I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter five hundred and eighty fourth violent deer dog thief (five thousand K)

"Phantom Fairy, don't get excited."

Zhou Ye waved his hand with a serious expression: "What I just said was to persuade the two seniors. As an upright person, I will never do such things."

"So, what you mean is that Tianyuan and I are not honest." Xuangui shook his head.

Master Cao's thinking is not very firm, so he betrayed the organization like this, he must be condemned in the strongest way, so that Master Cao understands that sometimes, he must unswervingly stabilize his core thinking.

Only in this way, the future will not be confused.

"You two are not good people." Huanling Fairy shook her head disdainfully.

Xuangui wanted to say something else.

The future picture began to fluctuate, and then said: "The strength can't support it, and there is no way to continue watching."

"My strength is almost exhausted." Zhou Ye sensed it, then nodded.

"Then don't read it, there's nothing to see anyway."

The Phantom Fairy nodded.

Now that I know some fragments of the future, it is enough to give myself a comfort.

Although the future is full of uncertainties, Fairy Huanling feels that as long as she is more cautious, there shouldn't be too many problems.


The picture of the future is gradually shattered.

Zhou Ye glanced at it for the last time, and heard himself in the future picture mention a sentence: "It feels really strange to be spied on by myself, but fortunately it's over."

Among the broken pictures, only Zhou Ye noticed that the top beings sitting at the tables in front all glanced here.

Was it discovered or did they already know?

Zhou Ye was a little horrified.

Obviously, the immortal level seems to be aware of their existence now, or in other words, in the future, I recalled today, and then casually mentioned a sentence.

Zhou Ye didn't think too much.

But his intuition told him that something was strange.

It would be fine if I didn't hear that sentence, but now that I think about it, I always feel that something is wrong.

"Senior Xuangui, how much can you see when you calculate by yourself?" Zhou Ye asked Xuangui.

Xuan Gui was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "It's only a few breaths, it's just that the phantom fairy appears, and then it's gone. After all, I'm the only one. Today I can read the ins and outs with the help of the three of you. Otherwise, I really have no way to explain it to Fairy Huanling."

Xuan Gui said, shaking his head.

The future picture completely disappeared, and the four creatures sat in the pavilion.

"Peeping into the future is punished by heaven, why is there no reaction now?" Zhou Ye pointed to the sky, a little puzzled.

Xuan Gui peeped into his future before, but it was punished by heaven.

And what was peeping at that time was the time when he was pinched to death by the Bone Demon Emperor. At that time, his cultivation base was not as high as it is now.

In the future, although Zhou Ye doesn't know what realm he has reached, at least he is undoubtedly in the emperor realm.

Under such circumstances, there is no reason not to be punished by heaven.

But now, Heaven's Punishment didn't even appear, as if peeking into this future scene didn't have much impact.

"There seems to be something wrong with what you said."

Xuangui frowned slightly.

Back then, when he was the Huanling Fairy, he also suffered some backlash, which appeared after the fact, but the backlash at that time was not very strong, it just made him weak for three days and felt unable to get up.

Originally, he was already ready for the punishment of heaven, but what happened to the punishment of heaven, did he get lost?

"I'm still fantasizing about practicing myself in the punishment of heaven."

Zhou Ye sighed regretfully.

It would be great if Heaven's Punishment came, the stronger it would be, the more comfortable it would be for him.

As long as he can't lose Zhou Mou in a second, then Zhou Mou can do whatever he wants, frantically converting the power of God's punishment into points.

When you think about it that way, it's really wonderful.

But what about God's punishment?

"Master Cao, it's a bit too harsh to practice in Heaven's Punishment, isn't it?"

Xuan Gui laughed dryly.

What is this, why is it that people can't understand it.

At the same time, Xuan Gui felt that Zhou Ye seemed to have something, and he actually wanted to practice himself in the punishment of heaven.

Do you have no brains, or do you have full confidence?

"Don't discuss these things. To be honest, I have some suspicions that the picture of the future is fake." Zhou Ye shrugged.

"Fake? Why?"

Fairy Huanling was puzzled.

Xuan Gui and Tian Yuan were also somewhat puzzled.

Why does Zhou Ye feel that the immersive future clip is fake?

"First, the fragments that peek into the future will inevitably suffer backlash. You are very clear about this, Senior Xuangui. No matter what happens in the future, big or small, backlash will exist, whether it is big or small."

"And in this future segment just now, what happened is neither big nor small, and there is an existence of the fairyland present. Senior Xuangui, it is difficult for you to spy on a practitioner in the early stage of the emperor's realm. Being punished by heaven, let alone being in the fairyland." Zhou Ye shook his head.

Now the more he thought about it, the more strange it became, and he always felt that there was something wrong with it.

"You talk a lot. Although you don't know how powerful the level of immortals is, you can definitely feel our peeping. Even if they don't care, this matter has been punished by heaven after all, and heaven's punishment has not yet appeared..." Xuan Gui stroked his chin and thought about it.

He also found out that something was wrong.

The natural punishment that must appear is absent at this time.

Is it their fault, or the heavens?

"There is another point. When the future fragments were broken, the future me said: 'It feels strange to be peeped by myself, but it is over'. Did the future me realize that we are peeping, or is it today? Then, on a certain day in the future, I remembered what happened today and casually mentioned it?" Zhou Ye couldn't figure it out.

His feeling of looking at the future is as if he is looking at himself in another world. What he has, the other self also has, and the development path is exactly the same, and the things he has experienced are exactly the same.

And the self in another world is walking ahead, as if he is walking along his path now, but in this accidental opportunity today, he saw himself in another world.

Although it is very complicated to explain.

But at this moment, Zhou Ye seemed to see countless worlds, where he was doing what he had experienced or planned to do.

This made him a little terrified.

Although he clearly knows that the current self is the real self, Zhou Ye always feels very strange.

"Master Cao, pay attention to your Dao heart..." Xuan Gui noticed Zhou Ye's state and patted Zhou Ye's shoulder.

Zhou Ye suddenly came back to his senses.


"Thinking about things is a bit too preoccupied, and I even start to doubt myself."

"Never doubt your own existence, your consciousness will tell you that you are real, don't be confused by the fragments of the future." Fairy Huanling said earnestly.

Zhou Ye nodded.

As expected of an old senior who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he knows too many things, and the principles of life he has comprehended are completely beyond his comparability.

"Then we should think about it now. Is it because of us that the punishment of heaven did not appear, or because of us in the future, or because of the heavens?"

Zhou Ye was brooding over the absence of Heaven's Punishment.

Xuangui couldn't understand it a little bit.

Master Cao seemed to be looking forward to the punishment from heaven.

Did he know that if the punishment from heaven was too severe, he might belch ass.

Therefore, Xuan Gui has come to the conclusion that Master Cao wants him to burp.

My God, it's really bad enough when you think about it.

"I'm not sure, will there be a delay in the sky, and the backlash will appear after a while?" Fairy Huanling looked at Xuan Gui.

Originally, Fairy Huanling was about to leave after the matter was settled, and she wanted to go back to retreat and practice.

But after knowing that there was a punishment from heaven, Fairy Huanling suddenly didn't dare to leave.

It would be terrifying if you were struck by lightning as soon as you got home and started retreating.

And Fairy Huanling didn't know the rules here, so she could only ask Xuangui.

"Heavenly Tribulation and Heaven's Punishment are the same, they can come within a short time, definitely not more than half a quarter of an hour, and now it's almost a quarter of an hour..."

Xuangui was a little scared.

Could it be that the sky really wanted to mess with them, and did it after they dispersed?

If that's the case, the sky will be a little dangerous for the living beings.

"How about we go together?"

Tian Yuan lacked confidence.

Peeping at Xian's backlash, it must belong to Deng Xian.

But this process of ascending to immortality will be very tragic, and no normal creature wants to ascend to immortality like this.

"But I want to go back to retreat. My intuition tells me that I can already become an emperor. It will be almost ten years at most. I don't want to waste time."

Fairy Huan Ling was about to cry.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have come to Xuan Gui to settle the score, and I would have been ordered to pay for it like this.

"Congratulations in advance, but this matter is too mysterious, I have to be careful." Xuangui cupped his hands towards Fairy Huanling, feeling a little melancholy.

"I don't think it's necessary."

Zhou Ye shook his head, and then said: "Think about it, if God's punishment is going to come, it should have arrived long ago, and if it doesn't come now, it probably won't come."

"No matter which side has a problem, today's punishment should not occur. Even if it does, the four of us can get together in a short time. Don't forget, everyone is at the peak of immortality."

Zhou Ye reminded.

"It makes sense. If that's the case, then I'll take my leave first, and I'll beat you up later when I become emperor." Fairy Huanling cupped her hands towards Zhou Ye and the others, and then reminded Xuangui.

Xuangui pouted.

This old woman seems to have hated herself since today.

I didn't do anything, why should I do this to myself.

Fairy Phantom left.

Zhou Ye stood aside, Xuangui and Tianyuan stared with big eyes.

Xuan Gui opened his mouth to break the silence, and asked: "Master Cao, do you have any plans recently, if you have any projects, you can call me, and play together if you have time."

Zhou Yedao: "Recently, I asked Master to help refine the Emperor Armament and raise the grade of the Great Sword. If it succeeds, I may go to the Endless Black Lake. Senior Xuangui, are you sure you want to go?"

Xuan Gui frowned.

Brother, stop joking, can people go to that ghostly place?

"I may not have time at that time. More and more creatures have come to me for fortune-telling recently. For the sake of cultivating resources, I can't refuse." Xuan Gui sighed.

The meaning on the face is to express, not that I don't want to go with you, but that I can't spare time to accompany you.

"Well, that's a pity."

Zhou Ye shrugged, but he didn't really care.

Maybe Xuangui followed him to the Endless Black Lake and it would be a hindrance. After all, it was a forbidden place, and the masters inside were at the level of immortals. If there was a conflict, Zhou Ye was not sure if he could get out.

"Master Cao, I want to go with you!"

Tian Yuan raised his hand.

Recently, I really don't want to hang out with Xuangui.

Although the misunderstanding has been solved, Tianyuan decided to find some excitement, and now he has a choice in front of him, going to the endless black lake with Zhou Ye.

Tianyuan has never entered the endless black lake.

It sounds scary in the endless black lake, but there is no intuitive feeling, so Tian Yuan thinks that following Zhou Ye will definitely not encounter any risks.

After all, Zhou Ye was someone who could kill even an immortal emperor.

"Senior Tianyuan, shall I let you know then?" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded.

"Don't make trouble, I advise you not to drag Master Cao's hind legs, otherwise you will be dead, and Master Cao will be injured." Xuangui shook his head.

Although Tianyuan's combat effectiveness is very high, it is only limited to the Emperor Realm.

As for places like the forbidden land, any creatures that come out of the forbidden land are at the level of the emperor's realm. If Tianyuan really went there, it would really be holding back Zhou Ye.

"It's okay, I still have immortal soldiers in my hands, so it's not a big problem." Zhou Ye waved his hand.

Although the forbidden area is very dangerous, Zhou Ye thinks there is no need to be afraid of it.

The Endless Black Lake is not the Sunset Abyss.

Many creatures have been to the Endless Black Lake to experience it. Since most of the creatures have not burped, it means that the person in the Endless Black Lake is relatively gentle.

At least there is no abyss of setting sun and irritability.

"Immortal soldiers?"

Xuan Gui shook his body.

My black turtle doesn't even have emperor soldiers, Master Cao, you actually have fairy soldiers.

Tianyuan also had a look of envy.

But this thing is not envious.

"Then let's make a decision like this. I'll go back to the clan first to have a look. Recently, a few little guys have been born with intelligence. Let's hold an event." Tian Yuan said.

"get out."

Xuangui waved.

Tian Yuan ignored him, and disappeared after talking to Zhou Ye.

"Senior Xuangui, then I'll go back to Qingxu Mountain too. I'll have a good rest for a few days before going to explore the forbidden area." Zhou Ye bid farewell.

"Okay, be careful then."

Xuangui nodded.

After Zhou Ye left, it was only him and the dazed little turtle on the table left.

It was lonely enough.

"Although I, Xuan Gui, am a fortune teller, I don't want to believe in fate, and I don't believe that I can't even find a female monk."

The black tortoise picked up the little tortoise, put away its shell, and walked upstream along the Tongtian River.

He firmly believed that he would be able to find a suitable nun.


Qingxu Mountain.

It is impossible to go out forever, Zhou Ye also needs to go home.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he saw Lu Xiaoyuan standing there.

"Senior sister, shall I give you the elixir?" Zhou Ye asked tentatively.

He found that there was something wrong with Lu Xiaoyuan's expression.

"I heard that you want to go back to Wanhua Island to take care of the flower elves?"

"Unexpectedly, you are quite caring." Lu Xiaoyuan smiled sweetly, and put his hand on Zhou Ye's shoulder.

Zhou Ye was serious.

As expected, the deer dog thief already knew.

"I believe that Fairy Bingxue, who is smart, witty, and possessing great wisdom, will not be confused by some rumors. Although I, Zhou Ye, really said so at the time, I, Zhou Ye, will never do these things, even if If you do, that's normal care, absolutely no other dirty thoughts attached!" Zhou Ye looked serious.

During the conversation.

The deer dog thief got into Zhou Ye's arms and said softly: "Actually, although I am a little angry, but think about it carefully, I agree with your idea, you can boldly try it..."

Hearing that soft voice, Zhou Ye almost slapped himself.

This must be a dream.

I can't even dream of such a good Taoist companion.

"Senior Sister, I will never betray the organization in my life." Zhou Ye's expression was firm.

Lu Xiaoyuan smiled, pushed Zhou Ye away before saying: "You are wise!"

Zhou Ye realized.

Lu Xiaoyuan's acting skills really convinced him a little.

Just now he thought it was true, that Lu Xiaoyuan found out with conscience, but it turned out that all of this was a routine.

With Lu Xiaoyuan's stupid mind, he definitely wouldn't have thought of this. Under normal circumstances, he should find himself angrily, and then question himself angrily and aggrieved.

And now they have learned the tricks.

So it must be taught by that old lady of Phantom.

Although it was a bit thrilling, fortunately, Fairy Huan Ling was not very good in the routine.

But then again, in the final analysis, Zhou is still cautious.

If he just nodded his head, or showed a little bit of joy, then next year on his grave, the same clan can grow three feet high.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye felt terrified.

"Senior sister, don't you know what I am?"

Zhou Ye hugged the deer and dog thief, with a righteous smile on his face.

"Let me tell you, if I don't know, I don't know, if I know, I will... I will..." Lu Xiaoyuan scratched his head.

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that he was also reluctant to chop off Zhou Ye.


Suddenly, a kitchen knife appeared in Lu Xiaoyuan's hand.

"If I find out, I'll chop you into pieces like green onions, and then use them to cook noodles!" Lu Xiaozhu said ferociously.

"But Senior Sister, you have already done this." Zhou Ye said.

Lu Xiaoyuan scratched his head again.

"Have it?"

"You not only cooked noodles with me, but also boiled soup." Zhou Ye looked complicated.

I shouldn't be reborn as a grass, I should be reborn as an onion.

"Ah, so..."

Lu Xiaoyuan frowned, looked at Zhou Ye after pondering for a while, and then asked in a low voice in a discussing tone: "Then next time, would you like to have dinner with me?"

"Senior sister, although I haven't seen you do this with my own eyes, I know that you have definitely done this in secret." Zhou Ye has reason to believe that the deer dog thief has definitely done these things.

"Then I don't care!"

Lu Xiaoyuan snorted softly, and said as a matter of course: "You are my Taoist companion, and you can't hit me, but I can hit you, so I am the biggest, and I can do whatever I say!"

"Senior Sister, why can't I beat you!" Zhou Ye immediately refused to accept it.

It's just you, the deer and dog thief, who set the fire and don't allow me, Zhou, to light the lamp.

"You still want to hit me?" Lu Xiaoyuan's eyes widened, feeling aggrieved.

I haven't beaten Zhou Ye several times.

And Zhou Ye has beaten him many times!

"You actually want to hit me, you are dead!"

Lu Xiaoyuan suddenly became irritable, raised the kitchen knife and slashed at Zhou Ye.

Although he knew that he would not be cut, Zhou Ye still had to pretend to run away.

He was really afraid that the deer and dog thieves would bring out some terrifying weapons.

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