I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 723 In fact, Emperor Ling had already finished drinking a pot before

The catfish spirit lay in the grass, closed her eyes and pretended to be dead, and realized the opportunity bestowed by Emperor Ling.

Although he was frightened by Lingdi's sword energy, Catfish Spirit felt that such things could happen more often.

After all, if he was helping Emperor Ling, Lingdi would help him improve his physique.

This time, both catfish essence and carp essence got some benefits.


"Wow, godfather, I'm so scared o(╥﹏╥)o."

The little guy's face was full of tears, and he buried his head deeply in Zhou Ye's arms.

She was terrified, and felt that the carp essence's big mouth was really terrifying, and it was enough to almost swallow her, and the fishy smell made the little guy feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, it's okay now."

Zhou Ye stepped on the carp spirit's back and asked the carp spirit to help him move on. At the same time, he patted the little guy's back to relax him.

He was very proud of it.

When you are having fun, you don't even notice that your godfather hasn't kept up!

This means that it has always been within the scope of the wood world. What if it is captured in other realms?

"Godfather, is that big guy dead?" the little guy asked sobbing.

"Seriously injured, it can be regarded as a lesson." Zhou Ye said softly.

"Well! You have to teach me a lesson, you actually stinked me with your mouth!"

The little guy pouted, feeling that he was always wronged.

Even though he didn't do anything, the big guy suddenly appeared to block the way, yelling at himself and trying to eat him, it was really scary!

"When your godfather is away from now on, don't get lost, or you will be eaten by monsters in one bite!" Zhou Ye held his forehead and the little guy's forehead together gently, opening his mouth to scare the little guy.


A hazy mist rose in the little guy's eyes, and he buried his head in Zhou Ye's arms again in fright.

Hugging Zhou Ye tightly with her little hands, she muttered in a sobbing voice, "It's scary... so scary... really scary..."

Zhou Ye thought for a while, wouldn't this frighten the little guy?


Certainly not, the little guy is a real dragon after all.


The carp spirit was swimming on the water surface, its head broke through the water surface, and the extremely fast speed caused the water to splash towards the sides.

The carp spirit is covered in red scales and is more than ten feet long.

In Zhou Ye's eyes, the red carp's act of protecting the little guy was very good, so he left a strand of profound energy in the red carp's body to improve his physique.

With the passage of time, Red Carp's follow-up training will improve a lot.

For Zhou Ye, it was just a matter of chance, but for Red Carp, it was a great opportunity.

The direction of water flow is the direction of Tongtian River.

Zhou Ye hugged the little guy and sat on the back of the red carp. While arranging a long stick the size of a thumb, he said to the red carp, "It's been a day of swimming. I'm tired. Slow down."


The red carp slowed down and floated quietly on the water surface, letting the river push it towards the distance.

The little guy had already fallen asleep in Zhou Ye's arms.

Zhou Ye held the little guy in his left hand, shook his right hand, a long and thin line condensed on the long stick, and a metal fishhook and bait formed at the end of the line.

"Don't catch a wise one..."

Zhou Ye muttered casually, flicked his wrist, and started fishing mode.

The little guy is a real dragon, and the growth of a real dragon is slow.

Moreover, in order to prevent the little guy from growing crookedly, Zhou Ye felt that he had to add extra meals to the little guy from time to time.

It's definitely not good to eat big fish and meat, but it's even worse to stay in Qingxu Mountain and eat elixir every day.

Therefore, Zhou Ye decided to go fishing to enrich the little guy's three meals.

After all, the little guy had never eaten these before.

"The delicacies of mountains and seas, godfather will also get you to taste."

Zhou Ye just hugged the little guy while holding the fishing rod.

The red carp didn't know what Lingdi was thinking.

It looked at the bait not far away, wondering if it should remind it.

I have nothing to do with myself, I am an aquatic creature, and ordinary fish will not be scared away when they touch me.

Although the red carp didn't know what the real body of the little princess was, judging from the power and power radiating from the little princess, the real body of the little princess must be very noble.

But with the coercion of the little princess, ordinary fish would not dare to get closer to ten feet away.

So, can Emperor Ling really catch fish?

Red carp pondered for a long time but couldn't figure it out.


at night.

Zhou Ye looked up at the starry sky, still a little puzzled.

Why can't I catch any fish after most of the day?

"Tell me, why don't these fish bite the hook?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Emperor Hui Ling, even the younger generation can't help trembling in the face of the coercion of the little princess, let alone those ordinary little fish." Red Carp replied respectfully.

Zhou Ye was taken aback for a moment, then patted his head.

This matter was completely forgotten by him.

But as the Ling Emperor, how could he make such a small mistake.

"These little fish don't have the guts at all. How can they dare to fight for the opportunity in the future?" Zhou Ye was very disappointed. As he spoke, he had high hopes for the red carp.

The red carp was taken aback.

Emperor Ling is not fishing, but giving opportunities to those small fish?

Oh my God.

The little fish in this river are too stupid, right?

Thinking of this, Red Carp was also very helpless.

"When the juniors were not born with spiritual wisdom, although they were conscious, they acted completely according to their instincts. They didn't know what they were, and they didn't know everything in the world... I'm afraid they won't be able to get the opportunity bestowed by you, Emperor Ling." Red Carp said. Said.

Zhou Ye nodded slightly.

This red carp is too sensible.

"It's not easy to be born with spiritual wisdom. The birth of spiritual wisdom can be regarded as one's own luck, or when you encounter a chance, these small fish and shrimps don't even have this little courage. The hope of giving birth to spiritual wisdom is probably very small. , I’m afraid it won’t take long to embark on the road of cultivation.”

With a sigh, Zhou Ye continued: "At this point, the chance is gone, so I caught two fish and made a bowl of soup for my daughter."

With a flick of the wrist, the fishing rod became ten feet longer and the fishing line became three feet longer.

As Zhou Ye raised the fishing rod and threw the bait far away, Zhou Ye continued fishing.

Listening to Lingdi's words, Red Carp felt the slight disappointment in Lingdi's words, and couldn't help feeling sorry for those little fish and shrimp.

Red Carp sighed in his heart, Emperor Ling is a good man, he can easily bestow such an opportunity.

Time passed slowly.

Zhou Ye also caught a lot of fish. Although these fish were relatively strong and the meat was still delicious, Zhou Ye released all of them.

In his divine sense, there are many spirit fish in the river, but why don't these spirit fish take the bait?

Zhou Ye was also idle when he was idle, and he didn't cast spells to affect those spirit fish.

He went on fishing.

The night became even darker at this moment, and the sky seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

As it continues to move forward, the river channel becomes wider.

Zhou Ye could already hear the movement of a large number of fish swimming below the river.

The front of the small river is connected to the Tongtian River.

The Tongtian River is incomparably wide, and the connection of the small river to the Tongtian River is as if it is connected to the sea.

There are countless big monsters living in the Tongtian River, and the faint breath made the red carp tremble slightly.

"Don't be afraid, just swim with the river." Zhou Ye lightly patted the back of the red carp that did not contain fish mucus, dispelling the fear of the red carp caused by the evil spirit emitted by the big monster.

Naturally, those big monsters didn't do it on purpose, it was because of the huge pressure brought about by the gap in their cultivation bases.

Zhou Ye reckoned that there was a big monster cultivating under the Tongtian River, otherwise it would be impossible for him to emit such faint aura.

Only when one is indulging in cultivation will such a breath be released uncontrollably, and there is no malice towards anyone, but the pressure in it is not small.


The red carp responded, and with the water of the small river pushing its body, it had reached the position where the small river connected to the Tianhe River.

At this time, the sky had already turned white, and a long blue rainbow lit up on the distant water, moving in a further direction.


Countless swimming fish surfaced, constantly spitting bubbles.

The sky in the distance was dimly lit, and the darkness was thicker at this time, and the wind that blew past brought a sense of coolness.

Although he knew that the little guy would not catch a cold, Zhou Ye still used his profound energy to protect the little guy.

Seeing the little guy still sleeping soundly, Zhou Ye put away his fishing rod and waited for the beautiful scenery.


Swimming fish kept floating on the water.

Zhou Ye has already stopped the release of Longwei on the little guy's body, allowing Yuyu to get close to their position.

Swimming fish jumped up from the surface of the water, splashing pieces of water when they fell.

"The few rays of sunlight in the morning can not only drive away the darkness, but also attract the aura of heaven and earth. These swimming fish are driven by instinct, want to breathe aura?" Zhou Ye fell into deep thought.

For a moment, the mist in the distance can already be seen clearly.

A ray of morning light broke through the clouds in the sky, driving away the darkness and bringing light to the world.

That ray of sunlight pierced through the mist of spiritual energy and shone on the water of Tongtian River. Then, the second ray, the third ray...

Infinite golden light falls from the sky, illuminating the sparkling river.


A big fish jumped up from the water, and when it turned around in mid-air, a ray of sunlight reflected on Zhou Ye's body.

The spiritual mist gradually faded away, and Zhou Ye saw half of the golden water in the sky, and then the sun jumped up from the water and hung high in the air.

"Let's go." Zhou Ye patted the red carp's back lightly.

The red carp's tail swiped lightly, and it slowly swam downstream.


There are three poles on the Rishan Mountain.


The little guy was about to wake up, before he opened his eyes, he rubbed his eyes with two little hands.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at the sky, the little guy stretched his body in Zhou Ye's arms, "Today is another day full of energy~?(???????)?."

"It will be almost noon in a while, you little girl, why are you so sleepy?" Zhou Ye squatted with a bowl in his right hand, lowered his head and asked with a smile.

"I'm not stinky, I'm Xiangxiang's girl!"

The little guy argued, and then blushed and said embarrassingly: "There is no way to do it, it is extra comfortable to fall asleep in godfather's arms."

Zhou Ye smiled. There was a fragrance on him.

"Come on, this bowl of spirit fish soup is delicious." Zhou Ye picked up the little guy, squatted with his right hand and brought the bowl to the little guy's mouth.

"Wow, (╯▽╰) smells so good~~."

The little guy was immediately attracted, drinking at just the right temperature, he couldn't wait to reach out and take the bowl from Zhou Ye's hand, "Godfather, I want to drink it myself."

"Okay, okay."

Zhou Ye let the little guy drink fish soup with a bowl of 'Gulu Gulu'.

Just halfway through the drink, the little guy suddenly raised his head and asked, "Godfather, have you drunk?"

"Godfather tasted it, you can drink it at ease." Zhou Ye rubbed the little guy's head, and the little guy became more and more lovable.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that my godfather will be drunk before I drink it." The little guy showed a smile of "I'm relieved".

Red Carp has a shocking secret that I really want to tell the little princess. In fact, Emperor Ling had already finished drinking a pot before, and this bowl is reserved for you, little princess.

But it dare not say.

It is afraid that after it is said, it will be boiled into red carp soup by Emperor Ling.

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