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"This martial arts characteristic is extremely rare. Only when a martial artist has practiced a martial art to perfection, will the heaven and earth send down the power of rules and condense the martial arts characteristics in the martial artist's body."

"And each martial arts characteristic has the following characteristics: However, the most special thing about martial arts characteristics is that once they are condensed, they will always become part of the warrior's combat power. Even if other martial arts are used, they can still trigger the martial arts characteristics. effect."

"To some extent, martial arts characteristics are basically equivalent to the talent of a warrior. Therefore, the more martial arts characteristics a warrior has, the stronger his combat ability will usually be. "

After listening to Zhuge Mao's introduction, Fang Yu also had a basic understanding of the characteristics of martial arts.

He silently focused his attention on his attribute panel and checked the detailed description of the two characteristics he had obtained.

"Destroy": A warrior with the Destroy characteristic, Its offensive was extremely fierce, and each strike seemed to carry a destructive aura. This characteristic allows the warrior's attack to easily destroy the enemy's defense in battle.

"Riding the Wind": allows the warrior to reach the peak of speed and agility. Warriors with the characteristic of riding the wind can use the wind to make their body movements More agile, faster.

The effects of the two martial arts characteristics are basically similar to those of "Wind Slashing Thousand Blades" and "Wind Slashing Moon Step".

However, this effect has now become a universal effect, similar to It is like an entry.

After the two martial arts have reached the state of perfection, even without the bonus of characteristics, the effect of the martial arts itself is twice as strong as that of the perfect state.

If the bonus of characteristics is taken into account, the effect will probably reach About 3 times the level before the breakthrough.

You know, perfect martial arts are extremely rare for most warriors.

Even in this sect election where there are so many geniuses, there are probably not many warriors who have mastered the perfect level. Martial arts.

And what does it mean to improve it by 3 times on this basis?

It is basically invincible at the same level!

Although he has not yet tested his combat effectiveness when he uses his martial arts at full strength, Fang Yu is confident that he can defeat any martial artist of the same level.

"Haha, friend Fang, I remember that when you were climbing the ladder of life, you used a self-harming martial art, a short "However, I see that your current body not only does not seem to have damaged potential, but it can also make some breakthroughs. It seems that Hua Xiaozi from the Sky Sword Pavilion made a mistake. "

Zhuge Mao looked at Fang Yu with a smile, as if observing his reaction.

"Mr. Zhuge is joking. I am just born with amazing recovery ability. That little injury is nothing to me. As for Senior Hua, does he think it is good? I, what does it have to do with me? "

Fang Yu also smiled and said softly.

Seeing Fang Yu's calm expression, Zhuge Mao's evaluation of him in his heart also improved a little.

A boy of this age has a psychological endurance Being so strong, it seems that he must have a firm heart for martial arts. This boy is not bad.

"To be honest, I have a good impression of you. I wonder what you think of our Qiankun Wuji Sect?"

After hearing this, Fang Yu finally understood Zhuge Mao's purpose.

However, Fang Yu did not expect that he was just After practicing martial arts to the highest level, he actually won the favor of a title-level expert.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Yu spoke again.

"Mr. Zhuge, I am not very knowledgeable and I don't know much about the seven major sects. I am very honored that Mr. Zhuge thinks highly of me, but I still need to learn more about whether your sect is suitable for me."

"Haha, Mr. Fang said That makes sense, but you may not know that my Qiankun Wuji Sect is a broad-based sect that has the richest collection of books among the seven major sects, and even has some legendary techniques. "

"If you are willing to join my sect, I, Zhuge Mao, can immediately grant you the status of inner sect disciple, or even the status of true disciple. I will apply for it after I go back, and there will be opportunities!" Zhuge Mao said confidently, his eyes full of transcendence. He was slightly happy when hearing this.

Although Zhuge Mao did not promise too many benefits, the identity of an inner disciple alone represented the other party's sincerity.

You know, every time there is a sect election, each sect will recruit about 30 to 40 disciples, and most of them are outer disciples.


The number of inner disciples recruited by the sect is basically only 1-3, and never more than 5.

As for the true disciples, under normal circumstances, the sect will not recruit them. If there is a peerless genius who really meets the requirements, the leaders of the major sects will ask the headquarters to obtain the true disciples.

So, how precious is the inner disciple status promised by Zhuge Mao.

Fang Yu hesitated for a moment, but still apologized and clasped his fists to Zhuge Mao.

"Mr. Zhuge, this matter is too important. Can you let me think about it for a while."

Fang Yu believed that his current talent and strength were definitely the top level among this batch of assessors. The status of an inner disciple was not enough for him to make up his mind so quickly.

When Zhuge Mao saw Fang Yu like this, he no longer forced it and could only sigh.

"Well, Fang Xiaoyou can think about it again."

Just when Fang Yu thought Zhuge Mao had given up temporarily, he saw a black and white jade token suddenly appear in Zhuge Mao's hand.

"Friend Fang, I see that you have just entered the second stage and have not yet transformed your blood and qi into spirit. Since you and I are destined to be together, I will give you this "Yin Yang Spiritualization Method". This spiritualization method is the best spiritualization method. Through this method, the blood and qi of the warrior will be more vigorous and the quality of blood and qi will be higher."

"With your talent, practicing this method will be even more powerful, and the foundation of martial arts will be more solid."

Zhuge Mao gently placed the jade card of "Yin Yang Spiritualization Method" and a piece of yellow talisman paper on the table in Fang Yu's room.

"I have something else to do, so I won't bother you anymore. If you have thought it over, you can activate this sound transmission note to contact me and then come back."

Fang Yu only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Zhuge Mao's figure disappeared in the room.

Looking at the jade card of the skills and the sound transmission note left on the table, Fang Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.


Although Fang Yu had never heard of the "Yin Yang Spiritualization Method", based on Zhuge Mao's description, he could guess that this spiritualization method must be valuable.

After all, the effect of ordinary spiritualization methods is only to help warriors complete the spiritualization steps, and there is no effect of improving qi and blood.

However, facing the opponent's naked conspiracy, Fang Yu could only grit his teeth...

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