"By the way, Senior Sister, why did you say that just now?" Zhou Ye was a little puzzled.

Could it be that it is not good to let the younger brother take root in the spiritual field to cultivate and quickly improve his cultivation?

"Do you think everyone is you?"

"It doesn't seem like you have any trouble cultivating in the spiritual field every day, and your foundation is very solid, but it's not certain whether the younger brother can do it or not."

"The reason why you didn't stop taking the spiritual soil to the younger brother's side is because he wanted to see if the younger brother would have an unstable foundation due to the rapid improvement of his cultivation." Lu Xiaoyuan explained.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem." Zhou Ye looked at the old tree and then said.

Lu Xiaoyuan touched his chin and began to think.

For a long time.

"Be on the safe side, let's give the spiritual soil, but don't use too much at one time. It doesn't matter when the junior brother is in the Xuandan realm." Lu Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

As she said that, she suddenly remembered something, and she urged: "You must remember to tell the younger brother, so that he should not be too anxious to break through, and it is a good thing to compress the cultivation base."

Zhou Ye understood.

An old tree cannot compare with itself.

Because I have it, but the old tree doesn't.

As soon as he breaks through, he is at the peak of the realm, but the old tree can't.

"Senior sister, I understand." Zhou Ye responded.

"Yeah." Lu Xiaoyuan nodded, and then smiled: "I'll go eat something first, and after I eat, I'm going to retreat!"

With that said, Lu Xiaoyuan trotted towards the field of spirit medicine.

As soon as they entered the spiritual medicine field, the dog, thief and deer bandits cheered and immediately started the harvest mode.

This guy.

Zhou Ye didn't know what to say to her.

Obviously, there are many good things in the small bag that he is carrying, but under normal circumstances, he has not used it.

Always miss the elixir field of Qingdi boss.

"Maybe it was saving first?" Zhou Ye guessed.

After thinking about it, Zhou Ye shook his head and continued to practice.

The sky is full of stars, providing strength to Zhou Ye.

The Astral Transformation Art is perfect control.

The speed of absorbing starlight is very fast.

The power of the stars is always so pure.

Perhaps because of the lack of compression, the points provided by Starlight to Zhou Ye have not changed.

Zhou Ye thought of the elixir.

Maybe the current self can only gain a lot of points by eating the elixir above the earth level.

no way.

Spirit-level elixir is too low-level for him now, and the energy inside is not pure enough.

It is very good for old trees, but for Zhou Ye, it seems too low-level.

Zhou Ye is extraordinary, and the energy needed must be pure.

Spirit-level elixir is refined and must be concentrated, so the points provided will gradually decrease as Zhou Ye becomes stronger and stronger.

I have to say, this is a sad fact.

Sometimes Zhou Ye is thinking.

If the points provided by the spirit-level elixir remain unchanged, then he only needs to harvest the spirit-level elixir to satisfy himself.

Maybe if you harvest millions of plants, you can become an emperor yourself?

If you think about it, it's really possible.

It's just a pity that the truth doesn't allow it.

the next day.

Clouds rolled in the sky, as if it was about to rain.

The Wood Realm is a strange realm.

There are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Most of the time in the wood world is sunny, and a small part of the time is snowy.

Rain does not account for much of the weather in the wood world at all.

But even so, it cannot affect all beings at all.

Maybe they are used to it.



A billowing cloud covered the earth.

The downpour seemed to be coming.

Qingdi stood under the eaves and looked into the distance.

Even if the weather is bad, he is still in a good mood.

Jin Thirty-Six recovered very well.

"The last time it rained was half a year ago..." Qingdi Boss whispered, then turned around and walked into the house.

He sat beside the bed, accompanied by the sleeping Jin Thirty-Six.


"Don't hack me."

The old tree was very flustered.

It already has a shadow in its heart.

As for where the shadow came from, if you ask, you will answer Senior Brother Caojing.

Senior Brother Caojing sat on his roots again and again, cultivating something he didn't know what it was.

Incite the thunder to strike yourself.

That feeling is still fresh in my memory.

So now the old tree saw the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds, and suddenly it was a little empty.

The sky got darker.

Drops of pea-sized rain fell from the sky.


Rain is heavy.

Falling into the spiritual field, it gradually converges into small puddles one after another.

Zhou Ye was lying in a puddle.

"It still feels a little bit."

Feeling the rain falling on him, Zhou Ye sighed.

Pain is not pain.

After all, he has a top-level physical cultivation base.

Judging from his feeling, the rain was actually a massage, and it was quite comfortable.


A lightning flashed across the air.

Looking at the dazzling white light, Zhou Ye realized something in his heart.

Thunder Sword, a little stronger.

Suddenly, Zhou Ye thought of practicing swords in the rain.

No matter how you look at it, this is a good time to practice Thunder Sword.

Even the Thunder Sword is now complete.

"call out!"

Zhou Ye suddenly flashed, turned into a blue light, and flew above the sky.

The word 'Fuck' burst out in Lao Shu's heart.

Brother Caojing, what are you doing?


Actually want to rush into the thundercloud.

The old tree couldn't understand Senior Brother Caojing's operation at all.

At this time, Zhou Ye had already entered the thundercloud.


A bolt of lightning struck out and happened to hit Zhou Ye.

Feeling the soft and numb feeling on his body, Zhou Ye turned on his body to transform into a sword.

The rank of the incarnation of the sword does not look high, but it is special enough.

"Let the thunder and lightning come more violently!"

Zhou Ye waved the tip of the leaf and cut out a sword light.

The sword light went away, expanded exponentially, and in a blink of an eye it was three hundred feet long.

This is Zhou Ye's strongest form.

Thunder Sword.

As the sword light carrying thunder was cut out, the thunder in the cloud was aroused, making a continuous 'boom' sound.


A thunder light tore through the darkness and competed with the sword light.


Even Leiguang could not affect Jianguang, and was pushed horizontally by Jianguang.

"Has this sword reached the strength of a tough thunderbolt?" Zhou Ye looked at the sword light in the distance, thinking in his heart.

Is the transcendent realm strong?

Transcendent is really strong.

But the strength of the transcendent realm is not in the attack of the spell, but in the soul.

The soul stared, the thoughts covered dozens of miles, and the enemy's soul collapsed and died directly.

This is where the supernatural is powerful.

"Try this trick."

Zhou Ye suddenly remembered 'soul cutting'.

To be honest, although the name is vulgar, this trick is really strong.

Countless thoughts danced around.

Spiritual power begins to gather on the blade of grass on the right.


Swinging the blade of grass gently, a light gray sword light was cut out by Zhou Ye.

Jianguang seems to be nothingness, not affected by air and raindrops.

The speed was very fast, and it disappeared into the sky almost in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Ye Shennian followed the sword light, but after only two or three breaths, he lost it.

His divine sense couldn't cover that far.

However, he knew that if there was no obstruction, this sword light could fly thousands of miles away.

Don't pay attention to these.

Zhou Ye landed in the courtyard.

He returned to the puddle in the spiritual field and lay down.

There is a lot of sediment in the water, and there is also a lot of spiritual energy inside. After all, it is the sediment in the spiritual field.

The old tree on the edge of the cliff was shocked.

That terrifying sword light brought many feelings to it.

It wants to get stronger.

It also wants to be as powerful as Senior Brother Caojing.

after rain.

The cloudy clouds receded, and the clear sky reappeared.

The air is fresh and the wind carries a hint of coolness.

As the sun shone, the coolness gradually disappeared, replaced by the warmth of the sun.

"Wow, rainbow!"

Beside Zhou Ye, suddenly thought of Lu Xiaoyuan's voice.

Zhou Ye: "..."

Senior Sister, I understand that you didn’t retreat when you were hungry yesterday, but what’s the reason for you now?

Zhou Ye was a little worried.

According to Lu Xiaoyuan's rhythm of three days of fishing and two days of net drying.

I am afraid that if you want to become an emperor, five thousand years will not be enough.

"Little Grass Spirit, look at the rainbow." Lu Xiaoyuan was very excited.

Rainbows have been rare for so many years.

Although you can make one with a wave of your hand, it doesn't seem like much fun to make it yourself.

Rainbows created by nature are beautiful no matter what angle you look at.

Zhou Ye felt that he was being picked up and was forced to look into the distance.

"Ah, this rainbow is so beautiful." Zhou Ye perfunctory Lu Xiaoyuan.

Lu Xiaoyuan didn't notice it, he ran to the edge of the cliff and squatted down.

She put Zhou Ye by her side, then folded her hands together in prayer.

"Sister Jin needs to get well soon..."

Zhou Ye was immediately happy.

Do rainbows have the same properties as meteors?

No matter what, Zhou Ye felt that Lu Xiaoyuan's heart was good.

This guy is usually stupid, but he is still kind-hearted.

If this sentence was heard by many demon kings, they would definitely carry Zhou Ye and say viciously: Young man, please reorganize the language.

in the yard.

The big boss Qingdi stood under the eaves with a smile on his lips.

"Senior Sister Lu, let me ask you a question." Zhou Ye said suddenly.

"Ang, you ask." Lu Xiaoyuan nodded.

As a senior sister, Lu Xiaoyuan, as long as the junior brother has any questions, it can be answered!

"In this kind of rain, if it's at Grandpa Shu's place, does Grandpa Shu look at the clouds and sunshine in the upper body, and feel the storm in the lower body?" Zhou Ye asked.

This question made Lu Xiaoyuan suffocate.

She shook her head with a stiff neck.

"I do not know……"

"Maybe you can ask Grandpa Tree another day."

in the yard.

The Qingdi boss was turning around, and when he heard the question of Xiaocaojing, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"A silly girl, a silly grass spirit, every day his thoughts are so strange." The big brother of Qingdi walked into the room with a helpless smile.

"Will I be beaten?" Zhou Ye was a little worried.

"Should... not?" Lu Xiaoyuan scratched his head.

"That's good." Zhou Ye responded.

However, he did not dare to ask this question.

Lu Xiaoyuan suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to retreat!"

When it's over, it disappears.

Zhou Ye was already surprised.

This guy will appear in the yard for at most two hours, and then make excuses, either he is hungry, or something else...

Glancing at the seven-color rainbow in the distance, Zhou Ye returned to Lingtian.

Bored in my heart, I called out the panel.

"Hey, new bloodline ability?" Zhou Ye was stunned for a moment.

In retrospect, when breaking through to the heaven level, it seems that a new bloodline ability has indeed been added.

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