Zhou Ye looked at the dark clouds in the air. Flash Dance Novel Network

The tribulation thunder has been brewed and is about to come.

The flow of the surrounding spiritual energy became slower, and it was no longer so violent.

The great terror is about to come.

This is just the second tribulation thunder in the sixth-order robbery!

Zhou Ye was nervous.

At the same time, he didn't know why his own calamity was so different from others' calamities.

You can't just target him Zhou Ye just because he is a beautiful grass, right?

"This time we fought side by side, you pretended too much by yourself, and I didn't even show my strength." Zhou Ye turned his head to look at Erdan beside him.

After all, it is his own calamity, not the two eggs.

What's the point of watching if the two eggs are performing the whole time?

You have to get yourself a little involved.

"Then fight side by side." Erdan doesn't care at all.


It raised its hands, formed a black ink-like seal on its chest, and then stretched its right hand into the seal.


Erdan drew a long sword from the French seal.

A closer look reveals that the long sword is a miniature version of the big sword.

"This is the phantom of the great sword. Don't think it's weak. Even if it's a phantom, it can easily kill the existence under the emperor's realm. It's a pity that my strength has not fully recovered..." Erdan took the big sword and emptied it. Shadow, his tone was filled with a touch of disappointment.

Zhou Ye glanced at Erdan.

"Can you stop pretending?"

Two eggs shrugged.

"All right."

"Boom boom boom..."

The cloud suddenly rolled violently, and a thunder dragon covered in flames sprang out from the cloud.

The catastrophe brewed it and gave it life.

Therefore, this tribulation thunder is a living existence!

"Master Cao's tribulation is not ordinary. This is just the second tribulation thunder, and its power is comparable to the fourth tribulation thunder of the ordinary sixth-order robbery." Jin Xiaoer, who was standing on the edge of the cliff, sighed.

"Xiaocaojing has only reached this point after walking all the way for half a year."

"He is extremely talented and has a very deep background. Such a scene is also expected." Lu Xiaoyuan explained.

"The stronger the robbery, the stronger the creature should be, right?" Chi Hong pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked. 35xs

"Yes, if the creature is very strong, then the corresponding calamity will be very strong. There is a proportion of this." Jin Xiaoer nodded.

"This is actually one of the reasons why I believe that Master Cao can survive."

"Look carefully."



Erdan held the big sword phantom and slashed it down sharply.

A black light fell out from the phantom of the big sword and slashed towards the flame thunder dragon.

The black light devoured everything in mid-air, and there was nothingness wherever it passed.

Zhou Ye's movements were not slow either.

Activate as a sword.

Anonymous's Leg Technique Shocking Thunder Sword Swallows the Sky!

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Ye made a set of combined attacks.

His roots began to become slender, and the roots were covered with dense thunder light, and there was a sword glow on the tip of the root.


Zhou Ye threw out the roots.

The roots are like whips, and after they are thrown off, a white light bursts out.

The white sword light is covered with thunder light, and at the same time it has the ability to swallow the sky. Wherever it passes, it is like nothingness!


Thunder Dragon roared, facing him.

Two sword lights fell on Thunder Dragon's head.


A violent explosion occurred, shattering every inch of the space, making it overwhelmed.

The aftermath spreads, pushing everything horizontally in the air.

On the ground, feeling the powerful aura coming like a gust of wind, Mu Changshou firmly grasped the ground, afraid that he would be blown away.

The second tribulation thunder passed easily.

Erdan's blurred face was very indifferent.

It raised the phantom of the big sword in its hand, then looked at Zhou Ye, and said, "It feels pretty good to fight side by side. If it weren't for your trick, maybe I couldn't solve this Thunder Dragon."

"Didn't you pretend to be so powerful?" Zhou Ye teased it.

"The main reason is because I despise Thunder Dragon too much. If I'm serious, I can cut it down with one sword without you needing your hands." Erdan looked arrogant.

When looking at the clouds, his expression was very disdainful.

As if in heaven and earth, only its two eggs are the most powerful.

"You can't have this attitude." Zhou Ye shook his head.

The second egg is too strong.

I don't even know what it means to be outside the sky and there are people outside the world. Flash Dance Novel Network

The second egg didn't answer.

The reason why the second egg is so forceful is because the second egg is too strong.


Invincible, really lonely.

Within the cloudy cloud, the third tribulation thunder was brewing.

It is estimated that it will take a while to complete.

Erdan frowned slightly and glanced at Tian Jie, feeling a little unhappy.

It wants to give Tian Jie a bad review.

What the hell.

The customer is still waiting, and the action is still so ink.

Although I think so in my heart, I still can't say it on the surface.

Heavenly Tribulation is very ghostly, the more you provoke it, the more ferocious it will be, and it can beat you so much that your parents don't even know it.

But if you have the right attitude, Heavenly Tribulation will beat you lightly.

So Erdan didn't speak, and couldn't provoke Heavenly Tribulation.

Of course, the two eggs want face, and while not provoking the robbery, they will never beg for mercy.


Zhou Ye and Erdan waited together.

Zhou Ye took the time to recover the power consumed by Xuan Dan.

Within the range covered by the catastrophe, the spiritual energy was rioting.

Zhou Ye absorbed it recklessly, without worrying about what happened.


"The third tribulation thunder should be about twice as strong as the second tribulation thunder," Jin Xiaoer said.

"The third tribulation thunder is a hurdle." Chi Hong said, with some worry in his tone.

There are a total of six tribulation thunders in the sixth-order catastrophe.

Every two tribulation thunder is a combination.

Based on the first tribulation thunder, the power of the second tribulation thunder is generally much stronger than the first tribulation thunder, but the third tribulation thunder is basically twice that of the second tribulation thunder.

"Then this third tribulation thunder should be comparable to the sixth tribulation thunder of the ordinary sixth-order heavenly robbery." Jin Xiaoer pondered for a moment, then looked up at Lu Xiaoyuan.

"I believe in the grass essence." Lu Xiaoyuan said lightly.

She has full confidence in Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye will definitely survive the sixth-order catastrophe.

Even if there is an accident, it doesn't matter.

She, Lu Xiaoyuan, can smooth out all accidents.

"Well, I also believe in Master Cao, but the three tribulation thunders in the back..." Jin Xiaoer thought about it, and was still a little worried.

The third tribulation thunder is already the strongest power of the ordinary sixth-order robbery.

Then the next three...

Isn't that comparable to the seventh-order robbery?

Thinking about it carefully, Jin Xiaoer gasped.

Doesn't this mean that Master Cao has the strength to break the peak of the Void Realm?

Fuck it, arrogant.

Jin Xiaoer was very convinced.


The third tribulation thunder has already been brewed.

The palpitating aura emanated, making all the creatures who felt this breath lingering in fear.

The calm expression on Erdan's face no longer exists.

It suddenly felt that it was forced to pretend, and some of it was too big.

The situation at the scene suddenly became a little embarrassing.

"Can it be done?" Zhou Ye asked.

He was also a little empty in his heart.

But to be honest, he Zhou Moucao is still very confident in himself.

"It's a little overhang." Erdan said helplessly.

"Just be steady." Zhou Ye patted its shoulder.

The second egg is a little irritable.



The third tribulation thunder came.

Similarly, the third tribulation thunder is also a living existence.

The body is red, and the exterior is covered with a layer of flames.

The dragon head is hideous, and the eyes are full of destruction.

"hold head high--"

Thunder Dragon roared, and a burst of flames spewed out of his mouth.

The temperature of this flame was extremely high, and the space was burned and distorted.


Erdan raised his hand, holding the big sword phantom and slashed the sword.

A sword light with a length of 1000 meters split out and directly slashed towards the flame.

The flame burns everything, completely ignoring the sword light.


The sword light penetrated the flame and did not cause any damage to the flame.


The sword light slashed at Thunder Dragon's body, cutting off half of Thunder Dragon's body.


A cracking sound rang out.

A green light swam in mid-air, bypassed the flames, and stabbed Thunder Dragon between the eyebrows.

Looking closely, that green light is the blade of grass around Ye Zhou.


The Thunder Dragon exploded, and then dissipated between heaven and earth.

After easily dealing with Thunder Dragon, Erdan and Zhou Ye looked at each other and looked at the slowly attacking flame.

"Be careful, I don't seem to be able to do any damage to this flame at all." Erdan reminded aloud.

"Then leave it to me." Zhou Ye nodded, indicating that he understood.

The second egg is far away, a little helpless.

There was nothing he could do about that flame.


The flames descended and fell on Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye tried to dodge, but no matter where he was, the flame followed closely.

"What are you..." Zhou Ye wanted to scold his mother.

But after thinking about it, this is a creation of the catastrophe, and it must be a test.


The flames burned on Zhou Ye's body, Zhou Ye felt that his soul began to slump, and his mental state was plummeting.

"This is for the soul?" Zhou Ye sucked in the oxygen.

There is no way out now.

No matter how powerful Zhou Ye is, he will not be able to show it.

Can only resist!


Zhou Ye's spirit phantom appeared.

It is the same grass, but this grass has shrunk a lot.

The flames were burning, and the pain spread all over the body.

Burned by flames, tortured.

Zhou Ye felt very uncomfortable.

As soon as the thought moved, Zhou Ye's soul power began to explode, fighting with the flames.

Erdan watched from the side, a little silent.

This thing, it can't interfere.

If Zhou Ye was cut down with a single strike, then the problem would be huge.

Over time.

The flames gradually diminished, and Zhou Ye was burnt to pieces by the flames.

But fortunately, hold on.

The soul returns to the true body.

As soon as Zhou Ye moved, black mist suddenly appeared from his body.

The black mist enveloped him.

"Fuck..." Erdan was stunned.

"When did the sixth-order heavenly robbery also have an inner demon robbery?" Erdan was stunned.

Not only Erdan was stunned, but Lu Xiaoyuan and Jin Xiaoer below were also stunned.

Grandpa Tree in the center of the wood world was equally stunned.

Emperor Qing and Jin Thirty-six looked at each other, but they didn't expect it.

Why does the exclusive Heart Demon Tribulation of the seventh-order robbery appear in the sixth-order robbery?

Zhou Ye, whose soul was severely damaged, has already fallen into the calamity of the heart...

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