Oh my God.

A name like this is so great.

The wild boar king was stunned for a while.

"George, George..." it whispered.

Seeing the pinkish young son beside him, he immediately said, "Okay, just call George!"

"There's a reason why Brother Pig's son is named George."

"Brother Pig, look, your son is born with the appearance of a wild boar king. When he grows up, the pig's body is shocked, and he won't come to worship from all directions?" Zhou Ye babbled.

Hearing the words, the wild boar king felt that it was very reasonable.

"Brother, come with me, go back to the territory, and treat you well." The Wild Boar King felt that he had found a confidant.

It turns out that there are such grass essences in this world.

This vision is too great.

At a glance, you can see the extraordinaryness of his son.

Admire, admire.

For a time, the wild boar king was very convinced.

"This... well, since Brother Pig is hospitable, it's not easy for me to refuse." Zhou Ye calmly accepted the other party's invitation.

"Let's go."

The boar king is very excited.

It lifted the big pig's hoof and kicked the pink little George.

George was urged to move forward.

After walking for a while, the wild boar king couldn't wait.

"Brother, rushing back to the territory like this, it's getting dark, so let's speed up our journey."

The wild boar king released his power and rolled up little George.

"Okay, Brother Pig, you can lead the way." Zhou Ye agreed immediately.

"it is good,

Brother, you are following. "

As soon as the wild boar king's voice fell, he suddenly accelerated.

Its running speed is so fast that only an afterimage can be seen.

But for Zhou Ye, it was nothing.

No need to fly.

His Zhou Moucao's Anonymous Legs are no joke.


Zhou Ye walked as fast as he could, and he couldn't even see the afterimage.

That speed shocked the wild boar king.

This grass spirit brother is a bit strong.

A quarter of an hour later, the Wild Boar King brought Zhou Ye to its territory.

It was a mountain col.

Here live wild boars of all shapes and sizes.

Some wild boars see Zhou Ye's scalp tingling.

A variety of colors, only what you can't think of, and what they don't have.

Too sassy.


A wild boar with an aura that was extraordinary at first glance came slowly.

This wild boar, with clear eyes and beautiful eyes, looks a little interesting.

"My dear son, I'm finally back." The wild boar said.

This voice, the voice of a woman, sounds pretty good.

"Who is this?" Zhou Ye asked knowingly.

"Oh, this is my bro, my princess, Zhu Yanjiu!" The Wild Boar King introduced.

Then, he whispered.

"I think back then, when the princess was among the pigs, it was very beautiful and there were many suitors. Brother, it took me a lot of effort to catch up."

Hearing this, Zhou Ye immediately understood.

"Who is this little grass spirit?" Zhu Yanjiu accompanied George and looked at Zhou Ye.

"This brother is a great benefactor. If it weren't for this brother, George would not be found." said the wild boar king.

"George?" Zhu Yanjiu was taken aback.

"Oh, it's the name this brother gave to his younger son. I think it sounds very nice!" said the wild boar king seriously.

Zhu Yan thought about it for a long time, and it seems to be really good.

"Thank you so much. My grandpa must stay today and let us do our best as a landlord." Zhu Yanjiu said with a light smile.

It can be seen from the words in the speech that this Zhu Yanjiu is not a simple pig.

Presumably, the other party must have received higher education.

"Then it would be disrespectful." Zhou Ye said the scene.

"Come on, bring the best corn to Prince Engong!" Zhu Yanjiu shouted loudly.

Zhou Ye was speechless when he heard the words.


What to say.

After a while, a wild boar came with a bamboo basket containing a lot of corn.

This corn is not simple, it contains spiritual energy, and it is not something that can be seen everywhere.

Zhou Ye felt the sincerity of the wild boar herd.

"Come on, brother, this is something we have treasured for a long time." The wild boar king used his strength, wrapped the corn, and placed it in front of Zhou Ye.

"Then I'm welcome." Zhou Ye rolled up the corn and began refining it.


In the distance, a little wild boar ran over.

This wild boar is a little bigger than George.

"Daughter, come, this is your brother's benefactor." Zhu Yanjiu greeted the little pig.

The little pig gave birth to Lingzhi, and immediately bowed his head to Zhou Ye, very respectful.

Looking at the pink pig, Zhou Ye said, "Brother Pig, your family is really happy."

"Haha, not bad." The wild boar king laughed.

Immediately, it suddenly remembered that his daughter had no name yet.

Since this brother is so good at naming names, why don't he let him help his daughter get one too.

"Brother, discuss something." said the wild boar king.

Zhou Ye nodded.

"Brother Pig, you said, as long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse."

The wild boar king looked at his daughter, then looked at Zhou Ye, and then said, "My daughter doesn't have a name yet. Look, if you can help, get one?"

"It's called Peggy." Zhou Ye answered directly.

"Huh?" The Wild Boar King exclaimed inwardly for a while.

Oh my God.



Listening to the name, it is not easy.

Zhu Yanjiu and the Wild Boar King looked at each other and nodded.

From then on, the names of one daughter and one son of the wild boar king were determined.

Paige and George.


Before leaving.

"Brother Pig, to be honest, the children I see are all good. As long as they don't die prematurely, they will definitely become the pillars of my wood world in the future." Zhou Ye said in a serious tone.

Speaking of this, the wild boar king was shocked.

It is now extremely convinced of this wise old brother.

Since this brother said so, it must be reasonable.

You have to listen to it.

"So, it must be taken care of." Zhou Ye said.

"Well, that's for sure." The Wild Boar King nodded.

Things like this lost today will never happen again in the future!

"That's it, Brother Pig, it will take a long time to come to Japan. I will say goodbye first." Zhou Ye said, and then flew up.

The Wild Boar King looked at its back and wanted to ask: Where is Fang Chang?

In the end, this sentence was not asked.

a long distance away.

Zhou Ye walked on the river.

When you come out to practice, you must have the appearance of coming out to experience.

Those who should be persuaded should still be persuaded.

Of course, the main purpose is not to persuade the fight. The main purpose is to let the firepower of both sides be directed at him, and then he has an excuse to start.

Otherwise, everyone is so friendly, so why bother to verify their own strength?

Just like now.


A huge fish opened its mouth wide and swallowed Zhou Ye into its belly.

Zhou Ye looked at the darkness around him and couldn't understand.

Why are you eating me?


"Brush brush..."

river bottom.

The sword light flickered, and the river water became more polluted.

The fish was dismembered by Zhou Ye.

The other party has no spiritual existence and no cultivation base.

So there is no way to judge what Zhou Ye is.

As a matter of course, Zhou Ye was swallowed in his mouth.

Zhou Ye is now simply lying on the river, letting himself float.

How much he hopes that a creature in the Shattered Void Realm sees him and hammers him.

In this way, his identity is revealed, and then he blackmails the other party well.

Wealth, that's how it comes.


Zhou Ye floated for a day.

By noon the next day, no creatures came to touch him.

It made him sad.

He Zhou Moucao is a heaven-ranked existence, which is very attractive logically.

Why is there no living beings looking for trouble.

Is it because Zhou Ye is not coquettish enough, or is the vision of the creatures too high?

Zhou Ye drifted farther and farther, and finally felt that he still needed to take the initiative.

He flew into the distance.

He had an idea in his mind.

Find a huge monster, and lie down on the other side's only path.

As long as the other person steps on his body, it is perfect.

You must blackmail each other well.

The road of weeds touching porcelain starts now.

Somewhere in the wood world.

A large group of creatures live here.

The size of each head is comparable to a mountain peak.

As high as several hundred feet, the legs are very thick.

If you step on it with one foot, it must be a deep pit.

Zhou Ye took a look.

He calculated the distance that the other party stepped on in his heart, and then flew directly to the other party's only path, lying down.

"Come on buddy." Zhou Ye muttered in his heart.

Whether you can make a fortune or not depends on this wave.

The ancient icon walked slowly.

Its long snout fluttered around.

Two huge ivory rose into the sky, exuding strong energy fluctuations.

Ivory is its weapon.


The tail of the ancient icon slapped on his body, driving away the birds and beasts who wanted to live on his body.

"Boom, boom."

Every time the ancient holy elephant took a step, the ground trembled slightly.

Getting closer, Zhou Ye saw the thick skin of the other party.

Just looking at it gave him a feeling as hard as steel.

Your own sword light can never hurt the opponent.

At the same time, Zhou Ye pondered.

If the other party steps down, will he make himself burp in place?

You know, with the other person's body shape, it is more than 100,000 tons.

"Forget it, leave it alone."

"My Zhou Moucao is at the pinnacle of the transcendent realm, and my physical realm is not low. If I was really trampled to death, it would be hell." Zhou Ye was very confident.

He lay sternly.

The ancient icon was approaching, and just as he was about to step out and continue walking, he suddenly stopped.

The ancient icon saw Zhou Ye lying on the ground.

It stared at Zhou Ye for a while, then removed the foot that was supposed to be on Zhou Ye.

It carefully avoided Zhou Ye and continued to walk forward.

This is a very kind ancient icon.

Zhou Ye was a little stunned after watching the other party avoid it.

That's not how the script was written.

"No, you must have the spirit of touching porcelain."

Zhou Ye calculated in his heart, then ran to the front of the other party and waited quietly.

The ancient holy elephant was walking and saw this grass spirit again.

It pondered for a moment, then shifted again.

Zhou Ye did not give up at all, and came to the other side's only path.

This time.

The ancient icon looked down at Zhou Ye.

The two looked at each other, and the air froze.

The ancient icon suddenly asked, "Are you ill?"

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