Looking at BIGMOM rushing towards him, Luo Jie shook his head, not having any interest in fighting at all.

BIGMOM is very strong, there is no doubt about it, and she can definitely be ranked at the top of the world.

But for Luo Jie, BIGMOM is just like a small fish, and it only takes one punch to deal with her.

Because it is boring, Luo Jie studied a black flash field, thinking about satisfying his addiction to fighting.

Because he has found that as he becomes stronger and stronger, his desire for fighting is getting lower and lower.

In other words, it is said that he can't get excited!

When a person's strength reaches a certain height, he turns around and finds sadly that there is no one like him around him.

That kind of detachment from the world and that kind of incompatibility really makes Luo Jie very uncomfortable.

It was also at this time that Luo Jie realized a little bit of what Teacher Saitama felt.

Therefore, Luo Jie will work hard to improve the strength of the women around him, hoping that the distance between him and them will not be too far.

After all, Luo Jie wants to be a person, not a high god.

"Well, I'll just use Conqueror's to fight today!"

Then the next moment, Luo Jie flashed and instantly came to the top of BIGMOM.

"What... so fast!!"

BIGMOM's face changed. She had actually been using her observation Haki to sense.

But she never expected that Luo Jie's speed was so fast that she couldn't catch his movements at all.

But after all, they were Four Emperors, and BIGMOM's nerves reacted very quickly.

The blade instantly adjusted its direction and slashed at Luo Jie above.

Among the Four Emperors, the strongest in strength was Whitebeard, the strongest in Haki was Red Hair, the strongest in physical skills was Kaido, but the strongest in talent was undoubtedly BIGMOM.

So no matter how fast Luo Jie was, BIGMOM could react instantly.

"Oh? Very good reaction!"

Luo Jie couldn't help but secretly praise, and his fist was instantly wrapped with black lightning to meet the attack.

The Conqueror's contained in this punch was all of Luo Jie.

So when this Conqueror's just appeared, BIGMOM felt a palpitation.

"Conqueror's of this level are probably better than Red Hair's. How did this guy do it..."

BIGMOM didn't dare to hold back at all and immediately went all out to resist.

But what shocked her was that she couldn't even block the opponent's punch.

Luo Jie's fist instantly broke the Napoleon Sword.

As the black lightning rippled, the void twisted directly.

BIGMOM was blasted into the earth by this punch from a distance.


The already dilapidated Cake Island was directly sunk by the impact of this punch.

As for BIGMOM, he was blasted into the depths of the earth and almost went to the bottom of the sea.

"Damn, I only used Conqueror's, the power doesn't need to be so exaggerated!"

Luo Jie looked at the damage caused by this punch and suddenly felt depressed.

He swore!

The punch just now definitely didn't use physical strength, it was just a simple Conqueror's entanglement, and then a punch from a distance.

But what he never expected was that the destructive power of this punch was also very pervert.

With just one punch, BIGMOM, the Four Emperors, had no power to resist and was directly blasted into the depths of the earth, almost dead.

At this time, Luo Jie sensed BIGMOM deep underground, and it seemed that there was still a trace of breath left.

"Forget it, forget it, let the headquarters finish off those who are not dead!"

Luo Jie shook his head.

Anyway, he has lost interest in attacking those who are resistant again.

This has nothing to do with good or evil, but just a mercy for the weak.

Luo Jie flashed, and then he embraced Hina's waist and instantly returned to the deck of the G1 warship.

At this moment, the Marines on the warship, and even Hina, are still in a state of confusion.

Because everything ended too quickly, so quickly that they didn't react.

Especially Hina, who was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Hey, hey, hey... That's Four Emperors BIGMOM!

Just gone like that?

Hina thought the two would have a fierce fight.

But she never expected that under Luo Jie's punch, the Four Emperors were treated exactly like the soldiers, and were all killed in one punch.

And what made Hina feel the most outrageous was that Luo Jie's punch also knocked BIGMOM into the ground nearly a thousand meters deep.

If BIGMOM didn't have the physique of a steel balloon, the punch just now would probably have blown her body up.

Today, Hina witnessed a miracle.

Luo Jie wiped out a Four Emperors pirate group alone, and it took less than ten minutes.

Hina didn't know how to describe such strength.

Moreover, when this news spread to the sea, what will the world become, and what kind of wave will the era set off.

Hina couldn't imagine these.

"Hina-chan, we should retreat!"

At this time, Luo Jie's voice came, pulling Hina's thoughts back to reality.

Luo Jie stepped forward and embraced Hina, and gave an order to the Marines, and the two returned to the cabin.

At this time, the Marines woke up from their dreams, but they still felt it was unreal.

Ten minutes.

The Four Emperors pirate group is gone just like that?

We are probably living in a dream!

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