I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 725 Tianyuan: The skin of the heavenly king can be made into clothes (+)

Red carp and dragon fish go side by side.

The little guy squatted down slightly, and the two fishes reduced their speed at the same time.

Zhou Ye saw what the little guy meant, so he opened his arms.

The little guy jumped forcefully, threw himself into Zhou Ye's arms, twisted his body to find a comfortable position, and asked in a low voice, "Godfather, why are those two old grandpas staring at me all the time?"

"Because our girl is so cute, it naturally attracts attention." Zhou Ye smiled and rubbed the little guy's head.

"Really?" The little guy's eyes lit up, he puffed out his chest, and there was an excited look on his little face, as if to say: Godfather said I was cute, then I must be very, very cute!

Zhou Ye replied, "It's fake."

"Ah..." The happy smile of the little guy dissipated immediately, and a small face shrank in Zhou Ye's arms with a bitter face, and the small face was full of "The baby is unhappy, you need to be coaxed to be full of vitality".

"Okay, I happened to meet two seniors, girl, remember to say hello when the time comes." Zhou Ye held the little guy with one hand and put his right hand on the dragon fish, and the dragon fish was even more glorious.

"Go, practice well." Zhou Ye waved his hand.

"Thank you for the grace of Emperor Ling."

The dragon fish thanked, slowly sank into the river, and headed back upstream.


The red carp approached the island.

"Master Cao, how are you doing recently?" Xuan Gui greeted Zhou Ye with a smile.

Tian Yuan opened his mouth and said, "You can tell by looking at Lord Cao's dashing appearance. Lord Cao must have been doing well recently."

"The two seniors seem to have lived their lives quite casually." Zhou Ye smiled and turned to Hongli and said, "Thanks to you for this journey."

Zhou Ye raised his hand, and a blue light flashed on his fingertips.

The blue light escaped from the fingertips and fell into the center of the red carp's eyebrows.

Hong Li only felt a little dazed, and when he recovered, Zhou Ye and Xuan Gui were already walking towards the pavilion.

"Thank you for the grace of Emperor Ling!"

The red carp bowed deeply to Zhou Ye's back, and stayed for a long time before slowly leaving.


Pavilion on the island.

"Master Cao gave me the law?" Xuan Gui looked at the back of the red carp leaving, a little curious.

Zhou Ye didn't care, after all, his status as Zhou Ye was different now, "It's just a magic formula that is beneficial to the cultivation of the aquarium, and it's not worth mentioning."

"For Lord Cao, it may be just an ordinary cultivation technique, but for the red carp spirit, this is a great opportunity." Tian Yuan sighed.

It is not easy for small creatures to cultivate because it is difficult to find profound cultivation techniques.

And today, the red carp received Zhou Ye's blessing, and the future cultivation will definitely be much smoother.

"That red carp took our father and daughter across a long distance. It's just a tactic that is useless to me. It's nothing." Zhou Ye smiled indifferently.

"Master Cao is the atmosphere." Xuan Turtle gave a thumbs up.

Tian Yuan also nodded.

If they think differently, although they will also pay some travel expenses, they are definitely not as generous as Zhou Ye.

"Come on, let me introduce you formally, this girl is my daughter." Zhou Ye picked up the little guy, let the little guy stand on the stone table, and said to the little guy: "This is Grandpa Xuangui, this is Grandpa Tianyuan."

"Grandpa Xuangui, Grandpa Tianyuan, how are you~" The little guy greeted Xuangui and Tianyuan curiously.

The little guy was thinking, why do these two old grandpas seem to be so different from Grandpa Qing?

The two old guys were heartbroken.

"Hey, okay, how old is the girl this year?" Xuan Gui smiled kindly and asked softly, holding the little guy's hand.

"It's still a long time before I'm one year old." The little guy replied.

"Well, the girl is really good." Xuan Gui was cheerful, with a kind smile on his face, as if this girl was his granddaughter.

Zhou Ye felt that something was wrong, Senior Xuangui's eyes, pay attention to identity.

"Can the girl remember her full name?" Tian Yuan asked aside, with a bigger smile than Xuan Gui.

The little guy is so cute and cute. With such a little guy, they will talk about it in the future.

The road to immortality is very boring, and it feels good to have a little guy playing around every now and then, and preparing red envelopes and gifts for the little guy during the festivals can make people very happy.

"Of course, my full name is Long Mumu, I usually call me Xiao Mumu, and my godfather calls me stinky girl, but I'm obviously not stinky." The little guy said angrily.

"How can Master Cao be like this, Xiao Mumu is so cute, how can she be called a stinky girl?" Xuan Gui was a little dissatisfied, and then stretched out his hand: "Girl, would you like to give Grandpa Xuan Gui a hug?"

The little guy was stunned for a moment, his little face suddenly became serious, and he said, "Godmother taught me that not everyone can hug me when I go out, and I can't touch my hands. If the godfather and the two grandfathers knew each other, I would definitely going to run."

"Emperor Yuan is right." Although Xuan Gui was a little disappointed, the truth was indeed the same.

But what makes Xuan Gui a little puzzled is that the female bandit Yuan Emperor actually teaches these things? !

Shouldn't Emperor Yuan impart his mantle?

"Master Cao, look..." Tian Yuan rubbed his hands together and looked at Zhou Ye expectantly.

"How do you say, senior Tian Yuan still wants to hug Zhou?" Zhou Ye made a joke casually.


The little guy immediately hugged Zhou Ye's arm and whispered, "Godmother said, not only I can't hug, but my godfather can't hug outside either."

Xuan Gui and Tian Yuan looked at each other.

Both have theories in their stomachs and have never been practiced.

As soon as they heard this, they knew the purpose of Emperor Yuan.

"Godfather is clean, he definitely won't; girl, these two grandfathers can hug you. The two grandfathers took care of godfather a lot at the beginning." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

He has no doubt that when he said this, Lu Xiaoyuan's voice was much more solemn.

"So it is!"

The little guy nodded immediately, as if I had understood, and then opened his arms towards Xuan Gui, "Grandpa Xuan Gui, you can hug me."

A flower appeared on Xuan Turtle's face.

After picking up the little guy, Xuan Gui said: "Girl, I have known Grandpa Xuan Gui from today. When you have time in the future, you must come to Grandpa Xuan Gui as a guest!"

"Well, if the godfather agrees, I will definitely come." The little guy nodded and agreed.

Tian Yuan was envious on the side.

"Hurry up, you lousy old man, let go of the girl, let the old... I come and hug." Tian Yuan stretched out his hand, his eyes clearly implied.

Xuan Gui glanced at Tian Yuan disdainfully.

I just hugged the little princess and your eyes turned red with envy, so you started urging.

As long as I hold it, you can hold it for as long as you want today.

Under this eye contact, what else can Tian Yuan do? In order to hug him for a while, he can only wait quietly.

Sitting on the stone bench, Zhou Ye asked, "Two seniors, has anything happened recently?"

After thinking about it, Tian Yuan said: "Nothing has happened recently, but Tian Wang has achieved the peak of the Dao Slashing realm, and the old tree is about to become an immortal. Our cultivation bases have all made breakthroughs, and the Galaxy Project is continuing to develop, because manpower More, we old guys finally have a little more time to spare."

Listening to this, Zhou Ye is not worried about Grandpa Shu's situation. After all, with Grandpa Shu's strength and background, he must be able to become an immortal.

But the words of King Lei Yan...

"Did the King of Heaven get hurt when he crossed the Heaven Punishment?" Zhou Ye asked.

Xuan Gui nodded, with a bit of ridicule in his tone, "The king is miserable this time. At first, he was very arrogant and said that he was going to challenge the heavenly robbery, and then he was beaten back to his true body by three heavenly punishments."

"It does seem a little serious." Zhou Ye rubbed his chin and thought, "I'll take the girl to the Sunset Abyss to see him later, and by the way, ask him when he will become an immortal."

"Also, with Master Cao, we can rest assured." Xuan Gui nodded.

"That's right." Zhou Ye asked with a smile as if he had remembered something, "When are the two seniors going to form a Taoist partner?"


Xuan Turtle froze for a moment, his body froze.

Motherfucker, Cao Ye, why don't you open the pot and lift it up?

Tian Yuan pouted, and then said: "The broken hexagram of Xuangui is also very special... It is very special, I can't believe it."

The little guy is still around, to restrain himself, he must leave an impression of quality.

"Yes, Master Cao, this matter is over." Xuan Gui looked solemn, and then changed the topic: "We have prepared a gift for the girl."

Saying that, a small wooden, relatively thin rectangular sign appeared in Xuan Turtle's hand.

The small black sign is engraved with an ancient mysterious turtle on the water. Even if it looks like a wooden sign, one can still feel a fierceness when looking at the engraved ancient mysterious turtle.

"Girl, this is a gift from Grandpa Xuan Gui, do you like it?" Xuan Gui didn't ask Zhou Ye at all, but asked the little guy instead.

The little guy is very happy to receive a gift, but whether to accept the gift or not depends on the meaning of the godfather.

"Take it, this is a gift from Grandpa Xuangui, neither of them are outsiders." Zhou Ye nodded slightly and agreed.

"Come on, I'll bring it to the girl." Xuan Gui put the little guy on the stone table, then stood up and tied the wooden sign to a hairpin, and then inserted it on the little guy's head.

This hair, but Lu Xiaoyuan learned it for several days, and then combed it for the little guy.

"Thank you, Grandpa Xuangui, ~(*^▽^*)~" The little guy thanked very politely.

"Come on, Grandpa Tian Yuan also has a gift for our little girl." Tian Yuan stood up.

He took out a square, also relatively thin wooden sign, on which was depicted the appearance of a giant crocodile of the Tianyuan. After asking the little guy if he liked it, he also hung it on the little guy's hairpin.

"Thank you, Grandpa Tianyuan, ~(*^▽^*)~"

In this way, there is a small rectangle and a square sign hanging on the hairpin behind the little guy's head.

The little guy didn't know what it was for, but Zhou Ye could see it.

The specific role is unknown, but the material is very precious.

A wooden sign made from spiritual wood that has been sunk in the river for at least ten thousand years. Wearing it on the back of the head can keep the little guy awake at all times while cultivating.

In addition, the small wooden sign is engraved with a small formation, which can ensure that the small wooden sign will not be damaged due to accidents. At least to a certain extent, the small wooden sign can withstand it.

There is another point Zhou Ye can also see.

Among the two wooden plaques, there is a drop of emperor blood of Xuangui and Tianyuan, which can make this small wooden plaque instantly locate the spatial coordinates when it is broken, and then guide it through the blood, so that Xuangui or Tianyuan can rush to the scene as soon as possible. .

"The gift of the two seniors is too heavy. After accepting it, it makes me a little difficult." Zhou Ye shook his head helplessly.

"What's so difficult to do, this is what we gave to the girl, and it has nothing to do with you." Xuan Gui didn't care.

Zhou Ye shook his head, "That's not what I meant, the two seniors sent such a precious gift to wear directly on the girl's body, so the girl's current outfit might be a little inappropriate.

So, what makes me stumped is, where should I go to find so many good things to match with the little guy? "

Xuan Turtle: "..."

His expression suddenly became complicated.

Cao Ye is still the same Cao Ye, and the way he speaks is still the same as the original formula.

Tian Yuan felt that it was nothing, it was all for the little guy anyway.

"It's not difficult, but I have a suggestion." Tian Yuan grinned. After thinking about it, he said, "Isn't the king of heaven the same? The dog's skin has been peeled off. It's cool in summer and warm in winter, and it can still prevent cuts."

Xuan Turtle's pupils shrank.

If the King of Heaven knew that you said this, and your crocodile skin could still exist, my Xuan Turtle would take your surname.


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