In fact, when I first started writing a book, I never thought that I could write more than one million words, or even close to two million words. /Laugh and cry.

Many readers said that the beginning of the writing was fairy grass, which looked very good. In fact, to be honest, when there was no recommendation, no sign-up site, I wrote the beginning as I liked, and I did whatever I wanted.

With the signing of the contract and the first water test push, I found that some readers were reading it. I was very excited, but I didn’t care much at first, but as the number of readers increased, the pressure gradually increased, lest one day collapse.

In fact, I also want to write those fantasy novels that make people feel passionate and passionate.

But I have too many shortcomings, I am a newcomer author, I don't know how to build an outline, I don't know how to expand the world view, I don't know anything about the speed of leveling up, mastering the rhythm.

I have been confused and explored for a long time, but I still feel at a loss. As the number of words increases, I find more and more defects in myself.

This book became a little hit, which is actually considered luck. Everyone said that the idea is quite good, but in fact, I saw it through watching TV dramas. /Laugh and cry.

I am quite satisfied.

But now it has 1.7 million words, and I have no grasp of the later stage of the novel. Sometimes I am very confused, thinking about the follow-up things absent-mindedly.

When should Zhou Ye proclaim himself emperor?

When Zhou Ye became emperor, what was the realm of Qing Emperor?

The world is changing, which of Zhou Ye's friends will be in danger?

Sometimes when I think about this, I feel that I have lost the purpose of this article.

What am I writing? It’s an article that gradually upgrades my daily happiness. How can I write in a crooked style?

The lack of personal strength and the increasingly confused self have let you down again.

However, I won't be discouraged.


There are too many hurdles in life, and it is impossible to go smoothly. It can be regarded as an experience for yourself, so that you can understand the importance of mastering more knowledge in the future.

Work hard slowly, learn slowly, master it, and ask the big guys for advice.

In recent days, the pressure has actually increased.

A few years ago, my parents paid a down payment for a house. There are many reasons, and the house can only be handed over now.

Now I have started to bear the mortgage. To be honest, there is still pressure. After all, besides the mortgage, I still have a partner. /Laugh and cry.

I can only hope that the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation.

I take my time, I'm not in a hurry.

You friends must have your own pressure, you might as well release it here.


That’s all for the summary, 1.7 million words. At first thought, it was really hard to stick to it. The number of words was like a dream, but I still persisted. It can be regarded as a small achievement.

Don't talk anymore, I'll go read some books and recharge~~~

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