The Demon King Tianyuan felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Plus he himself is telling the truth.

If in the future, Master Cao’s cultivation has really improved to the point where he can beat himself up, and if he really wants to beat himself up, the Demon King Tianyuan will have to wonder what the hell is going on in this world, and can’t let honest people tell the truth? Did you talk?

"What am I good at? I'm not good at all." Zhou Ye smiled humbly and waved his hand.

"Master Cao, you are belittling yourself." The Demon King Xuangui looked serious.

"Master Cao, let me ask you, other than you, who else can achieve the Shattered Void Realm before the age of one?" asked the mysterious turtle demon king.

Hearing this, Zhou Ye immediately raised his finger and pointed at Mu Changshou.

"My little junior brother, the younger junior brother's talent is terrifying. If the younger junior brother cultivates diligently, it may not be long before he can surpass me." Zhou Ye said seriously.

Mu Changshou waved his hand quickly.

"Senior brother, you praise me too much. Although my talent is good, it's still a cloud and mud compared to my senior brother. I don't dare to think about surpassing my senior brother."

"With such achievements at such an age, you can still be arrogant and impatient. It is indeed excellent. It seems that there are two very good disciples in Qingxu Mountain." Xuangui Demon King smiled.

The Demon King of Tianyuan felt the same way.

If he had such a cultivation base at this age, he would not have known where he had gone.

However, the two in front of them are neither arrogant nor impetuous and very modest, so when compared, the gap comes out.

"I think when I was one year old, I was still playing in the mud in Tongtian River, and I couldn't compare with the two at all." The Demon King Xuan Turtle sighed with shame on his face.

"I was shocked when I learned about Master Cao's talent. I didn't even believe it at all. Later, I accepted my fate." Erdan shrugged.

"Come on, after drinking a glass of wine, we are friends." The Demon King Xuangui greeted, feeling that he had found a bosom friend.

"Come on." Erdan picked up the wine glass and refused to come.


"How is it?" Seeing King Lei Yan coming back, Emperor Qing asked with a smile.

"I can't control that girl." King Lei Yan shook his head.

"That girl finally got such an opportunity, come on, let's continue drinking." Grandpa Shu said with a smile.

"Come." The head of the holy elephant nodded and poured the wine for King Lei Yan.


Except for the top demon kings who dined in the hall, the rest of the demon kings left.

Inside the hall.

A few of the top demon kings were still chatting, and most of the top demon kings were lying on the ground or lying on the table.

They can't drink anymore.

on top.

The four emperors didn't feel anything other than feeling a little dizzy in their heads.

Grandpa Shu trembled slightly and completely woke up.

"Come with me, let's go and deploy in detail." Grandpa Tree said.

The three emperors immediately woke up and nodded.

Before leaving, the patriarch of the icon said to the little icon: "I have something to deal with, and I will leave it to you, my old friends, make arrangements, and don't make any mistakes."

The little icon naturally understands these things.

The four emperors and Lei Yan Tianwang disappeared together.

Zhou Ye's table.

Mo Qing has been drunk, Erdan is relatively good, and he is still awake.

In other words, Erdan was not affected by spirit wine at all.

Mu Changshou didn't drink a glass of wine, and he couldn't bear it just by smelling the aroma of the wine.

However, Mu Changshou was in a good mood, and he gained a lot from a visit.

I have met many top demon king seniors, and just smelling the wine has improved my cultivation a lot.

Such a day is really happy.

The mysterious turtle demon king looked at the somewhat confused Tianyuan demon king, and said with a smile, "come to my place to be a guest another day."

"Don't go." Tianyuan Demon King shook his head quickly.

"Then I can only visit you." The mysterious turtle demon king seemed a little disappointed.

"I'm not at home another day." Tianyuan Demon King replied quickly.

Mad, whether it's Lao Tzu visiting you or you visiting me, nothing pleasant will happen.

"I didn't say when it was." The mysterious turtle demon king pouted.

Isn't he so unpopular?

"No matter what day it is, I'm not free. I've already made my cultivation plan. After I go back, I'm going to retreat. I hope to become an emperor as soon as possible." Tianyuan Demon King said sternly.

"Really?" Demon King Xuan Turtle didn't believe it.

"What did I lie to you for?" Tianyuan Demon King shrugged.

On the day when I testify in Tianyuan, I will make you, Xuangui, kneel and call you Dad.

"Amazing." The mysterious turtle demon king was very convinced.

Proving this requires chance.

Whether it's a retreat or a trip around, there's a chance you'll get a chance.


For example, he Xuan Gui is fortune-telling at home, and maybe one day he can begin to preach the Tao once he is enlightened.

"I wish you a smooth retreat, enlightenment as soon as possible, and then you become emperor." The Demon King Xuangui patted the Demon King Tianyuan on the shoulder.

"Okay." Tianyuan Demon King nodded.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cover you when I become emperor." The Demon King Tianyuan looked serious.

"Sure enough, they are good brothers." The Demon King Xuan Turtle showed a very moved look.

The Demon King Tianyuan also showed a smile, which was quite strange.

Guisun, Guisun, after I become an emperor, I must cover you. After all, you call me father.

If the Demon King Xuan Turtle knew the thoughts of the Demon King Tianyuan, he would definitely laugh with disdain.

Want me to call you daddy?

You Tianyuan are really thinking about farting.

"The friendship between Senior Xuangui and Senior Tianyuan is really deep." The little icon sighed.

"Indeed." Zhou Ye nodded.

However, from the words and expressions, Zhou Ye can read the thoughts between the two.

The mind is very clear: I want to pit you.

The Xuangui Demon King and the Tianyuan Demon King are a pair of bad friends.

"It's okay." Tianyuan Demon King smiled.

The Demon King Xuangui raised his arm and hit the Demon King Tianyuan on the shoulder, and then said, "Tianyuan and I have been friends for hundreds of thousands of years. Do you know what the concept is?"

"I know exactly what he wants to do with Tianyuan's ass."

Hearing this, the demon king of Tianyuan turned black.

"You know so well because you've been watching Lao Tzu poop a lot, right?"

Mysterious Turtle Demon King: "..."

How do you get me to answer your words?

The little icon blushed, and his shoulders kept shaking, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

Zhou Ye took a deep breath and remained silent.

"But then again, Xuan Gui, do you have any favorite fairy?" Tian Yuan asked.

"No." The mysterious turtle demon king shook his head.

"I believe you ass, you are a very ghost." Tianyuan Demon King sneered.

"I really don't." The Demon King Xuan Turtle shook his head with a serious tone.

Tian Yuan pouted, and then said, "I tell you, when one day you really have a favorite fairy, you must have the courage to express your heart. If you don't take the initiative, how can there be a story, right?"

Listening to the words of the Tianyuan Demon King, the little icon always felt that the Tianyuan Demon King was implying something.

"Of course I understand this." The Demon King Xuan Turtle nodded, and then emphasized: "But at my age, I won't go looking for any little girls. I think it's good to be with you Tian Yuan every day. of."

"I'm not interested in you." Tianyuan Demon King shook his head.

If you hang out with this guy all day, there is no hope for your future.

"Sometimes, even if you are tired of being together every day and don't express your intentions, it is useless. No matter how good the relationship is, it is not as good as the word "Dao Companion"." Xuan Turtle Demon King said with a smile.

Tianyuan Demon King nodded again and again.

"The truth is indeed the truth."

"It's like I've heard a story before."

"Oh? Tell me, my Xuan Turtle likes to listen to stories the most." Xuan Turtle Demon King urged.

The Demon King Tianyuan nodded, and then without writing any ink, he said directly: "I heard such a story when I traveled around the realm before. The two demon kings were tired of being together all day, and their relationship was very good. It's kind of interesting."

"But then these two young people didn't form a Daoist partner, do you know that?" Speaking of this, the Demon King Tianyuan made a surprised look.

"What's the situation?" The mysterious turtle demon king was surprised, and then quickly asked.

"It's like this, both sides seem to be waiting for the other side to speak first, but as time goes by, ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, many years have passed, and neither side has spoken first, thinking that the other side is not interested in them, so the feelings slowly faded."

"In the end, they each found other demon kings to form a Taoist partner."

"Pity these two demon kings, if I had known the result earlier, I'm afraid they would have spoken first?" Tianyuan demon king felt a little regretful.

The mysterious turtle demon king also sighed.

"Sometimes it's only after you lose it that you realize you regret it."

"So having said that, Tian Yuan, you must take good care of Lao Tzu, otherwise you will lose Lao Tzu." Demon King Xuangui emphasized.

"Fuck you." Tianyuan Demon King suddenly became angry.

I wish you were gone.

The Demon King Xuangui didn't mind what the Demon King Tianyuan scolded himself, but instead sighed: "Sometimes, you just have to cherish the people in front of you."

The Demon King Tianyuan also sighed: "Don't wait until you lose it to understand how to cherish it."

The little icon understood.

He originally thought that the two seniors were really telling stories, but after a long time, he was educating their juniors.

"Teached." Erdan nodded.

He looked at Zhou Ye with a strange expression.

Erdan raised his eyebrows at Zhou Ye, then said with a smile, "Master Cao, sometimes you have to be brave."

Zhou Ye pretended to be dumbfounded and asked, "What did you say?"

"I'm just reminding you, what to do, your heart is guiding you." Erdan said with a smile.

"The choice of the heart is very important." Xuan Turtle Demon King said meaningfully.

The Demon King Tianyuan added: "I remember that there are such things as gold coins in other realms. If you make a choice by tossing a gold coin, when the result comes out and you want to toss it again, you will understand your original choice."

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