"Lord Qiyurui Beast."

"After your carefully planned publicity, all 30.000 stone potatoes harvested this time have been distributed."

"The people of Jingyang County, not a single one has the mind to resist."

"Even, one by one, they scrambled for the right to grow potatoes, and they almost fought."


In Yannei, Jingyang County, Zhang Wei half-knelt in front of Bai Yi and reported the latest situation.

I have to say that borrowing the name of Shennong Temple, the effect it can produce is almost terrifying for the people of this era, and they all believe it without any words.


Bai Yi cooks himself.

Although it is only a simple mashed potato.

However, the fragrance it emitted and the delicacy that made people almost eat their tongues and heads made the people of Jingyang County praise.

Compared with.

The corn I ate before is like pig food, which is a little difficult to swallow.

Not only that, when Zhang Wei maintained order and was about to distribute 30.000 stone potatoes equally, because a ruffian tried to take one more potato, he was almost directly beaten to death by the surrounding people.

The yield is terrifying, it tastes delicious, and even has a long life (?) Effect of fairy food, who does not want to take a little more.


Since Lord Rui Beast has stipulated the weight of each family.

Then you must not take more.

If anyone dared to take more, before Zhang Han could make a move to sanction them, they would be blasted out on the spot by the people of Jingyang County, who shared the same hatred, without any room for negotiation.

Moreover, in order to avoid the hard-to-cultivate immortal food being ruined.

Xiao He, who is the commander of Jingyang County, also has strict control over the candidates for distribution, such as lazy ruffians are not eligible to obtain, and the county government will send people every five days to check the growth progress of immortal food.

Once slack is found, even direct consumption.

Whip lightly, slash heavily!

Such a severe punishment made some ruffians directly put away their careful thoughts, and did not dare to take the lead at all.

"Lord Rui Beast, the minister has a report."


After Zhang Handan's mission report ended.

Xiao He, who was the commander of Jingyang County, also stood up and shook his hands.

According to common sense, Xiao He, who is the commander of Jingyang County, is basically the largest official position in Jingyang County, and almost ninety percent of what he wants to do does not need to be reported to his superiors, just do it himself.


The situation in Jingyang County is different.

This is the fief given by Qin Shi Huang to the protector of the country Rui Beast Bai Gang.

Therefore, whether Bai Yi is a man or a beast, the supreme decision on everything is in the palm of his hand.


Bai Yi held the Saint Dao Xuanyuan Sword in his right hand.

Holding a bright red apple in his left hand, using its sharp blade, he easily peeled off the apple peel on it, and then put it in his mouth and ate it.

And Huan Yinyan, who is the princess of Daqin, is still holding a wooden bowl in her hand at the moment.

Inside is the last sweet and delicious mashed potato.

Food that was commonplace in later generations is a supreme delicacy in this era, making Yin Yan, a snack item, unable to put it down, constantly shaking her little feet, which seems to express her joy of tasting food.

Her delicate little face was also stained with a little trace of mashed potatoes.

"When dealing with government affairs in Jingyang County, the minister also found some deficiencies."

"Some small problems, the ministers can solve them easily."

"However, the walls of Jingyang County are in disrepair, and after the heavy rains, the roads are muddy, which seriously affects the travel of the people, as well as the transportation of the army, food and grass."

"Therefore, the minister asked - ordered to repair the walls and roads."


Xiao He said in a deep voice.

Although Jingyang County is only a small county, if you want to rebuild the city wall "330" and roads, it is also a big project, which requires a lot of money and food.

Therefore, this matter, Xiao He alone could not decide, only to ask Lord Rui Beast.

Because he doesn't have enough money in his hands!

To this.

Bai Yi still maintained an agreeing opinion.

After all, as the old saying goes, if you want to be rich, build roads first.

If you want to make the economy of Jingyang County rise rapidly, it is naturally essential to be able to fight against the power of one county with the power of one county, upgrade your talent to an intermediate Rui Beast, and repair the city walls and roads.

"Goo goo - (yes, I agree)"

Bai Yi nodded and said.

How could Bai Yi refuse this kind of good thing that is conducive to economic development.

Naturally, the more the merrier.

What's more, Xiao He's internal affairs ability, Bai Yi is absolutely assured, he can directly rest assured to do it boldly!


Looking at Lord Rui Beast who nodded, Xiao He looked a little hesitant.

"Huh? (What's wrong)"

"If you want to rebuild the city walls and roads, you need to spend a lot of money to pay wages, and now Jingyang County does not have so much money."

A penny is a real hero.

In the case of insufficient finances, even Xiao He, who is known as Wang Zuozhicai, is powerless.

Requisitioning conscription does not cost money, but when everyone is diligent in cultivating potatoes, you suddenly go to requisitioning conscription without pay, which will inevitably cause resentment among the people.


According to Xiao He's meaning, he planned to let Lord Rui Beast go to Xianyang to seek some financial support.

"Goo goo - (It's easy)"

Bai Yi waved his hand.

He also said that there was a big problem, it turned out to be just a lack of funds.

Because of the birth of Shennong Temple, Jingyang County today has harvested corn twice in just three months, once because of the abundance of grains and once because of accelerated growth.

Jingyang County may not have much money, but corn reserves are definitely more than enough.


It only takes another two months.

When the third batch of potatoes is ripe, there is no need to worry about food shortages.

You know, the third batch of potatoes sown a total of 18.000 acres.

That is to say, when the harvest is time, according to the yield of 100 stone per acre, a total of 1,800.000 stone (1.8 million stone) of potatoes can be harvested, excluding the people themselves and the taxes paid to Lao Zhao.

A small Jingyang County.

It can also leave potatoes with a full 900,000 stone.

This is such a terrible number, even if it provides a large army to go out for several months, it is more than enough, let alone only belong to Jingyang County.

[Jingyang County has collected so much corn, and there are many displaced people in Daqin now. 】

[After all, when potatoes have not yet been fully promoted, once they encounter some natural or man-made disasters, the people will easily not even have enough to eat, and can only be exiled. ] 】

[At this time, you only need to pay a little corn so that they can eat enough to survive, and you can recruit them to work for Jingyang County. 】

[Jingyang County may not have much money, but corn is definitely enough. 】

[Exactly, take advantage of this opportunity to recruit a little more displaced people and expand the scale of Jingyang County. ] 】

[You can even use the next potato cultivation as an excuse to tempt them to stay.] 】


Bai Yi thought silently in his heart.

Population, no matter what the age, is the most valuable resource.

Looking at the entire Jingyang County, there is only 50,000 people in Mandou, and a full 2,000 Qin pawns have been trained here, which can be regarded as a bit of a high-load recruitment pawn.

In order to expand the size of the army and enhance its self-preservation strength.

Or to increase the economic potential of Jingyang County.

Therefore, it is naturally indispensable to recruit more displaced people to settle down.

Although she does not understand internal affairs very well, she has also learned a lot since she was a child, and naturally knows that the plan proposed by Bai Yi is very feasible.

The lady wiped the mashed potatoes from the corners of her mouth.

Placing the wooden bowl on the table on the side, Huan Yin Yan said softly:

"Little Rui Beast means that you will use corn to recruit displaced people as workers."

"Let them come and repair the walls and roads."

"Moreover, after the completion of the project, we can use the next time we can plant potatoes as an excuse to attract these displaced people to stay in Jingyang County and live and work in peace."


She was merely conveying the meaning of whiteness.

And after listening to Huan Yinyan's words, Xiao He and Zhang Wei looked at each other.

Suddenly discovered.

This solution seems to work!

Not only can the problem of insufficient labor be solved, but there is no need to forcibly requisition conscription, so that they give up cultivating potatoes during this time period, thus causing public resentment.

Moreover, for the displaced people, as long as they can have something to eat, they will be grateful to Dade.

After the project is completed, they will be absorbed into Jingyang County.

Its increased population could not only allow Zhang Wei to recruit some more soldiers, but also allow Xiao He to manage more people.


For this scenario.

Xiao He and Zhang Wei both raised their hands in agreement.

"Minister, I think this plan is feasible."

"Lord Rui Beast is wise."

Xiao He and Zhang Wei said.

Although it was said through the mouth of Yin Yan, they did not think that this was a plan that Her Royal Highness came up with.

They all tend that Her Royal Highness the Princess has the ability to communicate with Lord Rui Beast.

Of course.

It's just about solving the manpower problem.

In Bai Bin's opinion, it is still far from enough.

In this era, the method of repairing city walls and roads is still a little too backward, not only the efficiency is very slow, but also the quality is not good, and the advanced methods of later generations must be adopted.

Thinking so, Bai Yi opened the system mall, intending to pick a technology from it.

【Host: Bai Gang】

【Lying flat points: 16000】

[Cement technology, can make cement, it takes several days to set, after coagulation is extremely strong, you need to lie flat integral x2000】

[Steel cement technology, the use of special means, so that cement has the hardness of steel, need to lie flat integral x5000]

[Super alloy concrete technology, can make fortifications to resist missile attacks, need to lie flat integral x50000]

【Territorial characteristics. The city wall is thick, the defense of the wall is +50%, the rate of fire of the defenders is +30%, and you need to lie flat points x8000]

【Territorial characteristics. Fast horse whip, movement speed on the road +40%, road firmness +20%, need to lie flat points x6000]

【Territorial characteristics. Infrastructure is king, construction speed +100%, material loss -20%, need to lie flat points x10000]


A series of items appeared directly in front of Bai Yi's eyes.

He was dazzled to see it.

These items.

It is all related to whether the city walls and roads of Jingyang County can be quickly repaired and put into use, and how much role can be played.

If the points are enough, Bai Yi doesn't mind redeeming them all.


I was shy.

Therefore, he could only pick one of the items and redeem them.

"The territory characteristics are indeed good, and the ability to increase the attributes by percentage is like the imperial characteristics chosen by Old Zhao. Like the blade iron horse, in the case of a sufficient base, it can greatly increase the national strength. "

"However, these territorial characteristics are not cheap."

"Forget it, now the city walls and roads have not been repaired, and it is a waste to exchange them."

"Let's choose a technology."


Bai Yi shook his head and thought secretly in his heart.

There are many good things, but I can't afford to consume them myself, and many things are not practical now.

Let's just talk about territorial characteristics. The thick walls of the city and the characteristics of the territory. Hurry up and whip, you haven't built it yourself, and the additional attributes so early are useless.

That's just the territorial character. Infrastructure is king and can speed up the progress of the project.

But -

It requires a full 10,000 lying points.

I have just finished the second Qi Luck Q&A, and I don't know how long it will be before the start of the next Qi Luck Q&A, if I use up the lying flat points now.

In the future, if you encounter any situation and need to use lying flat points for emergency rescue, it will be difficult.

Moreover, the characteristics of the territory can only cover the scope of Bai Yi's control.

Unlike imperial characteristics.

Coupled with the fact that Jingyang County is so small today, Bai Yi directly ignored it.

Among the above technologies, the latter two are quite powerful, comparable to special cement with steel thickness and superalloy concrete that can withstand missile bombardment.

If this can be crafted, it will definitely be called an invincible city wall in the Great Qin Era!

Of course.

This is also built on the condition that it can be made.

Even if there is no technology to exchange the latter two, Bai Yi knows with his feet that some special materials are definitely needed, and in the Daqin era where the industrial level is backward, it is estimated that those materials cannot be copied.

When the time comes.

Empty technology.

There is no material.

Isn't it exchanged for a loneliness.

In the end, there is only one thing that can be practical.

"Exchange cement technology."

【Ding, successfully exchanged cement technology, consumption lying flat points x2000】

【Remaining lying flat points: 14000】


Looking at the reduced lying flat points, Bai Yi called a distressed ah.

Finally, the small treasury was enriched a little, and it took only a while of effort, and it consumed so much, and I already knew that I would not buy the Saint Dao Xuanyuan Sword to peel potatoes.

Just buy a famous sword of ordinary level and play with it.

Next second.

Technology for manufacturing cement.

It poured directly into Bai Yi's mind, accurate to every step, without any omission!

At this moment, Bai Yi is the top cement master!

Not only that, in order to solve the problem of communication, the system mall also gave a small book very intimately, which recorded the manufacturing technology of cement in detail.

Cement, powdered water-hard inorganic cementitious material.

After adding water and stirring, it can harden in air or in water, and can firmly cement sand, stone and other materials together.

The mixture of early lime and volcanic ash is very similar to modern lime pozzolana cement, which is used to cement concrete made of crushed stone, which is not only stronger when hardened, but also resistant to attack by fresh or saline water.

For a long time, as an important cementitious material, it has been widely used in civil construction, water conservancy, national defense and other projects.

"Goo-goo-(I'll give this to you, show it yourself)"

White from the panda's pocket.

Directly took out the cement making manual and handed it to Xiao He's hands.

He doesn't have the kung fu, to teach others how to make cement, that's too time-consuming, it's better to sleep a little more with this spare work.


The moment I took over the cement production manual.

Xiao He suddenly gasped, and was directly attracted by the exquisite font and page.

Holding this manual carefully is like holding a treasure.

Looking at the exquisite cover, I carefully turned it over, leaving aside the content of it, this appearance alone is completely different from bamboo and cloth.

"The things given by Lord Rui Beast are really extraordinary."

Zhang Wei leaned over his head and suddenly his eyes lit up.


It was the first time he had seen such a pure white writing product.

Even if he is not a civil servant of the Eight Classics, he was once able to serve as a minor official in the young mansion of Great Qin Jiuqing, which shows that he still has a certain literary literacy.

"It's not just the material in this book that is special." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The content recorded in it is also unheard of, and it may directly subvert the construction industry in Daqin today."

"If it works, it's really like the above."

"I'm afraid—"

"The walls, roads, and even houses of the entire Great Qin Empire will be completely new."


Xiao He's hands trembled.

While watching the prologue, he had already discovered the peculiarity of this cement.

With his internal affairs talent, he instantly thought of the advantages of this cement for the entire Great Qin Empire.

Of course.

To be on the safe side.

It is still necessary to carry out experiments in Jingyang County first.

After everything is confirmed, ask Lord Rui Beast if he wants to hand it over to His Majesty.

"Goo-goo—(that's over to you)"

Xiao He's ability.

Bai Yi is very relieved, and there is no need to worry about anything.

In terms of internal affairs, if even Xiao He can't handle things, it is estimated that he will not have any drama.

Xiao He put the manual into his sleeve and said, "Minister, you will definitely live up to your expectations." "



A herald hurriedly ran in from outside.

After the examination of the iron eagle warrior guarding the gate, he learned that he was sent by His Majesty from Xianyang City, and in order to convey the holy will, he did not prevent him from entering.

Zhang Wei asked, "What's the noise?" "

The herald soldier held a roll of silk in his hand and said, "Your Majesty has an order to protect the kingdom Rui Beast and Princess Yin Yan immediately go to Xianyang City to participate in a court meeting that is enough to decide the fortune of the Great Qin Kingdom. "


"Since it is the summons of the father and the emperor, Yin Yan is ready to set off."

The whiteness and yin of receiving the divine decree.

There was no luggage to pack, so he directly prepared a carriage, accompanied by ten iron eagle warriors, and headed towards Xianyang City, the capital of Daqin.

Great Qin Empire.

Xianyang City, the palace of the Qin Emperor.

Qin Shi Huang, who had just finished the Qi Luck Q&A, was sitting in his dormitory at the moment, closing his eyes and recuperating his mind.

He had already instructed his subordinates to summon Bai Yi and Huan Yin Yan, who were in Jingyang County, because the court meeting he would hold tomorrow was related to the national fortunes of the Great Qin Empire.

Its importance.

It must be present in order for Qin Shi Huang to feel at ease.

The distance between Jingyang County and Xianyang City is not very far.

If you hurry, it only takes one day to complete a round trip.


Qin Shi Huang Huan Zheng slowly exhaled.

With a wave of the sleeve printed with the black water dragon robe, countless cards containing mysterious power all floated in front of him, all of which were rewards obtained from the Qi Luck Qi Qi space.

Good horses x30.000, Tang Mingguang armor x30.000 armor, chopping knife x30.000, God will summon card x1, Cavalry Three Treasures Manufacturing Map, Five Tiger Admiral title, Imperial characteristics. Blade Iron Horse, Ace Force. Back-to-back army (8000).


Imperial characteristics. Blade Iron Ride.

It has already acted on all the bodies of the Great Qin Iron Rider, and it is subtly working.

"God will summon cards, I wonder if the widow can summon a brave warrior on the battlefield."


Qin Shi Huang muttered.


He thought Lv Bu was good.

However, he is a two-five-year-old, thinking about backstabbing all day, and he is really not a good subordinate.

Then, he felt that Ran Min was good.

However, Ran Min is burdened with a mission to expel foreign races, and the two are not in the same era, they can't work hard together, and they can only watch a matchless fierce general leave directly from their eyes.

I hope that this God Summoning Card can give myself a satisfactory result.

"Use - God will summon cards."


The originally ordinary god summoning card instantly emitted a golden light.

In an instant, time seems to break the shackles of time and space.

In countless Chinese history, the figure of great deeds has been established, constantly flashing in front of the eyes of Qin Shi Huang, including people he knows and people he is completely unfamiliar with.

[Wu'an Junbaiqi (peak-peak), command 110, force 93]

[White Horse Silver Spear Zhao Yun (Peak-Peak), command 95, force 100]

[Martial Saint Guan Yu (Peak-Peak), Command 97, Force 99]

[Shenwei Heavenly Descent Yang Zaixing (Peak-Peak), Command 85, Force 102]

[Tianbao General Yuwen Chengdu (peak-peak), command 91, force 105]

[Wu Mu Yuefei (peak-peak), command 108, force 94

[Champion Hou Huo Qubing (peak-peak), command 105, force 95]

[Anti-Yan famous general Qi Jiguang (peak-peak), command 101, force 90]

[Longmen Divine General Xue Li (Peak-Peak), commanding 104 Force 102]


In the 5,000-year history of China........

Countless heroes and heroes have emerged, adding a strong stroke to history and leaving their heroic deeds.

Among these names, there is even Wu'an Jun Baiqi, who once laid the foundation stone for the unification of the Great Qin Empire, but was killed by the previous King of Qin because of trumped-up charges.

Gong Gao shakes the Lord!

In the end, he died a tragic death!

It's embarrassing.

And Bai Qi's command of up to 110 has reached the peak of mortals!

Just like Xiang Yu, Li Cunxiao, and Li Yuanba, they have already stood at the pinnacle level of mankind in terms of force.

Of course.

The super monster of the soldier lord Chi Yu does not count.

He has broken the limits of ordinary people, and naturally cannot be generalized.

"Wu Anjun, ah-"

"He came from a poor background, but with the twenty-level military merit title system of the Shang Jun."

"Step by step, from a cloth-clothed body, climbed to the level of a national captain, and even finally was named Wu'an Jun, he did not have a single defeat in his life, and he can be called a good general in the world!"

"Until the end, Wu Anjun did not carry Daqin, but Daqin carried Wu'anjun."


Qin Shi Huang sighed.

It's a pity that I was born too late, and I am not in the same era as such a good general.

Otherwise, the strength of the Great Qin Empire would definitely be even more prosperous!

Wu'an Junbai commanded many important battles, and fought more than 70 battles in his life, without defeat.

The Battle of Yique annihilated the 24th combined army of Han and Wei and completely cleared the way for the Qin army to advance eastward.

The Chu army broke through and invaded the capital of Xing, forcing the state of Chu to move the capital, and the state of Chu has been in a slump ever since.

The Battle of Changping annihilated 450,000 Zhao troops in one fell swoop, setting the earliest and largest precedent in Chinese history of encircling and annihilating the enemy, and laying the foundation for himself to be respected as a generation of famous generals by later generations.

During the entire Warring States period, a total of two million people were killed, one-half of which was reported in vain.

Wu'an Junbaiqi's art of combat command represents the level of war development during the Warring States period.

Its troops are good at analyzing the situation between the enemy and ourselves, and then adopt correct strategies and tactics to launch devastating attacks on the enemy.

For example, in the Battle of Yique, concentrate troops and break each one; the heart-wrenching tactics in the Battle of Yanying, accompanied by water attacks; The Battle of Huayang ran for a long time. The Battle of Changping lured the enemy away from the existing position by feint defeat, and then divided the encirclement tactic to completely annihilate the enemy army.

Its advanced combat thinking.

Until later generations, it has been used by the world.

First, the idea of annihilation war does not take siege of cities and land as the only goal, but takes the annihilation of the enemy's living forces as the main purpose, and is good at field attacks, and war must seek annihilation.

Second: In order to achieve the purpose of the war of annihilation, the emphasis was on pursuit warfare, and the enemy was pursued and fought fiercely, which was obviously a step forward from Sun Wu's "poor people do not pursue" and Shang Martin's "great victory was no more than ten miles north".

Third: Heavy vision warfare fortifications, first luring the enemy to leave the fortified position, and then building a fortification in the area where the enemy is expected to be annihilated to block the enemy and prevent it from breaking through.

Fourth, accurate pre-war calculations, regardless of the military, political, national situation of both the enemy and us, and even the possible response measures of the third party, etc., all of them have accurate calculations, and they can know victory or defeat without fighting.

"Wu'an Jun was Qin Ping Zhao, and was eventually killed by King Zhao."

"This is the fault of a king."

"It is definitely not the sin of Wu Anjun."


If there is a chance to do it again.


Never live up to Wu Anjun!

Qin Shi Huang is also very eager to conquer the world with Wu Anjun, the former Great Qin God of War!

However, God summons cards with randomness and is not controllable by himself, so even if his heart is full of longing emotions, he cannot change the final outcome.


The golden light is constantly shining.


Freeze on a figure.

It has a long beard on its golden face and thick eyebrows. Wearing a double phoenix golden helmet and a chain gold armor, he sat down on a horse that could travel thousands of miles and made a phoenix wing and a golden horse, weighing four hundred catties.

Upper Realm Thunder Popularized Heavenly Venerable Linfan, carrying three years of dragon life.

The force ranked second among the good men of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

He defeated the fifth-ranked Wu Yunzhao at Nanyang Pass, defeated the fourth-ranked Xiong Kuohai, the fifth Wu Yunzhao and the sixth Wu Tianxi in Sipingshan, and then lost to the third-ranked Pei Yuanqing because his physical strength did not recover, and Jinyang lost to the first-ranked Li Yuanba.

When the eighteenth rebel marched against Wang and forced Yangzhou, his father Yu Wen and killed Emperor Sui.

Yuwen Chengdu fought his old enemy Li Yuanba at Purple Mountain, and was finally killed by Li Yuanba.

[Ding, congratulations, successfully obtained the unparalleled fierce general - Tianbao Great General Yuwen Chengdu]

[Tianbao General Yuwen Chengdu (peak-peak), command 91, force 105]


"Minister, Yuwen Chengdu, meet Your Majesty!"

Yuwen Chengdu, who was in Qiyu Xuanang, appeared in front of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng.

He has no memory of the past, but only appeared here as an aboriginal in the Great Qin Dynasty, and his identity was arranged as the personal guard of Qin Shi Huang's government.

"Chengdu, please."

Qin Shi Huang said lightly.

Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he did not express it directly.

Before he saw Wu'an Junbai give this name, he was extremely eager to get a matchless fierce general, who could fight bravely and well like Lü Bu and Ran Min.


In the list of cards that God will summon.

After seeing Wu'an Junbai's name, he wanted to make up for it even more, this hero who had made great achievements for Daqin, but was eventually killed on trumped-up charges.

It's a pity that his wish was not fulfilled in the end, and he did not extract Wu'an Jun Baiqi.

One can only hope that the next time God will summon the card.

After all.

The Qi Luck Q&A space is so mysterious.

As long as you get enough points, then anything is possible.

"Chengdu, in the future, to calm the battle of the Xiongnu, you still need more efforts."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, in the eyes of the last general, the Huns are just some chickens and dogs, just need to give me an elite division, break into the enemy position, and will definitely be able to take the first rank of the enemy general in the ten thousand armies!"

Yuwen Chengdu patted his chest and said confidently and proudly.

Although he is now just a personal guard, his martial arts are not underestimated.

Up to 105 force values.

It's enough to show its horror!

If it were not for the contemporaries, there was still a monster like Li Yuanba, then Yuwen Chengdu was definitely the number one in the world, after all, even the fourth, fifth, and sixth alliances in the world were not his opponents.

Not only that.

Yuwen Chengdu, a general of Tianbao.

Although in terms of commanding the army, it may not be as handsome as Bai Qi, Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, and Xue Li, but it is far better than Li Yuanba, whose command is almost zero.

Command 91.

This ability, placed in the Great Qin Empire, can also be regarded as a first-class general.

"In that case, then Xu has entrusted the ace elite under his command, the Eight Thousand Backed Army, into your hands."

Qin Shi Huang waved his hand casually.

So he activated the class card - the ace force. Back-to-back army (8000).

It instantly turned into a stream of light, rushed to the outside world, and gradually condensed and formed outside Xianyang City, and one by one the soldiers who reached the peak-peak appeared here.

Of course.

In addition to Qin Shi Huang's reign, as well as Bai Huang.

No one knows the origin of this army, and their identities are just an elite division secretly trained by Qin Shi Huang's government, only that they are brave and good at fighting, second only to the Iron Eagle Warriors of that year!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


Yuwen Chengdu clasped his hands into fists and showed joy.

He is now just a personal guard, and he has no real power.


Which boy.

Don't like to be a general on the battlefield, but can he command thousands of troops?

Now, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of him, and he can directly command the eight thousand betrayal army without making any merits, relying closely on His Majesty's trust.

As a personal bodyguard, Yuwen Chengdu has heard of the prestige of this mysterious force, and its courage is second only to the Iron Eagle Ruishi.

"Chengdu will surely become a blade in the hands of His Majesty."

"Tear open any enemies in front of you for Your Majesty."

"Whether it is the Xiongnu, Baiyue, Qiang, Nanban, or the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, there is nothing to worry about!"


Yuwen Chengdu said in an agitated tone.

Suddenly, being promoted from a personal bodyguard to a general who can command 8,000 soldiers can be called a step to the sky, how can he not be excited.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no war now, Yuwen Chengdu would have rushed out immediately.

Kill your enemies.

Come and prove your strength!

"Okay, go out of the city and get acquainted with your army, tomorrow the dynasty will remember it."

"Minister, obey the order!"

Yuwen Chengdu respectfully withdrew.

The excitement in my heart could not be dissipated for a long time, and I almost jumped out of my heart.

Although in the original history, his father Yuwen He was a usurper who plotted to usurp the throne, Yuwen Chengdu was very different, and he was a loyal minister of the Sui Dynasty from beginning to end.

Between loyalty and filial piety.

He finally chose loyalty!

PS: New books are on the shelves, ask for a wave of subscriptions! ............。

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