"What am I..."

The Demon King Tianyuan wanted to beat the Demon King Xuan Turtle.

But seeing that the other party only had one eye left, I felt a little pitiful, so I decided to let it go.

"Hey, I treat you as a brother, I'm so good to you, yet you treat me like a fart, it's really sad." The Demon King Tianyuan was heartbroken.

He felt that the life of this era has changed.

How simple it used to be, if you treat me well, I will treat you well.

"Don't be sad, no one takes you as a brother." Demon King Xuangui patted Demon King Tianyuan on the shoulder, showing a comforting look.

The corner of Tianyuan Demon King's mouth twitched.

"I've seen through you now, don't worry, I'll definitely be with you in the future, and I'll definitely watch the show on the day you burp in the future, and I'll say goodbye to you when it's over."

"I take you as a brother, and I will definitely build the most luxurious cemetery for you!"

Saying that, the Demon King Tianyuan raised his eyebrows at the Demon King Xuangui, and showed an expression of 'do you see how good I am to you'.

Mysterious Turtle Demon King: "..."

Looking at the two of them, King Lei Yan shook his head and laughed.

Although the Demon King Xuangui and the Demon King Tianyuan were ruthless when they fought each other, they still cared about each other very much in their hearts. After all, they were good friends for many years.

"Wait until the two of you find a Taoist companion in the future and still have such a good relationship." King Lei Yan said with a smile.

"Looking for a daoist? What kind of a daoist? Although I used to be interested in beautiful fairies in Tianyuan, it really doesn't matter now." Tianyuan Demon King shrugged and said indifferently.

"I have seen through the red dust now." The mysterious turtle demon king was more direct.

"Did the two of you stay together so often that your orientation became a little weird?" Erdan teased.

"How is that possible?" Tianyuan Demon King rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm not interested in Tianyuan." Demon King Xuan Turtle shook his head.

"Then how do you explain that you two big men stay together every day?" King Lei Yan asked.

"I always regard Xuan Gui as a woman." Tianyuan Demon King replied.

"I am grass."

"I always thought we were good brothers, why do you want to fall in love with me after a long time?" The Demon King Xuan Turtle was a little stunned, and at the same time felt that his innocence was dangerous.

In the future, you must stay away from this guy Tianyuan.

"Sick." The Demon King Tianyuan glanced at the Demon King Xuangui and smiled disdainfully.

"It's just that the two of you become a Taoist partner."

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Yan Tianwang made a suggestion.

"How can it be done?" The Demon King Xuan Turtle was suddenly unhappy.

Heavenly King, Heavenly King, are you trying to push my Xuan Turtle into the fire pit, are you trying to make my Xuan Turtle take a road of no return?

"That won't work. In the future, this guy will go out and ruin my reputation." Tianyuan Demon King firmly opposed.

With the pitiful temperament of the mysterious turtle demon king, the Tianyuan demon king felt that his final method of death might be killed by the mysterious turtle demon king.

"My Xuan Turtle's reputation seems to be better than yours?" The Xuan Turtle Demon King was a little disdainful.

In the wood world, his mysterious turtle demon king is now a famous master of metaphysics, with a very good reputation.

"Stop arguing, it's about to explode." Erdan shouted.

Immediately, everyone's attention returned to the turtle shell, and they began to refine the turtle shell with all their might.


The next day, early morning.

Within a month, the little icon has developed the habit of getting up and beating every day.

The same is true today, as soon as the time comes, the little icon stops comprehending itself and starts moving its body.

There's going to be a big fight in a while.

Inside the high-level gathering spirit formation.


Zhou Ye let out a long breath, turned into a human body and walked towards the little icon.

"Are you ready?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Although my heart is not too low, I will try my best. I really want to know how big the gap between me and the king is." The little icon said sincerely.

In the same physical state, if you fail miserably,

That shows that the problem is very big, and I haven't learned a bit yet.

"Come on, have some confidence in yourself." Zhou Ye nodded.

There was no fluctuation in his heart.

In today's battle, regardless of the outcome, it was Zhou Mou who made a fortune.

Winning, it means that the special training effect of one month is very large, and it is also an affirmation of his own strength.

At the same time, when you brag with others in the future, you can still say that you have defeated the peerless power of Dao Slashing Realm.

At that time, others will definitely exclaim 'it's awesome'.

If you lose, it means you need to work harder.

In short, Zhou Ye is also looking forward to this battle to test his own strength.


The sun was scorching hot, and the air was getting a little irritable.

There are three people standing on the top of the mountain in Montenegro.

Zhou Ye and the little holy elephant, and the opposite is the King Lei Yan in a fiery red robe.

At this moment, Heavenly King Lei Yan has already lowered his physical realm, ensuring that he can only exert his physical strength at the limit of heaven.

Regardless of the supervision of the Demon King Xuan Turtle and others, Heavenly King Lei Yan will not exert his power beyond the heavenly level, because he disdains to do so.

The atmosphere is brewing.

In mid-air, the three monster kings of the mysterious turtle were ready to watch the show.

Zhou Ye's breathing was incomparably gentle, his eyes were fixed on King Lei Yan, and the terrifying physical power was stirring in his body.

As long as an attack is launched, that powerful force can tear apart a mountain.

The same goes for the little icon.

The atmosphere gradually became dignified.

Lei Yan Tianwang stood in the distance, a little casual.

But in my heart I dare not take it lightly.

If you lose this battle, you will really lose your old face.


In the air, the voice of the mysterious turtle demon king came.


Before the sound could reach far, King Lei Yan suddenly moved.

The muscles on his legs bulged, and he stepped on the spot suddenly, and the whole person attacked Zhou Ye and the little icon like a cannonball.

The speed is extremely fast, and the air is squeezed and burst open in the blink of an eye.


Heavenly King Lei Yan stretched out his hands, the power surrounding his fingertips, and the powerful force made the air burn.

In an instant, Zhou Ye and the little holy elephant seemed to see a mighty condor waving its sharp claws and grabbing it towards them.

Zhou Ye's body sank, his left foot took a step forward, raised his left hand to avoid the attack range of Lei Yan Tianwang's palm, and then suddenly grabbed onto his wrist.


The right fist slammed out and made a sound of breaking through the air. Zhou Ye showed no mercy, and slammed a punch directly on the arm of Lei Yan Tianwang.

The fist energy was transmitted to King Lei Yan's arm through the skin, and the fierce force shook the bones inside, trying to tear them apart.

The little holy elephant's reaction speed was also extremely fast, and a full-strength punch slammed into the palm of King Lei Yan's.


Huge power set off.

Zhou Ye and Little Dekor had to take a few steps back.

Heavenly King Lei Yan lightly stepped back a few steps and landed firmly on the ground.

"That's right." King Lei Yan raised his hands, checked the injury, and smiled.

"But don't get too excited, this is just a warm-up." King Lei Yan said lightly.

Zhou Ye's heart was solemn.

He was very serious at the moment and didn't want to joke at all.

Heavenly King Lei Yan's strength was similar to theirs, but the two of them together only made Heavenly King Lei Yan suffer a small loss.

"Come on, let me see how much you have grown after the special training!"

King Lei Yan laughed loudly, then he approached Zhou Ye's side in a flash, and threw his right fist directly towards Zhou Ye's face.

Zhou Ye turned his head and slammed forward with all his strength.

The powerful force was stirring through the body surface, in the body of Lei Yan Tianwang.

Heavenly King Lei Yan's expression was as usual, as if he hadn't felt it.

He retracted his right hand slightly, and then grabbed it on Zhou Ye's shoulder, his wrist sank, and Zhou Ye was forced to kneel on the ground.


The bones in the body were broken, and Zhou Ye's face was expressionless.

Montenegro is extremely strong, even with imperial soldiers, it can't hurt the slightest, and even white marks can't be left.

It hit the ground abruptly, the feeling of hitting a stone with an egg made Zhou Ye feel a little pain.


The little holy elephant fist approached and slammed directly into the waist of King Lei Yan.


King Lei Yan was pushed by the force and flew upside down a hundred meters away.

"Brother, are you alright?" The little icon clenched his fists and asked Zhou Ye while staring at King Lei Yan's movements.

"It's okay." Zhou Ye shook his head, very calm.

If this injury is replaced by a small icon, then the combat effectiveness may directly drop a lot.

But for Zhou Ye, this is not a big problem.


He cut off his arm and then refined it.

In an instant, Zhou Ye returned to his heyday.

Seeing this scene, King Lei Yan was speechless.


"Hahaha, it looks like the King of Heaven will be defeated today!" The Demon King Xuan Turtle burst into laughter.

Ever since Heavenly King Lei Yan became the peerless power of the Dao Slaying Realm, he has never suffered a loss.

I didn't expect to see it today.

The mysterious turtle demon king felt very happy.

"Master Cao's bloodline ability is simply against the sky. Even if the physical realm is lower than the heavenly king, there is a great possibility to win, let alone the same physical realm now." Tianyuan Demon King said with a smile.

"But maybe, after all, the King of Heaven is still very powerful. How can I say that it was the first genius of our wood world back then."

The Demon King Tianyuan felt that this discussion was a little off.

The scale of victory was originally tilted toward the king.

But at that time, they were all discussing the combat power and skills of the physical realm, subconsciously ignoring Zhou Ye's bloodline ability.

Now it seems that the scale of victory remains balanced, and it depends on their performance as to who will win.

"But I ignored your ability." King Lei Yan chuckled lightly.


Zhou Ye didn't talk nonsense with Lei Yan Tianwang at all, and directly greeted the little icon to charge towards Lei Yan Tianwang.

"call out!"

Under the extreme speed, the naked eye could not capture the movements of the three people at all, the surrounding air was a mess, and the violent power fluctuations were even affecting the space.


Zhou Ye punched with all his strength, and hit Lei Yan Tianwang firmly in the face.

The huge force almost hit Lei Yan Tianwang's head three hundred and sixty degrees.

"very good!!"

King Lei Yan kicked out with one kick, kicking directly on the chest of the little icon, kicking the little icon to fly out.

The little icon was thrown far away and hit the barrier.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the little icon turned pale.


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