"Boy Lu, it's time to eat!" Jin Xiaoer called to Lu Yi by the bonfire.

"Come on, Lord Jin." Lu Yi responded, then put Zhou Ye on the ground, and said to it, "Little Caojing, I'm going to eat first."

After speaking, Lu Yi ran to the bonfire, afraid that Jin Xiaoer couldn't wait.

Zhou Ye ignored him.

Holding the white flower, he began to meditate on the Dharma, absorbing the energy stored in the flower.

In the flowers, strands of pure energy were inhaled by a blade of grass in the surrounding leaves.

The energy enters the body and disappears.

In front of him, a barrage flashed.

"Universal points 3."

"Universal points 3."



This Breitling Elixir provided Zhou Ye with hundreds of points.

This made Zhou Ye very happy.

There are already 2,000 points on his panel.

Unfortunately, however.

Temporarily unable to improve cultivation.

He remembered that he spent 3,000 points to improve his cultivation last time, but this time, he would absolutely not believe that there were no four or five thousand points.

"Alas." Zhou Ye sighed.

"The higher the grade, the better the potential."

"The better the potential, the farther you can go on the road of Taoism."

"At the same time as getting these, it's harder to break through."

Zhou Ye was very worried.

All of this, I blame myself for being too good, otherwise I would have changed shape early, how could I have waited until now.

"The bloodline can't continue to improve for the time being. After waiting for the transformation to improve, it's too uncomfortable to be a grass..."

He muttered, then looked at the others.

It was already late at night.

Except for Lu Xiaoyuan who slept soundly, everyone else cultivated very seriously.

Everyone wants to go further on the path of Taoism, so that they can live longer.

To live a long time is the pursuit of most creatures.

Zhou Ye's pursuit is also to live longer.


the next morning.

People get up.

Zhou Ye didn't have to wake up on time.

It was Lu Xiaoyuan who lifted him directly and tied him with a belt around his waist.

This process will wake him up.

When Lu Xiaoyuan got up, Zhou Ye was woken up, and there was no exception for the time being.

After breakfast.

People hurry.

Lu Yi followed the team to eat ashes.

He felt bad.

The speed at which a horse runs is naturally not comparable to the speed at which his sword is flying.

But he couldn't fly with his sword.

The bosses are all riding horses, but you are flying with your sword, do you want to make the boss unhappy, and then slap you.

But how could he, the dignified Jianzong Xiaojianxian, follow the team and eat ashes?

Must have a mount.

Thinking of this,

Lu Yi shouted at Lu Xiaoyuan: "Master Lu, I'll find a mount and come back soon!"

Lu Xiaoyuan looked back at him and nodded.

"what ever."

Lu Yi suddenly stopped.


The long sword was unsheathed and then let go.

It expanded exponentially in the blink of an eye, turning into a giant sword suspended in front of Lu Yi.

Lu Yi jumped on the giant sword, and then formed a seal with both hands, and the profound energy drove the giant sword to fly into the distance.


deep in the mountains.


A silver light fell into the forest.

Lu Yi regained his former self-confidence and stepped out of the step of disrespecting six relatives.

He made no secret of his search in the forest.

The goal is clear.

Find a mount.

But he searched for a long time and couldn't find a suitable one.


Suddenly, a slight voice came from a distance.

At the same time, a big tree was trembling slightly, and the leaves swayed and made a rustling sound.

Listening to this voice and looking at the trembling tree, there must be a beast doing something, and its size is not small.

Lu Yi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea.

He walked slowly forward.

The tip of the sword pushed away the grass, and Lu Yi was dumbfounded.


I saw a dog with black and white hair and a cheap look facing the tree, constantly rubbing up and down.

There was joy in those blue dog eyes.

But when it was about to continue, it saw Lu Yi.

Four eyes facing each other.

For a time, the air was frozen.

It was a little stunned, and then raised its two front paws to cover its olo.


It called to Lu Yi, as if to say: Don't look at it, okay?

Lu Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

However, he found that the dog was just the right size and not low in intelligence.

The most important thing is that it has the cultivation base in the early stage of qi refining, and it is a monster.

As a disciple of the Sword Sect, I wanted to kill the monster the first time I saw it.

But at this time, Lu Yi obviously did not have this idea.

"Riding a dog, isn't the picture a bit wrong?" Lu Yi imagined.

He continued to stare at it.

Suddenly, Lu Yi made a decision.

He felt that this dog was good-looking, and although it was a cheap look, it should still be very domineering if it was cultivated well.

"It's you!" Lu Yi smiled and reached out to grab the dog.


The dog was startled, and immediately turned over and wanted to run away.

But in the early stage of Qi refining, the speed is not as fast as Lu Yi.

In just a blink of an eye, Lu Yi was caught.

"Listen to me, be my mount, and I won't treat you badly." Lu Yi said with a smile.

"Ow... woo."

The dog shook his head, preferring to die.


The blade rides on the dog's neck.

The dog's movements froze. It tilted its head and stared at Lu Yi, as if asking silently again: Are you serious?

"You just nodded, if you don't want to, then I'll eat dog meat." Lu Yi smiled.

The dog pondered.

Seeing its contemplative appearance, Lu Yi smiled even more.

Sure enough, his vision was right, this dog's contemplative look is so damn handsome.

After a while.

The dog shook his head.

In this dog's life, it will never become a mount for any living being.

That's an insult to it.

"Huh?" Lu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blade was attached to the dog's neck.

Feeling the coldness on his neck, the dog was cowardly.

In the face of freedom and dog life, it chose dog life.

"Okay, I like a dog like you who knows current affairs." Lu Yi let go of the dog and said with a smile.


The dog ran wild, and looked back at Lu Yi with disdain.

That expression seems to be saying: little brother, you didn't expect it, did you?

Lu Yi smiled without saying a word.

I've been in the world for many years, Lu, is it possible that I haven't encountered such a routine yet?

Immediately, the long sword came out of his hand.


The long sword turned into a silver light and was inserted into the soil in front of the dog running.

Terrified, the dog hurriedly braked.

Unexpectedly, his body was unstable, he fell directly to the ground, and rolled twice.

"Be honest, or you will die." Lu Yi drew out his long sword and then said.

Hearing the words, the dog howled.

Its dog is about to lose its freedom.

Just thinking about this brings tears to my eyes.

Lu Yi mounted the dog, held the long sword, and patted the dog's butt with the blade.

"Brother, go!"

Although the dog was very reluctant, it had to run wild because of the long sword that shone with cold light.

Lu Yi rode a dog and ran wildly in the forest.

The dog is a dog with cultivation, and the speed is quite fast.

That is a distance of several meters in the blink of an eye, faster than the speed of a horse.

Also, this dog seems to have great stamina.

Worth cultivating.


on the official road.

Zhou Ye hangs on Lu Xiaoyuan's waist, and he always faces the back.

Feeling the turbulence, Zhou Ye couldn't calm down and cultivate.

He stared blankly behind him.

But suddenly, a white-robed youth riding a black-and-white creature appeared behind him.

"Isn't that Lu Yi?" Zhou Ye came to the spirit.

The others also heard the movement and turned around.

When they saw Lu Yi's mount, they were all stunned.

Zhou Ye observed carefully, and after a while, he muttered something uncertain in his heart.

"There are also Huskies in this other world..."

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