Zhou Ye was thinking.

Li Qiudao's saber has already passed through the corpse puppet's heart.

Is a fully refined corpse puppet really unkillable?

Zhou Ye felt that it wasn't that he couldn't be killed, but that his strength was not strong enough to kill the corpse puppet.

At least, Zhou Ye believes that nothing in the world is absolute, and there is always something that can restrain the corpse puppet.

Li Qiudao was unable to kill the corpse puppet because Li Qiudao's strength was not enough, and his cultivation level was also a small level behind.

He needs the power of the most masculine and the most powerful, or masters some power that can restrain the corpse puppet, or if his swordsmanship is higher, he can kill the corpse puppet.

The corpse puppet is not immortal, it's just that Li Qiudao is too good to kill the corpse puppet.

Zhou Ye shook his head slightly.

In this way, he also said that when he was in trouble, he would rush to the first place.

Zhou Ye couldn't figure out where Li Qiudao got his confidence.

Maybe, this bad old man likes to play tricks as much as an asshole?

Thinking about it this way, it's very possible.



Li Qiudao heaved a sigh of relief, and there was a wave of turmoil in his calm heart, a little irritated.

So far, he has not found any way to restrain the corpse puppet.

He had also met and killed corpse puppets before.

But compared with the corpse puppet in front of him, there is a huge difference.

"You can't kill me, you better give up."

The corpse puppet is very calm.

Li Qiudao really couldn't kill it, but it only took some effort to kill Li Qiudao.


It was immediately obvious.

"I think you can try it. No matter what price you pay today, I will let you lie back in the coffin." Li Qiudao said in a flat voice.

If you can't do it yourself, can't you ask for help?

Although asking Lingdi to make a move requires money, but what can he do if he can't beat the opponent.

Li Qiudao could only admit it.

Spend money to eliminate disasters.

"Emperor Ling, what will it take to solve it?" Li Qiudao looked at Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye looked up and down at the corpse puppet and grinned.

"This thing looks very good. I think it can be used to refine it into a more advanced corpse." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"It's all up to the Spirit Emperor."

Li Qiudao drew out his sword with a smile, and moved away from the corpse puppet.

This kind of thing, he prayed, it is best not to encounter it in the future, it is really difficult to deal with.

In other words, when he returned to Jianzong this time, he had to think carefully about how to deal with the corpse puppet, so as not to encounter such a difficult situation in the future.

The corpse puppet was a little dazed.

Seeing Li Qiudao's appearance, it seemed that he didn't want to fight with him anymore.

And the guy called Lingdi is only in the middle stage of Emperor Realm.

Is there any trump card that can threaten him?

The puppet narrowed his eyes.

The villain dies of talking too much.

It approached Zhou Ye in an instant, and the blood claw raised and grabbed Zhou Ye's head.

Take advantage of his unpreparedness and directly screw off his head!

In this way, no matter what tricks the other party has, it is useless.

"They're all seniors, why are they still engaging in sneak attacks?"

Zhou Ye looked at the corpse puppet and raised his hand.

"call out!"

The sword energy condensed into a beam of intense light, which bombarded the chest of the oncoming corpse puppet.


The light pierced through the corpse puppet's chest, leaving a huge blood hole on the corpse puppet's chest.

At the same time, the corpse puppet was also lifted up by a powerful force, flying upside down and falling in the distance.

The foul-smelling blood flowed slowly, and the corpse puppet lay in the distance with dazed eyes.


Who can tell it why Zhou Ye is so strong.

It's just one move, and a hole so big is made in its chest, this hole can allow an arm to pass through...

Li Qiudao's pupils shrank slightly.

Originally thought that although there was a gap between himself and Emperor Ling, the gap should not be too big.

But now, the facts are in front of us.

small differences?

Indeed, the gap is not very big, in terms of combat power, it is only a difference of one or two small realms.

Li Qiudao felt that his heart was blocked.

You know, he, Mr. Li, was also a genius back then, okay?

Now it is nothing more than a little old, but the sword is not old, and there is still strength.

In the same realm of cultivation, is the gap between the two parties really that big?

Is it because Li Qiudao can't keep up with the times?

Li Qiudao sighed, and he admitted it.

Contemporary young people are indeed much stronger than old men like him.

"who are you?"

The corpse puppet stood up slowly, the wound was healing.

Zhou Ye frowned.

This corpse puppet is not simple.

But for him, it was just that.


The power in Zhou Ye's hands circulated, and the prisoner's picture, which had been shrunk countless times, appeared in his hand.

The scroll opens.

It is no longer a single valley, but a mountain and river.

Powerful profound energy was poured into the Immortal Prisoner's Diagram, and the Immortal Prisoner's Figure began to double in size.

Feeling the celestial power emanating from the image of the prisoner, Li Qiudao was horrified.

"Emperor Ling, what kind of mysterious weapon are you?" Li Qiudao asked.

The saber in his hand was trembling constantly, and he was extremely afraid of Prisoner Immortal Picture.

He was very curious, what kind of profound weapon could make his saber produce such a state.

"The level of the Xuanbing that has been separated, this thing is the Xianbing."

Zhou Ye had nothing to hide.

For him, there is no need to exaggerate the Immortal Immortal Picture, and there is no need to describe the Immortal Immortal Figure as too weak.

It is what it is.

"Really?" Li Qiudao's face became serious.

Emperor Ling is at the same level as himself, but he has mastered the Immortal Armament...

Moreover, the saber that Emperor Ling threw at the Sword Tomb seemed not simple. He felt that the saber might also be a fairy weapon...

If you think about it that way.

My god, the boss will take me with you!

Li Qiudao couldn't wait to hug Zhou Ye's thigh and call him big brother affectionately.

"Immortal [58 fo] soldiers?!"

After being briefly shocked, the corpse puppet wanted to run away.

It is not iron Hanhan.

The opponent possesses immortal weapons, and has such great strength, if I fight with the opponent today, I will definitely die.

As for what to say about the immortal soldiers who are greedy for the opponent, that is even more sick.

You can't even beat the opponent, and you're still plotting a fart.

Get away now.


Without saying a word, the corpse puppet directly tore apart the crack in the space and disappeared into a cloud of gray smoke.

"Emperor Ling, do we want to catch up?" Li Qiudao asked hastily.

Zhou Ye raised his hand, and the Immortal Immortal Picture gradually faded away, and then disappeared.

"Let's go, just go outside and wait for a while."

Zhou Ye didn't care.

Prison Immortal Map's consciousness has already reached a consensus with Zhou Ye.

The two sides are now together.

Zhou Ye believed that with the ability of Immortal Prisoner, it would be very simple to bring back the corpse puppet.

After all, Zhou Ye had already poured all the profound energy into the Immortal Prisoner's Map. If the Immortal Prisoner's Tu couldn't even complete this task, then Zhou Ye would consider using the Immortal Prisoner's Tu to wipe his ass.



"Is it really possible?" Li Qiudao was a little worried.

That's a fairy soldier, isn't it really afraid of losing it?

If it was really lost, even if Zhou Ye would not feel heartache, Li Qiudao would feel heartache to death.

Although it is not his own, but it is a fairy soldier.

His eyes were red with envy.

How can this man be so rich.

"Don't worry, the immortal soldiers in my family are very capable." Zhou Ye patted Li Qiudao's shoulder.

Although he said he disliked the Beihan Shizhan Dao, Zhou Ye felt that it was really easy to use the Beihan Shizhan Dao.

Not to mention Prison Immortal Figure, Zhou Ye has experienced the strength of Prison Immortal Figure.

But now, Prisoner Immortal Map is no longer in danger of extinction, and has added so much energy and recovered a lot of strength.

Once trapped in the immortal map, it is impossible for the corpse puppet to escape.

as expected.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the picture of prisoner immortal penetrated the space and fell into Zhou Ye's hands.


Li Qiudao looked at the picture of the prisoner and asked Zhou Ye.

"It's done, the corpse puppet is now in the Immortal Immortal Map, do you think I should refine it directly, or refine the flesh and blood, and use immortal bones to refine it into an emperor soldier?" Zhou Ye asked, wanting to ask Li Qiudao Views.

"It's all up to the Emperor Ling. As long as it dies, I will feel much more at ease." Li Qiudao said with a smile.


Zhou Ye nodded.

He is not a cruel creature, he needs to understand the grievances between the two parties before making a decision.

If this corpse puppet was really vicious during his lifetime, then Zhou Ye would really use its immortal bones to refine imperial soldiers.

But if Zhou Ye thinks that what the corpse puppet did during his lifetime is not too vicious, then consider other ways.

To put it simply, it means not letting the corpse puppet die too ugly.

You have to think about it carefully and send the other party away in a decent way.

In this way, the other party seems to be peaceful, and I feel comfortable in my heart.

"What kind of grievances did you have with this puppet?" Zhou Ye asked.

When Li Qiudao heard this, his expression was a little complicated.

"To be honest, this matter is a bit complicated. Generally speaking, I am not wrong, and he is actually not wrong either." Li Qiudao shook his head.

Before his death, the corpse puppet was the patriarch of a family.

At the same time, he is also a member of Jianzong.

However, he is very extreme, and he likes to delve into what Jian Zong thinks is crooked techniques, which are some weird and vicious techniques.

At that time, facing the invasion of several powerful demons, Jianzong was under a lot of pressure.

The corpse puppet studied those all day long, and his relationship with Li Qiudao was not good, but he still represented Jianzong in the battle.

However, the magic he used had the same origin as the power of the demons, and was infected with demon energy by a demon emperor in the early stage of the emperor realm.

Therefore, the spell he released at that time devoured the three thousand elite disciples of Jianzong.

The hatred also starts from this moment.

Li Qiudao hated him.

The root cause of hating him is the sorcery he studied.

In Jianzong, he looked down on those crooked things, but he just likes to delve into it, and even using this kind of magic caused Jianzong to lose 3,000 elite disciples!

Fortunately, the whole world worked together to repel the demons, and the world was at peace.

At the same time, the corpse puppet was infected more and more deeply by the devil energy, became more and more irritable, and his thoughts became more and more extreme.

He loses his mind too easily.

During a quarrel with the high level of Jianzong, the corpse puppet lost his mind and killed a female elder by mistake.

The bloody thing is that both Li Qiudao and the corpse puppet really like this female elder.

Then a war broke out between the two men.

But Li Qiudao didn't kill the corpse puppet either.

The corpse puppet buried the female elder in Jianzhong with his own hands, then left Jianzong and returned to the family.

As the corpse puppets became more and more evil, and more and more innocent creatures were killed and injured, Li Qiudao couldn't bear it any longer.

It was that time that the final battle broke out.

Zhou Ye was a little emotional, and at the same time felt that the story was really bloody.

But now, he had to think carefully about how to deal with the corpse puppet.

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