I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 716: The Resurrection of the Promise Heavenly Demon, the Profound Pill of the Wonderland

"You are bound to die."

The Promise Demon sneered.

He was very confident. After trading with Zhou Ye, he became a rich man.

Wandering Soul, a poor ghost, has no financial resources to support him, but he dares to be presumptuous with himself, is he stupid after being suppressed for a million years?

"Who wins the deer, it is not yet known."

Wandering Soul is very indifferent.

But these are all appearances, in fact, the heart is panicked.

What to do, I really can't beat the opponent.

Seeing the huge array outside continuously providing power to the Wuji Heavenly Demon, Wandering Soul felt very sour.

Why does Wuji Heavenly Demon have such a friend?

Why is it so generous?

Wandering Soul really hates it. If Zhou Ye hadn't appeared, he would have been able to completely occupy the body of Wuji Heavenly Demon if he worked harder, and then he would turn his back on the guest.

Now all of this is all because of that grass, if not for that grass being so rich, I wouldn't be in this situation.

"You're so naive, you're so weak, can you still use some secret technique?" Wuji Heavenly Demon was confident.

Although Youhun's current state is good, but according to Wuji Heavenly Demon's deduction, Youhun has no chance of a comeback.

For millions of years, the power of the wandering soul has been wiped out too much. Although it has not fallen into the situation of a candle in the wind, it is not much better.

Therefore, Wandering Soul has no chance of turning the tables.

However, Wuji Heavenly Demon knows in his heart that this wandering soul would rather die than see himself feel better. One hundred percent, this guy will set him up, and he will cheat himself before he dies.

Be careful, have to be careful.

He Wuji Heavenly Demon couldn't be tricked at such a critical moment, otherwise, even if he was resurrected, his mind might still be a little out of order.

"Even if I die, I won't make it easy for you,

You can rest assured on this. "Wandering Soul sneered.

Made, fight.

The wandering soul now controls 30% of the body of the Promise Demon.

Although it is difficult to control the body of Wuji Tianmo, for Wandering Soul, he can do it by gritting his teeth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... what the hell are you doing?"

The Promise Heavenly Demon felt his right hand raised, and was a little horrified.

"I'm going to make you disabled."

A ferocious look suddenly appeared on the face of the corpse.

Soon, his expression changed and he became a little panicked.

"Damn, how can you be so vicious." The Promise Demon couldn't bear it anymore.

This wandering soul is completely insane.

With a feeling that I will definitely die today, but I just can’t see you well, and I must let you get hurt, otherwise I will die of injustice if I burp.


The corpse of Wuji Heavenly Demon raised his palm and slapped it on his thigh fiercely.

The powerful force penetrated the flesh and blood, directly breaking the corpse's thigh bone.

At this time, in a more scientific way, the force effects are mutual, so the palm bones of the corpse are also shattered.

With just one palm, the palm and thigh bone were broken.

This made Wuji Tianma burst into tears.

It had been a long time since he had experienced this kind of severe pain, and today Wandering Soul let him recall it well.

"I must let you die a miserable death today." Wuji Heavenly Demon was furious.

This kind of vicious wandering soul must not stay in the world, otherwise when it starts killing, no one can stop it.

"With all due respect, you may not be capable of that."

After Wandering Soul finished venting, he became a little calmer.

Life and death are no longer a special concern, what it cares about is how the Wuji Heavenly Demon is doing.

As a qualified old opponent, as long as Wuji Tianmo can't be revived, it will be in a good mood, and it wants to hum two songs to celebrate.

"You wait for me."

The Promise Heavenly Demon grinned grimly.

Really think that I, Wuji Tianma, can't knead the dough.

Wait until my Wuji Heavenly Demon recovers more, see if I can devour you today.


"When will this kind of life be the end?" Zhou Ye was a little disappointed.

There are already thousands of profound pills in the portable space.

Although Zhou Ye's refining speed is very fast, this speed cannot catch up with the speed of collecting Xuan Dan.

Therefore, with the passage of time, there will only be more and more Xuan Dan in Zhou Ye's portable space.

"If I could refine all the cultivation resources in an instant, how great would it be?"

Zhou Ye sighed, how he wished that such a situation would happen to him.

In an instant, he refined all the things he had that could be refined, and then he roared excitedly twice, and he should be able to become a fairy.

Think about it, how simple things are.

But fantasy is fantasy after all, it is impossible to exist.

Although there are many magical things in the lottery template, Zhou Ye has seen them all. They are either things that he doesn't need, or high-end utensils that he can't use at this stage.

"It's safer to be down-to-earth."

Zhou Ye shook his head and continued with his work.

In his mind, his own resources are still huge.

With the support of Endless Black Lake and Demon Abyss, Zhou Ye dared to think about it now, not to mention just a free fairy, even a peerless true fairy.

While suffering from secondary illness, Zhou Ye was doing his own thing.

It takes a lot of hard work to become stronger.

Now Zhou Ye, even when he is resting, he is refining Xuandan.

With the protection of his cheating father, he has no worries at all.

Therefore, the speed of refining Xuandan is getting faster and faster, and sometimes he will find time to refine a blade of grass to restore his state to its peak.

In this way, until the day when the Wuji Heavenly Demon suppressed the wandering souls.



There was a loud noise.

The loud noise came from inside the coffin, and the coffin lid was instantly blown up and fell into the distance.

The real body of Wuji Heavenly Demon woke up from the coffin.

He climbed out of the coffin.

"This feeling..." Wuji Tianmo clenched his fists tightly, only feeling that the air he breathes is free air.

Apart from the excessive pain in the palms and thighs, Wuji Tianma felt that his condition was really wonderful.


Zhou Ye rushed over upon hearing the sound.

Looking at the state of Wuji Tianma, he felt a little weird. When he walked, he was a little awkward, his arms drooped naturally, and he seemed to have no bones when he shook them.

What the hell did he go through before his death?

"Yes, I have been resurrected, but when I was competing with that guy for control of my body, I let that guy mutilate myself." Wuji Tianmo spoke with anger.

An existence with status like Wuji Tianmo would not do such a thing, after all, everyone wants to save face.

How could he have imagined that Youhun would be so shameless to give him this trick.

Fortunately, everything is fine now. Wandering Soul was devoured by him when he was on the verge of extinction.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

"But you don't have to worry, it's easier to recover." Wuji Tianmo looked relaxed, but his tone was still a bit depressed.

The less trouble, the better.

And Wandering Soul's behavior is simply adding to his confusion.

The cultivation resources he had traded from Zhou Ye were not many, but now that he has suffered these injuries, it will take a lot of cultivation resources to heal himself.

"That's good, how much power can you exert now, can you help me collect the mysterious core of the dead body?" Zhou Ye thought for a while, and planned to ask Wuji Tianmo to help.

The power of Wuji Heavenly Demon must be stronger than him at this moment. If Wuji Heavenly Demon takes action, the speed of collecting mysterious pills will be much, much faster.

Simple to describe.

Zhou Ye stretched out his hand to grab an area with a radius of ten thousand miles, and the powerful force could absorb all the dead bodies in this area.

And if the Wuji Heavenly Demon makes the move, it will be even faster, and it may be possible to collect countless mysterious pills in front of him in a single thought.

"I am now? I can almost exert the power of the middle stage of Zizai Immortal, and I am a little weak." Wuji Tianma carefully perceived his state, and then shrugged.

"Is the realm behind Immortal Zizai a real fairyland?" Zhou Ye couldn't help asking.

Wuji Heavenly Demon nodded, and then said: "The Immortal Zizai breaks the shackles of the world on itself, is a free and unconstrained existence, and can overlook all living beings. The real immortal is stronger than the Immortal Zizai. The real fairyland has been separated from the world. You can travel in the starry sky with your cultivation in the Emperor Realm, but you can’t go too far away, and Immortal Zizai can’t go too far in the starry sky, but a true immortal can.”

"The strong in the real fairyland can stay away from the mainland and go to the depths of the starry sky."

As he spoke, Wuji Heavenly Demon recalled it for a while, and said again: "Creatures like wandering souls come from other worlds, they are extraterrestrial demons, they were brought here by several peerless true immortals, if there were no peerless true immortals to lead them , There is absolutely no way for them to come to our world across the starry sky, unless this world is already very close to us."

"So that's how it is."

Zhou Ye nodded.

Although the name of the small goal I thought I set was small, it was very powerful inside.

But looking at it now, it turns out that the small goal I set was really just a small goal.

Zhou Ye had a headache.

He felt that it was time for him to set a medium goal.

For example, become a free spirit first?

"Let me help you collect the Xuan Dan first."

Wuji Heavenly Demon raised his left hand and grabbed it fiercely.

Powerful immortal power spreads across the entire Demon Abyss.

The mysterious core in the body of the dead body was stripped out by the immortal power, and then under the influence of the power, it flew towards the Wuji Heavenly Demon.

Ten, hundred, thousand...

Too much too much.

These profound cores are piled up like a big mountain.

Zhou Ye's complexion was a little numb.

He was excited, but couldn't show it.

It was really hard for him to hold back, he really wanted to laugh wildly, and then yelled that I was bloody.

But Wuji Heavenly Demon is right next to him, so he has to hold on.

"It still doesn't work, you can use these mysterious pills first, there are hundreds of thousands of them." The Promise Demon was a little weak.

Zhou Ye nodded, and put away nearly 500,000 profound pills.

"Thank you." Zhou Ye patted Wuji Tianma on the shoulder.

Among the five hundred thousand profound pills, there are three immortal realm profound pills, hundreds of emperor realm profound pills, a small part of the eighth-rank profound pills, and more seventh-rank profound pills.

Fairyland and Emperor Realm are limited after all, and the most common ones are seventh-order and eighth-order profound pills.

As for the Xuandan below the seventh rank...

It has long been obliterated by time.

Besides, the seventh-order Xuandan, compared with the current Xuandan, has lost half of its power.

So although the number seems to be quite bluffing, but after sorting it out, it is also quite bluffing.

Especially the three Immortal Realm Profound Pills, which Zhou Ye valued most.

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