I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 683 Is Your Conscience Really Won't Pain?

| | | -\u003e -\u003e On the way.

"This is free air..."

The heart demon took a mouthful of dioxygen angrily, feeling a little intoxicated.

It felt that it was too difficult for him, he had worked so hard to live in Zhou Ye's heart, and now he was finally free.

This kind of thing has to be celebrated.

"Brother, are you happy to be free?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

The demon's heart tightened.

It has been separated from Zhou Ye and cannot feel Zhou Ye's thoughts, but judging by its IQ no less than Zhou Ye's, Zhou Ye must be thinking about something that is not good for him.

Damn, I just got out of the sea of ​​suffering, and I'm about to fall into the abyss of terror.

The devil in his heart was terrified and looked pitiful, almost kneeling down to Zhou Ye and begging for mercy.

"Although I, Zhou Ye, am not a good person, please don't look at me like this, okay, it makes me feel like some heinous villain." The corners of Zhou Ye's mouth twitched.

"No, you misunderstood. You are a very good person. You must not have anything in mind to deal with me."

The demon quickly waved his hand.

It has a feeling in its heart that it should not be all the darkness in Zhou Ye's heart.

This guy Zhou Ye is the one who is in all the darkness, and his inner demon should be a combination of all goodness.

So, think carefully and fear.

"How could I want to deal with you, you are my demon, we are good brothers." Zhou Ye shook his head.

Could it be that he, Zhou Ye, still has any ideas about the inner demon.

"That's good, that's good."

The demon breathed a sigh of relief, on the surface it seemed to be relaxed, but in fact he was still very nervous inside.

If you can believe Zhou Ye's words, it's the hell.

Its inner demon has lived in Zhou Ye's heart for such a long time, and it has already understood Zhou Ye's behavior style.

Words of mouth, do not believe.

"You have my abilities, right?"

Zhou Ye asked.

"Yes, but the effects in all aspects are not as good as yours." The demon said helplessly.

Zhou Ye was slightly taken aback.

If other people get their own abilities, they will be able to smile. Why does this demon still have a feeling of dissatisfaction?

"Very well, I will leave it to you to deal with things that are inconvenient for me in the future." Zhou Ye patted the demon's shoulder seriously.

Looking at Zhou Ye's eyes, it was obvious that he had entrusted himself with the heavy responsibility.

The heart demon is very bitter.

This bastard must have wanted to leave some dangerous matter to himself to solve.

"Then what, I think it's better for me to return to your body. It's good for us to live happily together. I don't think freedom is so wonderful. I just prefer the feeling of being in chains." Heart Demon Said very sincerely.

"How can you do this?

Do you know how much effort I have put in to get you free? "

Zhou Ye disagreed.

It's not easy to find someone who is responsible, how can I let it go so easily.

"This matter has been decided so happily, and you can't do without me anyway, so it's settled, no refutation is allowed!" Zhou Ye said seriously.

"You are a threat..."

The demon is wronged.

It used to think that being a demon is very comfortable, so it will do things for the conscious subject, and the ultimate goal is to defeat the conscious subject, and then the body will become controlled by itself.

But now it finds it difficult to beware of demons.

It's completely different from the happy things you imagined.

The object of trouble has become the enemy of the main body of consciousness...

Its inner demon has changed from a hostile relationship with the main body of consciousness to a gang.

It's okay to be like this, anyway, its demons don't need to take action, just watch the show in their hearts.

But it's different now. Its inner demon has a physical body and all the abilities of the main body. Although it is a low-end version, it is also too strong.

But its inner demon doesn't want these things at all, it just wants to be a salted fish in Zhou Ye's heart honestly.

"Don't talk about it, I will definitely not let you do that kind of death thing." Zhou Ye curled his lips helplessly seeing the demon's crying face.

"real or fake?"

The demon is a little disbelieving.

"I'm such an honest person, can I still lie to you?"

Zhou Ye sighed, it was in vain that his demon had lived in his heart for so long, and he didn't know anything about himself.

What kind of demon is this.

"Then I will trust you once."

The demon nodded.

It is very clear that Zhou Ye is very kind to his own people.

But whether it counts as Zhou Ye's own person is not clear, because from another point of view, the inner demon and the main body are natural enemies.

"Wanhua Island is here, let's go."

Zhou Ye tore open the void and appeared in the sea of ​​flowers on Wanhua Island.

"The environment of this place is really saved."

The demon sighed.

"Go to the top of the mountain." Zhou Ye patted Xin Mo on the shoulder, and then walked up the mountain along the path.

The demon followed Zhou Ye to experience the real world.

The scenes seen in Zhou Ye's heart in the past were real to Zhou Ye, but illusory to him.

Now, seeing the real scene for the first time, the heart demon is a little complicated.

"Why can't the heart demon create a real heart demon illusion? I'm afraid it's because I haven't seen the real scene?"

No matter how real the evolution of the heart demon illusion is, it will eventually find its flaws.

"Now that I have seen the real scene, my ability to construct illusions has been greatly enhanced, and I may be able to trick anyone in the future." The heart demon was very happy.

Its inner demon now possesses an entity, so it must learn some means to save its life.

Another point is that it has to keep a good eye on Zhou Ye, lest Zhou Ye belch.

After all, if Zhou Ye burps, it will disappear, so in order to survive, he must find a way to protect Zhou Ye well.

It's best locked in a small dark room.

"You'd better not try to cheat me, or I will commit suicide." Zhou Ye turned to the demon.

Demon: "..."

"Let's go, cross this suspension bridge, and you will reach the top of the mountain soon." Zhou Ye crossed the suspension bridge and stepped on the stone steps.

The heart demon followed silently.

on the top of the hill.

The peach tree is still there.

Qingdi sat quietly under the tree, surrounded by a mist of spiritual energy. Behind him, the ancient peach tree was also nourished by the rich spiritual energy, and the fruits on the branches were growing rapidly.


Zhou Ye bent down slightly.

Behind Zhou Ye, the heart demon also saluted respectfully.

Emperor Qing slowly opened his eyes, and asked with a faint smile, "Can't you run over?"

"Master, I can bear it. It was Haixian who asked me to tell Master that today's world can bear the existence of fairyland." Zhou Ye said with a serious expression.

Emperor Qing's heart was shocked, and he said after a long while, "Got it."

His eyes fell on the heart demon, and he was a little surprised.

"How did you separate the inner demon?"

Emperor Qing was a little confused about Zhou Ye's thoughts, but he didn't have too many worries. Zhou Ye had his own thoughts in everything he did.

"I longed for freedom, so he let me out. Besides, everyone is in the same group, and if there is one more combat power, it will definitely be more secure." Xinmo said.

Qing Emperor nodded slightly.

What the heart demon said is indeed reasonable.

Emperor Qing chose to believe in Zhou Ye.

"Master, when are you going to break through?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

Emperor Qing thought for a while, then shook his head.

"If you break the situation at this moment, you don't have much confidence, but you can't wait any longer."

Emperor Qing raised his head.

The huge light cluster in the sky seemed to be able to touch it by standing up.

"Master, Haixian also asked me to tell you that if you break the barriers and break all the rules, you can become a fairy." Zhou Ye said softly.

It is not easy to become a fairy.

For millions of years, the rules have been chaotic, like a cage, preventing practitioners from peeking into higher realms.

But now, the rules are gradually improving, and practitioners can already see higher existences through the cage.

And the fault of millions of years left Qing Emperor with no experience to learn from.

Although the road ahead can be seen clearly, it is difficult for Qing Di to choose a direction.

Qingdi was silent for a long time.

"Break the barriers, break all the rules..."

"I understand. I will break through tomorrow. Whether I will become a fairy or fall will depend on tomorrow." Qingdi took a deep breath.

Zhou Ye and Xin Mo looked at each other.

Both of them knew that if Emperor Qing succeeded in breaking through and becoming an immortal, then a bright path would appear in today's cultivation world.

If the Qing Emperor falls, there should be no fairyland in a short time.

"Master, don't worry, don't have any worries, leave everything to me." Zhou Ye said.

If anyone dares to make trouble tomorrow, Zhou Ye doesn't mind sending him to death.


Emperor Qing nodded.

He wasn't too worried about that.

Tomorrow's breakthrough, he believes that no one is stupid enough to make trouble.

After all, the eyes of the entire Six Realms will be focused on this place, and if they dare to make trouble, they will surely die as hard as they can.

"Then I don't have to go anywhere, I'll just wait here."

Zhou Ye felt relaxed.

He felt that with Qingdi's strength, it should be a very simple matter to break through and become a fairy.

As for whether the Qing Emperor will fall or not.

Zhou Ye didn't think about it.

With him present, it is impossible for Qing Emperor to fall.

Obviously, the heart demon's thoughts were exactly the same as Zhou Ye's.

With Zhou Ye and Xin Demon present, that means double the fighting power, that means double the healing power.

"As a teacher, first think about things that break the boundary."

Qingdi closed his eyes, and began to deduce his own breakthrough.

Zhou Ye and Xin Mo sat down beside him.

Idle is also idle, Zhou Ye asked via voice transmission: "Can you refine cultivation resources?"

"I can't refine wandering souls, but I can cultivate resources." The demon nodded, and then said via voice transmission: "I don't think I need to refine cultivation resources. After you have improved, I will return to your body to adapt, and then I broke through when I came out, why waste cultivation resources?"

"Your current cultivation level is stuck at the peak of the middle stage of the Emperor Realm. I want you to refine your cultivation resources and break through the realm... After you break through the realm, I will refine you again." Zhou Ye replied sincerely.

The demon stared at Zhou Ye.


Its heart demon has never seen such a cheap person.

Doesn't this just make it clear that Zhou Ye doesn't want to work hard anymore, and then let his demons work hard, and finally Zhou Ye comes to reap the results?

Fuck me.

"If you squeeze a simple heart demon like this, your conscience won't hurt?" The heart demon felt that his breathing stopped a bit.

"I have no conscience."

Zhou Ye shook his head.

If his idea is really feasible, it will be double the efficiency and double the happiness.

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