It's a bit fierce.

The real supreme existence, even with two bones, still gives people great pressure.

I dare not touch it, as if if I touch it, I will have bad luck and be targeted by a great terror.

Very scary.

"I think this is really a mess." King Jinwu shook his head seriously.

To be honest, the Golden Crow King is really scared right now.

This bone gave him great pressure, especially the dark red inscription on the bone, which made the Golden Crow King dizzy, feeling as if his soul would be separated from his body.

The Golden Crow King himself is also supreme!

Although the realm of spirit and soul has not reached the highest level, it can't be so unbearable, right?

Could it be that the gap between the highest is so big?

He is the King of the Golden Crow, an existence with the highest cultivation base, and he is not as good as his two bones.

King Jinwu covered his chest.

Can this still have a face to live on?

"I think I can give it a try. If it really succeeds, I think Prisoner Immortal Map can really become a pseudo-dao soldier, and its power is even higher than Beihan Zhanshi Dao!"

Zhou Ye smiled and didn't care much.

He was very much looking forward to what Prisoner Immortal Map would look like after it was upgraded.

Simultaneously trapped dozens of peerless true immortals?

No, it is impossible for a majestic pseudo-dao soldier to have only this power.

"But I'm not sure if the Sun God Fire can refine this thing." King Jinwu said.

"It doesn't matter if the Sun God Fire can't be refined. It's fine if it can be refined with other materials. At that time, add some formations to connect the bones and the main body of the Prisoner's Picture. The effect will be the same." Zhou Ye constructed in his mind. After looking at the structure of the new Immortal Immortal Picture, he said confidently.

King Jinwu thought for a while, since Zhou Ye had a way to do this, he didn't have to worry at all.

Mainly, he, the Golden Crow King, didn't know much about this aspect.

Zhou Ye is the only person in the main world who can refine false Dao soldiers.

So Zhou Ye said that he could do it, so King Jinwu didn't have to doubt it.

"for you."

King Jinwu took out a wisp of Sun God Fire and handed it to Zhou Ye.

Regardless of the fact that there is only one ray of Sun God Fire, the power that erupts is the same, and a ray of Sun God Fire is easier to control.

"Back off a little, I'm starting."

Zhou Ye took the Sun God Fire, and with a thought, he took out the picture of the prisoner and all the remaining immortal materials and said to King Jinwu.

King Jinwu nodded, then stepped back a long way, watching quietly.

Although I don't understand it, I can always understand the process after reading more. When others ask me in the future, I can still tell the process to bluff the other party.


Sun Shenhuo did not say sorry to Shenhuo. It was very efficient in tempering immortal-level materials, and all the immortal-level materials were tempered within a few breaths.

The Immortal Immortal Picture was melted by the sun god fire, and the two original shafts were also melted, and were separated by Zhou Ye and discarded directly.

Compared with ordinary peerless true immortals, the material of these two shafts is very strong.

But Zhou Ye's eyes were different.

For him, unless more of this kind of material is used, it will be impossible to refine it to the quality of a pseudo-dao soldier.

Furthermore, because of the refining method, although the two shafts can be melted and re-smelted, there is no need for this, and it is more comfortable to lose them.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sun god fire is burning.

The body and materials of Prisoner Immortal Picture have been fused together, gradually forming a new picture scroll.

"It's time to show off my formation skills."

Zhou Ye raised his right hand and counted on the blank scroll, and his fingertips outlined runes again.

Powerful celestial power surged and poured into the runes, making the runes sparkle in the starry sky, and finally printed on the scroll.

Due to the injection of immortal power, each formation node also began to flicker, and formation lines began to extend, gradually evolving from the first few nodes and lines into a mysterious and complex formation.

Zhou Ye's level of formation is not low, and it has been improved a little when he is idle. Although he has not reached the level of a false Dao-level spiritual formation master, it is enough to arrange some formations corresponding to peerless true immortals and true fairylands.

In Zhou Ye's thinking, the Immortal Immortal Map at the level of the Pseudo-Daoist Soldiers, combined with the formation corresponding to the peerless Real Immortal Realm, is actually enough.

If the formations were more advanced, the Pseudo-Dao Soldier-level Immortal Map would not be able to carry dozens of Puppet-Dao-level formations.

Therefore, the peerless formation is Zhou Ye's first choice.

Of course.

Zhou Ye would not explain the specific reason.

Because he is poorer.

On the one hand, it is necessary to be smart to improve the formation level, on the other hand, it is very difficult to form an formation out of thin air, and there is no material support.

Therefore, for Zhou Ye, the most cost-effective is the peerless formation.

You only need to arrange a few more. Although they can't catch up with the false Dao-level formations, the effect is not much different.

"Hey, for the time being, I can trap thirty peerless true immortals."

Looking at the picture of the new prisoner fairy that has not yet fully formed, a look of joy appeared on Zhou Ye's face.

The Golden Crow King felt quite scary.

Zhou Ye is just a newcomer to Peerless True Immortal, but in Zhou Ye's eyes, he already regards existences of the same level as dishes.

Below the highest level, they are all Chinese cabbage in Zhou Ye's eyes.

How sad it is.

King Jinwu sighed inwardly, feeling a little pity for the peerless true immortals of Black Nightmare.

The fate of going against Zhou Ye is hard to describe.

I just hope that Yanzu can last for a while longer.

Otherwise, the Golden Crow King felt that he would have no role to play.

Ma De, with Chong Zhou Ye's speed of increasing strength, coupled with the puppet Taoist soldiers, after a while, wouldn't it be like hacking Nightmare Ancestor for fun?

If Yan Zu couldn't hold on for long, Jin Wu King wouldn't even have a chance to make a move, and all the enemies would be surrounded by Zhou Ye.

At that time, he will definitely never have another chance to perform.

With this in mind, the Golden Crow King vowed that he must work hard to improve his soul realm, completely control his own strength, and then have a touch with Yan Zu.

Only in this way can there be a sense of existence.


On the scroll, Zhou Ye painted landscapes, which were somewhat scribbled.

But the Immortal Prisoner Map will evolve by itself, which is a good thing, otherwise, who would see the mosaic-like blurry scenery?

"The next thing is to use these two bones as the shaft..."

Zhou Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the two bones.

The two pitch-black bones with dark red inscriptions are tens of thousands of feet long.

It's so huge, it always feels weird to use it as a shaft.

Because the picture of Prisoner Immortal is only three feet long...

Comparing the two bones, the Prisoner Immortal Figure is as small as dust.

"These two bones are not easy to refine, so I will refine the Immortal Immortal Picture to make it bigger. After the bone and the Immortal Immortal Picture are connected, I can shrink the bone at that time."

With a thought in Zhou Ye's mind, infinite immortal power was poured into the blueprint, making the blueprint double in size.

In the distance, the Golden Crow King looked at the Immortal Immortal Picture and was thinking.

Prison Immortal Tu has not yet completely become a Pseudo-Daoist, it can only be said that the gap with the Puppet-Daoist is only a line away.

Only the image of prisoner immortals with the addition of the shaft can become a real pseudo-dao soldier.

But that blueprint gave the Golden Crow King a feeling.

Not to mention thirty peerless true immortals, even fifty peerless true immortals can be imprisoned.

Of course, the premise is that Zhou Ye is strong enough.

As long as there is a continuous input of immortal power, even if there is only a ray, Prisoner Immortal Figure can exert its strongest strength.

But if Zhou Ye doesn't input immortal power, only relying on the power possessed by Prisoner Immortal Tu, he can keep trapped on the premise that the fifty peerless true immortals don't resist, but if these fifty peerless true immortals resist , Prisoner Immortal Map can trap the opponent for up to two quarters of an hour.

After two quarters of an hour, the power of Immortal Prisoner will be exhausted, and it will be impossible to imprison Peerless True Immortal.

But the Peerless True Immortal who escaped from the Prison Immortal Map was also uncomfortable.

Because Zhou Ye's refining ability was not only not weakened, but also strengthened.

Of the dozens of formations that Zhou Ye had arranged earlier, five of them were formations related to refining, so it wouldn't be scary to just ask.

"I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all."

King Jinwu shook his head slightly.

If the Prisoner Immortal Picture trapped him in the period of the Peerless True Immortal, he would definitely not be able to stand it.

In the case of only oneself, the prison fairy map can trap oneself for many years.

Because the Prisoner's Map belongs to Zhou Ye, Zhou Ye's ray of immortal power can be magnified countless times in the Prisoner's Map, so as long as Zhou Ye's ray of immortal power is input, the Prisoner's Map can be transformed in a short period of time. Kill him in the peerless true immortal period.

Thinking about it, King Jinwu shuddered.


The length of the drawing reached 30,000 feet, covering a certain distance, but Zhou Ye felt that it could continue to expand.

"Fuse first and then talk."

Zhou Ye pushed with both hands, and the sun's fire exploded, turning into endless flames and falling on the blueprint and two bones.

The two ends of the drawing were slightly rolled up and attached to the bone.

With the burning of the sun's fire and Zhou Ye's continuous formation, there was a weak connection between the blueprint and the beginning of the bone.

It's like sticking the blueprint to the bone, but if you pull it a little harder, the blueprint will fall off.

"It's not enough, it's not enough at all, it must be integrated."

Zhou Ye activated the secret method of burning blood, holding two leaves of grass in his mouth, and his breath rose directly.

"Brother Jinwu, make a move to make the Sun God Fire burn more vigorously!" Zhou Ye sent a voice transmission.


The Golden Crow King nodded and made a seal with his right hand. Countless sun fires landed on the drawing of the Immortal Prisoner, burning blazingly.

The entire Immortal Immortal Drawing and the two bones were covered by the Sun God Fire.


Zhou Ye made seals with both hands, and characters landed on the drawing one by one.

When the characters landed on the drawing, the connection between the drawing and the bone became more and more tight.

Slowly, the drawings completely wrapped the bones, and they were relatively rotated to gather them.

During this process, Zhou Ye imprinted countless characters on the picture of the prisoner.

After being gathered, the scroll-shaped image of the Immortal Immortal gradually shrank, and finally fell into Zhou Ye's hands.


Zhou Ye carefully perceived the new Immortal Immortal Picture, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How is it?" Golden Crow King leaned over and asked.

"It's okay, barely acceptable." Zhou Ye replied with a smile.

King Jinwu looked at Zhou Ye suspiciously.

I always feel that this guy is being humble.

Immediately, the Golden Crow King asked curiously: "If it was me in the period of peerless true immortals, what would happen if fifty of me fell into the Immortal Imprisonment Map?"

Zhou Ye frowned, looked at the Golden Crow King, and then at the Immortal Immortal Picture.

He replied: "Your death is beyond your imagination."

Golden Crow King: "..."

Ma De, as expected, fifty of them can't stand it.

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