I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 554 Wherever you look, I scratch the ground 3 feet

Brother is not keeping promises?

Mu Changshou frowned, and shook his head after thinking about it.

It is common for senior brothers to break their promises, so there is no need to be surprised or surprised.

For the senior brother, all promises are bullshit. The senior brother can do what he wants, and if he doesn't want to do it, he just regrets it.

Senior brother's life is so free, unrestrained and enviable.

"Father, don't be angry."

The second son looked serious.

It raised its hand, broke off the ribs, re-aligned it, and inlaid it on the Bone Demon Emperor, and then said: "Mr. Zhou is a person who keeps his promises. What he said will definitely be completed. Don't worry."

"As for the reason why Mr. Zhou appeared outside Moyuan, it must be that he was expelled by Moyuan after he entered the core area. Otherwise, with Mr. Zhou's personality, he would definitely not ignore you, Dad."

Looking at the second son's swearing look.

The Bone Demon Emperor sighed inwardly.

This useless number is really too young.

I don't understand the dangers of the rivers and lakes at all.

After all, Zhou Ye is not an individual, how can he be sure whether he will keep his promise or not.

"Forget it, it's up to me to condense the emperor's body."

The Bone Demon Emperor sighed and looked away.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself.

As for your own affairs, you should try your best to solve them yourself.

"Father, come on, I believe that one day you will rely on your own efforts to put together your own bones." The second son cheered for Dad.

The Bone Demon Emperor held back his anger.

Sometimes I have to admit that this scrap number is still very useful.

At least when there is a lack of negative energy, the waste energy will continue to be created for it.

Other than that, there's really nothing else going on.

"Senior, since there is nothing else to do, this junior will go to practice first."

Mu Changshou saluted, with a calm expression, went outside and sat down, and then began to meditate.

"Father, I'm going to practice first too."

The second son pondered for a while.

Don't bother your father's business.

Stay where you are cool.

The mansion of the Bone Demon Emperor.

The old butler just came back, feeling the powerful aura of the place where Zhou Ye was, he was a little terrified.

"Young Master Zhou and I are at the same level of cultivation, why is the gap so big?"

The old housekeeper is a bit behind the times.

The aura emanating from Zhou Gongzi's refinement of the Emperor Realm Profound Pill is fully three times that of it.

Of course, this doesn't mean that his fighting strength is three times that of the old butler.

But definitely try it out.

Zhou Ye must still crush the old housekeeper.

"Is there any good wine at home?"

In the hall, Er Dan asked the old housekeeper.

What the old housekeeper did, Erdan could figure out after a little thought, but he didn't really care.

The Bone Demon Emperor was completely unable to threaten himself and Zhou Ye.

What's more, the Bone Demon Emperor might become one of his own in the future.

As for the final result, it depends on the efforts of the second young master.

"Yes, I'll get it now."

The old butler nodded, quickly left the hall, and walked towards the warehouse.

"This butler is quite interesting and loyal." Looking at the back of the old butler, Erdan showed a slight smile.

After the old housekeeper brought the spirit wine, Erdan started to drink freely.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't seem to care much about the devil emperors who were watching secretly.

This made the devil emperors more cautious.

Although they can't accurately perceive them with Erdan's cultivation base, but with Erdan's experience, they can definitely infer that they are peeping.

But Erdan remained calm, and even started to enjoy it.

The devil emperors came to a conclusion.

One, it may be that Erdan and Zhou Ye still have some hole cards, or that the terrifying secret technique can still be used.

Second, it may also be because Erdan didn't notice them, but this possibility is extremely slim.

Third, it is more likely that they are clearly aware of their existence, and deliberately appear indifferent to prevent them from acting rashly.

The third guess is already close to the truth.

Even with such guesses, the devil emperors dare not act easily.

This is no joke.

Once the action is taken, if the previous guess is wrong, the top combat power of the demon world may face the risk of falling.

Especially when Zhou Ye refined the Emperor Realm Profound Pill.

It's fine if there is no backlash after using the secret technique, and even more arrogantly began to refine the Emperor Realm Profound Pill.

This made the devil emperors feel a little appalled.

This combination of grass and sword spirit made them feel unusually tricky.

demon world.

The practitioner's war destroyed nearly two-fifths of the territory of the demon world.

The Great Practitioner cast spells to restore the broken mountains and rivers and clean up the blood-stained rivers.

Within these two-fifths of the territory, reconstruction work is going on in full swing.

The core area of ​​the demon world.

In a primeval forest, there is a mountain thousands of feet high.

On the top of this mountain is the residence of the Flame Sparrow Demon Emperor.

"I also asked why this rain of blood lasted so long. After a long time, I was tired of seeing this guy die. Hahahaha, what a monster!"

Looking at the line of cyan characters in front of him, the Yanque Demon Emperor laughed loudly.

"My nephew is quite interesting. I killed Immortal Emperor Canmeng in the middle of the Immortal Realm, and now at the peak of the Immortal Realm, I actually killed the long-famous Demon Emperor Yanlin..."

The Yanque Demon Emperor's already good mood became even more wonderful.

Immortal Emperor Yanlin is an existence of the same level as it.

But now, in just one round, Zhou Ye ruthlessly knelt down to death.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this matter is worthy of great joy.

"However, if this guy can kill Immortal Emperor Yanlin, it means that he is at the same level as me. Being an uncle is a bit tiring..." The Yanque Demon Emperor erased the words in front of him and began to ponder.

The demise of his old opponent did not make the Yanque Yaodi feel any regrets, but only felt very happy.

And the strength shown by Zhou Ye shocked the Yanque Demon Emperor a little.

It deeply feels that this nephew is a little scary.

"If this nephew is allowed to grow up, I'm afraid..."

The Yanque Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.

If Zhou Ye is allowed to grow up like this, his uncle will be led by his nephew in the future.

It's a bit embarrassing to think about it.


"My Flame Sparrow Demon Emperor likes that feeling."

The Yanque Demon Emperor chuckled, turned his head and continued to work on his own affairs.

five days later.

After refining the Emperor Realm Profound Pill.

Keeping a posture for a long time, Zhou Ye seemed to have been squatting for a long time, and when he moved, he would twitch, and his whole body felt numb.

His real body swayed in the wind, like seaweed on the bottom of the sea.

"The Devil Emperor Gusha is very powerful..."

Zhou Ye sighed.

It is indeed the ancient temple devil emperor who can display the power of the middle stage of the emperor's realm. Zhou Ye would like to call him the strongest devil emperor in the early stage of the emperor's realm.

After the Xuandan was refined, it added 15 billion points to Zhou Ye.

You know, the Emperor Realm Profound Pill that Wuji Heavenly Demon gave him before was only five billion after refining.

That's a full three times the difference.

Recalling, when the Gusha Devil Emperor was fighting Erdan before.

The Demon Emperor Gucha summoned the phantom of the Demon Buddha, and made the phantom of the Demon Buddha solidify, descending into reality.

The Gucha Demon Emperor who merged with the Demon Buddha has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Emperor Realm.

But it is still a devil emperor in the early stage of Emperor Realm in essence.

At the same realm, the ancient temple devil emperor's profound pill is three times more precious than the ordinary early emperor realm profound pill.

"It's better to have more victims like the Devil Emperor of the ancient temple... No, it's the volunteers who provide me with points."

Zhou Ye looked forward to it.

It's best to have a ruthless character like the ancient temple devil come every five days.

Five days is enough for Erdan to rest.

Hack one every five days, Er Dan gets the cultivation resources, and Zhou Ye gets the Emperor Realm Profound Pill.

Division of labor and cooperation, everything becomes very simple.

Looking up, Zhou Ye glanced at the sky.

In two more days.

Once again, you can wave freely.

But before that, it's safer to keep a low profile.

Shaking his head helplessly.

Glancing at the panel.

Zhou Ye recalled that if he wanted to break through the Emperor Realm, it seemed that he had to master both laws to the highest level.

This is a bit of a headache, after all, it takes a lot of points to master the leveling rules.

"In the future, I will never comprehend the rules indiscriminately again, and don't add any rules to me, daddy of the hacker."

Law Control: Life·Initial Control(); Death·True Meaning()

I muttered something in my heart.


Mastery of Laws: Life · Preliminary Mastery (); Death · Preliminary Mastery()

It only took two billion points to raise the law of death to preliminary control.

And in Zhou Ye's hands, there are almost 20 billion points.

Think for a while.

"Just improve it."

One billion energy points are consumed.

Law control: life · Dacheng control; death · Dacheng control.

After the mastery of the laws improved, Zhou Ye found that the power contained in the tips of his two leaves had greatly increased.

The power in the Xuan Dan seems to have been further compressed, and the two forces are more perfectly integrated, regardless of each other.

Give Zhou Ye an illusion.

With a living being in front of me, I can kill it with a single thought, and bring it back to life with a single thought.

However, resurrection has flaws, it cannot resurrect the soul, only the flesh.

Although it is a pity, one must learn to be content when making grass.

Zhou Ye left the place with a wonderful mood.

When I came to the hall, I saw Er Dan lying on the chair and sleeping calmly.

Zhou Ye's right lobe stretched out and slapped Erdan's mosaic-like face.

"Wake up, get up and do something."

Zhou Ye shouted.

Erdan woke up in a daze, rubbed his eye sockets, showing excitement.

"Tell me, who are you going to mess with this time?"

Zhou Ye couldn't understand it.

Why does Erdan feel more excited than himself?

"Brother Tianwang asked me to do things that haven't started yet, just as I finished refining the Emperor Realm Profound Pill, shouldn't we start to do things?"

Zhou Ye asked.

Er Dan stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then nodded.

"I haven't returned to the Demon Realm for so many years. The location of the power of those Demon Emperors may have changed. Let's get a map from the housekeeper later. We will do whoever you want."

"Wherever you look, I will scrape the ground three feet away."

Er Dan moved his shoulders, eager to try.

It means that someone has the emperor soldier body in hand, and the devil emperor in the early and middle stages of the emperor realm can deal with it.

And Zhou Ye was there in the late stage of Emperor Realm, so it was not a problem at all.

As for the peak of the imperial realm.

Where did the devil come from the peak of the imperial realm.

So, start now.

Run amok.

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