"This feeling of being transformed is strange."

Erdan felt that the Virtue Sword was constantly changing, and his body was also changing towards the fairyland.

The power in his body has been infinitely compressed into a light spot.

But Wuji Heavenly Demon doesn't have the ability to make him become a fairy directly, and if he wants to become a fairy, he still has to rely on Erdan himself.

However, it is very easy for the Promise Heavenly Demon to turn the Virtue Sword into a fairy weapon.

And after Virtue Sword became a fairy soldier, Erdan's upper limit of cultivation was raised, and it was only a matter of time before becoming a fairy.

Moreover, as a sword spirit, there are not so many processes for becoming a fairy, it is just a simple breakthrough in cultivation.

The immortal power in Wuji Heavenly Demon's hand flowed continuously into the Virtuous Sword.

Gradually, the appearance of the Virtue Sword has not changed, but the internal structure has been changed a lot by the Wuji Heavenly Demon.

All in all, the quality of the Virtue Sword is not far from that of the Immortal Armament.


Small world number two.

Zhou Ye is a plant, there is no difference between absorbing the air with the roots and absorbing the water in the soil with the roots.

Zhou Ye felt very comfortable in this state.

At the same time, he was also pondering, with his own strength, could he use the world and all things as nourishment to support himself while the roots grow longer?

"Thinking about it, it's really a bit of a villain's style."

The corners of Zhou Ye's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't give up on this idea.

In his opinion, as long as his roots can grow infinitely, one day, his roots will entangle a certain star, absorb the power in the star, and even sweep away all the cultivation resources on the surface of the star.

"It's impossible to achieve the cultivation level of Zizai Xian in the early stage, and it is slightly possible in the middle or late stage. After all, growth itself requires huge energy..."

Zhou Ye came up with the answer.

But right now, these are of no use.

Ideas are just ideas after all, and it takes action to prove whether your ideas are correct.

"Then try?"

Zhou Ye was asking himself.

To be honest, he really wanted to try that feeling.

Just do it.

Zhou Ye immediately pulled out his roots from the soil, and a ray of immortal power emerged, blocking the soil and preventing the nightmare air from escaping from the soil.

Although there is a formation as a guarantee, Zhou Ye also needs to prevent accidents from happening.

From the last small world, he has already deeply experienced the difficulty of absorbing nightmare energy.

Especially when there is a ray of nightmare staying in an imperceptible place, if it is ignored, maybe something will happen.

Although the effect of a ray of nightmare air is not great, Zhou Ye thinks it is troublesome, so it is better to clean it up.


In Zhou Ye's body, a raging flame was burning.

Don't dare to use the full power of the secret method of burning blood, otherwise you can only hold on for thirty breaths, who can stand it.

Therefore, the state of burning blood was limited by Zhou Ye to burning grass juice and burning physical strength.

If the foundation was really going to be burned, the power of the explosion must be very strong, but Zhou Ye couldn't hold it back either.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

In the state of the real body, Zhou Ye was suspended in mid-air, and the roots grew wildly, moving in all directions, like a huge fishing net, trying to cover the entire earth.

At the same time, Zhou Ye took out a blade of grass from his portable space to refine it, maintaining his peak state at all times.

He wants to try.

Although the cultivation base has not reached the middle stage of Zizai Immortal.

But in the state of Burning Blood Secret Art, his strength has reached the middle stage of Immortal Freedom.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Countless roots pierced into the soil like steel needles.

In the soil, after these roots penetrated, they began to absorb the nightmare at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Ye's main body stayed in mid-air, feeling the rapid beating of the spirit point.

He felt that he kicked open the door to a new world.

"It's a whole new way,

Sigh, what's wrong with my brain, I can even think of these things, it's really me! "

Zhou Ye's face didn't turn red and his heart didn't beat, and he praised himself fiercely with a thick face.

He felt that he was too witty.

"The mastery of the Taixu Heart Sutra is not enough. If the mastery of the Taixu Heart Sutra reaches Dacheng or Consummation... plus my own Immortal Realm, the speed of absorbing nightmare energy will increase by at least 50%." Zhou Ye thought Do you want to improve your grasp of the Taihu Heart Sutra.

Practitioners themselves are very powerful, and the mental method is equivalent to an acceleration effect. The stronger the mental method, the stronger the effect.

For example, in the current state, Zhou Ye doesn't use mental techniques, but relies on the limit speed of his own cultivation to absorb the nightmare, and that speed is the normal speed.

If you run the Qingxu Jing, you can increase the speed by 30%, and this is when the Qingxu Jing has reached the level of perfect control.

And if the Taixuan Heart Sutra has already been run to a small extent, the speed will be almost doubled directly.

Because of the relationship between the grades, it is normal for the mentality to be a little different, and Zhou Ye didn't have too much entanglement.

Zhou Ye is not in a hurry to improve the Heart Sutra of Taixu.

This speed is enough for him.

Moreover, it is very expensive to upgrade the Taixu Heart Sutra, and it costs tens of thousands of spiritual points at every turn. Even Zhou Ye thinks that it may cost more than 100,000 to 200,000 spiritual points to upgrade the mental method of the Taixuan Heart Sutra to perfection.

After all, it was created by Tianxing's painstaking efforts, and it was not an ordinary way of thinking.

The blood-burning secret method is different from the Taixu Heart Sutra.

The burning blood secret method is just a secret method. Compared with the Taixu Heart Sutra, it is not too profound, so it is a little cheaper to upgrade.

The same is true for the Heavenly Demon Body Refining Method.

The effect of improving the Heavenly Demon Body Refining Method is to increase the strength of the current physical state.

If you compare the initial strength of the fairy bone to one, then after upgrading the Heavenly Demon Body Refining Method, it will be 1.2, and after a few more upgrades, it will be 1.5.

After all, there is a limit. The limit of the Heavenly Demon Body Refining Method is 1.5, which is also the limit of the physical realm. If you want to improve it, you must improve the physical realm, otherwise Zhou Ye's real body can't bear that kind of strength at all. With one punch, before the enemy belched, his real body collapsed first...


Small world number four.

"The last thing, bastard, you have to believe me, as long as you merge into this stone, you will definitely be piled into the realm of immortal soldiers." Wuji Tianmo was very confident.

For him, refining the Virtuous Sword into an Immortal Armament was something he could do easily.

"Don't lie to me, if you lie to me, the relationship between the two of us will be broken." Erdan was a little hypocritical, and always felt that Wuji Tianmo couldn't believe what he said.

Because Wuji Heavenly Demon said the same thing before, and what was previously incorporated was a strange fairy-level material. At that time, Wuji Heavenly Demon looked absolutely successful.

And now, here it comes again.

"Look at your eyes, you are full of doubts about you, Mr. Wuji."

The Promise Heavenly Demon snorted coldly.

It was just a misjudgment.

With the strength of my Wuji Heavenly Demon, you think I really can't make you into a fairy soldier.

"Don't worry, if you don't become a fairy soldier again, I will melt you directly, hug your sword spirit body, and then make a new fairy sword." Wuji Tianmo was full of confidence.

He felt that this time it must be stable.


Erdan nodded helplessly.

It's hard to say anything about Wuji Tianma, after all, Wuji Tianma's behavior is a kindness to himself.

After half a quarter of an hour.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Something like iron sheet came off the virtue sword.

The Virtue Sword became sharper, just floating there, surrounded by gusts of sword energy.

"Look, I, Wuji Heavenly Demon, said it was successful, so it must be successful. The previous time was just a misjudgment." Wuji Heavenly Demon showed a relaxed smile on his face.

It almost collapsed.

The structure of the Virtuous Sword makes Wuji Tianmo feel very strange, and has never seen such a complicated structure.

For the Wuji Heavenly Demon, this structure should exist on the top immortal soldiers, not on the ultimate imperial soldiers like the Virtue Sword.

After learning the reason why it was refined by Emperor Qing, Wuji Heavenly Demon nodded secretly.

Although Qingdi's refining technique is not as good as his, but Qingdi's understanding on the art of refining is indeed undeniable.

It can be said that Emperor Qing's accomplishments in refining weapons are no longer inferior to his Wuji Heavenly Demon.

Thinking of this, the Promise Heavenly Demon is nothing, anyway, he is not a weapon refiner, let alone what will happen if he is tied, even if he is surpassed, it doesn't matter.

Just right, if it is surpassed...

"In the future, I have to find Emperor Qing to make me a handy immortal weapon." Wuji Tianmo smiled.

Afterwards, he said to Er Dan: "Zhou Ye is in the No. 2 small world, do you want to go over and report the good news to him?"


Erdan nodded.

It's been a long time since I saw that bastard Zhou Ye.

This time I just went to see the heartbroken man.

"Go, I won't send it away."

The Promise Demon waved his hand.

Before, he had told Erdan the location of the small world. Although Erdan could not open the space tunnel to reach the small world with Erdan's strength, the Virtue Sword is now a low-grade immortal soldier. As a sword spirit, Erdan entered the small world with the Virtuous Sword The world is all right.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave."

Er Dan clasped his hands, then turned into a wisp of black smoke and merged into the Virtue Sword, left the No. 4 small world, and flew towards the location of the No. 2 small world.

The virtue sword pierces through the space and enters the void area, and the law of space folds around the virtue sword.

Soon, the Virtue Sword reached the No. 2 small world.

A powerful force condensed on the tip of the sword.

The virtue sword opened the space tunnel and entered the No. 2 small world.

As soon as he entered the No. 2 small world, Erdan was immediately stunned.

There is a huge net in the sky.

Erdan knew that it was Zhou Ye's roots.

But isn't that too much?

"You feed on the whole small world?" Er Dan was a little horrified.

The roots plunged straight into the soil.

Er Dan could feel that there was a majestic immortal power circulating in those roots.

"How did you come?"

In the sky, Zhou Ye noticed Erdan and asked in surprise.

"Let me come and see you heartless man." Erdan said casually.

Zhou Ye: "..."


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