"Don't say it, just run, the farther the better." Erdan said.

In that tone, there was endless melancholy.

Think how terrifying the two eggs are?

As a result, now I can only passively be beaten.

The feeling of falling into the stinky ditch from above the clouds was quite uncomfortable, and it made him want to understand his own thoughts.


To be a sword spirit, you must be firm in your heart.

You can't give birth to such decadent thoughts, which are easy to give birth to inner demons.

"Let's go." Zhou Ye nodded.

He took the matter of the gerbils in his heart, and when he returned to Qingxu Mountain, he would have a good talk with the dog thief and the deer devil to see if there was any solution.

Qingxu Mountain is one of the three holy places in the wood world, and Zhou Moucao is the second disciple of the holy land, so he must shoulder the responsibility.

Whenever there are signs that threaten the tranquility of the wood world, Zhou Moucao will use force to strangle such signs.

no way.

The identity is placed here, and the responsibility is also quite heavy.

The three creatures are far away.

They don't want to be in this desert anymore.

After leaving the Yellow Sand Abyss and other things, looking at the desert has a sense of fear.

"In the future, this place must be filled with green plants." Zhou Ye said to Jin Xiaoer and Erdan.

"Isn't it necessary to spend so much effort?" Jin Xiaoer was stunned when he heard the words.

So much time, so much energy, and so much tiring.

In his view, this is not necessary at all.

"You don't understand." Zhou Ye shook his head slowly.

"Do you think a barren desert is better, or a green ocean?" Zhou Ye asked.

Jin Xiaoer pondered carefully.

According to the instinct in his heart, he answered directly: "It must be a green ocean."

"But doing things can't be fanciful, and sure things can be done, but thankless things I feel are still unnecessary."

Hearing Jin Xiaoer's words, Erdan immediately refuted.

"I'm different."

"I think, as long as some things have meaning, it doesn't matter if it's thankless."

Zhou Ye said with a smile: "If the desert is turned into a forest, how many creatures will it benefit?"

Suddenly, Jin Xiaoer's eyes lit up.

"It's interesting."

"What plan do you have, I'll get involved when the time comes."

Zhou Ye smiled.

"Slowly plant trees, don't worry, one tree a day, come steadily."

"Isn't it right, if there is one tree a day, doesn't that mean that you have to come here every day, or you have to live in this desert every day?"

Jin Xiaoer looked at the piece of yellow sand below, then looked at the poisonous sun in the sky, and shook his head immediately.

In this environment, he felt that he couldn't help but leave if he couldn't stay for three days.

"We don't necessarily need to do it ourselves." Zhou Ye shook his head.

He didn't like this kind of living environment.

It's like doing something you don't like. Although you won't lose anything, you're still very unhappy.

"What do you mean?" Erdan asked curiously.

If you don't do it yourself, can someone help you?

Two eggs do not understand.

"It's enough to find like-minded friends to do this together. For example, the owner of Stonehenge is not bad." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

There are tens of thousands of creatures gathered at Stonehenge. With their help, the green ocean should be able to swallow several miles of yellow sand in a day.

"Why do people help you?" Erdan shrugged.

Erdan feels that if there is not enough interest, there is no soul to do this thing.


"Just leave it to me then, go to Stonehenge first." Zhou Ye smiled.

He already had a complete plan in mind.


Hearing it scares the living beings.

Except for a few creatures that can survive in the desert, most creatures are reluctant to come to the desert.

So the desert can be called a half dead place.

It's not easy to dye green into the desert.

But Zhou Ye wanted to try it.



"Welcome, my three friends." The tall creature was very happy.

The three friends visited its home again.

"Fellow Daoist, you probably don't know much about the Yellow Sand Abyss, do you?" Zhou Ye asked.

The tall creature shook his head.

It rarely leaves Stonehenge, so how can there be so much free time to learn about the situation in the Yellow Sand Abyss?

"The Yellow Sand Abyss is very dangerous, you should try to avoid going to that place in the future." Zhou Ye reminded.

"Thank you for reminding me, I remember it." The tall creature looked serious and nodded.

"This time, I'm mainly looking for you, fellow Daoist, for something." Zhou Ye's tone was sincere.

"You said." The tall creature nodded.

Zhou Ye pondered for a while, although he said, "I know that fellow Daoist's dream is to provide a place for the creatures in the desert to rest, right?"

"Yes!" The tall creature nodded.

This friend knows it too well.

"So, fellow Daoist, have you ever thought about expanding this Stonehenge a bit?" Zhou Ye asked.

The tall creature thought for a while and sighed helplessly.

"Friend, to be honest, I've thought about this, but I can't do anything about it."

"Stonehenge has undergone several upgrades, and now, I have no ability to expand it."

Zhou Ye was silent for a while, then changed the subject.

"Fellow Daoist, I think there are too few creatures in the desert, and there is a feeling of lifelessness. When you come in, it gives people a sense of depression."

"I feel the same way, but this is impossible." The tall creature sighed.

"Three friends, let's have something to eat first and then talk."

"Thanks a lot then." Zhou Ye three raised their hands in a salute.

Inside Stonehenge, Zhou Yesan was discussing things with the tall creatures while eating the spiritual fruit.

"I have a project now, I wonder if you are interested, fellow Daoist?" Zhou Ye asked.

"What project?" The tall creature was stunned for a moment, and then showed a strong interest.

It feels that this friend has something interesting.

"I want to turn the yellow sand into a green ocean." Zhou Ye said.

Hearing this, the tall creature immediately shook its head.

"It's impossible."

"Even if the four of us are put together, we can't do such a thing." The tall creature said seriously.

"I think it's okay." Zhou Ye said in a serious tone.

"If we can't do it all at once, then we will do it for a long time. One mile a day, one day we can turn the entire desert into a green ocean, a paradise for living beings, and no longer a desert hell." Zhou Ye said.

"But in this case, what about the creatures that depend on the desert to survive?" The tall creature was a little sad.

"Then leave a place." Zhou Ye said.

"Or we could go the flowering way."

"The way it blooms?" The tall creature was stunned for a moment, not trying to understand.

"Meaning, in the entire desert, choose some places to build places like Stonehenge?" Erdan frowned and then asked.

"Yes, build more places like this." Zhou Ye said.

He treats the desert as a map and sprinkles more green dots on the map, which makes him feel a lot better.

Better than having deserts all over the map.

"The project is too big to continue." The tall creature shook his head.

Although I really want to do it myself, but the financial resources do not allow it.

"Can trees be planted in the desert?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Many trees can't survive at all, but some trees with more tenacious vitality can survive for a while." The tall creature replied after thinking about it.

"That kind of tree can survive for a long time." The tall creature pointed to a tree in the distance.

Zhou Ye looked over and felt that the tree was a bit like a bottle.

Divine Sense probed, and there was a lot of water stored inside the tree.

"This tree is good and can be planted in large quantities." Zhou Ye said.

"But with us alone, it may take thousands of years to grow a green ocean," said the tall creature.

"We can find foreign aid." Zhou Ye smiled.

His brain was running at a high speed, and he thought of a creature.


"Are there any ants that are bigger?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Yes, sand ants, they are not small." The tall creature replied.

"That's easy, we can ask the sand ants to help plant trees." Zhou Ye suddenly laughed.

As long as there is labor, it is not impossible to turn the desert into a green ocean.

"The Sand Ant King will not necessarily agree to this matter." The tall creature shook his head in distress.

If it were that simple, it would have been done long ago.

Zhou Ye asked directly, "Does such a tree have many seeds?"

The tall creature nodded, "Many, there are many."

"That's easy to do!"

"Did you two intend to contribute?" Zhou Ye looked at Jin Xiaoer and Erdan.

"Come out." Erdan nodded.

But it was very poor, and didn't know what to get.

Jin Xiaoer's life is relatively poor, but how could he not participate in such a meaningful thing?

"I'm out too."

"I can too," said the tall creature.

"No, you don't need to contribute. Our plan is named 'Desert Tree Planting Project'. The three of us are the contributors, and you are the general manager of the project." Zhou Ye patted the tall creature's knee solemnly.

The tall creature was a little stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, you are responsible for supervising the entire project. You have the right to intervene in any matter. We are only responsible for paying." Zhou Ye replied.

"As for the sand ant king, don't worry, you can directly say where the sand ant king is. Let's go and chat with him. I believe that after the chat, he is also very happy to join our project." Zhou Yexiao road.

"Really?" The tall creature was instantly delighted.

Turning the desert into a paradise is his lifelong wish.

Now that this project has funders and contributors, it will be much easier to handle.

"Yes, it's true." Zhou Ye nodded.

"The sand ant king's old nest is in a Gobi about 8,000 miles to the south, where you can find the sand ant king." The tall creature said.

"That's fine, let's say goodbye first, let's chat with the sand ant king." Zhou Ye nodded and stood up immediately.

"Okay." The tall creature looked excited.

As long as this matter is completed, even if he is promoted to immortal, he will not have any regrets.

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