Not just among the ruins.

At the foot of the mountain, at the top of the mountain.

The mountains and plains are endless.

A pair of scarlet eyes twinkled in the darkness.

The tyrannical atmosphere spreads.

A chill rose from Zhou Ye's back.

"This is so special..." The monitor lizard demon king was speechless.

Isn't that just pinching a little spider to death?

Nima, do you want revenge like this?

"I'll come." The monitor lizard demon king took a step forward and blocked the little icon and honey badger demon king behind him.

Since it's the darn thing that the monitor lizard did, then the monitor lizard will do it.

"Don't." Honey Badger Demon King was not happy.

Although these spiders look fierce, to the Honey Badger Demon King, they are all younger brothers.

It's done.


The honey badger demon king turned his power, and the terrifying breath overflowed.

If it is an ordinary creature, after feeling this terrifying breath, it will directly retreat.

But these spiders, as if they didn't feel the slightest bit, rushed towards them like a black torrent.

"Be careful, don't get hurt. Although these things don't have a cultivation base, they don't seem to be good things." Zhou Ye reminded aloud.

Those black-haired spiders did not have cultivation, but in his eyes, these spiders were lifeless.

In other words, these spiders are not really alive.

Such a strange creature may not be as easy to bully as it looks on the surface.

"It is very likely to carry highly poisonous." The monitor lizard demon king said.

It has been watching the black-haired spider from the very beginning.

Those small particles on the spider's leg hair of the black-haired spider are very likely to be highly poisonous.


The black-haired spider's cry was like that of a mouse, but sharper.

All over the mountains and plains, between heaven and earth, there are echoes of cries.

One after another.

This cry, as if possessing magical power, made Zhou Ye and other four creatures feel a little dizzy.

"Don't let them bark."

The little icon was a little irritable.

"Calm down, this should be a peculiar attack that can affect the mind." Zhou Ye said solemnly, and spoke to appease the little icon.

"Understood." The little icon nodded.

It raised its nose and blew violently.


Its nose is like a hair dryer, blowing a gust of wind.


Countless black-haired spiders couldn't resist the wind and were blown into the sky.

Some black-haired spiders lay dead on the soil, enduring the strong wind.

"Fuck, don't blow it." The Monitor Lizard Demon King looked up and called out.

The black-haired spiders that were blown into the sky danced wildly, like raindrops, overwhelming the sky and falling directly.

The monitor lizard demon king has sharp eyes, seeing the green and faint venom condensed on the mouthparts of those black-haired spiders!

The little icon stopped quickly.

"Made, let's do it." The little icon was a little helpless.

The Honey Badger Demon King didn't care about them, and went straight into the spider swarm.

The honey badger demon king is covered with black-haired spiders.

These black-haired spiders bit the honey badger demon king, but they couldn't bite.

"Can't think of it?"

The Honey Badger Demon King was so proud that he raised his claws and killed dozens of black-haired spiders.

It's happy now.

Although these black-haired spiders can't harm it, it likes to dry it directly.

Don't care whether the other party has cultivation base or not, just do it directly.


In the sky, two sword lights with a length of 100 zhang and lightning flashed down.


A loud voice spread.

Tiny Razers wandered in the soil, looking for their target.

Within a radius of two miles, it was surrounded by electric light, and all black-haired spiders that entered this area, without exception, were all scorched by the high temperature.

"Don't make too much noise, it's easy to attract more monsters." The monitor lizard demon king looked around, and then whispered to Zhou Ye and other creatures.


The two claws of the honey badger demon king were deep in the soil, and the terrifying fighting power began to show.

Within a radius of several miles, the ground trembled slightly, and the black-haired spiders were shaken to the point of being suspended in the air.

The frequency of ground vibrations is very messy.

The violent power swam in mid-air, tearing the black-haired spiders apart.


A black-haired spider the size of a grinding disc was vacated, and then a force appeared out of thin air, tearing it apart directly.

After tearing, a green liquid flows out.

At the same time, the body of the black-haired spider began to curl up, falling to the ground and turning into ashes.

The monitor lizard demon king was busy dealing with the black-haired spider that was blown into the sky by the little icon.

It stood up, then waved its claws.

Several blood-colored rays of light fell off the tip of the claw and hit the sky.

Under the control of divine sense, the blood-colored light beheaded one black-haired spider after another.

The little icon is also contributing.

It bowed its head slightly, its big nose rolled on the ground, and every time it crushed it, it killed hundreds of black-haired spiders.

On the head of the little icon, Zhou Ye stood.

"These black-haired spiders, spiritual sense can't affect them..." Zhou Ye found a big problem.

These black-haired spiders are very creepy.

Judging from the current situation, it is not a living thing at all.

But if he is very active and can take the initiative to attack living beings, there must be a soul, right?

The result is unfortunate.

These black-haired spiders don't even have souls.

Zhou Ye couldn't understand, what power was it that supported them, these soulless, not living things, to attack them frantically?

Just because the monitor lizard demon king killed a small spider?

Nima, it doesn't make sense.

Zhou Ye jumped up and fell into the spider group.

He walked on the scorched earth, surrounded by sword lights carrying lightning, and no black-haired spider could get close to it.

He watched the black-haired spiders carefully.

Zhou Ye found that these black-haired spiders all have one characteristic, that is, madness.

As if he had been stimulated by something, he attacked endlessly.

It's like, if you don't kill the four of them, you won't give up...

"Why?" Zhou Ye couldn't figure it out.

He noticed that the body of each black-haired spider was wrapped in black gas.

So, could it be the black gas problem?


Zhou Ye raised the tip of the leaf, wrapped the blade of grass with profound energy, and rolled up a black-haired spider after protecting it.


The black-haired spider screamed wildly, it was very crazy, and it opened its mouth and bit on the blue profound energy.

Zhou Ye saw that the head of the black-haired spider had two sharp teeth, like the fangs of a poisonous snake.

At the same time, the moment the sharp teeth came out, a faint green drop condensed on the tip of the tooth.

That's venom.


The poison droplet fell on the profound energy.


"Can profound energy be corroded?!" Zhou Ye couldn't believe it.

This kind of creature is really a bit unnerving.

Unlike ordinary spiders, he remembered that Crimson had eight spider legs, and these spiders only had six spider legs, and they had sharp fangs, black gas wrapped around their bodies, and three pairs of blood-red eyes filled with tyrannical aura... …

Either way it looks like a monster.


On the tip of Zhou Ye's leaf, the sword glow spit out, slicing the frantically struggling black-haired spider in half.

He summed it up and thought it was a black gas problem.

But how to solve this problem, he did not know.


"Why does it feel like it will never be killed?" The little icon frowned and asked with some doubts.

Around, the number of black-haired spiders seems to be so many forever, and there is no trend to decrease at all.

"Hahaha..." The Honey Badger Demon King seemed to be a lunatic, laughing frantically among the black-haired spiders.

The monitor lizard demon king felt a pain in his head.

I have said that, in the secret realm, be quieter, be quieter.

Why haven't you heard it yet.

"Is there a quick solution?" Zhou Ye asked the monitor lizard demon king.

"No." The Monitor Lizard Demon King shook his head.

If there was a quick fix, it would have said it long ago.

The point is, not at all.

"Didn't you come in?" Zhou Ye asked.

The monitor lizard demon king looked bitter.

"It's true that I came in, but I have never encountered such a monster." The monitor lizard demon king sighed.

Encountering this group of black-haired spiders, in fact, it feels pretty good.

At least these black-haired spiders are not cultivated.

If you encounter that kind of monster with cultivation base and incomparably terrifying, it will be called despair.

"Push it horizontally." The little icon said helplessly.

The monitor lizard demon king thought about it for a while, and finally nodded.

"Then push horizontally."

Zhou Ye jumped on the head of the little icon.

Next, is the performance of the three demon kings.

The Honey Badger Demon King was instantly relieved when he heard the horizontal push.


It roared loudly, and the sound waves burst, killing a large number of black-haired spiders.

Boundless profound energy surged out, like a meat grinder, strangling black-haired spiders one by one.


The black-haired spider seems to be endless, constantly pouring out from the ruins, the foot of the mountain, and the top of the mountain.

However, under the horizontal push of the three demon kings, the number of black-haired spiders decreased linearly.

Suddenly, a foul odor entered the senses of the four creatures.

"No! Be careful, there are large monsters coming." The monitor lizard demon king was tense.

This smell is very familiar.

The cultivation of the comer is definitely not low.

The source of the stench is the mountain top in the distance.

A tall shadow appeared in the black smoke as black as ink.

Zhou Ye's first reaction was that he couldn't beat it.

The coercion emanating from the opponent was too terrifying.

It has surpassed the transcendent realm.

It is the existence of Fragmented Void Realm.

"It's the same level." The Honey Badger Demon King was shocked, and after shaking off the black-haired spider that was killed by the shock, he was gearing up to blow the head of the future.

"Don't be impulsive." The monitor lizard demon king reminded.

"None of these existences are good things. They either carry highly poisonous or have some underhand tricks. Try not to get hurt on their hands, otherwise it will be very troublesome to recover."

Hearing the heavy tone of the monitor lizard demon king, the honey badger demon king also became serious.

No matter how much you usually eat, you can't be careless at this time.

The little icon is slightly back.

In the final battle of the Shattered Void Realm, although it can help, the big brother is still on his head.

It's not good to be hit by the aftermath while smacking the eldest brother.



A huge shadow is walking down from the top of the mountain.

Its feet, when stepping on scorched soil, corrode the soil.

On the legs are thick black hair.

It's a huge black-haired spider.

I am afraid that in the spider group, it can be king!

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