As a grass, Zhou Ye is very sensitive to everything around it.

At this moment, he smelled the smell of fertilizer, and always felt that something was wrong.

The situation seems a little strange.

Zhou Ye stared at the fertilizer, his IQ was running to the limit.

After a long while, he finally found a clue.

This Nima...

inside the house.

The big-faced man frowned suddenly.

The smell of fertilizer, he smelled it right away.

Immediately, the big-faced man waved his sleeve robe, and the smell of fertilizer disappeared without a trace.

He turned his head to look at Zhou Ye under the old tree, and the bag of fertilizer was reflected in his eyes.

"This is..." The big-faced man was horrified.

"Where did this monster's feces come from?" The big-faced people were stunned.

In the entire Qingxu Mountain, no monster dared to approach, let alone shit under the old tree.

After much deliberation, there is only one possibility.

"Could it be Lu Xiaoyuan?" The big-faced man's expression changed slightly.

He dodged, appeared beside Lu Xiaoyuan, and asked with a dark face, "How can you be convenient under the tree?"

"Ah?" Lu Xiaoyuan was stunned for a moment.

What are you saying, why can't you hear it?

"See for yourself." The big-faced man pointed in the direction of the old tree.

Lu Xiaoyuan looked at it blankly.

She was also stunned.

"Did you do it?" The big-faced man asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" Lu Xiaoyuan waved his hands vigorously, shaking his head in denial.

The big-faced man was silent.

After thinking for a long time, I feel that it really will not be Lu Xiaoyuan.

After all, this guy Lu Xiaoyuan is in and out. No matter what it is, once it gets in, it will never come out.

So here comes the question.

Where did that shit come from?

The big-faced man took a deep breath and said to Lu Xiaoyuan after a long while, "I'll leave this to you and clean it up for me!"

"Why me?" Lu Xiaoyuan muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Huh?" The big-faced man glared at her.

"Okay, I'll go." Lu Xiaoyuan pouted, then opened the door and walked out of the courtyard.

under the old tree.

Zhou Ye's body froze.

If it is now a human body, then his expression has also frozen.

This Nima.

"Sure enough, I knew it wouldn't be a good thing." Zhou Ye wanted to cry.

The naive self was put up again by the plug-in father.

"Little Caojing, how did this piece of shit come from?" Lu Xiaoyuan appeared beside Zhou Ye, pinched his nose, and asked curiously while pointing at the fertilizer.

Hearing this, Zhou Ye felt even more uncomfortable.

But he couldn't say that this was a surprise given to him by the plug-in dad.

"I don't know." Zhou Ye replied.

There was despair in his tone.

"Oh, you're still staying inside, it's terrifying." Lu Xiaoyuan shook his head and took two steps back.

"You can come out quickly."

Zhou Ye pulled the roots out of the fertilizer and ran to the side.

When running, the roots swayed, and a few small balls of fertilizer were thrown out.

Lu Xiaoyuan was terrified and stepped back again and again.

"Well, you little grass spirit, you actually took the opportunity to take revenge on Lord Lu!" Lu Xiaoyuan hid behind the courtyard door, pointed at Zhou Ye, and said loudly.

"What am I..." Zhou Ye didn't know what to say.

He stood there, looking at his roots.

There seems to be some dust on it.

Seeing this, Zhou Ye whispered, "I'm not clean anymore..."

"Huh~" Lu Xiaoyuan showed disgust.

With a wave of her small hand, a colorful ball of profound energy flew out, wrapping all the fertilizer and throwing it down the cliff.

"Little Herb,

I'll give you a wash. "Lu Xiaoyuan said towards Zhou Ye.

Afterwards, she raised a finger, and a colorful divine light emerged, drawing a circle in the air.

The aperture fluctuated continuously, and then a stream of water was sprayed from it, directly spraying towards Zhou Ye.


The water flow hit Zhou Ye, almost not rushing Zhou Ye off the cliff.


The two blades of grass were deeply embedded in the soil, and the surrounding leaves were bearing a strong impact.

His roots were washed clean and a little whitish.

"Enough is enough! Another rush is about to have an accident." Zhou Ye shouted.

"Yeah." Lu Xiaoyuan nodded, then reached out and wiped the aperture.

She trotted to walk, stepping on an inch above the soil with each step, so that the soil could not stain her shoes at all.

She stretched out her hand and was about to pick up Zhou Ye, but hesitated for a while.

"Hurry up." Zhou Ye was lying on the soil, urging towards Lu Xiaoyuan.

"Alas." Lu Xiaoyuan sighed, as if he was dying.

She opened her hand, and her palm was wrapped in colorful profound energy.

Then, with disgust on his face, he pinched Zhou Ye's tip with two fingers and picked him up.

"It's too much." Zhou Ye sighed looking at her expression.

"You better explain, where did you get that thing from?" Lu Xiaoyuan looked serious.

"I told you, I don't know..." Zhou Ye sighed again.

"I believe you a ghost." Lu Xiaoyuan disdain.

She knew that this thing must have been made by the grass spirit.

But since Zhou Ye didn't want to say it, Lu Xiaoyuan didn't force it.

As long as it doesn't affect you, it doesn't matter.

"I'll dry it for you." Lu Xiaoyuan's little hand shook slightly.

Immediately, Zhou Ye felt a warm aura wrap around him.

In the blink of an eye, I felt dry and comfortable.

"You should pay attention to personal hygiene in the future." Lu Xiaoyuan emphasized.

Zhou Ye nodded.

Although it has become a grass, the human mind is still there, and it will definitely pay attention to these.

If he had discovered what the fertilizer was earlier, he would definitely not have touched it.

No matter how big the temptation was, Zhou would never touch it!

"Plug, I remember you." Zhou Ye muttered in his heart.

Lu Xiaoyuan looked at the water-filled surroundings, and wiped off the remaining water.

"Okay, it's settled, I continue to think about it." Lu Xiaoyuan put Zhou Ye on the ground, and then ran back to his room.

"If you have nothing to do with Zhou, are you thinking about it?" Zhou Ye complained in his heart.

But think about it, if you really let Lu Xiaoyuan think about it, maybe Lu Xiaoyuan can't think of anything.


the next day.

After a night of practice, the Universal Points have properly exceeded 10,000.

But unfortunately, it is still not possible to improve the cultivation base.


Lu Xiaoyuan walked to the open space in the yard and glanced at the field of spirit medicine, feeling a little uncomfortable.

During the period of reflection, she could not touch those things, otherwise she would be punished.

She walked over to Zhou Ye habitually, and was about to pull Zhou Ye out of the spiritual field and take a sip, but suddenly remembered what happened last night.

"Alas." Lu Xiaoyuan sighed, slowly turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Zhou Ye only felt comfortable.

"The hard days are finally over."

Not many people can understand the feeling of seeing the dawn of hope.

Zhou Ye glanced at the panel, and immediately raised the realm of the physical body.

Universal Points consume 10,000 points.

[Physical Realm]: The top of the spiritual level.

At this moment, Zhou Ye's power skyrocketed again.

However, he doesn't know how strong he is.

"Old tree..." Zhou Ye wanted to find the old tree to try again.

But after thinking about it, it's okay.

It is not easy to grow old trees.

First he was inserted by himself, and then he was beaten by himself.

That is to say, the old tree can't speak, otherwise he would have sprayed people long ago.

Zhou Ye was thinking, if the old tree could speak, he would definitely say 'I'm trying to imitate horses'?

"Our friendship is here, I won't do anything to you." Zhou Ye glanced at the old tree outside the yard and nodded to it

Old tree: "..."

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