The time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the day of the trial came.

Fang Yu arrived at the school gate early, waiting to take the bus to the trial site.

At this time, a large number of students had gathered at the school gate. Most of them were students from the elite class. They gathered in groups of three or two, talking about something.

"Have you heard that the Municipal Education Bureau has spent a lot of money in this trial, and the rewards are quite generous."

"Of course, my uncle told me that as long as the trial ranking can enter the top 200, there will be good rewards, at least worth 50,000."

"I don't know how many people will participate in this trial. It may not be easy to get the rewards."

"Let's team up and kill the beasts together. Try to concentrate all the killing points on one person, and then divide the rewards!"

"Okay, maybe our ranking will be higher by then!"

This time, there are about 40 students from Yunchuan No. 9 Middle School participating in the elite joint trial. Everyone has different expressions and moods.

In the crowd, a bald boy in black tights seemed to see Fang Yu and came forward to say hello.

"Fang Yu, I heard last week that you also broke through to the advanced apprentice level. I didn't expect you to participate in this trial."

"Haha, you have been breaking through for so long, I naturally can't fall behind too much!"

After Fang Yu saw the person clearly, he also greeted him.

The shaved boy was named Hu Lang, and he was originally a classmate of Fang Yu.

However, Hu Lang had outstanding martial arts talent. He broke through to the advanced apprentice level when he just entered the second semester of the second year of high school and successfully entered the elite class.

"Hu Lang, who is this classmate? Why don't you introduce him to us?"

The few people who were chatting with Hu Lang turned their attention to him at this time, and the handsome boy in the lead asked first.

"This is Fang Yu, my former classmate, who just broke through to the advanced apprentice level recently.

Fang Yu, this is the deputy monitor of my elite class, Zhang Zhihe."

When Zhang Zhihe heard that Fang Yu had only recently broken through to the advanced apprentice level, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly hidden by him.

He still put on a gentle and humble expression, pretending to be concerned.

"Nice to meet you, classmate Fang is also a talented person. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can come to the elite class and have a good exchange with each other."

"Nice to meet you."

Seeing this, Hu Lang on the side talked to Fang Yu again.

"Fang Yu, you have just broken through, and you haven't condensed one or two blood beads yet. Why do you come to participate in such a dangerous trial?"

"It's rare to have such a good opportunity for actual combat. I naturally have to grasp it well. As for danger, as a warrior, how can I not face danger."

"That's right, but it's better to reduce the danger as much as possible. By the way, Fang Yu, are you in a team for this trial? I and squad leader Zhang have formed a team. Take a look..."

Just when Fang Yu was about to refuse, Zhang Zhihe on the side spoke first.

"Hu Lang, we know each other and train together. We know each other well. It's not appropriate to add someone now."


Fang Yu saw the awkwardness of the situation and said quickly.

"Hu Lang, I have already planned the trial. It's not convenient for me to go with you. I have something else to do. I won't accompany you for now."

"Okay." Hu Lang looked a little embarrassed.

Fang Yu patted Hu Lang's shoulder gently, signaled that it was okay, and left.

Just as Fang Yu left, a girl with a ponytail next to Zhang Zhihe couldn't help but sneer.

"Don't you see what kind of person you are? You are from an ordinary class and you dare to join our team."

Hu Lang, who was standing aside, couldn't help but look a little ugly after hearing this.

"Shengfeng, we are all classmates, don't say that."

"Hu Lang, Shengfeng is too straightforward. She doesn't mean to target anyone. Don't take it to heart."

Zhang Zhihe still had a smile on his face, but under this seemingly gentle expression, there was an indescribable arrogance.

Hu Lang frowned when he heard this, as if he was thinking about something.

At this time, Fang Yu had not walked far away, and this conversation had also reached his ears.

However, Fang Yu didn't care about it.

Let people think whatever they want, it won't affect me anyway.

After more than ten minutes, the teacher in charge counted the people

After checking the number of students who signed up for the trial and confirmed that all the students had arrived, they organized everyone to get on the bus to the outside of the city.

As the vehicle slowly drove out of the bustling city, Fang Yu looked through the window and found that the scene in front of him had changed dramatically.

The buildings on the edge of the city gradually moved away, replaced by a bleak scene.

The trees on both sides of the street were bare, and the branches swayed in the cold wind, as if whispering about the upcoming trial.

Soon after, the vehicle stopped in an open space.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, with only occasional military orders and the sound of machinery running in the distance.

On one side of the open space, an army was stationed.

The soldiers were dressed in uniform black uniforms, lined up neatly, and their weapons flashed cold light in the sun.

There was a tense and solemn atmosphere in the air, and the presence of the army made this open space look particularly solemn.

The sound of the soldiers' drills came one after another, in a uniform manner, showing their extraordinary discipline and well-trained style, giving people an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Students from various schools got off the bus one after another and gathered on the open space.

In less than 10 minutes, the originally empty field was full of students. At a glance, there were at least thousands of people.

At this time, a group of people walked out of the army.

The leader was a burly man with a serious expression.

There was a hideous scar on the man's face, which spread from the forehead to the chest, adding a fierce temperament to him.

At the same time, a strong mental pressure came from the man.

This pressure was mixed with a strong murderous aura, which made the students present breathe quickly.

"Everyone, I am Zhou Dezhong, the commander of the 7th Company of the Southeastern Army stationed in Yunchuan. I am responsible for your trial this time."

The deafening voice of Zhou Dezhong, a scarred soldier, was clearly heard by everyone present.

"Remind everyone, this trial is not a game, it will kill people! If you are afraid of death, you can quit now! If you don't want to quit, then I hope you can show the blood of a warrior in the trial!"

"I won't say any more nonsense, someone will introduce the rules of the trial to you next!"

After that, Zhou Dezhong left neatly without any drag.

At the same time, another young man in a neat suit stepped forward and began to introduce the rules of this trial and the final reward to everyone.

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