"Some people?" Lu Xiaoyuan scratched his head.

"Do I know?" Lu Xiaoyuan asked.

She really wanted to know who this 'someone' was, and then to judge whether the grass spirit could push him to the ground and beat him.

"Don't ask." Zhou Ye was serious.

Can't let Lu Xiaoyuan know that Zhou Moucao actually wants to beat her.

If Lu Xiaoyuan finds out, I don't know what the consequences will be.

"Why can't you ask?" Lu Xiaoyuan was a little strange.

"Anyway, just don't ask, and I won't tell you if you ask." Zhou Ye made a look of 'don't ask me, I really won't tell if you ask'.

"Alright then, you have to do your best." Lu Xiaoyuan nodded, then clenched his fists and made an encouraging gesture.

If Lu Xiaoyuan finds out the truth, then maybe it's not doing this action, but beating people.

"Senior sister, farewell, I'll go to practice first." Zhou Ye flew up and ran away.

He's going to find trouble with the second egg.

He actually dared to reveal his Zhou Moucao's position, what the hell was he not his own?

Lu Xiaoyuan watched Zhou Yefei go away and muttered, "Who the hell is it that made Xiaocao Jing want to beat him so much."

Mu Changshou did not speak.

He could basically guess something, but he didn't want to say it.

He now finally understands what Senior Brother Caojing said that day.

A united front must be a united front.

Senior sister is too terrifying, if one day my brain is pumped, and I die in front of senior sister, it will definitely be a jerk.

At this time, the thigh of Senior Brother Caojing must be kept.


The location of the Great Sword.

"Second egg!" Zhou Ye shouted angrily.

"What are you doing?" Erdan turned back, his fuzzy face full of doubts.

It's okay to be angry. Don't you know that anger can easily affect your mentality?

"Are you really one of your own?" Zhou Ye asked.

"What is my own?" Erdan was confused.

"Oh no, you have to ask yourself this kind of question. If you think that my second egg is your own, then my second egg must be your own."

"You actually exposed my position!" Zhou Ye walked in front of Erdan and said to Erdan angrily.

"Didn't I worry about you looking at the deer or something, so I told her, what's the matter, is there a problem?" Erdan asked suspiciously, with a 'I don't seem to have done anything wrong' on his face. mean.

Zhou Ye looked at Erdan, took a few deep breaths of carbon dioxide, and finally sighed.

"never mind."

Lu Xiaoyuan was worried about himself, and Erdan told her his position, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Forget it this time, it must be kept secret next time." Zhou Ye said.

"I understand." Erdan nodded.

Zhou Ye's experience in the past two days is all in his eyes.

But to be honest, if there is a next time, it will speak honestly like two eggs.

No way, it's such a sincere sword spirit, he never brags,

Never tell lies.

"If you talk well next time, I can consider changing your name." Zhou Ye said.

"No, I think Erdan is pretty good." Erdan waved his hand.

Want to use the name change to coerce it into telling lies?


You can't do things that are against your will.

"It seems that you still think that my ability to name Zhou Moucao is very good." Zhou Ye was very satisfied with Erdan's attitude.

"It's really good." Erdan nodded.

In fact, it is a little curious, how did Zhou Ye's name come from.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to practice and try to break through as soon as possible." Zhou Ye ran to the hilt of the big sword and began to absorb the black energy.

During this period of time, the black energy has recovered a lot, and it can provide Zhou Ye with a lot of points.

Erdan stood there, looking at Zhou Ye wrapped in black air, without saying a word.

After a long while, Erdan sat on the spot and began to think about life again.



The weather is nice.

Zhou Ye was walking among the mountains.

"The points will soon break through the fifty million mark."

In a good mood, Zhou Ye felt that the carbon dioxide he breathed had a fresh feeling.

Small days are getting more and more comfortable, and I always feel that there is a sense of relaxation in it.

"You have to keep yourself in a tense state at all times, otherwise, if you are lazy like this, it will easily make me addicted to it." Zhou Ye sighed.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no harm in indulging in such happy days.

"Well... It seems that some big events are going to happen recently, it's better to keep steady, and it's also good to improve your cultivation." Zhou Ye muttered.

"Breaking the realm, breaking the realm..."

Zhou Ye found that he was about to become a little melancholy.

"You can't be too anxious about breaking the boundary." Zhou Ye figured it out.

In fact, having said that, this kind of thing is actually the same without worrying about it.

Too anxious, nothing more than breaking the border two days earlier, the difference is not very big.

But if some other factors are taken into account, then it is definitely a good time to break through the border early.

Zhou Ye felt that he could relax a little.

I am not in the realm of the Proving Dao Emperor. Even if something really happens, there is nothing I need my help except for healing the big guys.

So break through slowly, let yourself relax a little bit, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Zhou Ye was successfully persuaded by himself.

He returned to Qingxu Mountain.

"Senior brother, good afternoon." Mu Changshou woke up and greeted Zhou Ye.

"Very good, in ten days and a half, it will be the middle stage of the Profound Core Realm, come on." Zhou Ye glanced at Mu Changshou, his tone full of encouragement.

"Well, okay." Mu Changshou nodded.

Afterwards, he whispered: "Senior brother, I have thought about it."

"Huh? What have you considered?" Zhou Ye was taken aback.

"I want to join your front!" Mu Changshou said in a serious tone.

If it is a human state at this time, then the little face must be very serious.

"Join my front, you may be a little dangerous." Zhou Ye pondered.

The younger brother is still too weak, if he followed him, he would be beaten three times a day.

No, you can't implicate the younger brother.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of danger, I think Senior Brother Caojing can protect me." Mu Changshou said.

"Have you really thought about it? Can you bear being beaten three times a day?" Zhou Ye was very moved, but he still had to remind Mu Changshou.


Mu Changshou just wanted to say that he can endure hardship, and this kind of hardship can be endured.

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that it was very wrong.

Being beaten three times a day, that’s almost ninety times a month, a year is…

Thinking about it like this, it's scary.

"I can't bear it." Mu Changshou said.

"Well, so you still don't want to unite with me, it's too dangerous." Zhou Ye nodded.

"But for the sake of you and I being in the same school, let's see, when you are bullied, senior brother will definitely give you a head start, but when senior brother is bullied, you just need to help a few words." Zhou Ye said.

"No." Mu Changshou shook the canopy.

"Huh?" Zhou Ye wondered.

"Senior brother is being bullied. As long as junior brother can contribute, he will definitely contribute." Mu Changshou said seriously.

"Is it to help, or to bully senior brother?" Zhou Ye asked.

Mu Changshou: "Senior brother, you are thinking too much, junior brother, I must do my best to help senior brother."

"Yeah." Zhou Ye was relieved.

"Cultivation well, I'll go see what the deer dog thief is doing." Zhou Ye patted the trunk of Mu Changshou.

"Don't look at it, Senior Sister Lu just went out, I don't know why." Mu Changshou said.

"That's good." Zhou Ye felt more relaxed.

After chatting a few more words with Mu Changshou, Zhou Ye went to the spiritual field and started to practice.


Tongtian River.

Lu Xiaoyuan just went to Grandpa Shu and asked about the latest situation. After knowing that there was no problem, he came here to chat with the mysterious turtle demon king.

"Master Lu, to be honest, you are the fastest demon king I have ever seen to understand the law of water." Xuan Gui said, his tone full of admiration.

Among the many demon kings, there are many who comprehend the law of water, but many have given up, and they cannot deepen their comprehension at all.

"It's alright." Lu Xiaoyuan was very happy.

"Master Lu, recently, my mysterious turtle has made new progress in metaphysics. Do you want me to give you a calculation?" asked the mysterious monster king.

"That's fine, you can do the math for me." Lu Xiaoyuan was in a good mood and nodded in agreement.

"What does Master Lu want?" asked the mysterious turtle demon king.

"Anything is fine." Lu Xiaoyuan thought for a while, and finally said unconcernedly.

She didn't even know what she wanted.

"Well, let's calculate this fortune first." The Demon King Xuan Turtle rolled up his sleeves and looked like he was starting work.

Lu Xiaoyuan sat upright, a little nervous.

Is your recent luck good or not?

The mysterious turtle demon king said something in his mouth, but his voice was very small, and he couldn't hear it clearly.

Only he himself knew what the hell he was reading.


While reading, the mysterious turtle demon king fiddled with the turtle shell on his hand.

In the end, the lines behind the tortoise shell glowed and rose into the sky.

"Hi!" The mysterious turtle demon king sucked in an air of cold air.

"Fuck, Lord Lu, I've never seen a fortune like yours before, it's like an explosion." The Demon King Xuan Turtle was shocked.

What is this.

The fortunes of other demon kings are bright, and that's it.

But the fortune of Lord Lu actually skyrocketed. What is this for?

"Master Lu, aren't you the son of luck?" The Demon King Xuan Turtle asked cautiously.

"No." Lu Xiaoyuan shook his head blankly.

"Is my luck very good?" Lu Xiaoyuan asked.

"Okay? It's more than that simple, it just exploded. You can pick up heaven-level elixir while walking on the road. Do you think it's scary or not?" Xuangui Demon King said enviously.

If only I had such luck, that would be great.

"Terror." Lu Xiaoyuan nodded, she believed it, because she had always been like this, she could find heaven-level elixir on the road.

"Master Lu, do you think about other things?" asked the mysterious turtle demon king.

"Forget it, the luck of the grass spirit." Lu Xiaoyuan suddenly thought, what will happen to the luck of the grass spirit?


The mysterious turtle demon king began to operate.

But halfway through the operation, it suddenly stopped.

"Fuck, what is this..."

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