As a Marine Admiral, Akainu rarely showed such an expression.

However, at this time, not only Akainu, but everyone present was also shocked.

Aokiji exhaled bursts of cold air from his mouth, and he really took a breath of cold air.

Kizaru's mouth was crooked, and his sunglasses were crooked. In short, the whole person was crooked.

Garp kept eating senbei, but his mouth was wide open, and he forgot to close it.

And the chief of staff, Tsuru, who was always the calmest, also showed a look of contemplation at this time.

The content of the projection was not much, so it ended quickly.

And the last picture was that Luo Jie punched BIGMOM into the depths of the earth with one punch, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

The projection picture stopped here.

At this moment, the whole conference room fell into silence.

No one spoke at this time, because they were all in deep thought.

At the same time.

A thought flashed through their minds.

This sea... is really going to be windy!


A few days later.

Countless newspapers were scattered all over the world like snowflakes.

After a brief silence, the whole world was boiling.

Countless news reports flooded all over the world, and almost everyone who saw the newspaper on that day was shocked.

They were all wondering if today was April Fool's Day, or if they were still living in a dream.

In short, everyone around the world was shocked on this day.

New World, Dressrosa.

In the palace, Doflamingo held today's newspaper and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"That monster..."

This time, Doflamingo couldn't smile anymore.

Alabasta, Baroque Works.

President's office.

"Luo Jie... a man who can't be provoked!"

Crocodile held a piece of information in his hand, and his mood was almost the same as Doflamingo's.

Kraikana Island, ruins of the Kingdom of Guyar in the West.

A gloomy castle stood, and Hawkeye with one arm was sitting in one of the rooms, holding today's newspaper in his hand.

"Luo Jie..."

When Hawkeye saw the content of the newspaper, he touched his broken arm and whispered softly.

New World, Moby Dick.

"Kulala... Luo Jie actually killed BIGMOM, that guy is really a monster!"

Whitebeard drank a lot of wine while laughing up to the sky.

"Dad... Are we really not going to make any preparations? That guy has dealt with BIGMOM, it should be our turn next..."

This time, Marco was no longer calm.

Not only him, but all the captains of the squads were shocked and couldn't believe it.

So, they asked Whitebeard for his opinion with a look of trepidation.

"Kulala... Luo Jie is very strong, but I am Whitebeard!"

"If he wants to fight, then fight, I will never lose!!"

Whitebeard's face was full of heroism, but his heart was extremely heavy.

"That's right, no matter how strong Luo Jie is, he can't beat Dad!"

Seeing Whitebeard's heroic look, Marco and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad is the strongest man in the world. Luo Jie can defeat BIGMOM, and Dad can do the same."

Thinking of this, the captains laughed again.

If there is any pirate group on this sea that dares to say that they can defeat BIGMOM, then it must be the Whitebeard Pirates! As the King of Pirates, Whitebeard has reached the pinnacle of this world. Although there is only one word difference between the King of Pirates and One Piece, the value of the King of Pirates is definitely not inferior to that of One Piece, and even more so. One Piece refers to the king who conquered the sea. The King of Pirates refers to the king who conquered all pirates. It can be seen that it is reasonable for Whitebeard to be recognized as the strongest in the world. In fact, in the eyes of the Whitebeard group, the other three emperors are just juniors. No matter their qualifications or strength, it is difficult to compare with Whitebeard. So in their concept, Whitebeard is above the Four Emperors. Just as the captains were chatting with Whitebeard, in an inconspicuous corner of the ship, Blackbeard was holding a newspaper, his face full of shock. "Is there really such a strong person in this world?"

Blackbeard's eyes were full of ambition: "As long as I can find that fruit, there may be a chance to seize his power in the future..."


New World, Dreyfus.

"Hiss... Luo Jie made big news again this time. This guy really won't stop at all!"

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, the red-haired man took a breath of cold air. He was really scared.

"Beckman, what do you think?"

Yasopp looked at Benn Beckman with a solemn face.

"Luo Jie... is the only man I can't see through at the moment."

"I think we should wait and see. It's best not to have too much contact with him."

Beckman took a puff of cigarette, his expression was very serious.

Hearing Beckman's words, everyone present was silent for a while.

Even the red-haired man who had some friendship with Luo Jie began to think about this problem seriously.

"I'm sure you've all seen the video of the battle that's been circulated!"

Beckman flicked his cigarette butt and looked at the people around him: "This guy's Conqueror's is probably stronger than Shanks... For someone with such Haki, will his ambition be so simple?"

"So, let's stay away from him!"

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