I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 880 If you don't die, I can't sleep!

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"What should we do now?"

The King of the Golden Crow hurriedly asked.

Obviously, the Nightmare Qi emerging from all directions is that Nightmare Ancestor has arrived.

There is no reason for the Black Nightmare world to have an army coming, and Zhou Ye just said the word Nightmare Ancestor.

This fully proved that it was indeed Nightmare Ancestor who killed him.

"Of course... he killed him!"

Zhou Ye's face was full of smiles.

Killing Nightmare Ancestor was not a big problem for him, but the main world seemed more dangerous.

The supreme power in Zhou Ye's body was running wildly.

Three giant beast bones appeared in his hands.

Zhou Ye crushed the three bones at an extremely fast speed and tempered them with the sun god fire.

With just three breaths, the Prison Immortal Map transforms directly!


Zhou Ye took a palm on the Prison Immortal Picture.

Immediately, the Immortal Prisoner Diagram burst into endless rays of light, and the light group in the main world was pulled.


The main world is like a half-quake, the ground is shaking, and the whole world is shaking.

The Qingxu Mountain Nursing Home was disturbed, and at the same time, it received a voice transmission from Zhou Ye in the next moment, so that they should be calm.


The Immortal Prisoner Map is already a true Taoist soldier. Without any resistance from the sky, the entire main world light group is directly sucked into the interior, leaving only an empty void in this piece.

"Brother Jinwu, can you come in?"

On Zhou Ye's right hand, the Prison Immortal Figure has shrunk to its normal size and is slowly rotating.

"Go in, I still know my own strength." The King of the Golden Crow smiled helplessly.

He felt that he could not participate in this supreme battle at all.

Zhou Ye and Nightmare Zu's life-and-death struggle, he only has the qualifications to watch, but not to participate.

"Okay, don't worry, Prison Immortal Map is already a Taoist soldier. After you enter, your strength will be suppressed, which will make it easier for you to enter and exit the main world." Zhou Ye nodded, without saying much, transporting Prison Immortal Map directly to Jinwu Wang was included in the Prison Immortal Picture.

The Immortal Prisoner map at this moment can already accommodate the entire Star Territory.

How huge is it?

For the Supreme King of the Golden Crow, it is incomparably vast.

The Immortal Prisoner map is divided into two parts, one part stores the Nightmare Qi, and the other part is the light group in the main world.

At this moment, King Golden Crow has appeared on Qingxu Mountain.

"How is it, how much chance does Zhou Ye have?" Emperor Qing asked hurriedly.

Maybe it was because Zhou Ye made it easier for them to observe the battlefield. Their eyes could see the starry sky outside through the Prison Immortal Map.

But Qingdi didn't know Zhou Ye's specific strength, so he was a little worried at the moment.

Zhou Ye's infinite resurrection in the past was nothing, but Zhou Ye is now facing a veteran supreme powerhouse who has completely recovered his strength!

Once Zhou Ye fell, whether he could be resurrected or not, it was really unclear.

"I don't know, but looking at Zhou Ye's appearance, there should be a chance of winning, and Prison Immortal Map and Beihan World Slaying Sabre are both real Taoist soldiers now. "The King of the Golden Crow looked solemn.

"He never does anything unsure." Lu Xiaoyuan said softly.

The mystery of the Supreme Realm makes them wonder how powerful the Supreme Realm is.

But just fantasies can be imagined.

What kind of strength do you have to be called supreme?

That is the supreme strength. Once you have such strength, you can dominate the world in the vast universe.

But at present, the only people they have come into contact with are Nightmare Ancestor, King Golden Crow, and Zhou Ye.

Needless to say about the situation of the King of the Golden Crow, although it is supreme, the power that the King of the Golden Crow can exert is a complete joke to the real supreme.

From Zhou Ye's point of view, if he wanted to kill King Jinwu, it would be like killing a chicken without any effort.

But Zhou Ye never said such a thing.

Because such words are like a sharp knife, it is easy to stab the King of the Golden Crow to death.

"We have to trust him.

"The Promise Demon said.

From what he knew about Zhou Ye, although Zhou Ye was stubborn, he had already considered everything.

Isn't Zhou Ye afraid of death?

Before there was no resurrection talent, Zhou Ye was also afraid of death.

But later, Zhou Ye was not afraid of death, and even longed to die. This was because Zhou Ye knew his own cards to do so.

And what will happen to the current supreme battle depends on Zhou Ye himself.

They couldn't provide any help and could only choose to trust Zhou Ye.

"Yanzu, it's coming soon."

Haixian stared at the sky.


in the starry sky.

It was not pitch black, the distant stars exuded a faint light, although not very bright, but still able to see the surrounding situation clearly.

Endless Nightmare Qi flows out from the cracks in the void, as if to fill the starry sky.


The Beihan Slayer Sword was held in Zhou Ye's hand.

The Beihan World Slaying Saber vibrated gently, and every time it vibrated, the sharpness it exuded forced the surrounding space to be torn out of cracks, and it kept collapsing.

The space in the starry sky is much more stable than the space in the main world, otherwise the starry sky will not be able to carry a world suspended there.

And being able to break through the space of the starry sky proves that it has the ability to destroy the world.

Today's Beihan Slayer Sword. A wisp of saber aura emanated, and it was able to cut the main world in half.

But for the first time facing the opponent of the real Supreme Realm, Beihan Zhanshi Dao was extremely excited.

It will eventually become famous in Zhou Ye's hands.

Not to mention the winner or loser of this battle, just being able to fight with the supreme, let the Beihan Sword of Swords feel the glory.

The glory of being used as a weapon by Zhou Ye, the supreme being, and the glory of being used as a threat by the supreme being of Nightmare Ancestor!

It is the Northern Cold Sword, which is about to go down in history!

The number one soldier in the main world!

The first Taoist soldier in the main world to fight against the Supreme!


"Nightmare ancestor, come here, don't hide it, you make it seem like you don't know who."

Zhou Ye held the Beihan Slayer Sword and said with a smile.

Although Zhou Ye was very concerned about the enemy of Nightmare Ancestor, out of trust in his own strength, Zhou Ye felt that he might not be able to kill Nightmare Ancestor.

Especially in the state where the main world is under the protection of the imprisoned immortal map.

Zhou Ye was not even afraid of death.

If he couldn't kill Nightmare Ancestor, he would choose to commit suicide.

Could it be that at this moment, his suicide strength can't threaten Nightmare Ancestor?

"Zhou Ye, I didn't expect you to become a Taoist..." Nightmare Ancestor's faint voice came.

It was unexpected, but it could see Zhou Ye's strength.

First entry to the highest.

Nightmare Ancestor was disdainful on the surface, but he was very solemn in his heart.

We cannot underestimate any enemy, especially when this enemy has become supreme, the threat has greatly increased.

"Ancestor Nightmare, there are too many things you can't think of." Zhou Ye smiled nonchalantly, and raised the Beihan World Slayer Sword in his hand.

"Come on, show your face and let me slash you." Zhou Ye said with a smile, as if he didn't take Nightmare Ancestor seriously.


Nightmare Ancestor sneered, but he was even more vigilant in his heart.

What kind of thing is this kid, how can there be soldiers.

The point is, two at a time? !

At this moment, Nightmare Ancestor felt that this was outrageous.

He can't have a Taoist soldier himself, how did this kid Zhou Ye get it?

Moreover, looking at this state, it is still a Taoist soldier in peak state!

"If you don't do it, I will do it."

Zhou Ye raised the Beihan Sword, and touched the blade with his left hand.

It is very sharp and can break through the defenses of the highest realm.

Zhou Ye said in his heart, be stable.


Nightmare Zu snorted coldly.

It shoots directly, and the first shot is a killer move.


A starry sky above his head exploded layer by layer, and an incomparably huge, mysterious and incomprehensible force directly suppressed it.

Nightmare ancestors will not fight unprepared battles.

Judging Zhou Ye's strength by using all his strength.

Once Zhou Ye's strength is not enough, Nightmare Ancestor will directly obliterate Zhou Ye!

Zhou Ye raised the Beihan Slayer Sword.

The supreme power poured into the Beihan World Slaying Sword.

Zhou Ye found that the blood-burning secret technique could still be used at the moment, but unfortunately, he could only hold on to three breaths at most, and the increase in his own strength was not large, even only a little.

But a little bit is also an enhancement.

Burn blood!

Zhou Ye's body is boiling with power, his soul, foundation, and the power of reincarnation that Zhou Ye has not been able to comprehend so far are also shaking crazily.

A more powerful force was input into the Beihan World Slaying Knife.

His left hand rested on the back of the Beihan World Slaying Saber, and Zhou Ye pulled it out abruptly as if he were drawing a sword, and slashed towards the sky.


A dazzling blade burst out.

The power of reincarnation, the supreme power fused together.

The moment the terrifying sword energy appeared, the space was cut off, and everything around was turned into nothingness.

Even the stars hundreds of millions of miles away are cut open by the sharp light and shadow at the moment when the light touches!


The knife gas went upstream, violently tearing open the palm that was condensed by the nightmare gas.

Such an irresistible force! !

"how is this possible?"

Nightmare Zu was stunned.

His strength is at least fifty percent stronger than Zhou Ye.

But why, with this knife, Zhou Ye can shred his ultimate move.

"This power..."

Nightmare Ancestor glanced at him and saw the power of reincarnation hidden in the sword energy.

It can't see through!

What kind of power is this?

"You die for me!"

Zhou Ye appeared in the sky in an instant, holding the Beihan World Slaying Sword aloft, and slashing down towards Nightmare Ancestor.


Nightmare Ancestor roared, his hands formed a seal, and a strange black letter floated in front of Nightmare Ancestor, suddenly becoming larger, blocking the sword that could not cut anything.


That weird black word is shattering, like glass, with a crisp sound.


Nightmare Zu took a deep breath.


Nightmare Ancestor's body began to swell, and its true body began to be revealed.

Zhou Ye was not idle either.


Zhou Ye manifested his true body, with countless roots all over the starry sky, surrounded by Nightmare Ancestor's huge true body.

"Zhou Ye, no matter how strong you are, you will surely die today!"

Nightmare Zu let out a roar.

The sound wave came out, causing Zhou Ye's roots to vibrate continuously, like one invisible knife after another, countless roots were cut off.

"I want to say this to you too."

Zhou Ye didn't care.

The roots gathered and strangled toward the nightmare ancestor.


Nightmare Ancestor's huge body like a beast was smashed by roots.

Nightmare Ancestor's true body is constantly collapsing.

The starry sky in all directions was affected and turned into nothingness.

Looking at the empty space in front of him, Zhou Ye transformed into a human body again, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You run really fast!"

I thought there would be a fight where you die and I die.

Just when he thought that Nightmare Ancestor was going to expand his moves, Nightmare Ancestor suddenly ran away.

"Okay, run away, I can always kill you, after all, if you don't die, I can't sleep!" Zhou Ye sneered.

Divine Sense locked the source of the power source of Nightmare Ancestor.

Zhou Ye put away the Beihan World Slaying Sword and rubbed his hands together. Three sticks of incense appeared in Zhou Ye's hands, and Zhou Ye also became serious.

Burning incense is a magical power.

If you want to obliterate the other party, you must have a correct attitude to incense the other party.

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