thirty-Six's rosy cheeks with a smile on his face.

The Qing Emperor at this moment is the same as usual.

But there was something more in the smile.

Zhou Ye instinctively felt that there was a situation.

But what is the specific situation, he Zhou Ye did not dare to ask.

Zhou Ye walked outside the yard.

He felt that the sky was really blue.

The world is so beautiful.

Zhou Ye came under the old tree.

The old tree is still very sad now.

Zhou Ye looked at the old tree, which was trembling slightly at this time.

He said softly, "Sister-in-law is all right."

real or fake? !

The old tree was stunned.

Brother Caojing, are you comforting me?

"Don't worry, the master said that the aunt only needs to rest for half a month." Zhou Ye said.

Hearing this, Lao Shu's heartbroken heart was restored.


As long as Master is fine, then nothing is a problem!

"Little Junior Brother, try to cultivate in the future, not only you, but also me, to bring us a little closer to the Emperor Realm." Zhou Ye patted the trunk of the old tree, and then said.

Zhou Ye didn't know what happened to Qingdi boss and Jin Thirty-six when they went out.

But he thinks that he can help himself if he encounters such a thing in the future.

He didn't want to be so helpless today.

Why only rescue?

Why can't we just fight together?

Although the emperor realm is far away, Zhou Ye has the confidence to reach it.

He looked into the distance, his thoughts drifted far away.

A seed is planted in the bottom of my heart and gradually sprouts...

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