At the moment when the sun burst into strong light, the creatures who had a close relationship with Zhou Ye felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

That feeling of losing a friend leaves a void in my heart.

In the courtyard of Qingxu Mountain.

Lu Xiaoyuan felt his heart twitch, and after wiping his face, he continued to play chess with Wuji Tianmo like a normal person.

Qingdi glanced at the boundless blood cloud rolling in, and there was no superfluous expression on his face.

The rules of heaven and earth screamed.

The fall of a cultivator like Zhou Ye who is expected to become a fairy is enough for the world to give Zhou Ye a vigorous farewell!

Qingdi, Wuji Tianmo and Lu Xiaoyuan knew it well, although they were very sad in their hearts, but the expressions on their faces were very indifferent.

If you die, you will die, and you will be resurrected after a while anyway, so there is no need to be sad at all.


Sunset abyss.

"Why did you hang up again?"

Lei Yan stopped drinking, shook his head and didn't care, and continued to drink while holding the wine jar.

Zhou Ye belched, this was the third time he had experienced this.

The first time Zhou Ye burped, it turned into a seed in the hands of Emperor Qing, the second time Zhou Ye committed suicide in the desert, and the third time was this time, Zhou Ye blew up the sun .

"What a jerk."

Lei Yan glanced at the endlessly shining sun in the sky, feeling a little glaring, shook his head helplessly, and went on with his own happiness.

For Lei Yan, since Zhou Ye was sure, he definitely didn't need to worry about it.

What's the use of worrying?

Zhou Ye didn't give him money again, so he didn't worry anymore.

Tongtian River.

"Scared me, I said why the sunlight refracted in the river is so strong, it turned out that Master Cao blew up the sun and belched."

Xuan Gui breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the world was going to be destroyed, but after a long time, nothing happened.

Tian Yuan nodded with deep sympathy, shook the fishing rod, changed the bait and said: "Let's continue to catch our fish, anyway, it's normal for Grass Master to come back to life after dying."

"Yeah." Xuangui nodded.

Both ignored the billowing blood clouds in the sky, and continued fishing unaffected at all.

Since Zhou Ye can be resurrected, don't worry about it, as long as Zhou Ye is happy.

The only worry is that the sun is really blown away.


Demon Realm, Wan Yao Forest.

"Martial nephew, you will really make trouble for me." Yanque said with a headache.

When he is free, he likes to practice on the sun. After all, the real fire of the sun burning on the sun is very useful to him, and it is very comfortable to practice on the sun.

And now Zhou Ye blows up the sun,

It is equivalent to blowing up the place where he practiced.

Although I knew it wouldn't have much impact, Yanque's heart ached!

"Really cowhide."

What else can the Dragon Earth Demon Emperor say?

Back then, he was able to wrestle with Zhou Ye, but now if he wrestled with Zhou Ye, Zhou Ye could break his arm


wood circles.

The billowing blood cloud seemed to sense something, and its movements froze immediately.

Afterwards, the billowing blood cloud formed a huge eye pupil, which narrowed slightly, and anger was brewing in the eye pupil.

But in an instant, the eyes and the blood cloud dissipated without a trace.

Heaven and earth will remember this matter!


The aftermath of the explosion emanating from the sun has already affected land.

Because the power of the aftermath was about to dissipate, there were no great practitioners to stop it.


The ground shook slightly.

Deep down.

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun was a little flustered.

"Could it be that someone found this place?!" Immortal Emperor Rising Sun took a deep breath.

Without further ado, just run away.

He is Immortal Emperor Rising Sun, and the three caves of the cunning rabbit, even if the other party finds a hiding place, so what, is it possible that Immortal Emperor Rising Sun can still catch him?

Hmph, that's simply not possible.

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun slipped away directly, and when he reached the exit, he felt it carefully and found that it was the problem of the whole world.


Immediately, Immortal Emperor Rising Sun heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not about yourself.

After thinking for a while, Immortal Emperor Rising Sun returned to his hiding place and secretly observed the situation on the ground.


"What's wrong with this grass!!"

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun sensed that a weed was changing rapidly, and in a blink of an eye the essence became different!

"Fuck, there is definitely something wrong with this thing!"

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun quickly withdrew his divine thoughts, he was terrified.

He recognized it, the aura emanating from that grass was exactly the same as the grass in Qingxu Mountain!

"How did he find this place?!" Immortal Emperor Rising Sun took a deep breath.

He didn't dare to move now, he tried his best to hide his aura, for fear of being discovered by the grass.

If he is discovered, Immortal Emperor Rising Sun will be finished.

He didn't want to be killed by the other party as a remnant of the immortal sect.

"Don't find me, don't find me..." Immortal Emperor Rising Sun muttered in his mouth, after thinking about it, he thought it was inappropriate, but it was safer to say it in his heart.


Zhou Ye stretched out two blades of grass.

This feeling of resurrection, as if he had just woken up, made him very happy.

"Just now there was a subtle divine sense here... Wait, what kind of place is this?"

Zhou Ye grabbed a handful of soil on the ground and studied it, and then sensed the surrounding environment. He was sure that this place was the fairyland. As for the valley in the fairyland, Zhou Ye couldn't confirm it.

"The divine sense just now is not weak, who is it?"

Zhou Ye was lost in thought.

There are countless powerful people in the fairy world. Even if many new emperors have been born recently, the strength of those new emperors must not grow so fast.

According to Zhou Ye's calculations, the master of the divine sense that peeped at him just now was at least at the late stage of the Emperor Realm.

In today's Immortal World, there are quite a few strong people with such cultivation, Zhou Ye immediately ruled out Wandering Soul.

"Who the hell is that?"

Zhou Ye's divine sense unfolded.

If it was before, you must be more prudent. Even if you want to attack, you must know the basic information of the opponent.

But now Zhou Ye is completely fearless, anyway, the spiritual points on the panel are enough for him to die several times, so why bother?

Just do it and it's over, can't beat the opponent, can't blow the opponent to death?

The divine sense covered a long distance, and Zhou Ye couldn't find the slightest breath of the other party.

"What the hell, where did you go?" Zhou Ye was a little surprised.

His spiritual thoughts covered the world, and he had penetrated dozens of miles underground, but he couldn't find any trace of the other party.

Zhou Ye was helpless: "It's fine if you can't find it, go back and deal with things first."

After the voice fell, Zhou Ye disappeared.

Deep underground, where Immortal Emperor Rising Sun hides.

"Steady, must be steady, don't reveal a little bit!"

Immortal Emperor Xuri did not dare to move or breathe, he was afraid that the slightest movement would attract Zhou Ye's attention.

After a while, there was no movement from Zhou Ye.

But Immortal Emperor Rising Sun still didn't dare to move or breathe. He always felt that there was a trick in it, and his intuition told him that if he exposed a little bit, he would be found by the other party.

Until a quarter of an hour later.

The brilliance bloomed on a weed on the ground, and Zhou Ye was a little strange.

"Is this guy hiding too deep or has he gone?"

"Forget it, it's a waste of time."

Zhou Ye shook his head, broke through the space and left.

deep underground.

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun wandered between life and death, it felt so exciting.

He was very fortunate in his heart, fortunately, he didn't show any flaws just now, otherwise he would definitely be discovered by the grass, and then he would be violently hacked to death by the other party.

"Dog thief, your tricks are really deep!"

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun cursed angrily in his heart, but he still didn't dare to make the slightest movement.

He tried his best to restrain his aura, lest the slightest breath would attract attention.

For a quarter of an hour, for two quarters of an hour... for an hour, for two hours, there was no movement at all.

Immortal Emperor Rising Sun felt that Zhou Ye should have really left.

Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief.


An inconspicuous grass on the ground moved.

"It seems that it is really not here anymore."

Zhou Ye was a little surprised, then broke through the space and left.

He really left this time, he has no interest in continuing to hide here.

The sun in the sky has calmed down after it burst into a strong light, but at this time the sun is slightly dimmer than the light it emitted in the past.

Zhou Ye is very busy now, he wants to go back to the sun to repair the sun.

After all, this is my own sin, and it must be dealt with.


Immortal Emperor Rising Sun widened his eyes, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.

He didn't expect Zhou Ye to be so free, waiting for him for more than two hours.

Immortal Emperor Xuri wanted to scold, Zhou Ye, are you sick, don't you have nothing to do, why do you have to squat me!

Immortal Emperor Xuri was very flustered, and continued to maintain his own state, in case Zhou Ye really hadn't left yet.

"It's time to consume, to see who is afraid of whom."


on the sun.

With the crystal explosion as the center, within a radius of 100,000 miles, there is not a trace of the real fire of the sun burning.

"The three-legged Golden Crow's physical realm doesn't seem to be low. It's blown up like that, but it hasn't affected at all." Zhou Ye looked at the scorched earth on the ground, and he was already convinced.

Such a powerful explosion did not have much impact on the three-legged Jinwu's body at all.

If we insist on the impact, it means that the real fire of the sun was dissipated to a distance.

"The explosion certainly couldn't cover such a long distance. The only explanation is that the aftermath drove away the real fire of the sun. The next thing I have to do is to make this area burn again."

Zhou Ye started to get busy.

It is relatively simple to re-ignite this area, all you need is to bring the real fire of the sun here.

Therefore, it only took Zhou Ye half an hour to refill the vacuum area with the real fire of the sun.

"It's finally done."

Zhou Ye moved his shoulders.

Although the experiment failed this time, Zhou Ye knew that his idea was correct.

As for why it failed, it was because the power of the crystal to hold the incense was close to the limit, and after the power of reincarnation was introduced, it directly detonated the power of the incense.

Zhou Ye is now clear.

The next time you refine it, just prepare a few more materials to expand the inside of the crystal. By the way, make an isolation to isolate the power of burning incense and the power of reincarnation. When you need to use it, you can directly destroy the barrier of isolation. , the effect of instant explosion can be achieved.

If used in this way, Zhou Ye is quite convenient to use.

But other creatures can't use it.

So, Zhou Ye plans to continue to do research, such as making a time-delayed nuclear explosion grenade?

Another example, to make a precision-guided nuclear explosion flying sword that can be controlled by spiritual thoughts?

"My God, what a great idea!"

Zhou Ye was a little amazed. Apart from the weird style of painting, he couldn't think of any flaws.

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